This sixth part of “Type Specimens of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History” corresponds to taxa covered in Volume 10 of Peters' Check-list of Birds of the World. The original description of each taxon has been consulted unless otherwise noted, coordinates given for type localities when possible, currently accepted names for the taxa included, and comments on taxonomic history provided. Three hundred sixty-four published names are treated. Types of six of these are not in AMNH, and one was discussed in an earlier list.
This, the sixth part of “Type Specimens of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History” (AMNH), corresponds to taxa covered in Volume 10 of Peters' Check-list of Birds of the World (see Mayr and Paynter, 1964). As in the earlier lists (Greenway, 1973, 1978, 1987; LeCroy and Sloss, 2000; and LeCroy, 2003b), this one follows the order of Peters' Check-list, which is the basis for the arrangement of the AMNH collection. More recent classifications (e.g., that of Sibley and Monroe, 1990) are still subject to frequent modification and their use might lead to errors or omissions.
The format for this list follows that of previous parts. Brackets enclosing a taxon name indicate that the type might be expected to be in AMNH, but it either was not found or was found to be in another collection. The citation of the name and of the type locality is first given exactly as it appeared in the original description, which has been seen unless otherwise indicated. In the text portion for each taxon, the name of the type locality is updated when necessary and coordinates are given when found. The Times Atlas (Times of London, 1967) has been used whenever possible, but many other atlases and gazetteers have been used and are cited in the text.
The currently recognized name of each taxon is given and reference is made to usage in a recent publication. Where possible, that reference is to a recent taxonomic study or a volume treating the family as a whole; in other cases, regional works have been referred to. Dickinson (2003) has recently edited a revised edition of the Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World. This tremendously useful book has been referred to for each of the taxa covered in the present publication, but I have tried to provide additional references for current usage, only listing Dickinson when I have not found other recent references or when there is some disagreement. For some taxa, salient points in the taxonomic history of the form are mentioned. Such comments are not intended to be complete but rather to serve as a guide when the taxonomic history is particularly murky.
To avoid confusion, I have referred to Rothschild specimens, said in the older literature to be in the “Tring Museum”, as in the “Rothschild Collection”, now in AMNH. The bird collection of The Natural History Museum (formerly the British Museum (Natural History), London) is now housed at Tring on the former Rothschild estate and this is a source of possible confusion. I have accepted Hartert's (1918a, 1920, 1922a, 1928, 1931) nomination of “types” in the Rothschild Collection as designation of lectotypes in cases where original descriptions implied syntypes, following the practice in all of the previous parts of the AMNH type list. For a synopsis of my interpretation of the Code (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999) see LeCroy (2003b: 2–3). According to the Code, the presence of a type label is not evidence in and of itself that a particular specimen is a type. In a few cases the data given by Hartert in his type lists have applied to more than one specimen from the type series, even though only a single specimen bears the Rothschild type label. The specimen with the type label has been considered the type by Rothschild and Hartert and by others working in the Rothschild Collection over the years. The Rothschild Collection was never cataloged until it came to AMNH, so that the presence of the type label assured that the same specimen was considered the type, in lieu of a catalog number. When the Rothschild Collection was cataloged at AMNH, the specimens with Rothschild type labels were cataloged as types and segregated with the other types in the AMNH type collection. Since that time they have been accepted as types by workers at AMNH. I have designated as lectotype the specimen bearing that type label, citing the AMNH number, to remove any ambiguity.
I have designated the following lectotypes in this part of the type list: Microcichla scouleri fortis, Macrorthonyx spaldingi albiventer, Pomatostomus ruficeps parsonsi, Pnoepyga everetti, Stachyris nigriceps coltarti, Siva strigula malayana and Proparus brunnea [sic] argutus.
Hartert was careful to refer to syntypes in the Rothschild Collection as “co-types” when he knew there were other syntypes of a particular taxon in other collections. I have, of course, retained them as syntypes. Occasionally he listed two specimens as “types”. According to the Code, there can be only a single lectotype, and this is not an acceptable lectotypification. I list these specimens, along with any other AMNH specimens from the type series, as syntypes. In the text, I discuss individually a few other unusual cases.
As discussed previously, Brehm specimens continue to present problems. I have used Hartert's careful study of the Brehm types contained in the part of the C.L. Brehm Collection purchased by Rothschild as the basis for the Brehm types listed here. In each case I have consulted the reference to the original description as determined by Hartert. However, Brehm rarely indicated that a description was in fact the first one applying a particular name and there is always the possibility that an earlier use of the name with a description will be found. Most of the names were introduced by C.L. Brehm, but a few were introduced by A.E. Brehm, his son. In the latter cases, I have added his initials to the citation.
For comments on AMNH types of taxa described by Maximilian, Prince of Wied-Neuwied, see LeCroy and Sloss (2000: 3). Problems associated with finding all of the specimens in a type series are discussed in LeCroy (2003b: 4).
The following acronyms are used in the text: AM, Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia; AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, New York; BMNH, The Natural History Museum, Tring, England; CP, Colección Phelps, Caracas, Venezuela; DMNH, Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville; DZSA, Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, Indústrio, e Comércio (formerly Museu Paulista), São Paulo, Brazil; ICZN, International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature; MNHN, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris; MRSN, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Turin, Italy; MSNG, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Genoa, Italy; MZB, Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Cibinong, nr. Bogor, Indonesia; PNM, Philippine National Museum, Manila, Philippines; QM, Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia; RMCA, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium; RMNH, National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, The Netherlands; SMF, Natur-Museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; SNMB, Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany; UMMZ, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor; USBGN, United States Board of Geographic Names; YIO, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Abiko City, Japan; YPM, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, CT; ZMB, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin.
Accentor major Brehm
Accentor major Brehm, 1831: 1008 (lebt auf der Nordseite der deutschen Alpen).
Now Prunella collaris collaris (Scopoli, 1769). See Hartert, 1918a: 34, and Cramp, 1988: 574.
AMNH 455681, male, died in 1829, cage bird from the north Tyrol, western Austria. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
This is the only Brehm specimen collected prior to the description and labeled “major” by Brehm that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. It was designated the lectotype by Hartert (1918a: 34).
Accentor subalpinus Brehm
Accentor subalpinus Brehm, 1831: 1009 (Er bewohnt Dalmatien).
Now Prunella collaris subalpina (Brehm, 1831). See Hartert, 1918a: 34, and Cramp, 1988: 574.
AMNH 455679, collected on 30 April 1828, in Dalmatia, Croatia. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
This is the only specimen collected prior to the publication of the description and labeled “subalpina” by Brehm that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. It was designated the lectotype by Hartert (1918a: 34). It was first labeled “♂” by Brehm and then overwritten “♀” by him.
Accentor talifuensis Rippon Prunella collaris ripponi Hartert
Accentor talifuensis Rippon, 1906b: 19 (E. of Talifu, W. Yunnan).
Prunella collaris ripponi Hartert, 1910a: 766 (Gyi-dziu-shán, 10 000 ft.).
Now Prunella collaris nipalensis (Blyth, 1843). See Vaurie, 1959: 210.
AMNH 585025, sex unknown, collected on 5 April 1902, at Gyi-dziu-shan, 10,000 feet, east of Ta-li (= Talifu), 25°45′N, 100°06′E (Times Atlas), northern Yunnan, China, by George Rippon. From the Rothschild Collection.
Apparently Rippon (1906b: 19) described Accentor talifuensis from one unsexed adult specimen collected “E. of Talifu, W. Yunnan”. Hartert (1910a: 766), in his description of P. c. ripponi, did not mention Rippon's earlier description, noting only that the type of his ripponi was in the Rothschild Collection and collected by Rippon on 5 April 1902 at Gyi-dziu-shán, 10,000 feet. The locality data from both descriptions appear together on the original label, and AMNH 585025 is the only Rippon specimen that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. Thus, it seems that this specimen is the holotype of both names, with A. talifuensis being older. Hartert (1910a: 766) also spoke of having a series from east of Talifu; however, no additional specimens collected early enough are now in AMNH.
Accentor erythropygius Swinhoe
Accentor erythropygius Swinhoe, 1870c: 124 (Kemeih, Prefecture of Seuen-hwafoo).
Now Prunella collaris erythropygia (Swinhoe, 1870). See Vaurie, 1959: 210, and Cheng, 1987: 564.
AMNH 585068, adult male, collected on 26 September 1868, at Kemeih, China, by Robert Swinhoe. From the Rothschild Collection.
Only one specimen was secured, although others were seen later. Cheng (1987: 564) placed this type locality “between Zhangjiakou [= Chang-chia-k'ou, 40°51′N, 114°59′E, Times Atlas] and Beijing [= Pei-ching, 39°55′N, 116°25′E, Times Atlas], China”.
Prunella strophiata sirotensis Koelz
Prunella strophiata sirotensis Koelz, 1939: 67 (Sirotai, Afghanistan).
Now Prunella strophiata jerdoni (Brooks, 1872). See Vaurie, 1959: 212, and Dickinson, 2003: 738.
[Accentor modularis occidentalis Hartert]
Hartert (1910e: 313) described occidentalis based on a single specimen collected on the Tring estate. Later, Hartert (1920: 503) added that the holotype was a male, collected on 10 April 1893, by N.C. Rothschild. It was cataloged as AMNH 450916 and on 21 September 1936 was one of the British Isles types from the Rothschild Collection that was presented to the BMNH, Reg. no. 1936.10.15.10 (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 397). Now Prunella modularis occidentalis Hartert, 1910 (Cramp, 1988: 548).
Heinrichia calligyna Stresemann
Heinrichia calligyna Stresemann, 1931a: 9 (Latimodjong-Gebirge, 1600 m.).
Now Heinrichia calligyna calligyna Stresemann, 1931. See White and Bruce, 1986: 328, and Coates et al., 1997: 422.
AMNH 292803, adult male, collected on 28 July 1930, at 1600 m in the Latimojong Mts., 03°30′S, 120°05′E (USBGN, 1982b), Sulawesi I., Indonesia, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 1231). From the Heinrich Expedition 1930.
Stresemann (1931a: 9) gave Heinrich's unique field number for the holotype, noting that types of new forms discovered by Heinrich were deposited in AMNH.
The Heinrich Expedition to Sulawesi (= Celebes) was sponsored by the ZMB and by Dr. Leonard C. Sanford, and the collection was divided, with all types to go to Sanford. Sanford's portion was cataloged at AMNH and later presented; each of these specimens is stamped with an “s” enclosed in a circle. There are four paratypes of H. calligyna at AMNH: AMNH 292802 and 292804– 292806. Some “Cotypes” (Stresemann, 1931a: 9) of new forms were deposited at ZMB; in today's parlance, these specimens would be paratypes.
The genus Heinrichia, of which calligyna is the type species, was introduced at this time by Stresemann (1931a: 9). Ripley (1964: 15) did not recognize it, including the species calligyna in Brachypteryx.
Heinrichia calligyna simplex Stresemann
Heinrichia calligyna simplex Stresemann, 1931c: 81 (Matinang-Gebirge: Ile-Ile).
Now Heinrichia calligyna simplex Stresemann, 1931. See White and Bruce, 1986: 328, and Coates et al., 1997: 422.
AMNH 292816, adult female, collected, at Ile-Ile, 1700 m, Matinan (= Matinang) Mts., central Sulawesi I., Indonesia, on 11 November 1930, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 2635). From the Gerd Heinrich Expedition.
Stresemann (1931c: 81) cited Heinrich's unique field number for the holotype. See Heinrichia c. calligyna for details of the disposition of this collection. Paratypes deposited in AMNH are: AMNH 292807–292815, 292817, and 292818. Of these, AMNH 292811 was exchanged with YPM in January 1950, and AMNH 292813 was presented by Sanford to Prof. Sarasin, Basel, on 26 October 1932. One paratype is in RMNH (Dekker, 2003: 39).
Matinan is at 01°04′N, 121°40′E (USBGN, 1982b).
Heinrichia calligyna picta Stresemann
Heinrichia calligyna picta Stresemann, 1932: 108 (Tanke Salokko 2000 m).
Now Heinrichia calligyna picta Stresemann, 1932. See White and Bruce, 1986: 328, and Coates et al., 1997: 422.
AMNH 299585, adult female, collected at Tanke Salokko, 2000 m, Gunung Menkongga (= Mengkoka Mts.), 03°39′S, 121°15′E (Times Atlas), southeast Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, on 23 December 1931, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 6995). From the Gerd Heinrich Expedition.
Stresemann (1932: 108) cited Heinrich's unique field number for the holotype. See Heinrichia c. calligyna for details of the disposition of this collection. Paratypes deposited in AMNH are: AMNH 299579–299584 and 299586.
Brachypteryx poliogyna mindorensis Hartert
Brachypteryx poliogyna mindorensis Hartert, 1916b: 87 (Mt. Dulangan, 4500 feet, Mindoro).
Now Brachypteryx montana mindorensis Hartert, 1916. See Dickinson et al., 1991: 314.
AMNH 590649, adult female, collected on Mt. Dulangan, 4500 ft, Mindoro I., Philippines, on 25 January 1896, by John Whitehead (no. B.93). From the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert (1916b: 87) did not give Whitehead's field number but said that the female type, with data cited above, was in the Rothschild Collection. This is the only female collected by Whitehead on Mindoro now in AMNH. Two male paratypes from Mt. Dulangan are AMNH 590650 and 590651.
This subspecies was not mentioned by Ripley (1964: 16–18) and Mindoro was included in the range of B. m. poliogyna. Mt. Dulangan is a lower peak close to Mt. Halcon, 13°16′N, 121°00′E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 419).
Brachypteryx brunneiceps Ogilvie-Grant
Brachypteryx brunneiceps Ogilvie-Grant, 1896a: 547 (Negros).
Now Brachypteryx montana brunneiceps Ogilvie-Grant, 1896. See Dickinson et al., 1991: 314.
AMNH 590652, adult male, collected on 27 April 1896, and AMNH 590653, adult female, collected on 26 April 1896, on Canlaon Volcano, 10°25′N, 123°08′E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 417), Negros I., Philippines, by John Whitehead (nos. B.471 and B.468, respectively). From the Rothschild Collection.
Ogilvie-Grant (1896a: 547) described both male and female but did not designate a type or enumerate Whitehead's specimens. Hartert (1920: 479) listed only a male specimen as “Type of ♂”, so marked by the author. However, this does not serve to designate it as the lectotype, and there is in AMNH a female, listed above, which is also a syntype. A third syntype is in BMNH (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 78).
Brachypteryx erythrogyna Sharpe
Brachypteryx erythrogyna Sharpe, 1888: 389 (Kina Balu).
Now Brachypteryx montana erythrogyna Sharpe, 1888. See Smythies and Davison, 1999: 477.
AMNH 590654, adult male, collected at 8000 feet on Kinabalu, 06°03′N, 116°32′E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, on 28 February 1888, by John Whitehead (no. 2084). From the Rothschild Collection.
Sharpe (1888: 389) described males and females and gave Whitehead's field numbers for the three specimens upon which he based his description (2062, 2084, 2085), but he did not designate a type; thus, these three specimens were syntypes. Hartert (1920: 479) designated no. 2084 the lectotype but incorrectly cited the date as 27 February. The Whitehead label on this specimen is marked “Type, RBS[harpe]”. Neither of the two paralectotypes is in AMNH. The paralectotype bearing Whitehead's no. 2085 is in BMNH (M. Walters, personal commun.). Three additional specimens of erythrogyna, bearing Whitehead numbers 1924, 2086, and 2307, came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. They are incorrectly labeled “paralectotypes”.
Hartert (1920: 479), through a slip of the pen, referred to erythrogyna as erythropyga but correctly listed Whitehead's field number.
Brachypteryx floris Hartert
Brachypteryx floris Hartert, 1897a: 170 (At and above 3500 feet in South Flores).
Now Brachypteryx montana floris Hartert, 1897. See White and Bruce, 1986: 327.
AMNH 590661, adult female, collected in October 1896; AMNH 590662 and 590663, adult males, collected in November 1896, and AMNH 590664, adult female, collected in November 1896; all from about 3500 feet in southern Flores I., Indonesia. Collected by Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert did not designate a type or say how many specimens he had, although it is obvious from the measurements given that he had more than one specimen of each sex. Rothschild type labels were tied on specimens now numbered AMNH 590661 and 590662; and as he listed male and female types, Hartert (1920: 479) probably intended that these be male and female syntypes. Yet, because he did not unambiguously identify any of the specimens as types, all specimens in the original series are syntypes, including the four listed above and any others that may have been deposited elsewhere before the Rothschild Collection came to AMNH. Hartert (1897b: 513) noted that Everett's base on south Flores was at Nanga Ramau (= Nanga Roma), which locality I did not find.
Erythropygia leucoptera permutata Grote
Erythropygia leucoptera permutata Grote, 1930: 187 (Huxe (Benguella, Angola)).
Now Cercotrichas leucophrys munda (Cabanis, 1880). See Ripley, 1964: 21, and Keith et al., 1992: 478.
