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Psephidonus Gistel, 1856: 29, was published on February 18, 1856 (Evenhuis, 1997: 305).
Sepedophilus fraternus (Cameron, 1947) and Sepedophilus modestus (Bernhauer, 1929), both described in Conosoma, are new combinations.
Oxyporus melanocephalus Kirshenblat, 1938: 529, is a rarely cited junior primary homonym of Tachyporus melanocephalus (Fabricius, 1793: 534) (ex Oxyporus), which is a junior synonym of Tachyporus chrysomelinus (Linné, 1758). The two homonyms were not congeneric after 1899; however, because the senior name is currently cited as a junior synonym, provisions of Article 23.9.5 for continued use of the junior homonym are not strictly met. The case will be referred to the Commission; meanwhile, prevailing use will be maintained (Article 23.9.5).
Allolinus Coiffait, 1966b: 195, originally a subgenus of Leptacinus, is a separate genus. Leptacinus laeviusculus Solsky, 1864, L. ophtalmicus Coiffait, 1980 (a replacment for L. oculatus Coiffait, 1977), L. potockajae Coiffait, 1966, and L. vuldiformis Coiffait, 1977, have been cited in Leptacinus (Allolinus) and are transferred to and new combinations in Allolinus.
Indoquedius Blackwelder, 1952: 199, originally a subgenus of Quedius, is cited as a genus. Quedius grandiceps Kraatz, 1879, has been cited in Quedius (Indoquedius), so is transferred to Indoquedius and is a new combination.
Megalinus nudobiiformis (Tikhomirova, 1973: 162) and M. ussuricus (Tikhomirova, 1973: 163) are new combinations transferred from Xantholinus. Both were described in Xantholinus (Megalinus), a subgenus now recognized as a genus.
Quedius fulgidus (Fabricius, 1793) will be presented to the Commission in a petition requesting that it be the valid name of the species, not Quedius assimilis (Nordmann, 1837) as stated above (p. 29) in the present article.
Staphylinus fabricii is a junior synonym of Lathrobium brunnipes (Fabricius, 1793). Turton (1802) combined the genera Paederus and Oxyporus with Staphylinus, thereby producing secondary homonyms which he replaced. Thereby, Staphylinus fabricii Turton, 1802: 523, was proposed to replace Staphylinus brunnipes (Fabricius, 1793: 537) (ex Paederus), a secondary homonym of Staphylinus brunnipes Fabricius, 1781: 336, but that new name was not used thereafter. Article 59.3 permits the suppression of replacement names for secondary homonyms proposed before 1961 if the substitute name is not in use and the relevant taxa are no longer congeneric.
Staphylinus nigrocephalus Turton, 1802: 523, is a new synonym of Sunius melanocephalus (Fabricius, 1793: 538) (ex Paederus). Turton did not cite the name he was replacing, but the characters and locality given by Turton match those published by Fabricius in the original description of Paederus melanocephalus.
Staphylinus minimus Schrank, 1781: 238, when originally named was cited with a reference to an earlier illustration (Schrank, 1776: 57, table 3, figs. 10, 11). That illustration (fig. 10) clearly shows that the species is not a staphylinid and that it probably belongs in the Psocoptera. Accordingly, Staphylinus minimus Schrank is transferred to the Psocoptera, however no generic assignment is made.