Pigniczki, C. and Végvári, Z. 2015. Dispersal of the Central European population of the Eurasian spoonbill Platalea leucorodia. Ardeola, 62: 219–236.

  • — The sentence: “Immature individuals predominantly remain in their African wintering areas until they reach breeding age, although some move northwards from the wintering grounds but do not reach their natal areas”,

should read:

“ Immature individuals predominantly remain in their African wintering areas until they reach breeding age, although some move northwards from the wintering grounds but usually do not reach their natal areas”

This is because immature spoonbills do reach Carpathian Basin regularly, although in low numbers.

Arnaiz-Villena, A., Ruiz-Del-Valle, V., Moscoso, J., Serrano-Vela, J. I. and Zamora, J. 2007. mtDNA phylogeny of North American Carduelis pinus group. Ardeola, 54: 1–14.

  • Page 3, table 1, line 4, AF901950 should be U79020,


  • page 3, table 1, line 5, AF901951 should be DQ246804.

"Errata [Fe de erratas]," Ardeola 63(2), 449, (1 September 2016). https://doi.org/10.13157/arla.63.2.2016.er
Published: 1 September 2016
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