AMNH 581025, adult male, collected at Uche (= Huxe), 12°43′S, 13°20′E (Dean, 2000: 386), Namibe, Angola, on 27 June (not May) 1904, by William John Ansorge (no. 132). From the Rothschild Collection.
Erythropygia hartlaubi Reichenow
Erythropygia hartlaubi Reichenow, 1891: 63 (Mutjara).
Now Cercotrichas hartlaubi (Reichenow, 1891). See Keith et al., 1992: 476.
AMNH 581160, adult male, collected at Mutsora (= Mutjara), 00°19′N, 29°44′E (Chapin, 1954: 708), Congo (Kinshasa), on 13 June 1889, by Emin Pasha (no. 253). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Reichenow did not designate a type, but said only that the new species was from Mutjara, collected by Emin. He (Reichenow, 1891: 61) also said that he had studied eight specimens borrowed from Rothschild of what was then considered Erythropygia leucoptera. The above specimen, the only one of Emin's specimens of hartlaubi that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection, is marked “Type” on the Rothschild Museum label and bears a Rothschild type label. It was designated the lectotype by Hartert (1920: 472), who also cited Emin's field number. It is no longer possible to know which specimens Reichenow borrowed from Rothschild.
Ripley (1964: 22) included hartlaubi in the genus Erythropygia.
Mimus Bruchii Brehm
Mimus Bruchii Brehm, 1845, col. 337 (Griechenland, sehr häufig die Umgegend von Athen).
Now Cercotrichas galactotes syriaca (Hemprich and Ehrenberg, 1833). See Hartert, 1918a: 33, and Dickinson, 2003: 679.
AMNH 455406, adult male, collected in Attica (= Greece), on 4 June 1842, by Lindermayer. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert (1918a: 33) designated this specimen the lectotype. It bears the name Agrobates Bruchii in Brehm's hand and the Rothschild type label, and it is the only AMNH Brehm specimen collected before the description was published. Hartert (1909a: 605) cited Brehm, 1856, as the first use of the name Bruchii, in the combination Aëdon Bruchii, but he later (Hartert, 1918a: 33, footnote) noted Brehm's earlier use of the name.
Ripley (1964: 22) included galactotes in the genus Erythropygia.
Aëdon meridionalis Brehm
Aëdon meridionalis Brehm, 1856: 441 (Sennaar).
Now Cercotrichas galactotes minor (Cabanis, 1850). See Hartert, 1918a: 33, and Keith et al., 1992: 481.
AMNH 455425, adult male, collected at [Old] Sennar, Blue Nile, Sudan, in December 1850, by Alfred E. Brehm. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
The above specimen is marked meridionalis in Brehm's hand, and Hartert (1918a: 33) designated it the lectotype. A second specimen marked meridionalis by Brehm is a paralectotype: AMNH 455426, collected at [Old] Sennar on 5 October 1850 by A.E. Brehm.
R. Dowsett (personal commun.) pointed out to me that Sennar in 1850 would have been Old Sennar, at 13°40′N, 33°33′E. Old Sennar was destroyed in 1885 (Seltzer, 1962: 1733).
Ripley (1964: 23) included galactotes in the genus Erythropygia.
Erythropygia paena benguellensis Hartert
Erythropygia paena benguellensis Hartert, 1907c: 96 (Huxe, Benguella).
Now Cercotrichas paena benguellensis (Hartert, 1907). See Keith et al., 1992: 483.
AMNH 581041, adult male, collected at Uche (= Huxe), 12°43′S, 13°20′E (Dean, 2000: 386), Namibe, Angola, on 21 June (not November) 1904, by Dr. William J. Ansorge (no. 83). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert gave Ansorge's field number of the holotype and stated that Ansorge had collected eight specimens. There are 11 specimens in AMNH, collected by Ansorge in Benguella in 1904 and 1905, and it is not possible to know when these came into Rothschild's possession. All of them may have been available to Hartert in 1907 and are possible paratypes. The seven adult specimens (in addition to the holotype) collected at Huxe, Lengi Hochte, and Sandpits in 1904 are AMNH 581040, 581042–581045, 581047, and 581049. An immature female, AMNH 581048, collected in 1904 may not have been included in the total, and it is possible that the description was based only on 1904 specimens. The two specimens collected in 1905 are AMNH 581039 and 581046, from Huxe and Benquella Town.
Erythropygia paena damarensis Hartert
Erythropygia paena damarensis Hartert, 1907c: 96 (Omaruru, Damaraland).
Now Cercotrichas paena damarensis (Hartert, 1907). See Keith et al., 1992: 483.
AMNH 581035, adult male, collected at Omaruru, 21°28′S, 15°56′E (Times Atlas), South West Africa, on 1 December 1879, by Axel W. Eriksson. From the Rothschild Collection.
The above is the only Eriksson specimen collected on 1 December 1879, the date given for the type by Hartert (1907c: 96). There are four paratypes in AMNH, all collected at Omaruru by Eriksson: AMNH 581034 and 581036–581038.
Erythropygia reichenowi Hartert
Erythropygia reichenowi Hartert, 1907c: 95 (Canhoca).
Now Cercotrichas leucosticta reichenowi (Hartert, 1907). See Keith et al., 1992: 471.
AMNH 581027, adult male, collected at Canhoca, 09°15′S, 14°41′E (Dean, 2000: 372), Angola, on 27 November 1903, by Dr. William J. Ansorge (no. 1291). From the Rothschild Collection.
Drymodes brunneopygia victoriae Mathews
Drymodes brunneopygia victoriae Mathews, 1912a: 332 (Victoria).
Now Drymodes brunneopygia Gould, 1841. See Mathews, 1921: 214, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 392.
AMNH 585433, adult male, collected on Kow Plains, Victoria, Australia, on 6 October 1909. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4534) via the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype, which bears both a Mathews and a Rothschild type label. Mathews did not say how many specimens he had, but two female specimens from Kow Plains, registered at the same time, are paratypes: AMNH 585434 (no. 4533) and AMNH 585435 (no. 4532). Mathews obtained these specimens from Frank E. Howe and cataloged them on 12 April 1910. The range of victoriae was given as New South Wales and Victoria, but there is no way of knowing which additional specimens Mathews had in hand when the taxon was described.
Kow Plains is in western Victoria, some 35 miles east of Pinnaroo (35°18′S, 140°54′E, Times Atlas), South Australia (Howe, 1909: 132–133).
Schodde and Mason (1999: 348–350) have summarized the convoluted taxonomic history of the Australasian robins, placing them in the family Petroicidae, as did Christidis and Boles (1994: 23) and Dickinson (2003: 522). Earlier authors (Sibley and Monroe,1990: 448 and Coates,1990: 186) have used Eopsaltriidae Mathews, 1946, as the family name; however, Bock (1994: 153, 210) showed that Petroicidae Mathews, 1920, has priority. Other authors have placed the genus Drymodes in the Turdidae (Ripley, 1964: 29) and in the Timaliidae (Rand and Gilliard, 1967: 338). See also Sibley and Ahlquist (1982).
As noted by Schodde and Mason (1999: 392), the date of publication of Drymodes brunneopygia Gould is 1841, not 1840 as usually cited (Duncan, 1937: 79).
Drymodes superciliaris nigriceps Rand
Drymodes superciliaris nigriceps Rand, 1940b: 1 (altitude 850 meters, 4 km. southwest Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River, Netherland New Guinea).
Now Drymodes superciliaris nigriceps Rand, 1940. See Coates, 1990: 187.
AMNH 305661, adult male, collected at the 850 m camp, 4 km southwest of Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River, Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 16 March 1939, by Richard Archbold, Austin L. Rand, and William B. Richardson (no. 10054). From the 1938–1939 Archbold Expedition.
In the original description, Rand gave the AMNH number of the holotype. His type series comprised three specimens from the Cyclops Mountains and five from the Idenburg slope. The seven paratypes are: AMNH 293838, 340502–340506, 585477, and 585478. AMNH 340503 was sent to MZB on 7 May 1957, and AMNH 340506 was part of a large exchange with the FMNH in the 1960s. For a discussion of the familial position of Drymodes, see under D. brunneopygia victoriae.
Bernhard Camp was at approximately 03°30′S, 139°15′E, based on the map in Archbold et al. (1942), who also gave a description of this collecting locality and summary of the 1938–1939 Archbold Expedition.
Drymodes superciliaris colcloughi Mathews
Drymodes superciliaris colcloughi Mathews, 1914b: 97 (Roper River, Northern Territory).
Now Drymodes superciliaris superciliaris Gould, 1850. See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 390–391 and the discussion below.
AMNH 585473, adult male, collected on the “Roper River, Northern Territory” (?), Australia, in “September, 1910” (?), by Michael J. Colclough. From the Mathews Collection (no. 18461) via the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Mathews did not say how many specimens he had examined, but he described the form as “being much redder on the back and entirely reddish-buff on the under-surface”. This is the only specimen of Drymodes cataloged by Mathews among a group of specimens obtained by him from the QM and the only Mathews specimen said to be from Northern Territory that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. Hartert (1931: 49) commented: “This specimen looks very distinct, but the ‘reddish buff’ underside is obviously dirty, the rufous colour being stained! The specimen is, however, also more reddish on the upperside, and therefore may be a distinct subspecies—though it is peculiar that only one skin was obtained; at least it appears so, but Mathews does not inform one how many specimens he examined, a most inconvenient, and sometimes misleading omission.” This has proven to be true in this case.
Storr (1967: 70) pointed out the problematic collecting locality, but Parker (1970: 120) called attention to the presence of two additional specimens in the Queensland Museum, cataloged in February 1911, along with other specimens collected by Colclough on the Roper River. Storr (1977: 75) then accepted the Roper River as the collecting locality. Parker (1970: 120) noted that only the female of the two specimens in the Queensland Museum bore a catalog number and that the second specimen was a mounted specimen without a number. When he found that the Queensland Museum catalog listed a male and a female under number 011/19, he assumed that the unnumbered mounted specimen was the male. However, the field label of the AMNH male holotype bears the Queensland Museum number 011/19, and it seems more likely to me that this is the second bird cataloged with the Colclough collection and that the mounted bird is indeed unnumbered and was probably not part of Colclough's collection. Both Parker (1970: 120) and Bennett (1983: 105) considered that the AMNH specimen was the holotype, and I agree. Apparently the female in the Queensland Museum was never in Mathews' possession.
Schodde and Mason (1999: 391) did not accept the Roper River as the provenance of this form, noting that Colclough passed through Cape York en route to the Roper River and “included in his manuscript list of Roper River birds a number of other species known only from northeast Australia, e.g. Ptilinopus superbus (Temminck), Podargus papuensis Quoy and Gaimard and Malurus amabilis Gould”. They noted that the AMNH type differs little from Cape York specimens of rufous morphs and that the Queensland Museum female matches pale morphs from Cape York. Perhaps the best solution is to consider Drymodes superciliaris colcloughi a synomym of D. s. superciliaris, with the collecting locality highly questionable. For a discussion of the familial position of Drymodes, see under D. brunneopygia victoriae.
In addition to the field label (bearing the QM stamp and number), the Rothschild Museum label (indicating the specimen was from the Mathews Collection), and the Rothschild type label (bearing the Mathews catalog number), the AMNH holotype also bears the yellow Mathews “Figured” label, indicating that it was figured in Mathews Birds of Australia (1921: pl. 429, opposite p. 215).
Tarsiger ruwenzorii Ogilvie-Grant
Tarsiger ruwenzorii Ogilvie-Grant, 1906: 33 (East Ruwenzori, 6000–9000 ft.).
Now Pogonocichla stellata ruwenzorii (Ogilvie-Grant, 1906). See Keith et al., 1992: 388.
AMNH 608589, adult male, collected on Ruwenzori East, 6500 ft, on 8 January 1906 by G. Legge (no. 2069); and AMNH 608590, adult female, collected on Ruwenzori East, 6000 ft, on 3 January 1906, by Douglas Carruthers (no. 1090). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Ogilvie-Grant did not designate a type or say how many specimens he had, but he later (Ogilvie-Grant, 1910: 394) listed specimens “a–o” with field numbers. The two field numbers given above are among those with a small “d” above the number. Ogilvie-Grant (1910: 262) said, “In the lists of specimens procured by the Expedition the letter ‘d.’ placed over some of the collectors' numbers indicates that those examples were duplicates not retained in the series kept for the British Museum.” They were, however, presumably studied by Ogilvie-Grant when he named the taxon, though they were not previously recognized as syntypes in the AMNH collection. Warren and Harrison (1971: 484) listed only two syntypes in BMNH.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 533) treated Pogonocichla in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 674) placed the genus in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Stiphrornis sanghensis Beresford and Cracraft
Stiphrornis sanghensis Beresford and Cracraft, 1999: 8 (Dzanga-Sangha Dense Forest Reserve (2°55′N, 16°15′E, ca. 1 km north of Bayanga, Sangha-Mbaèré Prefecture), Central African Republic).
Now Stiphrornis sanghensis Beresford and Cracraft, 1999.
AMNH 832121, adult male, collected in the Dzanga-Sangha Dense Forest Reserve, 02°55′N, 16°15′E, ca. 1 km north of Bayanga, Sangha-Mbaèré Prefecture, Central African Republic, on 13 June 1998, by Pamela Beresford (no. 120), prepared by Joel Cracraft.
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. Paratypes are: AMNH 831845–831848, 832116–832120, and 832122–832128, all studyskins; AMNH 24731, 24732, and 24869–24871, all skeletons; and AMNH 10836 and 10863, spirit specimens. Mitochondrial DNA analysis was included in the original description of this phylogenetic species.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 531) treated the genus Stiphrornis in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 674) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Callene sokokensis van Someren
Callene sokokensis van Someren, 1921: 125 (Sokoke Forest, coast of B[ritish] E[ast] A[frica]).
Now Sheppardia gunningi sokokensis (van Someren, 1921). See Keith et al., 1992: 402.
AMNH 580019, adult female, collected in the Sokoke Forest, 03°30′S, 39°50′E (Polhill, 1988: 358), Kenya, on 21 January 1921. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, van Someren said that the type, with the above data, was in the Rothschild Collection and that he examined three specimens. AMNH 580019 is the only specimen of sokokensis that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection and it bears the Rothschild type label. The only other label is a field label. Hartert (1928: 216) noted that the specimen was collected by van Someren's collectors.
Louette et al. (2002: 35) noted that one of the paratypes is RMCA 98318, but they did not accept a specimen, collected on 17 May 1921, as a second paratype because of the impossibility of a specimen from Kenya reaching England before the 26 May publication date. However, they mentioned the “improbable scenario whereby the manuscript was prepared by van Someren [in Kenya] and transmitted to London by cable between 17 and 26 May 1921”. This might have occurred, as the descriptions of the new forms introduced by van Someren at the 11 May meeting (published 26 May) were communicated by Ernst Hartert; but he only exhibited “a new Euprinodes” (see title of van Someren, 1921). That being the case, the existence of the specimen collected on 17 May could have been cabled to Hartert and added to the manuscript before publication.
See Roy et al. (2001) for recent molecular studies of Sheppardia, including S. gunningi. Sibley and Monroe (1990: 531) treated the genus Sheppardia in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 675) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
[Erithacus rubecula melophilus Hartert]
This subspecies was named by Hartert (1901c: 317) from the British Isles, but no type was designated. Later, Hartert (1920: 474) designated as lectotype a specimen from Barnet, near London, collected on 14 December 1896 by W. Burton. This specimen came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection and was cataloged as AMNH 450912. On 21 September 1936 it was presented to BMNH where it is now BMNH Reg. no. 1936.10.15.8 (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 346). Now Erithacus rubecula melophilus Hartert, 1901 (Cramp, 1988: 596).
Erithacus rubecula witherbyi Hartert
Erithacus rubecula witherbyi Hartert, 1910a: 753 (Hamman R'Hira, Nordalgerien).
Now Erithacus rubecula witherbyi Hartert, 1910. See Vaurie, 1959: 375, and Cramp, 1988: 596– 597.
AMNH 579387, adult male, collected at Hamman R'Hira, northern Algeria, on 27 April 1904, by Harry Forbes Witherby (no. 100). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert cited Witherby's field number of the holotype and stated that he had four male and two female specimens. Of these, only one paratype came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection: AMNH 579392, female, from Camp de la Santé, Tunisia.
Molecular studies of Erithacus rubecula are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b). The genus Erithacus is treated by Sibley and Monroe (1990: 532) in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 675) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Hammam-Rirha (= Hamman R'Hira) is 11 mi northeast of Miliana (Seltzer, 1962: 752), 36°20′N, 02°15′E (Times Atlas), north-central Algeria.
Luscinia eximia Brehm
Luscinia eximia Brehm, 1855: 144 (Ungarn).
Now Luscinia luscinia (Linnaeus, 1758). See Hartert, 1918a: 34, and Cramp, 1988: 616.
