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1 April 2009 Chirita grandibracteata (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Yunnan, China
Jia-Mei Li, Michael Möller
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A new species of Gesneriaceae, Chirita grandibracteata J.M. Li & M. Möller sp. nova (Gesneriaceae), collected in Hekou county, Yunnan province, is described and illustrated. It is most similar, and probably most closely related, to C. eburnea Hance. The new species differs from the latter by having large round leaves with appressed hairs, two rows of dense long hairs on the adaxial border of the two anther-thecae, a triangular stigma lobed for more than half of its length and with an acute or acuminate apex, three glabrous staminodes, and fruits 2.8 cm long.

© Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2009
Jia-Mei Li and Michael Möller "Chirita grandibracteata (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Yunnan, China," Annales Botanici Fennici 46(2), 125-129, (1 April 2009).
Received: 18 January 2008; Accepted: 1 February 2008; Published: 1 April 2009
Chirita sect. Gibbosaccus
new species
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