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1 December 2006 Possible Human–Avian Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a Green-Winged Macaw (Ara chloroptera)
Hanspeter W. Steinmetz, Corinne Rutz, Richard K. Hoop, Paula Grest, Carla Rohrer Bley, Jean-Michel Hatt
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This report describes a case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a green-winged macaw (Ara chloroptera), confirmed by microbiologic and pathologic diagnostics, and notes a possible human–avian transmission. Clinical signs included cutaneous swellings, profound leukocytosis, and signs of osteomyelitis in the long bones. Proliferation consisted of several nodules with small greenish-caseous foci in cross-section and revealed a severe granulomatous inflammation with intralesional acid-fast rods. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from subcutaneous nodules and biochemically confirmed. The disease in avian species is of zoonotic importance.

Hanspeter W. Steinmetz, Corinne Rutz, Richard K. Hoop, Paula Grest, Carla Rohrer Bley, and Jean-Michel Hatt "Possible Human–Avian Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a Green-Winged Macaw (Ara chloroptera)," Avian Diseases 50(4), 641-645, (1 December 2006).
Received: 7 April 2006; Accepted: 1 July 2006; Published: 1 December 2006
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
soft tissue swelling
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