AMNH 454819, adult male, collected at Budapest (= Pesth, on label), 47°30′N, 19°03′E (Times Atlas), Hungary, on 13 September 1838. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
This specimen bears the name Luscinia eximia in Brehm's hand, the Rothschild Collection label bears the correct data, and Hartert (1918a: 34), in designating it the lectotype, correctly gave the data. However, the Rothschild type labels for this specimen and for the type of Luscinia hybrida, below, were reversed, so a corrected AMNH type label has been added. AMNH 454823, adult male from Budapest (= Pesth), collected in May 1838, and labeled eximia by Brehm is the only paralectotype in AMNH. This had been mistakenly cataloged at AMNH as pomarina. A third specimen, AMNH 454820, incorrectly cataloged as eximia, is from “Pommern”, is labeled as pomarina by Brehm, and is not a paralectotype of eximia.
Ripley (1964: 40) included luscinia in the genus Erithacus. Sibley and Monroe (1990: 532) treated the genus Luscinia in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 675) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae. Molecular studies of Luscinia luscinia are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Luscinia hybrida Brehm
Luscinia hybrida Brehm, 1855: 145 (Polen).
Now Luscinia luscinia (Linnaeus, 1758). See Hartert, 1918a: 34, and Cramp, 1988: 616.
AMNH 454824, adult, from Poland, died in captivity on 11 August 1838. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
This specimen bears the name Luscinia hybrida in Brehm's hand, the Rothschild Collection label bears the correct data, and Hartert (1918a: 34), in designating it the lectotype, correctly gave the data. However, as noted above, the Rothschild type labels for the types of L. hybrida and L. eximia were reversed. A corrected AMNH type label has been added.
A second cage bird from Poland that died on 19 August 1838 was cataloged at AMNH as hybrida, but this specimen was labeled Luscinia major by Brehm.
Ripley (1964: 40) included luscinia in the genus Erithacus.
Luscinia pectoralis confusa Hartert
Luscinia pectoralis confusa Hartert, 1910a: 740 (Sikkim).
Now Luscinia pectoralis confusa Hartert, 1910. See Vaurie, 1959: 380, and Cheng, 1987: 581– 582.
AMNH 579599, adult male, collected in Sikkim, India, in January 1876, by Henry John Elwes. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert did not say how many specimens he studied, but he gave the above data for the type. Three Elwes specimens from Sikkim came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection, only one of which was collected in January 1876. The two paratypes are AMNH 579598, male, 22 August 1870, from Laghap, 13000 ft; and AMNH 579600, female, April 1874, from Sikkim.
Ripley (1964: 45) included pectoralis in the genus Erithacus.
Larvivora ruficeps Hartert
Larvivora ruficeps Hartert, 1907a: 50 (Tai-pai-shan, Tsin-ling Mountains).
Now Luscinia ruficeps (Hartert, 1907). See Vaurie, 1959: 381, and Cheng, 1987: 582.
AMNH 579873, adult male, collected on Tai-bai Mountain (= Tai-pai-shan), Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi (see Cheng, 1987: 582), China, on 13 July 1905, by Owston's Japanese collectors (no. 1217). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert gave the unique field number for the holotype. He noted that there were three specimens in the Rothschild Collection and described only the male. The two male paratypes are AMNH 579874 and 579875, from the same locality as the type and collected on 12 and 10 July 1905, respectively. All three males have the number 121 on the front of the label, but no. 1217 has been written by different hand on the back of the label of the holotype. The coordinates of Tai Bai (spelled Tai Pai) are 29°06′N, 117°38′E (Times Atlas).
There are also two female specimens in the series, now correctly identified as Luscinia ruficeps but not mentioned by Hartert in the original description, probably because he was unsure of their identity at that time. Later, Hartert (1907d: 621–623) discussed the 10 specimens of three species of “Larvivora” collected by Owston's collectors on Mt. Tai-bai in July 1905, all of which came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection (although one specimen of obscura was later exchanged with BMNH). He then listed four males of obscura, three males and one female of ruficeps, and one male and one female of “davidi” (= Luscinia pectardens, see Vaurie, 1959: 385), but he mentioned that the female of “davidi” was very similar to the female of ruficeps. Still later, Hartert (1910a: 740–742) identified both females as ruficeps and based his description of the female of “davidi” on the published description by Oustalet. I do not consider that either of these females has type status.
Ripley (1964: 45) included this species in the genus Erithacus.
Larvivora wickhami Baker
Larvivora wickhami Baker, 1916: 298 (Chin Hills).
Now Luscinia brunnea wickhami (Baker, 1916). See Robson, 2000: 403.
AMNH 579882, unsexed adult, collected in the Chin Hills, 5000 ft, 22°30′N, 93°30′E (USBGN, 1955c), Myanmar, in April 1916, by Percy Wickham. From the Rothschild Collection
The original description was based on a single specimen in the Rothschild Collection bearing the above data, collected by Wickham. The specimen is unsexed but is in female plumage.
Ali and Ripley (1997: 229) included this species in the genus Erithacus and did not recognize wickhami.
Tarsiger indicus formosanus Hartert
Tarsiger indica formosanus Hartert, 1910b: 32 (Mt. Arizan).
Now Luscinia indica formosana (Hartert, 1910). See Dickinson, 2003: 676.
AMNH 579813, adult male, collected on A-Li Shan (= Mt. Arizan), 23°32′N, 120°48′E (USBGN, 1955b), Taiwan, Republic of China, on 4 December 1906, by Japanese collectors for Alan Owston (no. F47). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert gave 4 December 1906 as the date of collection and F47 as the field number. All three specimens of this series in AMNH are numbered F47, but the date is unique. Paratypes are: AMNH 579814, male, collected 25 November 1906, and AMNH 579815, female, collected 28 November 1906, in the same locality.
Ripley (1964: 49) included indicus in Erithacus, and Cheng (1987: 589) and Sibley and Monroe (1990: 533) placed it in Tarsiger.
Publication date of this description was 1 January 1910, as printed on p. 31 of this bulletin.
Cossypha roberti rufescentior Hartert
Cossypha roberti rufescentior Hartert, 1908a: 9 (High forest 90 km. west of Lake Albert Edward, 1600 m. above sealevel).
Now Cossyphicula roberti rufescentior (Hartert, 1908). See Keith et al., 1992: 415.
AMNH 580016, adult male, collected in forest 90 km west of Lake Edward, 1600 m, Congo (Kinshasa), on 12 February 1908, by Rudolf Grauer (no. 2019). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert gave Grauer's unique field number for the holotype. The female was also described and a single wing measurement given. AMNH 580018, female, collected west of Lake Edward on 10 February 1908 by Grauer (no. 1997) is a paratype. An immature female specimen, AMNH 580017, collected by Grauer on 15 February 1908 in the same locality, was identified on the Rothschild label as rufescentior and was so cataloged at AMNH. It is probably also a paratype, as Hartert routinely did not mention immature specimens when listing specimens comprising his type series. Chapin (1953: 518) pointed out that this specimen is immature and differs little from nominate Cossypha insulana. Comparison of material in AMNH supports this; it has the rusty orange cheek patches and brown tail (without black central tail feathers) of insulana. It became a paratype of Cossypha insulana schoutendeni when Prigogine (1952: 410) included it in his type series, the holotype and two paratypes of which are in the RMCA (Louette et al., 2002: 37). The specimen is in immature plumage, not in juvenile plumage as indicated by Prigogine (1952: 410). The subspecies schoutendeni is currently Sheppardia bocagei schoutedeni.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 534) included roberti in the genus Cossypha. Dickinson (2003: 677) treated the genus Cossyphicula in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Cossypha somereni Hartert
Cossypha somereni Hartert, 1912: 3 (Kyetume, near Kampala, Uganda).
Now Cossypha polioptera polioptera Reichenow, 1892. See W.L. Sclater, 1930: 473 (footnote), and Keith et al., 1992: 427.
AMNH 580733, unsexed adult, collected at Kyetume, 0°21′N, 32°44′E (Chapin, 1954: 685), Uganda, on 14 December 1911, by Victor G.L. van Someren (no. 11). From the Rothschild Collection.
This specimen may very well be the holotype, as only one set of measurements was given in the original description. However, Hartert did not designate a type or say how many specimens he had, and he also listed the date of collection as 14 January 1911. Hartert (1920: 473) later listed the type (= lectotype) of C. somereni as van Someren's no. 11 with the correct date of 14 December 1911. It bears the Rothschild type label and is the only Rothschild specimen of this form in AMNH collected before the publication of the name.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 534) treated the genus Cossypha in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Cossypha semirufa saturatior Neumann
Cossypha semirufa saturatior Neumann, 1906a: 7 (Bola goschana in Doko).
Now Cossypha semirufa semirufa (Rüppell, 1840). See Ripley, 1964: 54, and Keith et al., 1992: 429.
AMNH 580667, adult female, collected at Bola goschana, Doko, Ethiopia, on 12 February 1901, by Oscar Neumann (no. 786). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Neumann gave the sex, locality, and date for the type, which he collected, without giving the number of specimens. It bears the Neumann field label, marked “Typus” in Neumann's hand, and the Rothschild type label. It is also the only Neumann specimen from this locality that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. Hartert (1920: 473) added Neumann's field number of the type, thus unambiguously designating it the lectotype, should other Neumann specimens be found bearing the same data as the above specimen. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 580668–580672.
Neumann (1904a: 323) listed his collecting localities and showed his route on a map in Neumann (1902). R. Dowsett (personal commun.) placed Bola goschana, Doko, at ca. 06°15′N, 36°50′E, which is in close agreement with Neumann's map.
Xenocopsychus ansorgei Hartert
Xenocopsychus ansorgei Hartert, 1907b: 82 (Lobango, Mossamedes, Angola).
Now Xenocopsychus ansorgei Hartert, 1907. See Keith et al., 1992: 440.
AMNH 580229, adult male, collected at Lubango (= Lobango), 14°56′S, 13°34′E (Dean, 2000: 380), Huíla, Angola, on 18 February 1906, by Dr. William J. Ansorge (no. 287). From the Rothschild Collection.
Of the type series, a male and a female apparently collected together, the male was designated the holotype in the original description. The female paratype is AMNH 580230 (Ansorge no. 288). See also Hartert (1908b: 333).
Hartert (1907b: 81) described the genus Xenocopsychus, of which ansorgei is the type species, at the same time (contra Sibley and Monroe, 1990: 535). Ripley (1964: 68) included the species ansorgei in the genus Cossypha. Sibley and Monroe (1990: 535) treated Xenocopsychus in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 678) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Cossypha giffardi Hartert
Cossypha giffardi Hartert, 1899b:5 (Gambaga, Gold Coast Hinterland).
Now Cossypha albicapillus giffardi Hartert, 1899. See Keith et al., 1992: 439.
AMNH 580800, adult male, collected at Gambaga, 10°31′N, 00°22′W (Times Atlas), Ghana, on 29 August 1898, by Captain W. Giffard. From the Rothschild Collection.
The sexes were said to be alike, and no type was designated in the original description. Later, Hartert (1920: 473) designated the male as lectotype. AMNH 580801, a female collected at Gambaga on 4 January 1899 by Giffard, is a paralectotype.
Corrigenda 3:l, provided by Dickinson with reference to Dickinson (2003: 678), indicated that the species name should be spelled albicapillus, as in the original description of Turdus atricapillus, because atricapillus is invariable (fide Normand David).
Copsychus adamsi Elliot
Copsychus adamsi Elliot, 1890: 348 (Sandakan).
Now Copsychus saularis adamsi Elliot, 1890. See Ripley, 1964: 67, Mees, 1986: 109–119, and Smythies and Davison, 1999: 478–479.
AMNH 49677, adult male, 11 May 1887, and AMNH 49678, adult female (field no. 38), 12 May 1887, collected at Sandakan, 05°52′N, 118°04′E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, by C.F. Adams. Presented to AMNH by C.F. Adams.
In the original description, Elliot gave the AMNH numbers of the syntypes.
Chasen and Boden Kloss (1930: 84) listed Copsychus adamsi as a synonym of Copsychus saularis niger Wardlaw Ramsay. Later, when Delacour (in Delacour and Mayr, 1945: 112) synonymized Kittacincla with Copsychus, Copsychus niger Wardlaw Ramsay, 1886, was found to be preoccupied by Kittacincla nigra Sharpe, 1877 (= Copsychus niger). Delacour provided Copsychus saularis ater as a nomen novum, apparently unaware of Elliot's earlier available name.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 536) treated the genus Copsychus in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 680) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Copsychus albospecularis winterbottomi Farkas
Copsychus albospecularis winterbottomi Farkas, 1972: 228 (Ivohibe, south-east Madagascar (Préfecture de Fianarantsoa)).
Now Copsychus albospecularis winterbottomi Farkas, 1972. See below.
AMNH 413893, adult female, collected at Ankerana, three hours north of Ivohibe, 22°28′S, 46°53′E (Times Atlas), Madagascar, on 7 August 1929, by Austin L. Rand (no. 4762). From the Mission Zoologique Franco-Anglo-Américaine à Madagascar.
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. In addition to the holotype, only one other adult male was mentioned; however, there are two additional males that would have been available to Farkas when working in the AMNH collection. The paratypes are AMNH 413932, an adult male, and AMNH 413930 and 413931, slightly immature males, collected at Ivohibe by the same collectors.
Farkas (1972: 229) mentioned the possibility that this subspecies intergraded “to the west with pica and to the east with inexpectatus” but noted that sufficient comparative material was not available. Other recent authors have either not been aware of this subspecies or have considered it a synonym of one or the other without comment. Morris and Hawkins (1998: 260) referred to it as a “putative” subspecies. Dickinson (2003: 680) noted that inexpectatus was “thought to include winterbottomi”. Obviously, the status of this subspecies needs reevaluation.
Rand (1936: 167) gave details of the collecting locality, noting that Ivohibe was the expedition headquarters and that he collected alone at Ankerana from 4 to 28 August.
Kittacincla macrurus omissa Hartert
Kittacincla macrurus omissa Hartert, 1902d: 572 (Lawang, East Java).
Now Copsychus malabaricus omissus (Hartert, 1902). See Ripley, 1964: 71, and MacKinnon, 1988: 274.
AMNH 580367, adult male, collected at Lawang, 07°49′S, 112°42′E (USBGN, 1982b), eastern Java, Indonesia, on 1 November 1886, by John Whitehead (no. 893). From the Rothschild Collection.
Cittocincla nigrorum Ogilvie-Grant
Cittocincla nigrorum Ogilvie-Grant, 1896a: 547 (Negros).
Now Copsychus luzoniensis superciliaris (Bourns and Worcester, 1894). See Dickinson et al., 1991: 316.
AMNH 580284, adult female, collected on 1 May 1896, by John Whitehead (no. B.491); AMNH 580285, male immature, collected on 3 May 1896, by John Whitehead (no. B.501); and AMNH 580286, adult male, collected on 3 May 1896, by John Whitehead (no. B.500), all collected on Canlaon Volcano, 10°25′N, 123°08′E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 417), Negros I., Philippines. From the Rothschild Collection.
Ogilvie-Grant did not designate a type or indicate how many specimens Whitehead collected, although he described both male and female. Hartert (1920: 473) mentioned that the Rothschild Collection held the “type of the female” (so labeled by the author) but not that of the male. As this does not serve to designate a lectotype, all three specimens listed above are syntypes. There are also a male and a female syntype in the BMNH (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 385).
Phoenicurus frontalis sinae Hartert
Phoenicurus frontalis sinae Hartert, 1918b: 78 (Kansu).
Now Phoenicurus frontalis Vigors, 1832. See Ripley, 1964: 78, and Cheng, 1987: 597.
AMNH 578483, adult male, collected in Gansu (= Kansu) Prov., central China, in March 1884, by Nikolai M. Przewalski. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert designated as type an adult male collected by Przewalski in Kansu in March 1884. AMNH 578483 is the only such specimen that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. Hartert (1918b: 78) noted that he compared 38 specimens of the new form with 16 typical P. f. frontalis. There are 38 specimens collected at Tai-pai-shan, Tsinling Mts., by collectors for Alan Owston (AMNH 578490–578527), four of which are immatures and juveniles (routinely omitted from Hartert's totals). In addition, there are (besides the holotype) two specimens collected by Przewalski in Kansu, AMNH 578484 (in 1874) and 578485 (in July, no year), and AMNH 578487 collected by David on 2 November 1869 at Moupin (included by Hartert in the range). All 41 of these specimens would have been available to Hartert and are considered paratypes.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 537) treated Phoenicurus in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 681) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Sialia mexicana jacoti Phillips
Sialia mexicana jacoti Phillips, 1991: 120 (Davis Mts., SWn Texas).
Now Sialia mexicana jacoti Phillips, 1991. See Dickerman and Parkes, 1997: 223.
AMNH 377279, female [immature], collected in the Davis Mts., 7000 ft, Texas, on 27 September 1916, by Austin Paul Smith. From the Dwight Collection (no. 44429).
In the original description, Phillips did not give the AMNH number or the year of collection. All other data given match the above specimen except that I measure the wing at 103 mm rather than 102. Dickerman and Parkes (1997: 223) accepted this specimen as the holotype and listed the subspecies with question marks, indicating that its status had not been evaluated.
Microcichla scouleri fortis Hartert
Microcichla scouleri fortis Hartert, 1910a: 761 (Tapposha, Formosa).
Now Enicurus scouleri Vigors, 1832. See Cheng, 1987: 606.
