The Cinara species (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Lachninae) found on Pinus edulis Engelm. and P. monophylla Torr. & Frém. are revised and now include eight species. Included are redescriptions of the viviparous apterae and alatae of C. atra (Gillette & Palmer), C. caliente Hottes, C. edulis (Wilson), C. puerca Hottes, C. tanneri (Knowlton), C. terminalis (Gillette & Palmer), and C. wahtolca Hottes and a description of C. anelia sp. nov. New synonyms are established using discriminant factor analysis and traditional morphological methods: C. poketa Hottes becomes C. atra, C. nitidula Hottes becomes C. terminalis, and C. pinona Hottes, C. metalica Hottes, C. apacheca Hottes, C. pinata Hottes, and C. rustica Hottes all become C. edulis. The subspecies C. wahtolca curtiwahtolca Hottes is also no longer recognized. A key to the viviparae, diagnostic figures, and collection maps are provided.
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1 November 2004
A Revision of the Cinara Species (Hemiptera: Aphididae) of the United States Pinyon Pines
Colin Favret,
David J. Voegtlin
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Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Vol. 97 • No. 6
November 2004
Vol. 97 • No. 6
November 2004
Pinus edulis
Pinus monophylla