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1 September 1997 Floral Biology and Bat Pollination in Pilosocereus catingicola (Cactaceae) in Northeastern Brazil
Evelise Locatelli, Isabel Cristina Machado, Petrúcio Medeiros
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Within the Cactaceae, various genera have been reported as being bat-pollinated, including Pilosocereus, however actual observations have not been reported from Brazil. In this work we investigate the floral biology and pollination of Pilosocereus catingicola (Gürke) Byles & Rowley subsp. salvadorensis (Werderm.) Zappi, a species endemic to North-eastern Brazil, where its common name is ‘facheiro’. Observations of the pollination biology of this species were made in the coastal sand-dunes of Paraíba. The flowers of P. catingicola have various characteristics associated with bat-pollination; widely opening tubular corolla greenish white in colour, foul odour, high and continuous production of nectar and nocturnal anthesis. The flowers open after 6 p.m., the stamens disposed around the interior of the corolla-tube, the style lying along the lower edge of the tube, the stigma exserted and receptive during the night, from the beginning of anthesis until the flower closes around 7 a.m. the following morning. The production of nectar is copious and continuous from the beginning of anthesis, averaging 440 µl, and is stored in the nectar-chamber. The average concentration of sugar in the nectar was 23%. Visits of a phylostomid bat, Glossophaga soricina, at regular intervals of approx. 10–40 min. were observed, which suggested trap-lining behaviour, favouring cross-pollination. Occasional visits of hawkmoths were also observed, which may also function as effective pollinators. P. catingicola is a self-incompatible species, whose seed production depends on crosspollination through the presence of a pollen vector.

Evelise Locatelli, Isabel Cristina Machado, and Petrúcio Medeiros "Floral Biology and Bat Pollination in Pilosocereus catingicola (Cactaceae) in Northeastern Brazil," Bradleya 1997(15), 28-34, (1 September 1997).
Published: 1 September 1997
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