AMNH 577879, adult male, collected at Tapposha, Taiwan, Republic of China, on 19 January 1907, by collectors for Alan Owston. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert designated as type a specimen with the above data, adding the number “F.92”. Because all of the Owston specimens of this taxon bear this number and there are two Tapposha males collected on 19 January 1907, these two specimens must be considered syntypes. Hartert (1920: 474) did not unambiguously designate the lectotype. Because AMNH 577879 bears the Rothschild type label, indicating Hartert's intention to designate this specimen the type, and has always been separated as the type, I hereby designate it the lectotype in order to avoid the possibility of confusion in interpreting the older literature. The single paralectotype is AMNH 577880.
Ripley (1964: 86) recognized the subspecies fortis. Sibley and Monroe (1990: 539) treated Enicurus in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 682) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Enicurus leschenaulti indicus Hartert
Enicurus leschenaulti indicus Hartert, 1910a: 760 (Margherita in Ober-Assam).
Now Enicurus leschenaulti indicus Hartert, 1910. See Ali and Ripley, 1998: 12.
Henicurus borneensis Sharpe
Henicurus borneensis Sharpe (in Sharpe and Whitehead), 1889: 277 (Kina Balu).
Now Enicurus leschenaulti borneensis (Sharpe, 1889). See Smythies and Davison, 1999: 482.
AMNH 577687, adult female, 13 April 1888; AMNH 577688, adult male, 29 March 1888; AMNH 577689, immature male, 14 April 1888; AMNH 577691, immature female, 14 April 1888; all collected on Kinabalu, 3000 ft, 06°03′N, 116°32′E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, by John Whitehead (nos. 2433, 2338, 2460, and 2458, respectively). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Sharpe did not designate a type. Hartert (1920: 474) listed the above adult male and female as the “types”, noting that they were so marked by the author. Such a label designation is not valid according to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1999: 77, Art. 72.4.7). Of the five specimens listed by Sharpe and Whitehead (1889: 277) in the type series, the above four are at AMNH and are syntypes; I do not know the whereabouts of the other syntype. Two additional AMNH specimens of borneensis, collected by Whitehead on Kinabalu but not listed by Sharpe, have no nomenclatural standing: AMNH 577692 (Whitehead no. 1045), adult female, collected on 1 March 1887, and AMNH 577690 (2459), immature female, collected on 12 April 1888. Their labels have been incorrectly marked “syntype”.
Smythies and Davison (1999: 482) discussed the apparent altitudinal overlap between E. l. borneensis and E. l. frontalis.
Enicurus maculatus omissus Rothschild
Enicurus maculatus omissus Rothschild, 1921: 26 (Fokien).
Now Enicurus maculatus bacatus Bangs and Phillips, 1914. See Cheng, 1987: 609.
AMNH 577778, unsexed, collected in Fujian (= Fokien), China, by Tang Wangwang. From the Rothschild Collection.
E. n. omissus was based on a single specimen in the Rothschild Collection (LeCroy and Dickinson, 2001: 188).
Myadestes unicolor veraepacis Griscom
Myadestes unicolor veraepacis Griscom, 1930: 6 (Finca Sepacuite (3500 ft.), 50 miles east of Coban, Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala).
Now Myadestes unicolor veraepacis Griscom, 1930. See Clement, 2000: 292.
AMNH 396234, adult male, collected at Finca Sepacuité, 3500 ft, 50 miles east of Cobán, Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala, on 4 May 1925, by Alfred W. Anthony (no. 1887). From the Dwight Collection (no. 60281).
M. u. veraepacis was based on a single specimen, the Dwight number of which was given in the original description.
Additional information on this collecting locality is given in Griscom (1932: 13). Cobán is at 15°28′N, 90°20′W (Times Atlas). Selander and Vaurie (1962: 57) listed Sepacuité as about 9 km northeast of Senahú, at 15°29′N, 89°52′W.
Various authors have included veraepacis as a synonym of M. u. unicolor; e.g., Monroe (1968: 306), Phillips (1991: 127), and, by inference, Dickinson (2003: 664).
Myadestes unicolor pallens Miller and Griscom
Myadestes unicolor pallens Miller and Griscom, 1925: 5 (San Rafael del Norte (5000 ft.), Nicaragua).
Now Myadestes unicolor pallens Miller and Griscom, 1925. See Clement, 2000: 292.
AMNH 144399, adult male, collected at San Rafael del Norte, 5000 ft, 13°12′N, 86°06′W (Times Atlas), Nicaragua, on 29 March 1917, by Waldron DeW. Miller (no. 216) and Ludlow Griscom.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 144400, 144401, 101386–101388 (3 males, 1 female, 1 female? from San Rafael del Norte); AMNH 103428 (male from Jalapa); AMNH 103429 (male from Rio Coco); AMNH 102951–102953 (1 male and 2 females from Ocotal). A female specimen from San Rafael del Norte, listed by Miller and Griscom in their type series, was apparently never cataloged at AMNH. Two specimens (a male and an unsexed specimen) from San Rafael del Norte that came to AMNH in 1932 with the Rothschild Collection were not available to Miller and Griscom in 1925 and are not paratypes.
Cichlopsis chubbi Chapman
Cichlopsis chubbi Chapman, 1924: 15 (Mindo, Huila, western Ecuador).
Now Cichlopsis leucogenys chubbi Chapman, 1924. See Clement, 2000: 35, 293, and Ridgely and Greenfield, 2001: 658–659.
AMNH 180610, adult male, collected at Mindo, 00°02′S, 78°48′W (Paynter, 1993: 126), Pichincha, Ecuador, on 11 August 1923, by Carlos Olalla and sons.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. A second specimen, AMNH 180611, female, is the paratype.
Huila is 9 km northwest of Mindo (Paynter, 1993: 95); both names appear on the original label. The species leucogenys is frequently placed in the genus Myadestes.
Cichlopsis leucogenys peruvianus Hellmayr
Cichlopsis leucogenys peruvianus Hellmayr, 1930: 265. (Perené, alt. 1,000 metr., Dept. Junín, Peru).
Now Cichlopsis leucogenys peruvianus Hellmayr, 1930. See Clement, 2000: 35, 293.
AMNH 503932, male (first annual), collected at Perené, 1000 m, 10°55′S, 75°15′W (Times Atlas), Dept. Junín, Peru, in July 1921, by G.O. Schunke (no. 2175). From the Rothschild Collection.
This specimen had not previously been recognized as a type. Hellmayr (1930: 265) based his description on a single specimen in the Rothschild Collection. The name was published subsequent to Hartert's (1928) Rothschild type list and at about the time Hartert retired. The specimen bore neither a Rothschild nor an AMNH type label. It had been stamped with an AMNH “First Series” stamp, but this stamp was applied to specimens once separated out from the general collection by J.T. Zimmer for reference, not necessarily to type specimens. It is the only specimen of this taxon in AMNH.
Neocossyphus rufus gabunensis Neumann
Neocossyphus rufus gabunensis Neumann, 1908b: 77 (Ohumbe, Lake Onange, Ogowe River).
Now Neocossyphus rufus gabunensis Neumann, 1908. See Keith et al., 1992: 453, and Clement, 2000: 31, 182.
AMNH 580882, adult male, collected at Ohumbe, 01°00′S, 10°05′E (Chapin, 1954: 716), Lake Onangué, Ogowé River, Gabon, on 18 July 1907, by Dr. William J. Ansorge (no. 528). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Neumann designated as type a male in the Rothschild Collection, with the above data. Listed as the type by Hartert (1920: 473), who also included Ansorge's field number, it also bears the Rothschild type label. It is the only male of the three Ansorge specimens that came to AMNH. Neumann (1908b: 77– 78) did not say how many specimens he examined; however, the two females collected by Ansorge in 1907 are probably paratypes: AMNH 580883 and 580884.
See Pasquet et al. (1999) for recent analysis of relationships based on cytochrome-b and 16S mitochondrial DNA studies.
Bessonornis (?Cossypha) gambagae Hartert
Bessonornis (?Cossypha) gambagae Hartert, 1899b: 5 (near Gambaga, Gold Coast Hinterland).
Now Cercomela familiaris falkensteini (Cabanis, 1875). See Ripley, 1964: 98, and Keith et al., 1992: 537.
AMNH 584673, adult female, collected near Gambaga, 10°31′N, 00°22′W (Times Atlas), Ghana, on 27 August 1898, by Capt. W. Giffard. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert did not designate a type or state how many specimens he had. Later, Hartert (1920: 470) designated this specimen the lectotype. It is the only example of this form that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. The female symbol on the field label is an upside-down male symbol.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 543) treated Cercomela in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 686) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Saxicola galtoni omoensis Neumann
Saxicola galtoni omoensis Neumann, 1904b: 163 (Baka in Konta).
Now Cercomela familiaris omoensis (Neumann, 1904). See Keith et al., 1992: 538.
AMNH 584674, adult male, collected at Bako (= Baka), 05°47′N, 36°34′E (USBGN, 1982a: 101, 102), Uma River, Konta, Ethiopia, on 28 February 1901, by Oscar Neumann (no. 949). From the Rothschild Collection
Cercomela melanura erlangeri Neumann and Zedlitz
Cercomela melanura erlangeri Neumann and Zedlitz (in Heinroth), 1912: 497 (S.-Arabien).
Now Cercomela melanura neumanni Ripley, 1952. See Ripley, 1952: 31, 1964: 102, and Dickinson, 2003: 687.
AMNH 582839, adult male, collected at Khareba, Yemen, on 12 October, by G. Wyman Bury (no. 404). From the Rothschild Collection.
The original description of this subspecies is usually cited as Neumann and Zedlitz (1913: 364), as for example in Ripley (1964: 102). However, Hartert (1920: 471) gave the 1912 reference, cited above. Heinroth (1912: 497), in a report on a talk by Graf Zedlitz at the March meeting of the Deutsche Ornithologische Gesellschaft, made reference to “Cercomela melanura erlangeri Neum. Zedl. von S.-Arabien, dunkler als typische melanura vom Sinai …”. This is sufficient to name the taxon, although no type was designated, and should be attributed to Neumann and Zedlitz, not Heinroth (ICZN, 1999: Art. 50.2). Later, Zedlitz (1912: 556), in an article on his Sinai collection, referred again to this taxon as having already been named and designated the type (= lectotype): “Tring Mus. ♂ Khareba, S.-Arabien 12.X. Bury leg.” Because the second half of the Neumann and Zedlitz article (containing what was intended as the original description of Cercomela melanura erlangeri) was held over for publication in the next volume of Journal für Ornithologie, it did not appear until April 1913 (p. 364). Data there presented for the type is the same as that presented by Zedlitz (1912: 556) except that 1905 is added as the year of collection. This date does not appear on any of the labels. Still later, Hartert (1920: 471) added Bury's number from his field label.
Neumann and Zedlitz (1913: 365) listed 12 examples of erlangeri examined, five of which (including the lectotype) were in the Rothschild Collection, all from near Aden and collected in August, October, and November. Four specimens from the Rothschild Collection, including the lectotype, have “erlangeri Neum. Zedl.” written on the label in a hand that appears to be that of Neumann and would seem to be four of the five examined by Neumann and Zedlitz. The three paralectotypes are: AMNH 582842, female collected by Bury at El Kubar on 23 Oct.; AMNH 582846, male collected 25′ [sic] west of Aden on 14 November 1907 by an unknown collector; and AMNH 582847, male collected at La Hej, Jebel Manif by Dodson on 13 August 1899.
Ripley (1952: 31) provided C. m. neumanni as a new name for C. m. erlangeri, preoccupied by Pinarochroa sordida erlangeri Reichenow, 1905, a synonym of Cercomela s. sordida (Rüppell, 1837).
Using his Arab name, Abdullah Mansûr (1911), Bury published a popular account of his travels in southern Arabia. “Khureba” Pass is shown on the map therein. Judging by the position on this map, this is probably “Al Khuraybah” at 13°42′N, 44°47′E (USBGN, 1976).
Cercomela melanura airensis Hartert
Cercomela melanura airensis Hartert, 1921: 114 (Mt. Baguezan).
Now Cercomela melanura airensis Hartert, 1921. See Keith et al., 1992: 542.
AMNH 582865, adult male, collected in the Baguezane Mountains (= Mt. Baguezan), 5200 ft, Azbine area, Niger, on 14 May 1920, by Angus Buchanan (no. 594). From the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert gave Buchanan's unique field number of the holotype in the original description. The eight paratypes listed by Hartert are: AMNH 582866–582873.
Giraudoux et al. (1988: 138) call these mountains the Bagzans Mts., with coordinates 17°45′N, 08°45′E.
Cercomela turkana van Someren
Cercomela turkana van Someren, 1920: 91 (Turkana country, west of Lake Rudolf).
Now Cercomela scotocerca turkana van Someren, 1920. See Keith et al., 1992: 540.
AMNH 582881, adult male, collected on the Kobua River, 03°30′N, 35°45′E (Britton, 1980: 241), Turkana country, west of Lake Rudolph, Kenya, in February 1918. From the Victor G.L. van Someren Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
The original description was based on a single specimen deposited in the Rothschild Collection (Hartert, 1928: 215). The above specimen is the only specimen of this taxon, collected prior to the published description (March), that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. Specimens mentioned by Hartert (1928: 215), collected on Mt. Kenya and on the Uaso-Nyiro, were collected in November and December 1920.
Pinarochroa sordida schoana Neumann
Pinarochroa sordida schoana Neumann, 1905: 78 (Abuje, Provinz Gindeberat, Schoa).
Now Cercomela sordida sordida (Rüppell, 1837). See Ripley, 1964: 103, and Keith et al., 1992: 543.
AMNH 582473, adult male, collected at Abuye (= Abuje), 09°44′N, 37°46′E (USBGN, 1982a: 11), Gindeberat, Shoa, Ethiopia, on 29 September 1900, by Oscar Neumann (no. 110). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Neumann designated as type a male from Abuje collected on 29 September 1900, giving measurements for more than one specimen. In his more complete article, Neumann (1906b: 291–293) listed specimens of each subspecies of Pinarochroa sordida that he had examined. Of P. s. schoana, he had only one specimen collected by himself at Abuje, seven collected by von Erlanger at Addis-Ababa (not found in ZMB, F. Steinheimer, personal commun.), and three collected by Ragazzi at Ankober (in MRSN). Therefore, the above specimen is the holotype (and is marked “Typus” in Neumann's hand), and the 10 additional ones are paratypes. In a number of cases, Neumann's (1906b: 290) later paper is listed as the original description (as in Hartert, 1920: 471), for the taxon is mistakenly listed there as new.
The type locality is shown on Neumann's map in the Geographical Journal, 1902, as ca. 09°55′N, 37°45′E, spelled there as Abuye.
Pinarochroa sordida djamdjamensis Neumann
Pinarochroa sordida djamdjamensis Neumann, 1905: 79 (Abera in Djamdjam).
Now Cercomela sordida sordida (Rüppell, 1837). See Ripley, 1964: 103, and Keith et al., 1992: 543.
AMNH 582488, adult male, collected at Abera, 06°27′N, 38°28′E (R. Dowsett, personal commun.), Ethiopia, on 19 December 1900, by Oscar Neumann (no. 443). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Neumann (1905: 79) listed the type as a male, collected at Abera on 19 November 1900, giving measurements for more than one specimen. In a later paper, Neumann (1906b: 291–293) listed his three specimens, only one having been collected on 19 November, thus confirming the above specimen as the holotype (it is marked “typus” in Neumann's hand). Another of his three specimens came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection: AMNH 582489, a male collected at Abera on 16 December 1900, Neumann no. 425, is a paratype. The third Neumann specimen (whereabouts unknown) and the four von Erlanger specimens listed by Neumann (1906b: 292, not in ZMB, F. Steinheimer, personal commun.) are also paratypes.
For this subspecies, as for the previous one, Neumann's (1906b: 291) later paper is sometimes cited as the original description.
Neumann (1902) gave a map of his travels in 1900–1901.
[Pratincola torquata hibernans Hartert]
This subspecies was described by Hartert (1910d: 173), the holotype listed as a male adult collected on the Tring Estate on 14 November 1898 by Ernst Hartert. When the Rothschild Collection came to AMNH, this specimen was cataloged as AMNH 450913, and on 21 September 1936 was presented to BMNH along with other types from the British Isles. It is now BMNH Reg no. 1936.10.15.9 (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 236). Now Saxicola torquatus hibernans Hartert, 1910 (Cramp, 1988: 737).
Pratincola emmae Hartlaub
Pratincola emmae Hartlaub, 1890: 152 (“Ruganda”. (?)).
Now Saxicola torquatus axillaris (Shelley, 1885). See Hartert, 1920: 472, Keith et al., 1992: 495, and Urquhart, 2002: 208.
AMNH 581982, adult male, collected at Mbarara (= Rugánda, R. Dowsett, personal commun.), 00°36′S, 30°40′E (Times Atlas), Ankole, Uganda, on 15 July 1889, by Emin Pasha (no. 263). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartlaub did not designate a type, but listed four specimens comprising the type series. Hartert (1920: 472) designated Hartlaub's specimen no. 1 the lectotype by citing Emin's field no. 263. Paralectotypes are AMNH 581983–581985.
