Pathogenicity of two avian poxviruses isolated from endangered Hawaiian wild birds, the Hawaiian Goose and the Palila, was compared with fowl poxvirus in chickens. Immune responses were measured by ELISA pre- and postimmunization with Hawaiian poxviruses and after challenge with fowl poxvirus. Both isolates from Hawaiian birds developed only a localized lesion of short duration at the site of inoculation in specific-pathogen-free chickens and did not provide protection against subsequent challenge with virulent fowl poxvirus. On the other hand, birds inoculated with virulent fowl poxvirus developed severe lesions. In contrast to high antibody response in chickens immunized with fowl poxvirus, birds immunized with either of the two Hawaiian isolates developed low to moderate antibody responses against viral antigens. The level of immune responses, however, increased in birds of all groups following subsequent challenge.