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1 September 2012 Applications of vector calculus in modeling source-sink dynamics among metapopulations
William M. Webb
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Operating under several assumptions regarding density-dependant dispersal, a novel way of visualizing the source-sink dynamics of metapopulations is introduced in which vector calculus operators were applied to approximated surface functions. First, occurrence data were used to create a population density matrix for a fictional Genus species, which was modeled as a 3-dimensional scatter plot. Next, the data were fitted to an approximated function corresponding to the data's 3-dimensional surface, permitting the data to be treated as a scalar field. This scalar field was then subjected to the gradient and divergence operators to produce a mathematical model of G. species migration and source-sink dynamics, respectively.

William M. Webb "Applications of vector calculus in modeling source-sink dynamics among metapopulations," BIOS 83(3), 97-103, (1 September 2012).
Received: 10 June 2011; Accepted: 1 November 2011; Published: 1 September 2012
ecological modeling
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