According to David and Gosselin (2002b: 263, 280), the genus Saxicola is masculine. Sibley and Monroe (1990: 539) treated Saxicola in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 683) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapinae. Molecular studies of Saxicola torquatus are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Duncan (1937: 74) gave April 1885 as the date of publication of part 4 of the 1884 Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, which includes p. 556 on which axillaris was described.
Saxicola torquata promiscua Hartert
Saxicola torquata promiscua Hartert, 1922b: 51 (Uluguru Mts.).
Now Saxicola torquatus promiscuus Hartert, 1922. See Keith et al., 1992: 495, and Urquhart, 2002: 208.
AMNH 581863, adult male, collected in the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania, on 8 May 1921, by Arthur Loveridge (no. 16). From the Rothschild Collection.
Loveridge's unique field number of the type was given in the original description. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 581864, adult female collected on the same date as the holotype, and AMNH 581865– 581868, unsexed specimens collected at Manow in 1906 by an unknown collector.
According to David and Gosselin (2002b: 263, 280), the genus Saxicola is masculine. Molecular studies of Saxicola torquatus are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Pratincola caprata rossorum Hartert
Pratincola caprata rossorum Hartert, 1910d: 180 (Merw in Transkaspien).
Now Saxicola caprata rossorum (Hartert, 1910). See Cramp, 1988: 752, and Urquhart, 2002: 227.
AMNH 582440, adult male, collected at Mary (= Merv or Merw), 37°42′N, 61°54′E (Times Atlas), Turkmeniya, on 22 July 1889 (Russian calendar, corrected to 4 August 1889 on the Rothschild label), by Nikolai A. Zarudny (nos. 5 and 338). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description the type was said the be a male from Merw in the Rothschild Museum, collected on 4 August 1889. The above specimen is the only one that came to AMNH with the correct date, and it bears a Rothschild type label. Hartert (1920: 471) cited Zarudny's number 338. Paratypes are AMNH 582436–582439 and AMNH 582441–582446.
According to David and Gosselin (2002b: 263, 280), the genus Saxicola is masculine and caprata is invariable and not declined; rossorum retains the genitive ending of a Latinized name of a group of people (ICZN, 1999: Art. 31 and p. 103). Molecular studies of Saxicola caprata are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Saxicola caprata randi Parkes
Saxicola caprata randi Parkes, 1960: 69 (Bondo, Siaton, Negros, Philippine Islands).
Now Saxicola caprata randi Parkes, 1960. See Dickinson et al., 1991: 318, and Urquhart, 2002: 229.
AMNH 459839, adult female, collected at Bondo, 09°04′N, 123°02′E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 416), near Siaton, Negros I., Philippines, on 30 January 1954, by Dioscoro S. Rabor (no. 5931).
The AMNH number and Rabor's field number of the type were cited in the original description. Parkes examined 20 specimens of randi from Negros, Bohol, and Siquijor. Only one of the paratypes is at AMNH, and it is marked randi by Parkes: AMNH 459838, adult male, collected at Bondo on 31 January 1954 by Rabor. AMNH 782151, a female from Inalad, near Siaton, was collected on 20 September 1959 by Rabor and was not seen by Parkes.
Molecular studies of Saxicola caprata are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Pratincola caprata albonotata Stresemann
Pratincola caprata albonotata Stresemann, 1912b: 321 (Indrulaman, Celebes).
Now Saxicola caprata albonotatus (Stresemann, 1912). See Ripley, 1964: 114, White and Bruce, 1986: 329, and Urquhart, 2002: 231.
AMNH 582447, adult female, collected at Indrulaman, Sulawesi I., Indonesia, on 3 October 1895, by Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Stresemann gave the above unique data for the type and measurements of nine males and five females from Sulawesi (including the type) and one male and one female from Saleyer (= Salayar) I., belonging to his new subspecies. He also included Buton (= Butung) I. in the range without giving measurements. The following paratypes came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection: seven males and two females from Sulawesi, AMNH 582448, 582452–582459; one male and one female from Saleyer, AMNH 582449 and 582450; and one female from Buton, AMNH 582451. These were all collected prior to 1902 by Everett, Heinrich Kühn, and William Doherty, from all of whom Rothschild bought specimens shortly after they were collected.
Indrulaman is shown on the map in Stresemann (1940) as location 70, at ca. 05°30′S, 120°05′E.
Molecular studies of Saxicola caprata are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Saxicola caprata cognata Mayr
Saxicola caprata cognata Mayr, 1944: 156 (Tepa, Babar Islands).
Now Saxicola caprata cognatus Mayr, 1944. See White and Bruce, 1986: 329, and Urquhart, 2002: 231.
AMNH 582409, adult female, collected at Tepa, 07°52′S, 129°35′E (Times Atlas), Babar Island, Indonesia, on 29August 1905, by Heinrich Kühn (no. 6800). From the Rothschild Collection.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Paratypes are: AMNH 582407 and 582408.
Molecular studies of S. caprata are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Saxicola caprata belensis Rand
Saxicola caprata belensis Rand, 1940a: 4 (Balim River, 1600 meters altitude, Snow Mts., Netherland New Guinea).
Now Saxicola caprata belensis Rand, 1940. See Coates, 1990: 54, and Urquhart, 2002: 232.
AMNH 305651, adult male, collected on the Balim River, 1600 m, Jayawijaya Mountains (= eastern Snow Mountains), Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 14 December 1938, by Richard Archbold, Austin L. Rand, and William B. Richardson. From the 1938–1939 (Third) Archbold Expedition (no. 8690).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Measurements were given for five males and five females from the Balim River area and for seven males and six females from southeastern New Guinea. Five males, in addition to the type, and five females from the Balim River and Ibele (= Bele) River (a tributary of the Balim) were cataloged in AMNH and are paratypes: AMNH 340296–340305; of these, AMNH 340300 was exchanged to FMNH in the early 1960s and AMNH 340304 was sent to MZB in 1957. Eight males and eight females in AMNH from southeastern New Guinea would have been available to Rand, although some of them may not have been measured. They also are paratypes of belensis: AMNH 419987– 419994 and 582465–582472; of these, AMNH 419987 was exchanged to FMNH, and AMNH 419990 later became the type of Saxicola caprata wahgiensis, see below.
Molecular studies of S. caprata are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
According to the map in Archbold et al. (1942: opposite p. 199), the junction of the Bele River with the Balim River is ca. 03°55′S, 138°55′E.
Saxicola caprata wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard
Saxicola caprata wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard, 1951: 8 (Mafulu, Central Division, Papua, New Guinea).
Now Saxicola caprata wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard, 1951. See Coates, 1990: 54, and Urquhart, 2002: 232.
AMNH 419990, adult female, collected at Mafula (= Mafulu), 1250 m, Central Prov., Papua New Guinea, on 29 September 1933, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand. From the 1933–1934 (First) Archbold Expedition (no. 1468).
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description; this specimen is also a paratype of S. c. belensis, see above. Paratypes of S. c. wahgiensis from the Wahgi region, collected in 1950, are AMNH 705048–705054, three males, one female, and two juveniles. Of these, AMNH 705048 was sent to the Australian Museum in 1953, AMNH 705049 was not found, and AMNH 705050 was exchanged to the FMNH in the early 1960s. The mountains of southeastern New Guinea were also included in the range although no measurements were given, and the eight males and eight females listed above as paratypes of belensis would be the holotype and paratypes of wahgiensis.
See Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b) for molecular studies of Saxicola caprata. Mafulu is shown on the map in Archbold and Rand (1935: opposite p. 527) and on modern maps as Mafula at ca. 08°31′S, 147°01′E.
Oreicola ferrea haringtoni Hartert
Oreicola ferrea haringtoni Hartert, 1910a: 711 (Lien-Kiang bei Fu-tschau in China).
Now Saxicola ferreus Gray, 1846. See Urquhart, 2002: 258.
AMNH 582536, adult male, collected at Lianjiang (= Lien-Kiang), 26°14′N, 119°33′E (Times Atlas), Fujian, China, on 18 January 1887, collector unknown (no. 1445). From the Rothschild Collection.
Only two specimens labeled “Foochow” came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. The above specimen is the only male and the only one collected on 18 January 1887; it bears the Rothschild type label. In the original description, Hartert gave the range of haringtoni as including Moupin and other parts of Sichuan to Fujian in southeastern China, as well as Myanmar and the mountainous land south of the Brahmaputra River. Using these localities as a guide, I consider the following specimens from the Rothschild Collection, collected before 1910, to be paratypes: AMNH 582537, 1887–1888, “Swatow” (= Shan-t'ou), Guangdong; AMNH 582538, 1886, “Foochow” (= Fujian); AMNH 582539, 1869, Moupin; AMNH 582591–582595, 1900– 1908, Myanmar, three of them collected by Herbert H. Harington; and AMNH 582602, 1905, Margherita, Upper Assam, India.
Vaurie (1959: 340) and Cheng (1987: 613) recognized haringtoni. Michael Walters (personal commun.) has found that “the eggs of haringtoni are very distinctly different from those of the nominate, so I would agree with Vaurie that the race is worthy of recognition.” According to David and Gosselin (2002b: 263, 280), the genus Saxicola is masculine.
Myrmecocichla buchanani Rothschild
Myrmecocichla buchanani Rothschild, 1920: 33 (Takoukout, Damergou, 1550 feet, north of Kano).
Now Myrmecocichla aethiops aethiops Cabanis, 1850. See Ripley, 1964: 116, and Keith et al., 1992: 546.
AMNH 582644, adult male, collected at Takukut (= Takoukout), 1550 feet, 15°07′N, 08°30′E (Giraudoux et al., 1988: 138), Damergu, Niger, on 13 March 1920, by Capt. Angus Buchanan (no. 441). From the Rothschild Collection.
The unique collector's number was given in the original description. Eleven specimens of this form, collected by Buchanan, were listed by Hartert (1921: 115). The 10 paratypes are: AMNH 582637–582643 and 583645–582647.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 543) treated Myrmecocichla in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 687) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Pentholaea albifrons pachyrhyncha Neumann
Pentholaea albifrons pachyrhyncha Neumann, 1906a: 8 (Uba, West-Abhang).
Now Myrmecocichla albifrons pachyrhyncha (Neumann, 1906). See Keith et al., 1992: 551.
AMNH 581512, adult male, collected at Uba, west slope of the Senti Valley, Ethiopia, on 27 January 1901, by Oscar Neumann (no. 678). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Neumann designated a male type, listed both male and female, and gave two wing measurements, but no field number. Later, he (Neumann, 1906b: 289) listed two specimens and included his field numbers of the male (marked “Typus” by Neumann) and the second specimen, which he listed as ♀?. This specimen, which Neumann (1906b: 289) did not dissect himself, was sexed as a male on the field label, but he considered it to be a female rather than an immature male. Hartert (1920: 472) thought it to be a young male changing into adult plumage, and he added a note to that effect on the label and in Hartert (1920: 472). It is the paratype, AMNH 581512, Neumann no. 679.
The description of this subspecies is sometimes cited as Neumann (1906b: 289), published in April; however, the description first appeared in Neumann (1906a: 8), published in January.
The USBGN (1982a: 557, 657) listed Zag_ Shet' (= Senti) at 06°39′N, 37°12′E; of two Ubas listed, the closest is at 06°18′N, 37°00′E (USBGN, 1982a: 617).
Pentholaea baucis Hartlaub
Pentholaea baucis Hartlaub, 1887: 318 (Babira and Rimo).
Now Myrmecocichla albifrons clericalis (Hart laub, 1882). See Hartert, 1920: 472, and Keith et al., 1992: 551.
AMNH 581535, adult male, collected at Babira, 02°32′N, 31°27′E (Chapin, 1954: 643), Uganda, on 16 November 1882, by Emin Bey (= Emin Pasha) (no. 301). From the Rothschild Collection.
Hartlaub, in his original description of this taxon, questioned its validity. Nevertheless, he gave a complete description based on three specimens (an adult male and two immature males), but he did not designate a type. Hartert (1920: 472), citing Emin's unique field number, designated the above specimen the lectotype. The measurements given by Hartlaub in the description match the actual measurements of the above specimen, but not the measurements given by Emin on the field label. Those were probably made on the bird before skinning.
Three Emin specimens that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection are marked baucis in what is apparently Hart laub's hand. Hartlaub's second specimen, paralectotype AMNH 581537, is an immature male from Rimo collected on 10 October 1882. The collecting date was incorrectly copied onto the Rothschild label as 10 November, but reference to the original field label shows that 10 October is correct.
The third specimen, now AMNH 581536, an immature male from Babira, was collected on 16 November 1882. This date does not agree with the date of 10 November given by Hartlaub in the description. It does, however, have the white in the wing patches more heavily marked with black and more flecks of white in the forehead than the other immmature, as noted by Hartlaub. The difference in the date might have been a misprint, but because Emin's collection is now scattered, one cannot be sure that this was Hartlaub's third specimen.
Hartert (1920: 472) noted that the lectotype is “evidently a bird of the year”. This refers to Hartlaub's (1887: 318) statement that the wings in baucis are browner than those of clericalis and that specimens of clericalis collected on the same dates and at the same place have the wings pure black. All three of these birds retain the browner wings of the immature plumage, but the lectotype has no traces remaining of the black markings in the wing patches.
Hartert's (1920: 472) citation of the year of publication of this name as 1884 is a misprint.
Oenanthe isabellina kargasi Koelz
Oenanthe isabellina kargasi Koelz, 1939: 66 (Kargasi Pass, Afghanistan).
Now Oenanthe isabellina (Temminck, 1829). See Vaurie, 1959: 350–351, and Dickinson, 2003: 685.
AMNH 465990, adult female, collected at Kargasi Pass, Afghanistan, on 8 August 1937, by Walter Koelz.
The above holotype was the only female collected at Kargasi Pass on 8 August and is marked “type” by Koelz. He listed 10 paratypes, five of them from the type locality. However, in addition to the holotype, only four specimens from Kargasi Pass were cataloged. The nine paratypes at AMNH are: AMNH 465981–465983, 465986–465989, 465995, and 465991.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 541) treated Oenanthe in the tribe Saxicolini, subfamily Muscicapinae; Dickinson (2003: 684) placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
While Koelz's label has only “Kargasi Pass”, the Koelz itinerary places Koelz at Jurm, 36°50′N, 70°52′E (Times Atlas), Kargasi Pass, on 8 August 1937. Molecular studies of Oenanthe isabellina are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Oenanthe oenanthe virago Meinertzhagen
Oenanthe oenanthe virago Meinertzhagen, 1920: 20 (Mount Ida, Crete).
Now Oenanthe oenanthe libanotica (Hemprich and Ehrenberg, 1833). See Keith et al., 1992: 510.
AMNH 583149, adult female, and AMNH 583150, adult male, collected on Nidha Plain, 5000 ft, Idhi Óros (= Mt. Ida), 35°18′N, 24°43′E (USBGN, 1955d: 116), Crete, Greece, on 27 June 1920, by Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen. From the Rothschild Collection.
The above two specimens, a breeding pair, said to be in the Rothschild Collection, were designated syntypes by Meinertzhagen in the original description. Hartert did not list these syntypes in any of his Rothschild Collection type lists, but both bear Rothschild type labels. Nidha Plain is the locality on the field labels and Mt. Ida is the locality given in the description.
Ripley (1964: 125) recognized O. o. virago. Vaurie (1959: 342) and Cramp (1988: 770) synonymized virago with O. o. oenanthe. Molecular studies of O. oenanthe are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Saxicola seebohmi Dixon
Saxicola seebohmi Dixon, 1882: 563 (midway between Oued Taga and Djebel Mahmel).
Now Oenanthe oenanthe seebohmi (Dixon, 1882). See Keith et al., 1992: 510.
AMNH 583232, unsexed [adult male plumage], collected at 5500 ft, on Kef Mahmel, Aurès Massif, Algeria, on 2 May 1882, by Henry J. Elwes and Charles Dixon. From the Henry J. Elwes Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Dixon (1882: 563–564) noted “On the road from Oued Taga, when we were making the ascent of Djebel Mahmel, and about midway between those two places, we secured specimens of this novel and interesting Chat … As is usual in such cases, we failed to note the value of our prize, and only shot two males.” He did not designate a type. Hartert (1920: 471) noted that the above Rothschild specimen is marked “type” in what he believed to be Dixon's hand and listed it as the type (= lectotype); he also noted that a “Cotype” (= paralectotype) was in BMNH. The BMNH specimen was listed by Warren and Harrison (1971: 499) as a syntype: BMNH Reg. no. 1898.9.1.2570, date of collection “5 Feb. 1882, on label, but more likely May …”. However, Dixon (1882: 553) noted that the trip between Oued Taga and Djebel Mahmel was completed in a single day and that their entire trip lasted from 28 April (Dixon, 1882: 551) to 14 May (Dixon, 1882: 557). Therefore, the date of collection of both specimens must be 2 May 1882, and the BMNH specimen is the paralectotype.
