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The search bar can be found in the upper right-hand corner of every page on BioOne Complete:
This allows you to quickly perform simple searches. Enter a word or phrase, and click Search. This scans through the full text of articles and their metadata. The results are displayed by their relevancy to the search criteria.
A few tips for your selecting search terms:
After clicking on the search icon or Enter, you will be directed to the search results page, where you can further refine your results. For help constructing a more complex search, read Using the Advanced Search.
With the Advanced Search tool, you can create a complex search using different criteria to locate the most relevant results. To begin, click on Advanced Search, which appears above the search bar at the top of each page.
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The Advanced Search form will appear, offering several fields and filters to construct your search. Search Terms and FieldsTo begin, enter a search term into the first search bar. Your search terms can be an author's first or last name, a keyword, an article's DOI, a title, a phrase, and so on. |
Once you have entered your search terms, select a field to search through. The search terms tells the Advanced Search what to look for; the field tells it where to look for it.
There are 8 specific fields you can select from the drop-down menu to refine your search:
If you are unsure, select All Fields. While this will net more, potentially less-relevant results, it will perform the broadest search for your terms.
You can further narrow your search by specifying which titles to search through. Type in the title you wish to select, or click View all titles for a full list. From this list you can select several titles to search through.
You can also narrow your search by year of publication. To search through a date range (i.e., 1986 - 1994), enter the start year in the left box under Range, and enter the end year in the right box. To search through a single year (i.e. 2004), enter the year in the Single year box.
With Advanced Search, you have the ability to search for several sets of search terms at once. The form comes ready with three blank keyword bars, but select Add Field to add more - the maximum is 10. You can identify a different field for each keyword bar. Additionally, you can use the dropdown menu to the left of the keyword bar to create conditional searches with boolean operators:
Once you have set up your terms, click Search. You will then be directed to the search results page, where you can further refine your search to find the most relevant results.
Once you are done, you can save this search to revisit later, and sign up to receive periodic email updates on new content published in BioOne Complete that matches these parameters.
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You can refine your search further on the results page using the filters and features in the left-hand toolbar. You can:
Narrow by Author - Select the checkbox next to an author's name/s to filter the search results to display only work they have authored. The number of articles the author has written that appear in this search is displayed in parentheses next to their name.
To select an author, click on the checkbox next to their name. The search results page will reload to display the search results that this individual authored. As with the keyword refinements, you can apply multiple authors to the search parameters from the search results page, but individually - see below. Be careful about the order you apply author filters, as the subsequent authors are then searched against the filtered results of the first author filter applied.
E.g.; if you first select John. A. Smith, when the search results page is reloaded, the Author section will only list authors who have worked with John A. Smith. To deselect an author, click on the checked box next to their name.
Narrow by Affiliation - Filter the search results by the affiliation of the author by selecting the checkbox next to the institution's name. The number of articles authored by an individual affiliated with an institution that appears in the search results is displayed in parentheses next to the institution's name.
To select an institution, click on the checkbox next to the institution's name. The search results page will reload to display search results from authors at this specific institution.
As with the Author and Keyword refinements, you can apply multiple institutional affiliations to the search parameters from the search page. Be careful about the order you apply the institutional affiliation filters, as the subsequent institutional affiliations are then searched against the filtered results of from the first institutional affiliation filter applied.
E.g.; if you first selected BioOne University, when the search results page is reloaded the Affiliation section will only list institutions whose authors have worked with authors from BioOne University. To deselect an institution, click on the checked box next to it.
As you add more criteria/filters, they will appear at the very top of the page. To remove specific criteria, click on the X next to the criteria/filter you wish to remove.
You can sort the search results by using the drop-down menus in the black bar above the search results.
Using the drop-down menu by Sort By, you can re-order your results according to their relevance to your search, from oldest to newest/ newest to oldest, and from A-Z or Z-A, according to article title.
By clicking on the drop-down menu by Display, you can select how many results you want to view on each page: 25, 50, 75, or 100.
These features allow you to quickly refine a search to find the most relevant results. To save this search to revisit in the future, click on Save Search in the upper left-hand corner. For more information, read the help entry Saving a Search.
To save your search, you must have 1) have a BioOne Complete account and 2) be logged in to that account. Once logged in, you can save the precise parameters of any basic or advanced search you have created, and revisit it when needed.
To save a search, select Save Search from the top of the search results page.
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A form will appear in which you can name and describe the search. You can also use this form to sign up to receive bi-monthly email search alerts, which will notify you of any new content published in BioOne Complete that matches your saved parameters. When you have finished filling out the form, click Save. This search is now saved, and you can revisit this search results page without having to re-enter your search criteria. The search results page will continuously update to reflect new content as it is published, making this a great tool to identify research that matches your precise interests! |
To access your saved searches, log in and click on the arrow next to your name in the black bar at the top of the screen. Select Saved Searches from the drop-down menu. This will display all of your current saved searches.
Click on the saved search's name to revisit the search results (See 1). To remove a saved search, click Delete (See 2).
For more information about Saved Search email alerts, visit the Email Alerts help section.
Once you have identified relevant articles for your research, BioOne Complete makes finding similar content simple. When reading an article on a topic on which you'd like to see more research, there are several quick ways to find related articles:
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