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1 March 2018 Nine-Banded Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) New Records, Distribution, and Habitat in Sonora, Mexico
Juan-Pablo Gallo-Reynoso, Thomas R. Van Devender, Horacio Cabrera-Santiago, Gabriela Suárez-Gracida, Janitzio Égido-Villarreal, Lucila Armenta-Méndez, Isai-David Barba-Acuña, Reyna A. Castillo-Gámez
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We obtained 23 new records of nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) in the state of Sonora, Mexico, that extend their known distribution range. Nine-banded armadillos are not well known in Sonora, where their habitat encompasses vegetation types that include tropical thornscrub, a transitional biome between Sonoran desertscrub and tropical deciduous forests, and oak woodland, excluding the Sonoran desertscrub. They occur from 50 to 1,656 m above sea level. Precipitation restricts their distribution to areas with a mean annual precipitation of ≥300 mm; otherwise, they occupy irrigation areas and riparian habitats. It is possible that the range of nine-banded armadillos is expanding in Sonora.
Juan-Pablo Gallo-Reynoso, Thomas R. Van Devender, Horacio Cabrera-Santiago, Gabriela Suárez-Gracida, Janitzio Égido-Villarreal, Lucila Armenta-Méndez, Isai-David Barba-Acuña, and Reyna A. Castillo-Gámez "Nine-Banded Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) New Records, Distribution, and Habitat in Sonora, Mexico," The Southwestern Naturalist 63(1), 64-67, (1 March 2018).
Received: 20 July 2017; Accepted: 15 March 2018; Published: 1 March 2018
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