Anthony Herrel, Matt DaCosta Cottam, Kristan Godbeer, Thomas Sanger, Jonathan B. Losos
Breviora 522 (1), 1-10, (27 April 2011)
Anolis maynardi is an endemic anole from Little Cayman (Cayman Islands) that is characterized by an extremely elongated rostrum in males. In the 1980s, this species was discovered on the nearby island of Cayman Brac where it was likely introduced. Despite its unusual morphology and endemic status, little is known about the abundance, ecology, or natural history of this species. Our data suggest that animals from the two islands are distinct in their morphology, performance, and ecology: Cayman Brac lizards utilize more open habitats, have relatively longer limbs and shorter heads, but higher bite forces on average. Moreover, a distinct sexual dimorphism is present in both populations in which males have relatively larger heads and longer limbs than females.