Keith et al. (1992: 510) consider O. o. seebohmi an “incipient species”. Molecular studies of O. oenanthe are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Kef Mahmel (7615 ft) is the second-highest peak of the Aurès Massif and is 15 mi south–southeast of Batna, 35°34′N, 06°10′E (Seltzer, 1962: 925).
Vitiflora paradoxa Brehm
Vitiflora paradoxa Brehm, 1855: 224 (verirrt sich aus Aegypten nach Südosteuropa).
Now Oenanthe deserti deserti (Temminck, 1825). See Hartert, 1918a: 34, and Keith et al., 1992: 524.
AMNH 455111, adult male, collected at Aswân (= Assuan, as on label), 24°05′N, 32°56′E (Times Atlas), Egypt, in March 1850, by Oskar Brehm. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert (1918a: 34) listed this specimen as the type of V. paradoxa, thus designating it the lectotype. It has an original yellow field label with data in Oskar Brehm's hand. It is labeled paradoxa in C.L. Brehm's hand. In the original description, Brehm gave localities of Egypt and southern Europe, but Hartert (1918a: 34) thought that southern Europe was frequently included in the range of species only to justify their inclusion in Brehm's (1855) book on European birds and that in this case he had seen only Egyptian specimens. Four additional Brehm specimens from Egypt and Nubia that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection are paralectotypes, all labeled paradoxa in Brehm's hand: two females from Thebes (= Theben, as on label), AMNH 455112, 10 March 1852, and AMNH 455113, date not recorded; and two males from Nubia, southern Egypt (= Nubien, as on label), AMNH 455114, 30 March 1850, and AMNH 455115, 4 April 1850.
AMNH 455111 and 455113 are labeled paradoxa minor and AMNH 455112, 455114, and 455115 are labeled paradoxa major by Brehm. Hartert (1910a: 683) considered these names, as used by A.E. Brehm, to be nomina nuda.
Vitiflora leucopyga Brehm
Vitiflora leucopyga Brehm (Ex Paul de Württemberg MS), 1855: 225 (in Aegypten und Südeuropa).
Now Oenanthe leucopyga leucopyga (Brehm, 1855). See Hartert, 1918a: 34, and Keith et al., 1992: 503.
AMNH 455146, adult male, collected in Nubia (= Nubien, on label), southern Egypt, on 30 March 1850. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Brehm said that V. leucopyga was from the same locality as V. monacha, which is that given above, and that the name was based on the manuscript name, Lucotoa leucopyga, of Paul de Wrttbg (= Württemberg). Hartert (1910a: 699) noted that he was only able to be sure of this name by studying the type and referring to A.E. Brehm (1858: 66), who there gave the name as Lutucoa leucopygaia and credits Paul de Württemberg with the description. Three additional specimens labeled leucopyga by Brehm are paralectotypes: AMNH 455144 and 455145, collected at Abu-Hammed in the Sudan in 1849, and AMNH 455147, collected in the Sudan, but without a date.
A pencilled note on the Rothschild label in hand unknown reads: “Erlegungsort nicht weit nordlich von Korosko”. This is perhaps the basis for Vaurie's (1959: 353) statement that the type was collected near Kurusku (= Korosko), 22°35′N, 32°23′E (Times Atlas), Egypt, thus restricting the type locality. I traced this to A.E. Brehm's account of his travels in Sudan, 1847–1852; on 31 March 1850 he was in Korosko (see Arndt, 1975: 259).
Dromolaea leucocephala A.E. Brehm
Dromolaea leucocephala A.E. Brehm, 1858: 62 (Assuan in Oberegypten).
Now Oenanthe leucopyga leucopyga (Brehm, 1855). See Hartert, 1918a: 34, and Keith et al., 1992: 503.
AMNH 455148 and 455149, adult male and female tied together, collected at Aswân (= Assuan), 24°05′N, 32°56′E (Times Atlas), Egypt, on 21 February 1852, by A.E. Brehm. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
A.E. Brehm based his description on a male and a female collected together on 21 February 1852 at Assuan. Hartert (1918a: 34) listed these two specimens as types (= syntypes). They are labeled leucocephala in C.L. Brehm's hand.
Oenanthe leucopyga aegra Hartert
Oenanthe leucopyga aegra Hartert, 1913: 55 (Gara Klima).
Now Oenanthe leucopyga aegra Hartert, 1913. See Keith et al., 1992: 502.
AMNH 583471, adult male, collected at Gara Klima, near Ouargla, 32°00′N, 05°16′E (Times Atlas), Algeria, on 10 March 1912, by Ernst Hartert and Carl Hilgert (no. 206). From the Rothschild Collection.
The unique field number of the holotype was given in the original description. Hartert (1913: 6) described Gara Klima as a flat-topped mountain some 12 km from Ouargla, with Gara meaning flat-topped hills or mountains that are the remains of higher plateaus (Hartert, 1913: 1). Hartert (1920: 470) spelled this locality “Jara Krima”.
The type series of this form, including the holotype, comprised 13 adult males and 7 adult females listed by Hartert, as well as 2 immatures that were collected by Hartert and Hilgert on the same trip. Immatures were routinely omitted by Hartert when listing specimens. There are now 18 paratypes in AMNH, including the two immatures: AMNH 583465–583470 and 583472– 583483.
Ripley (1964: 130) synonymized aegra with O. l. leucopyga.
Saxicola leucurus riggenbachi Hartert
Saxicola leucurus riggenbachi Hartert, 1909e: 36 (Rio de Oro).
Now Oenanthe leucura syenitica (Heuglin, 1869). See Hartert, 1920: 471, and Keith et al., 1992: 505.
AMNH 583344, adult male, collected at Ultrario, Rio de Oro, ca. 24°00′N, 14°00′W, Western Sahara (= Spanish Sahara), on 4 July 1902, by Fritz Wilhelm Riggenbach (no. 21). From the Rothschild Collection.
The description of riggenbachi was based on four specimens collected by Riggenbach with no type indicated. Hartert (1920: 471) designated as lectotype Riggenbach's specimen no. 21 collected on 4 July 1902. The three paralectotypes are AMNH 583345–583347, collected at Boste, Rio de Oro.
Oenanthe moesta brooksbanki Meinertzhagen
Oenanthe moesta brooksbanki Meinertzhagen, 1923: 147 (near El Jid, long. 40°E., lat. 33° N., Northern Arabian Desert).
Now Oenanthe moesta brooksbanki Meinertzhagen, 1923. See Cramp, 1988: 84, and Dickinson, 2003: 684.
AMNH 583331, adult male, collected near Al Jid, Iraq, on 30 October 1922 by Col. Richard Meinertzhagen. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Meinertzhagen said that the type was in the Rothschild Collection, with data as above. AMNH 583331 is the only Meinertzhagen specimen of this form that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection, although his type series comprised five males and two females. It bears the Rothschild type label and is labeled “type” in Meinertzhagen's hand.
Meinertzhagen (1924: 616) noted that his type locality was within political Iraq. The wells of Al Jid are shown at ca. 32°40′N, 39°35′E in the Times Atlas.
Monticola sharpei salomonseni Farkas
Monticola sharpei salomonseni Farkas, 1973: 147 (Sianaka forest, eastern Madagascar).
Now Monticola sharpei salomonseni Farkas, 1973. See Goodman and Weigt, 2002.
AMNH 412287, adult male, collected in the Sianaka forest, eastern Madagascar, in May 1929, on the Mission Zoologique Franco-Anglo-Américaine à Madagascar.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. It is difficult to determine paratypes, as Farkas (1973: 147) did not list his specimens individually. However, he visited AMNH and had access to the specimens. He considered Monticola sharpei (G.R. Gray) a full species and synonymized M. imerina interioris Salomonsen with it, both being representatives of the large highland population. This left the the small lowland birds without a name, for which Farkas provided M. sharpei salomonseni. He referred to Salomonsen (1934) for wing measurements of salomonseni (which Salomonsen called “sharpei”). Salomonsen (1934: 207, 212) listed specimen localities for “sharpei” and noted that the specimens on which he based his paper were in BMNH and MHNP and were collected on the 1929–1931 Mission Zoologique Franco-Anglo-Américaine; these specimens are paratypes of M. s. salomonseni Farkas. The remaining third of the specimens from that expedition are in AMNH and I found eight from the listed localities, with five additional ones from the type locality that had come to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. All of these would have been available to Farkas and are paratypes of salomonseni: AMNH 412285, 412286, 412288, and 580868–580872, all from Sianaka forest; AMNH 412276 and 412277, from Fanovana; and AMNH 412289–412291, from near Andapa. There may be others that Farkas considered specimens of salomonseni.
The holotype and paratypes AMNH 412285, 412286, and 412288 appear to have been acquired from Herschell-Chauvin during the 1929–1931 Mission Zoologique (Rand, 1936: 156), as they were cataloged with that collection but have only a rough paper label with minimal data. Rand said that most of Herschell-Chauvin's material dated near the time of the expedition's visit came from the Sianaka Forest in the vicinity of Fito and Didy. Carleton and Schmidt (1990: 9) discussed this locality and gave the coordinates as ca. 18°05′S, 48°30′E.
The various generic and specific treatments of these Madagascar rock-thrushes are summarized and the results of their molecular studies given by Goodman and Weigt (2002). Dickinson (2003: 688) recognized the genus Pseudocossyphus for sharpei and placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Monticola bensoni Farkas
Monticola bensoni Farkas, 1971: 85 (Ankarefu, Antinosy Cy., S. W. Madagascar).
Now Monticola bensoni Farkas, 1971. See Goodman and Weigt, 2002.
AMNH 580865, adult male, collected at Ankarefo, Antinosy Cy., Madagascar, by Joseph Thomas Last. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Farkas cited the AMNH numbers of the holotype and the paratype, AMNH 580866, an adult female collected by Last at the same locality. Only these two specimens came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection.
The collector's name as written on the Rothschild label appears to be “Zaast” and was so published by Farkas. In a fascinating piece of ornithological detective work, Collar and Tattersall (1987) and Collar (1999) have uncovered details of Last's travels and the collecting date and locality coordinates of the two specimens listed above. They showed that Ankarefo (modern spelling) was at about 23°21′S, 44°48′E and that the type material was collected in either 1891 or 1892. They also listed a bibliography of five articles written by Last about his travels and collections in Madagascar. Rothschild apparently bought specimens, either from Last directly or through a dealer. The name on the Rothschild label must have been misinterpreted from a list accompanying the specimens.
See Goodman and Weigt (2002) for the results of their molecular studies and a summary of previous taxonomic treatments. Dickinson (2003: 688) treated bensoni as a subspecies of Pseudocossyphus sharpei and placed it in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Monticola rufocinerea sclateri Hartert
Monticola rufocinerea sclateri Hartert, 1917b: 459 (Wasil, 4000 ft.).
Now Monticola rufocinereus sclateri Hartert, 1917. See Clement, 2000: 198.
AMNH 577456, adult male, collected at Wasil, 4000 ft, Yemen, on 4 March 1913, by G. Wyman Bury (no. 475). From the Rothschild Collection.
Bury's field number of the type was given in the original description. Hartert had six males, including the type, and one female of sclateri. Of the six paratypes, four males and one female came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection: AMNH 577457–577461.
Dickinson (2003: 688) treated Monticola in the subfamily Saxicolinae, family Muscicapidae.
Bury (in Sclater, 1917: 136) described Wasil as a “half-ruined caravanserai … perched on a spur of the main heights at 4200 feet”, between Hajeilah and Menakha (= Manākhah), at ca. 15°01′N, 43°41′E (R. Dowsett, personal commun.). It is shown on the map in Sclater (1917: opposite p. 131).
Petrocossyphus Gourcyi Brehm
Petrocossyphus Gourcyi Brehm, 1831: 370 (lebt in Italien und Oestreich).
Now Monticola saxatilis (Linnaeus, 1766). See Hartert, 1918a: 34, and Clement, 2000: 195.
AMNH 457632, adult male, captured with a female near Trieste, 45°39′N, 13°47′E (Times Atlas), Italy, died in captivity 20 June 1826. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
Brehm did not say how many specimens he had. but the above specimen was designated the lectotype by Hartert (1918a: 34). It is one of two specimens now in AMNH labeled gourcyi by Brehm and collected before the description was published. The second specimen is paralectotype AMNH 457633, a male collected at Triest on 4 October 1826.
According to Hartert (1918a: 34), this lectotype had been in the possession of Count Gourcy-Droitaumont when it died.
Petrocossyphus polyglottus Brehm
Petrocossyphus polyglottus Brehm, 1831: 370 (Sie lebt on der Südseite der Alpen, wahrscheinlich bei Triest).
Now Monticola saxatilis (Linnaeus, 1766). See Hartert, 1918a: 33, and Clement, 2000: 195.
AMNH 457630, adult male, died 11 November 1824, in Vienna. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
Otto Kleinschmidt had gone to Renthendorf in 1896 to examine the Brehm Collection before its purchase by Rothschild (Hartert, 1901b: 39). At that time he had found the Brehm label bearing the name Petrocossyphus polyglottus in Brehm's hand loose in the collection and had matched it with the above specimen. A note to this effect, signed by Kleinschmidt and dated August 1896, is attached to the skin. Hartert (1918a: 33) thought that this was correctly done, that the specimen matched Brehm's description, and that it had probably been a cage bird in the possession of Count Gourcy-Droitaumont like the previous form. The bird is sexed on the label as an adult winter male and is in first winter plumage with many feathers showing pale buff tips with darker subterminal spots or bars, the head is blue, and there is a small amount of white on the back. It had been mounted and had possessed glass eyes, now missing. It is the only Brehm specimen labeled polyglottus, now in AMNH, that was collected early enough to have been Brehm's type. Nevertheless, there remains a question about reattachment of the label.
Molecular data on Monticola saxatilis are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Monticola cyanus transcaspicus Hartert
Monticola cyanus transcaspicus Hartert, 1909b: 43 (Sirax).
Now Monticola solitarius longirostris (Blyth, 1847). See Ripley, 1964: 139, and Clement, 2000: 206–207.
AMNH 577118, unsexed [male plumage], collected at Serakhs (= Sirax), 36°34′N, 61°14′E (Times Atlas), Turkmenia, on 21 March 1905, by an unknown collector. From the Rothschild Collection.
The holotype, bearing the Rothschild type label, was identified in the original description by the number 19111, which is on the Rothschild Collection label but not on the original label. As Rothschild specimens were not routinely numbered, this appears to have been derived from the date as given on the original label: The “19” and “05” of the year were separated by the day and month written as a fraction. This resulted in the “19” of the year being juxtaposed to the “III” for March. Hartert (1920: 475) noted that this date was probably based on the Russian calendar and that the specimen had been bought from Schlüter.
Hartert did not say how many specimens he examined. There are three paratypes from the Rothschild Collection apparently collected by the same person (the date is written in the same distinctive way as that of the type, and they were collected within a few days of each other, but the Rothschild label does not bear a number derived from this): AMNH 577119, 27 March 1905, Sirax; AMNH 577120, 4 March 1905, and AMNH 577121, 14 March 1905, Feruse nr. Aschabad.
Arrenga blighi Holdsworth
Arrenga blighi Holdsworth, 1872: 444 (Nuwara Eliya, and Ceylon Hills).
Now Myophonus blighi (Holdsworth, 1872). See Clement, 2000: 210.
AMNH 590302, adult male, collected in the “Ceylon Hills” at 4000 ft, in February 1866, by Samuel Bligh; and AMNH 590303, juvenile female, collected at Nuwara Eliya, 06°58′N, 80°46′E (Times Atlas), Sri Lanka, on 27 June 1870, by E. Holdsworth. From the Rothschild Collection.
Holdsworth based his description on two specimens but did not designate a type. One was the above juvenile female, collected by Holdsworth at Nuwara Eliya on 27 June 1870 (not July 1870). The second specimen was one previously collected in “the hills” by Samuel Bligh, for whom the taxon was named. Bligh had sent this specimen to “Mr. Master of Norwich”, but Holds worth had seen this specimen and apparently added it to his collection. Both of these specimens have Holdsworth Collection labels and are marked “type”, apparently in Holdsworth's hand. There is no record of when the specimens came to Rothschild, but they were not listed by Hartert in any of his lists of types in the Rothschild Collection and had not previously been included in the AMNH type collection. Both were illustrated in the original description, plate XIX.
Contra Ripley (1964: 140), Legge (1878– 1880: 464) did not “correct” the type locality to Lemastota oya, 4200 ft, Haputale District. Legge pinpointed Bligh's collecting locality as “at an altitude of about 4200 feet, in forest on the banks of the Lemastota oya, which descends through the magnificent gorge below the Pite-Ratmalie Estate, Haputale, to the town of Lemas”. Legge also gave the collecting locality of Holdsworth's specimen, as well as his own specimens, collected later. The Lemastota oya is at 06°43′N, 80°59′E (USBGN, 1960) and Haputale is at 06°46′N, 80°59′E (Times Atlas). The correct spelling of the genus is Myophonus (Deignan, 1965: 3–4; Dickinson, 2001: 29).
