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1 April 2014 Brackish to Freshwater Dinoflagellate Cyst Assemblages from the la Colonia Formation (Paleocene?), Northeastern Patagonia, Argentina
M. Verónica Guler, C. Marcela Borel, Henk Brinkhuis, Edgardo Navarro, Ricardo Astini
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A palynological analysis of the section of La Colonia Formation exposed at Estancia San Miguel yielded conspicuous assemblages of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) and green algae. The monotypic palaeoperidinioid dinocyst assemblage of ?Ginginodinium sp. in the basal beds of this section indicates low-salinity water conditions in a restricted shallow marine paleoenvironment. The green-algaedominated assemblages together with specimens of ?Morkallacysta spp., Dinocysts type P and ?Vesperopsis sp. recorded in the middle and upper part of the San Miguel section indicate brackish to freshwater and freshwater depositional conditions, respectively. The changes in the composition of the palynological assemblages, in agreement with the analysis of the sedimentary facies, reflect a salinity-drop in the water bodies and a progressive upward-shallowing trend. The occurrence of specimens of the neritic open marine Cribroperidinium spp., Apteodinium sp., Circulodinium sp. and Areoligera sp. cf. A. circumsenonensis Fensome et al. is here considered as reflecting contemporaneous transported material from the adjacent shelf. The marine part of the La Colonia Formation is associated to Late Cretaceous and Paleocene ages. Nevertheless, palynomorphs together with a stratigraphical criterion suggest an age non older than Paleocene for the deposits of the unit at the San Miguel section.

M. Verónica Guler, C. Marcela Borel, Henk Brinkhuis, Edgardo Navarro, and Ricardo Astini "Brackish to Freshwater Dinoflagellate Cyst Assemblages from the la Colonia Formation (Paleocene?), Northeastern Patagonia, Argentina," Ameghiniana 51(2), 141-153, (1 April 2014).
Received: 9 August 2013; Accepted: 1 February 2014; Published: 1 April 2014
Algas verdes
green algae
Paleocene? Patagonia
Paleoceno? Patagonia
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