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1 October 2013 Revisión De La Paleoflora De La Formación Nestares (Jurásico Temprano), Provincias Del Neuquén y Río Negro, Argentina
Eduardo M. Morel, Daniel G. Ganuza, Analía E. Artabe, Luis A. Spalletti
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REVIEW OF THE PALEOFLORA OF THE NESTARES FORMATION (EARLY JURASSIC), NEUQUÉN AND RÍO NEGRO PROVINCES, ARGENTINA. In this contribution the paleoflora of the Nestares Formation, exposed along both banks of the Limay River, close to the Alicurá dam (northwest of the Northpatagonian Massif) was reviewed. A sedimentological profile was measured, four fossil-bearing levels were identified and the systematic study allowed the identification of 18 taxa, 12 of which were previously described for this site= Neocalamites carrerei (Zeiller) Halle, Marattia muensteri (Goeppert) Zeiller, Goeppertella diazii Arrondo and Petriella, Kurtziana brandmayri Frenguelli, K. cacheutensis (Kurtz) Frenguelli, Taeniopteris sp., Otozamites albosaxatilis Herbst, O. ameghinoi Kurtz, O. bechei Brongniart, O. hislopii (Oldham) Feistmantel, Ptilophyllum acutifolium Morris in Grant, Elatocladus confertus (Oldham and Morris) Halle and six that are new for this formation= Equisetites frenguellii Orlando, Archangelskya protoloxsoma (Kurtz) Herbst, Sagenopteris nilssoniana (Brongniart) Ward, Nilssonia taeniopteroides Halle, O. bengalensis Oldham and Morris, and Elatocladus planus (Feistmantel) Seward. These records are added to 6 other previously studied taxa, including Cladophlebis mendozaensis (Geinitz) Frenguelli, C. oblonga Halle, Gleichenites cf. sanmartini Halle emend. Herbst, Scleropteris vincei Herbst, Araucarites phillipsi Carruthers, Podozamites elongatus (Oldham and Morris) Halle, providing an updated list of 24 taxa for this unit. The compositional similarity with other Early Jurassic paleofloras from Argentina indicates a Sinemurian age.

Eduardo M. Morel, Daniel G. Ganuza, Analía E. Artabe, and Luis A. Spalletti "Revisión De La Paleoflora De La Formación Nestares (Jurásico Temprano), Provincias Del Neuquén y Río Negro, Argentina," Ameghiniana 50(5), 493-508, (1 October 2013).
Received: 18 December 2012; Accepted: 1 September 2013; Published: 1 October 2013
Early Jurassic
Formación Nestares
Jurásico Temprano
Nestares Formation
Neuquén and Río Negro Provinces
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