Myiophoneus borneensis Slater
Myiophoneus borneensis Slater, 1885: 124 (Bungal Hills near Sarawak).
Now Myophonus borneensis Slater, 1885. See Collar, 2004a: 81–84.
AMNH 590347, unsexed immature, collected at Tegora, Sarawak, Malaysia, undated. From the Henry H. Slater Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
The original description was based on a single “juvenile” specimen; the Slater label is marked “Type”.
The Slater Collection label bears the name “H.H. Everett” in the lower right corner. This has been marked out and then “ok” added above in the same ink as the rest of the label. The specimen was collected by Harold H. Everett (brother of Alfred H. Everett, see Sharpe, 1906: 349), probably purchased by W.A. Harvey, from whom Slater received it. There is no original label present. That it was collected by Harold Everett is confirmed by A.H. Everett (1889: 98), who gave the collecting locality as Tagora. This is spelled Tegora by Smythies (1957: 715) and was said to be 8 mi south of Bau (01°25′N, 110°10′E, Times Atlas). The “Bungal Hills” mentioned in the original description seem never to have been exactly placed, but it is perhaps the “Buntal” mentioned by A.H. Everett (1889: 93) as being within 15 miles of Kuching (01°32′N, 110°20′E, Times Atlas).
Most recent authors (e.g., Deignan, 1965: 3–4, Clement, 2000: 212, and Dickinson, 2003: 659) have considered borneensis a subspecies of Myophonus glaucinus. See Collar (2004a: 81–84) for reasons to consider it a full species.
Geomalia heinrichi Stresemann
Geomalia heinrichi Stresemann, 1931a: 11 (Latimodjong-Gebirge, 2800 m.).
Now Geomalia heinrichi heinrichi Stresemann, 1931. See Clement, 2000: 219–220.
AMNH 292716, adult female, collected at 2800 m in the Latimojong Mountains, 03°30′S, 120°05′E (USBGN, 1982b), Sulawesi I., Indonesia, on 6 July 1930, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 797). From the Heinrich Expedition 1930.
Stresemann cited Heinrich's field number of the holotype in the original description but did not say how many specimens he examined. Later, Stresemann (1940: 115) listed 17 specimens. There are seven paratypes in AMNH: AMNH 292712– 292715 and 292717–292719. Stresemann (1931a: 10) also described the genus Geomalia here. Collar (2004b: 18) discussed the relationships of Geomalia. For comments on the deposition of specimens from this expedition, see Heinrichia calligyna.
The Latimojong Mountains are northeast of Enrekang, 03°33′S, 119°46′E (Times Atlas). Heinrich (1932) described this expedition in his book, Der Vogel Schnarch.
White and Bruce (1986: 327) and Dickinson (2003: 660) did not recognize subspecies in this species.
Geomalia heinrichi matinangensis Stresemann
Geomalia heinrichi matinangensis Stresemann, 1931c: 82 (Matinang-Gebirge: Ile-Ile, 1700 m.).
Now Geomalia heinrichi matinangensis Stresemann, 1931. See Clement, 2000: 219–220.
AMNH 292723, adult male, collected at Ile-Ile, 1700 m, Matinan (= Matinang) Mountains, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, on 17 November 1930, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 2837). From the Heinrich Expedition 1930.
Stresemann cited Heinrich's field number of the holotype in the original description but did not say how many specimens were collected. Later, Stresemann (1940: 115) listed 19 specimens. There are six paratypes in AMNH: AMNH 292720– 292722, and 292724–292726. For comments on the deposition of specimens from this expedition, see Heinrichia calligyna.
White and Bruce (1986: 327) and Dickinson (2003: 660) did not recognize subspecies in this species. Collar (2004b: 18) discussed the relationships of Geomalia. Matinan is at 01°04′N, 121°40′E (USBGN, 1982b).
Geocichla dumasi Rothschild
Geocichla dumasi Rothschild, 1899b: 30 (Mt. Mada, Buru (3000 feet)).
Now Zoothera dumasi (Rothschild, 1899). See Collar, 2004a: 71–75.
AMNH 576271, adult male, collected on Mt. Mada, 3000 ft, ca. 03°15′S, 126°10′E, Buru I., Indonesia, in August 1898, by J.M. Dumas. From the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert (1900a: 239) noted that only one specimen was collected; the holotype is illustrated on plate 4, figure 3, in the original description. Most recent authors (e.g., White and Bruce, 1986: 332, Clement, 2000: 221–222, and Dickinson, 2003: 660) have considered the species Zoothera dumasi to comprise two subspecies, dumasi and joiceyi; but see Collar (2004a: 71–75) for reasons to consider them separate species.
Alfred Everett, who was already suffering from his fatal illness, sent his assistant, J.M. Dumas, to collect on Buru. Mt. Mada is called Kapala Madang on some maps.
This name was published on 27 February 1899, not 1898. It was in the report of the meeting held on 15 February 1899, correctly given, but the date of publication is a misprint.
Turdus joiceyi Rothschild and Hartert
Turdus joiceyi Rothschild and Hartert, 1921: 74 (Ceram).
Now Zoothera joiceyi (Rothschild and Hartert, 1921). See Collar, 2004a: 71–75.
AMNH 576277, unsexed adult, collected on Seram I. (= Ceram I.), 03°00′S, 129°00′E (USBGN, 1982b), Indonesia, by the Pratt brothers. From the Rothschild Collection.
The description was based on a single specimen, still the only one in collections (Collar, 2004a: 71), although the species was seen twice by Stresemann during his expedition to Seram (Rothschild and Hartert, 1921: 74).
The Pratt brothers collected insects for J.J. Joicey on New Guinea and many islands in Indonesia. Information gleaned from publications on these collections in The Bulletin of the Hill Museum places the Pratt brothers in central Seram at or near Manusela, 3000– 6000 ft (ca. 03°12′S, 129°36′E), October 1919–February 1920. The actual collecting locality of the specimen had not previously been known, as the original label is only a small piece of lined paper bearing the word “Ceram” (LeCroy, 2003a; Collar, 2004a: 71–75).
Bowler and Taylor (1989: 23–24) reported seeing three individuals at 1280 m in Manusela National Park, probably quite near the type locality. They pointed out that the birds they saw differed in plumage from that given in White and Bruce (1986: 332). In fact, neither the original description nor that in White and Bruce corresponds very well with the actual type specimen. Bowler and Taylor's description fits the actual specimen much more closely: “The upperparts from the crown and nape through to rump and tail were concolorous warm olive-brown. The same colour on the lesser and median wing coverts contrasted with the black greater wing coverts, secondaries and primaries. A large white spot was very prominent on the alula. The face, forehead, ear coverts and sides of the neck, through to the chin, throat, foreneck and breast were black. By contrast the belly was white but irregularly and broadly barred black, the bars thicker on the flanks, thinning out and disappearing mid-ventrally. The undertail coverts were noticeably pure with no trace of black.” White and Bruce said that the undertail coverts were black; however, in the original description, Rothschild and Hartert noted that the undertail coverts were black at the base with broad white tips. The effect in the skin is to see only white undertail coverts. Also apparent on the skin, but not mentioned by any of the above, are the indistinct narrow bars of alternating black and warm brown on the feathers of the back, wing coverts, and tail. This is very obscure and would probably not be noticeable in the field (see also LeCroy, 2003a). Clement (2000: 222) also reported a 1996 sighting of seven individuals in northeastern Seram.
Collar (2004a: 71–75) discussed the status of this form and gave reasons for according it full species status. Most recent authors have considered joiceyi a subspecies of Zoothera dumasi (Hartert, 1928: 217, Coates et al., 1997: 424, Clement, 2000: 221–222, and Dickinson, 2003: 660).
The Pratt brothers were Felix, Charles, and either James (Talbot, 1920: 398) or Joseph (Thomas, 1920: 422), depending on whose account one reads.
Geocichla dohertyi Hartert
Geocichla dohertyi Hartert, 1896d: 555 (Lombok).
Now Zoothera dohertyi (Hartert, 1896). See White and Bruce, 1986: 332–333, and Clement, 2000: 225.
AMNH 576282, adult male, collected on Lombok I., 5000 ft, 08°45′S, 116°30′E (USBGN, 1982b), Indonesia, in June 1896, by William Doherty. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert did not indicate how many specimens he examined, but described males, females, and young and indicated that Lombok was the type locality. Hartert (1920: 476) later listed as lectotype an adult male collected on Lombok at 5000 ft in June 1896. AMNH 576282, the specimen with the Rothschild type label, is the only specimen in the type series that bears these data. Paralectotypes in AMNH are: (1) those collected on Lombok I. in June 1896: AMNH 576283, immature male, 5000 ft; AMNH 576284, adult male, 3000 ft; AMNH 576285, adult male, 4000 ft; AMNH 576286, immature female, 4000 ft; and (2) those collected at Tambora, 3000 ft, Sumbawa I. in April–May 1896 (Hartert, 1896e: 566): AMNH 576295, female; AMNH 576296, immature female; AMNH 576297, adult female. All were collected by William Doherty; specimens collected by Alfred Everett on Lombok in June and July 1896 were received later and were not part of the type series (Hartert, 1896f: 591).
This species was illustrated on plate 11, figure 3, in the original description (Hartert, 1896d).
Geocichla audacis Hartert
Geocichla audacis Hartert, 1899a: 43 (Dammar Island, in the south of the Banda Sea).
Now Zoothera peronii audacis (Hartert, 1899). See Hartert, 1920: 476, White and Bruce, 1986: 333, and Clement, 2000: 228–229.
AMNH 576396, adult male, collected at Wulur, 07°09′S, 128°39′E (Times Atlas), Damar Island, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, on 4 November 1898, by Heinrich Kühn (no. 983). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description the number of specimens examined was not indicated, although both male and female were described; no type was designated. Hartert (1920: 476) designated the above specimen the lectotype by giving Kühn's unique field number. Eight additional specimens in AMNH, collected by Kühn at Wulur in October–December 1898, are paralectotypes: AMNH 576394, 576395, 576397–576402.
Turdus citrina amadoni Biswas
Turdus citrina amadoni Biswas, 1951: 661 (Chanda, Chanda district, Central Provinces).
Now Zoothera citrina cyanota (Jardine and Selby, 1828). See Ripley, 1964: 147, Ali and Ripley, 1998: 91, Clement, 2000: 230–231, and Dickinson, 2003: 660.
AMNH 576384, adult male, collected at Chanda, 19°58′N, 79°21′E (Times Atlas), Maharashtra, India, on 10 April 1867, by Henry J. Elwes. From the Rothschild Collection.
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. Biswas based his description on six males and three females from the Central Provinces, Orissa, and northeastern Madras Province. None of these specimens, other than the holotype, is in the AMNH collections.
David and Gosselin (2002a: 29) noted that usage treats such names as cyanota as latinized adjectives, not as nouns in apposition, and as such must agree in gender with the name of the genus.
Turdus citrinus aurimacula Hartert
Turdus citrinus aurimacula Hartert, 1910c: 236 (Hoihow).
Now Zoothera citrinus aurimacula (Hartert, 1910). See Clement, 2000: 230.
AMNH 576450, adult male, collected at Hai-k'ou (= Hoihow), 20°05′N, 110°25′E (Times Atlas), Hainan Island, China, on 13 March 1902, by Zensaku Katsumata for Alan Owston. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert designated as the type a male from Hoihow collected on 13 March 1902. He listed 11 specimens in his type series, only one of which was collected at Hoihow, but the 1903 date given in the list was incorrect. The number “40” or “40B” appears on the field label of each of these specimens and does not represent a unique number for each specimen. Of the 10 paratypes, nine came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection: AMNH 576451–576459. One male from Mt. Wuchi, collected in November 1906, did not come to AMNH.
Geocichla major Ogawa
Geocichla major Ogawa, 1905: 178 (Amami-Ōshima).
Now Zoothera major (Ogawa, 1905). See Clement, 2000: 257–258, 262.
AMNH 576118 (Ogawa no. 1406, Owston no. 2), adult male, collected at Naganeyama, on 7 September 1904; AMNH 576122 (1252, 92), adult female, collected at Asatomura, on 27 December 1904; and AMNH 576123 (1411, 7), adult female, collected at Narikawayama, on 15 December 1904. All were collected by M. Osa and T. Osada on Amami-Ōshima, 28°19′N, 129°25′E (Seltzer, 1962: 57), Ryukyu Islands, Japan.
Ogawa (1905: 178) did not designate a type but had a type series comprising 10 specimens from various localities on Amami-Ōshima. Hartert did not treat this taxon in any of his lists of types in the Rothschild Collection. Seven Amami-Ōshima specimens came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection and are possibly syntypes. Of these, three are definitely syntypes and are the specimens listed above.
As in other cases where Ogawa had examined specimens collected by Owston's collectors (see Merula celaenops yakushimensis for a discussion), the numbers listed by Ogawa in his description had at one time appeared on the Owston Japanese labels, written in red pencil. Three of these numbers are still legible, and all of the published data agree with the original labels. Only “Amami-Ōshima” appears as the locality on the Owston English label, but I am grateful to Merle Okada for translating the place names written in Japanese. The data on the other four specimens also agree with the published data of four specimens, but the red numbers are either illegible or are not present. They are probably also syntypes, but it is not possible to be sure: AMNH 576119 (Owston no. 3), adult male, collected at Yamadayama, on 9 September 1904; AMNH 576120 (5), adult male, collected at Asatomura, on 11 December 1904; AMNH 576121 (4), adult male, collected at Tokuchiyama, on 11 December 1904; and AMNH 576124 (6), adult female, collected at Nakaneyama, on 10 September 1904. All were taken on Amami-Ōshima by the same collectors.
E. Dickinson (personal commun.) has told me that, of the three remaining specimens, Ogawa no. 125, collected 1 January 1905, is now YIO 30642.
Hartert (1910a: 643) included major as a subspecies of Turdus dauma, and in such a combination major is preoccupied by Turdus major Brehm, 1831. Hartert (1921–1922: 2155) provided Turdus dauma amami as a nomen novum. Usually a junior secondary homonym replaced before 1961 is permanently invalid. However, in this case major becomes available when the population is placed in Zoothera because “the substitute name is not in use and the relevant taxa are no longer considered congeneric” (ICZN, 1999: 62, Art. 59.3).
Turdus dauma eichhorni Rothschild and Hartert
Turdus dauma eichhorni Rothschild and Hartert, 1924: 52 (St. Matthias Island).
Now Zoothera heinei eichhorni (Rothschild and Hartert, 1924). See Clement, 2000: 266–267.
AMNH 576164, adult male, collected on Mussau (= St. Matthias) Island, 01°25′S, 149°40′E (USBGN, 1943), St. Matthias Islands, New Ireland Prov., Papua New Guinea, on 31 May 1923, by Albert F. Eich horn (no. 8480). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Rothschild and Hartert gave Eichhorn's unique field number of the holotype and measurements for six males and two females (including the type). Those eight specimens and a ninth considered missexed and not measured came to AMNH. The eight paratypes are: AMNH 576165–576172. Hartert (1924a: 273) said that Eichhorn had sent 11 specimens, a discrepancy I am unable to explain.
Coates (1990: 56) treated eichhorni as a subspecies of Zoothera dauma. Schodde and Mason (1999: 640–645) and Clement (2000: 257–258, 266–267) discussed various treatments of the Zoothera dauma complex of species.
Turdus dauma choiseuli Hartert
Turdus dauma choiseuli Hartert, 1924a: 273 (Choiseul Island).
Now Zoothera heinei choiseuli (Hartert, 1924). See Clement, 2000: 266–267, and Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 390.
AMNH 576163, adult female, collected on Choiseul Island, Solomon Islands, on 13 January 1904, by Albert S. Meek (no. A1148). From the Rothschild Collection.
The description of choiseuli was based on a single specimen, which had been listed earlier (Rothschild and Hartert, 1905: 265) under Geocichla papuensis as a possible new subspecies. See Schodde and Mason (1999: 640–645) for a discussion of various treatments of the Zoothera dauma complex of species.
Parker (1967: 132) traced Meek's collecting localities on Choiseul using Meek's contemporary correspondence with Rothschild (now in BMNH), and information gleaned later by the AMNH Whitney South Sea Expedition (now in AMNH, Department of Ornithology Archives). On 13–14 January 1904, Meek was collecting in the coastal lowlands west of the Tukutu (sic) River, near Taora. Parker noted that “It was here that one of Meek's boys shot the holotype of Zoothera dauma eichhorni [sic, error for choiseuli Hartert] …”. Taora is at 07°24′S, 157°29′E; the Tukuku River at 07°25′S, 157°28′E (USBGN, 1974).
Turdus lunulatus dendyi Mathews
Turdus lunulatus dendyi Mathews, 1912a: 340 (Victoria).
Now Zoothera lunulata lunulata (Latham, 1802). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 644, and Clement, 2000: 264–265.
AMNH 576138, adult male, collected at Sassafras, 37°52′S, 145°22′E (R. Schodde, personal commun.), Victoria, Australia, on 3 September 1910. From the Mathews Collection (no. 5936) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews Catalogue number was given in the original description, but with no indication of how many specimens he examined; according to his catalog, he acquired a single specimen of “Oreocichla lunulata” from [Thomas Henry] Tregellas. See Schodde and Mason (1999: 640–645) and Clement (2000: 264–265) for discussions of various taxonomic treatments.
