The website of Acta Palaeontologica Polonica is undergoing major changes to improve your online experience in submitting/resubmitting your work and in retrieving archival papers published in the journal. Our new submission system installed as of June 2008 is available at It is no longer necessary to submit a hard copy in addition to an electronic upload, although it is still possible to mail it with accompanying CD-R containing all relevant electronic files.

Using the online system is straightforward and includes two steps. In the first step, the corresponding author needs to enter names e-mail addresses for all authors and create a password. The following information is then entered in separate fields: manuscripts title, abstract and 6 to 8 key words identifying the nature of the subject matter, and names/e-mail addresses of five potential reviewers (the copy-and-paste method may be used for entering information). After clicking “Submit to APP” button, the activation wizard will generate an e-mail message to the corresponding author with the manuscript number. In the second step, the corresponding author needs to login to the APP Submission system using the manuscript number and the password assigned earlier. Next, by browsing a local directory, the manuscript files can be selected and uploaded. The following documents should be submitted: (1) text file of your manuscript in Word format, (2) document in PDF format that contains all figures and tables etc., and (3) cover letter (Word format) that starts with a concise statement of the authors' view of the importance and uniqueness of the paper.

We encourage authors to submit animations, movie files, sound files or any additional information for online publication. Explanation and links to multimedia files should be provided in a Word or PDF document “Supporting Online Material” (to download SOM template file please visit the following this site:

Please see the individual journal's Instruction to Authors for more detailed instructions on journal and reference style.

"Changes in Manuscript Submission," Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53(3), 544, (1 September 2008).
Published: 1 September 2008
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