Browning and Monroe (1991: 385–386) provided reasons for using 1802 rather than 1801 for the publication date of Zoothera l. lunulata.
Turdus talaseae Rothschild and Hartert
Turdus talaseae Rothschild and Hartert, 1926: 53 (Talasea, New Britain).
Now Zoothera talaseae talaseae (Rothschild and Hartert, 1926). See Coates, 1990: 57–58, Clement, 2000: 267–268, and Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 390.
AMNH 576173, adult female, collected near Talasea (05°20′S, 150°05′E, Papua New Guinea General Reference Map, 1984), 1900 ft, Willaumez Peninsula, West New Britain Prov., Papua New Guinea, on 12 February 1925, by Albert F. Eichhorn (no. 9920). From the Rothschild Collection.
A single specimen, taken from the nest, was collected by Eichhorn. For a full account of this collection, see Hartert (1926). In this publication the species name is incorrectly spelled talasea, and this spelling has been followed by various authors. See Schodde and Mason (1999: 640–643) for a discussion of species in the Zoothera dauma complex.
Turdus margaretae Mayr
Turdus margaretae Mayr, 1935: 4 (San Cristobal, Solomon Islands (1900 ft.)).
Now Zoothera margaretae margaretae (Mayr, 1935). See Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 390.
AMNH 228058, adult female, collected on Makira (= San Cristobal), 1900 ft, Solomon Islands, on 18 December 1929, by William F. Coultas, Walter J. Eyerdam, and Ernst Mayr on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 38809).
In the original description, Mayr cited the AMNH number of the holotype but did not say how many specimens he had. Mayr (1936a: 14) enlarged on his original description and listed an adult male and female and an immature male and female in addition to the holotype and noted that all of the specimens were collected near the village of Hunogaraha. Paratypes are AMNH 228056, 228057, 228059, and 228060. The journals of Coultas (vol. V: 233–234) and Eyerdam (vol. U: 10–11, unpublished journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Department of Ornithology, AMNH) gave the location of their camp as 15 mi inland from the east coast at Kira Kira (10°30′S, 161°55′E, Times Atlas).
Schodde and Mason (1999: 641) and Dickinson (2003: 662) treated margaretae as a subspecies of Z. talaseae.
Amalocichla sclateriana occidentalis Rand
Amalocichla sclateriana occidentalis Rand, 1940b: 1 (Lake Habbema, 9 km. northeast, altitude 2800 meters, Snow Mountains, Netherland New Guinea).
Now Amalocichla sclateriana occidentalis Rand, 1940. See Coates, 1990: 187.
AMNH 305660, adult male, collected 9 km northeast of Danau (= Lake) Habbema, ca. 04°10′S, 138°39′E, 2800 m, Pegungan Maoke (= Snow Mountains), Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 16 October 1938, by Richard Archbold, Austin L. Rand, and William B. Richardson on the 1938–1939 Archbold New Guinea Expedition (no. 7427).
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. The type series consisted of an adult male (the holotype) and paratypes AMNH 340317, immature male, AMNH 340318, female, from Lake Habbema, and AMNH 340319, adult female from the Ibele (= Bele) River (sent to MZB on 7 May 1957).
The 1938–1939 Archbold New Guinea Expedition was a joint expedition with Netherlands Indies personnel and was known as the Nederlandisch Indisch–Amerikaansche Expeditie.
It is generally conceded that Amalocichla is not a member of the Turdidae. See Olson (1987), Sibley and Monroe (1990: 444), and Coates (1990: 187) for discussions of affinities of this genus, placed by Olson (1987) in the Acanthizidae, and by Sibley and Monroe and by Coates in the Eopsaltriidae. Bock (1994: 153, 210) showed that Petroicidae as a family name has clear priority over Eopsaltriidae.
Amalocichla incerta olivascentior Hartert
Amalocichla incerta olivascentior Hartert, 1930b: 85 (Wondiwoi Mountain, 1900 m.).
Now Amalocichla incerta olivascentior Hartert, 1930. See Coates, 1990: 187.
AMNH 591941, adult female, collected in Pegunungan Wondiwoi, 1900 m, 02°40′S, 134°35′E (USBGN, 1943: 267), Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 14 July 1928, by Ernst Mayr (no. 1517). From the Rothschild Collection.
The description was based on the single specimen listed above. See the previous taxon for references to discussions of affinities of this genus.
Mayr (1930: 24) landed at Wasior, 02°38′S, 134°27′E (Times Atlas), and entered the mountains from there.
Cataponera turdoides Hartert
Cataponera turdoides Hartert, 1896a: 70 (Bonthain Peak).
Now Cataponera turdoides turdoides Hartert, 1896. See White and Bruce, 1986: 330–331, and Clement, 2000: 273.
AMNH 587319, adult female, collected above Tasoso, 6000 ft, Bonthain Peak, southern Sulawesi, Indonesia, in October 1895, by collectors for Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.
No type was designated in the original description, but the type series was said to comprise “several specimens from Bonthain Peak, 6000 feet and above”. Hartert (1920: 487) designated the only adult female in the series as the lectotype. Paralectotypes are: AMNH 587320, immature female; AMNH 587321 and 587322, adult males.
The genus Cataponera was described at this time, with C. turdoides as the type species. Collar (2004b: 18–19) discussed the affinities of Cataponera.
J.M. Dumas, Everett's assistant (Hartert, 1896b: 150), had his headquarters at Tasoso and collected on Bonthain Peak from there. Tasoso, 4000 ft, is given as the collecting locality on the reverse of Everett's label in what seems to be Dumas' hand. Everett has noted the locality on the front of the label as Bonthain Peak, 6000 ft. According to Everett (in Hartert, 1896b: 149), his collectors worked mostly between 6000 and 7000 feet on Buah Kraiing, a peak near and only slightly lower than the highest peak, Lampo Batang (= Lompobattang, 05°22′S, 119°58′E, Times Atlas).
Cataponera turdoides tenebrosa Stresemann
Cataponera turdoides tenebrosa Stresemann, 1938a: 46 (Latimodjong-Gebirge, 2400 m).
Now Cataponera turdoides tenebrosa Stresemann, 1938. See White and Bruce, 1986: 330– 331, and Clement, 2000: 273.
AMNH 461237, immature male, Latimojong Mountains, 2400 m, 03°30′S, 120°05′E (USBGN, 1982b), Sulawesi, Indonesia, on 19 June 1930, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 646).
In the original description, Stresemann gave Heinrich's unique field number of the holotype and said that it was in AMNH. Apparently Heinrich collected a single specimen (Stresemann, 1940: 94).
Heinrich (1932) described this expedition in his book, Der Vogel Schnarch.
Cataponera turdoides heinrichi Stresemann
Cataponera turdoides heinrichi Stresemann, 1938a: 46 (Tanke Salokko im Mengkoka-Gebirge, 2000 m).
Now Cataponera turdoides heinrichi Stresemann, 1938. See White and Bruce, 1986: 330–331, and Clement, 2000: 273.
AMNH 461238, adult female, collected on Tanke Salokko, 2000 m, Gunung Menkongga (= Mengkoka Mts.), 03°39′S, 121°15′E (Times Atlas), southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, on 22 December 1931, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 6180).
In the original description, Stresemann gave Heinrich's unique field number of the holotype and said that it was in AMNH. Heinrich (in Stresemann, 1940: 95) collected one adult female, the holotype, and one immature female, the paratype, said by Stresemann (1931a: 9) to be in ZMB.
In his book concerning this trip, Heinrich (1932: 185) noted that he, his wife, and his sister-in-law landed at Wawo and inquired about the peak labeled “Mengkoka” on maps, only to find that residents had names only for the two highest peaks in the Mengkoka Mts., Masembo and Tanke Salokko. They set out for the latter of these on 13 December 1931. In the 22 December entry, he noted collecting the Cataponera.
Phaeornis palmeri Rothschild
Phaeornis palmeri Rothschild, 1893: 67 (Kauai).
Now Myadestes palmeri (Rothschild, 1893). See Clement, 2000: 281.
AMNH 574077, adult female, collected at Halemanu, Kauai I., Hawaii, on 21 March 1891, by Henry C. Palmer (no. 926). From the Rothschild Collection.
Rothschild's type series comprised the holotype, and two juvenile paratypes collected at Hanemanu in 1893: AMNH 574078 (Palmer no. 2189) and AMNH 574079 (Palmer no. 2193). The holotype is in very poor condition, having been carried off by a rat and later recovered by Palmer (Munro, 1960: 78).
The date of collection was given as 21 March by Rothschild in the original description, but Palmer's label is dated 24 March. Reference to Rothschild's (1900: 2 Di) ré sumé of Palmer's diary explains the discrepancy. The new Phaeornis was collected on 21 March. On the morning of 24 March he missed the specimen and suspected rats. So he “crawled all under the cottage on [his] stomach, and finally succeeded in finding it in a rat's hole, although much damaged, yet partly preserved. They had indeed not touched one of the common birds! I am glad nobody heard the prayers uttered for the benefit of the rats.”
Catharus gracilirostris bensoni Griscom
Catharus gracilirostris bensoni Griscom, 1924a: 7 (Cerro Flores, 6000 ft., eastern Chiriqui, Panama).
Now Catharus gracilirostris accentor Bangs, 1902. See Hellmayr, 1934: 476, and Clement, 2000: 295.
AMNH 182905, adult male, collected on Cerro Flores, 5500 ft, eastern Chiriquí, Panama, on 17 March 1924, by Ludlow Griscom (no. 249) and J. Manson Valentine.
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. There were two specimens in the type series, with the paratype being AMNH 182912, a female. The validity of this subspecies is discussed by Wetmore et al. (1984: 165), who recognized it.
Griscom (1924b) showed Cerro Santiago, 08°34′N, 81°42′W (Times Atlas), on the map accompanying the popular account of his trip and thought that Cerro Flores was perhaps 10 mi east of that peak.
Catharus melpomene albidior Miller and Griscom
Catharus melpomene albidior Miller and Griscom, 1925: 2 (between Jinotega and San Rafael del Norte, Nicaragua (alt. 3000 ft.)).
Now Catharus aurantiirostris costaricensis Hellmayr, 1902. See Hellmayr, 1934: 472, and Clement, 2000: 297.
Catharus griseiceps russatus Griscom
Catharus griseiceps russatus Griscom, 1924a: 6 (Boruca, Costa Rica).
Now Catharus aurantiirostris russatus Griscom, 1924. See Clement, 2000: 297.
AMNH 102293, adult male, collected at Boruca, 09°00′N, 83°20′W (Selander and Vaurie, 1962: 23), Puntarenas, Costa Rica, on 30 April 1906, by Cecil F. Underwood.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Paratypes are: AMNH 102292, adult male from Boruca; AMNH 78047–78050, two adult males, one adult female, and one unsexed specimen from Boquete, Chiriquí, Panama; and AMNH 77650, juvenile male from Boquete (although the label is printed Boqueron, locality on the field label is Boquete). These are all of the specimens listed by Griscom; specimens of this taxon from Boquete that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection were not in AMNH in 1924 and thus have no standing as types.
Catharus aurantiirostris inornatus Zimmer
Catharus aurantiirostris inornatus Zimmer, 1944: 404 (San Gil, Santander, Colombia).
Now Catharus aurantiirostris inornatus Zimmer, 1944. See Clement, 2000: 298.
AMNH 409864, adult male, collected at San Gil, 06°33′N, 73°08′W (Paynter, 1997: 387), Santander, Colombia, in June 1939, by Hermano Nicéforo Maria (= Brother Nicéforo Maria).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. The two paratypes, also from San Gil, were said by Zimmer (1944: 408) to be in the Cú cuta (Colombia) Museum.
Catharus aurantiirostris insignis Zimmer
Catharus aurantiirostris insignis Zimmer, 1944: 406 (near San Augustín [sic], Huila, Colombia; altitude 5000 feet).
Now Catharus aurantiirostris insignis Zimmer, 1944. See Clement, 2000: 298.
AMNH 116959, adult male, collected near San Agustín, 5000 ft, 01°53′N, 76°16′W (Paynter, 1997: 378), Huila, Colombia, on 14 April 1912, by Leo E. Miller (no. 2446).
Zimmer (1944: 406–408) gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and noted that he had two paratypes: AMNH 116958, male from Andalucia, and AMNH 116960, female from near San Agustín. The Bogota skin that Zimmer doubtfully assigned to insignis is AMNH 503862 but is not a paratype (ICZN, Art. 74.4.1).
Catharus berlepschi Lawrence
Catharus berlepschi Lawrence, 1888: 503 (western Ecuador, Cayandeled).
Now Catharus fuscater fuscater (Lafresnaye, 1845). See Hellmayr, 1934: 465, Clement, 2000: 299, and Ridgely and Greenfield, 2001: 659–660.
AMNH 39096, adult male, collected at Cayandeled, ca. 02°07′S, 78°59′W (Paynter, 1993: 34), Chimborazo, Ecuador, on 23 January 1883, by Siemiradski (no. 407). From the Berlepsch Collection via the George N. Lawrence Collection.
Lawrence noted that his collection was in AMNH and based his description on a single specimen that had been sent to him by Berlepsch, who had identified it as Catharus fuscater.
This specimen bears five labels. The original Siemiradski field label gives the data cited above. The second label is a Berlepsch Museum label with information copied from the field label and “J. de Siemiradzki” listed as the collector. This initial is written in longhand and could be an “F”, but Berlepsch and Taczanowski (1883: 536–537) listed his name as “Joseph Siemiradzki”, usually spelled as above in English publications, and noted that his specimens were deposited in the Berlepsch Collection. The reverse of this label is marked “N. Species. Type–” in Lawrence's hand. The third label is of plain cardboard and is handwritten by Lawrence “Collection of Geo. N. Lawrence. H. von Berlepsch”. The fourth label is the AMNH Lawrence Collection label with AMNH 39096 and “Type”; and the fifth label is the AMNH type label.
The specimen listed above is the only one Lawrence had. It was part of the second collection made by Stolzmann and Siemiradski in Ecuador, reported on by Berlepsch and Taczanowski (1884), who described Cayandeled on p. 283. Siemiradski spelled this type locality “Cayandelè” on the original label.
The date of publication of this name was cited as 1887 by Hellmayr (1934: 465), but it was published in signature 32 of the Proceedings of the USNM, on 6 August 1888, and was so listed on p. viii of the introductory material for the volume.
Catharus fuscater caniceps Chapman
Catharus fuscater caniceps Chapman, 1924: 14 (Palambla, 5000–6500 ft., Dept. Piura, Peru).
Now Catharus fuscater caniceps Chapman, 1924. See Clement, 2000: 299.
AMNH 175530, adult male, collected at Palambla, 5000–6500 ft, 05°23′S, 79°37′W (Stephens and Traylor, 1983: 153), Piura, Peru, on 16 September 1922, by Harry Watkins (no. 6011).
Catharus frantzii waldroni Phillips
Catharus frantzii waldroni Phillips, 1969: 616 (6 km northeast of San Rafael del Norte, 1,370– 1,520 m alt, northern Nicaragua).
Now Catharus frantzii waldroni Phillips, 1969. See Dickerman and Parkes, 1997: 221, who questioned its validity.
AMNH 144420, adult female; AMNH 144421, adult male; and AMNH 144422, adult female, collected at San Rafael del Norte, 4500–5000 ft, 13°12′N, 86°06′W (Times Atlas), Nicaragua, on 29 March 1917, by Waldron DeWitt Miller (nos. 210 and 211) and William B. Richardson (no. 202).
Phillips cited the AMNH numbers of the syntypes in the original description. He apparently had three males and three females of waldroni, but his listing of the three syntypes excludes the other three specimens from the type series (ICZN, Art. 72.4.6)
Clement (2000: 302) did not mention this subspecies, but he apparently considered it a synonym of C. f. alticola.
Catharus frantzii wetmorei Phillips
Catharus frantzii wetmorei Phillips, 1969: 615 (Boquete, Chiriquí, Panama).
Now Catharus frantzii wetmorei Phillips, 1969. See Wetmore et al., 1984: 158, Dickerman and Parkes, 1997: 221, and Clement, 2000: 302.
Catharus mexicanus cantator Griscom
Catharus mexicanus cantator Griscom, 1930: 4 (Finca Sepacuite (3500 ft.), about 50 miles east of Coban, Vera Paz, Guatemala).
Now Catharus mexicanus cantator Griscom, 1930. See Clement, 2000: 203.
AMNH 396410, adult male, collected at Finca Sepacuité, 15°29′N, 89°52′W (Selander and Vaurie, 1962: 57), Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, on 26 May 1925, by Alfred W. Anthony (no. 2137). From the Dwight Collection (no. 60329).
Griscom cited the Dwight Collection number in the original description. Of C. m. cantator, he listed four males (including the holotype) and one female. The four paratypes are: AMNH 396409 (Dwight no. 60328), adult male, from Finca Sepacuité; AMNH 396411 (63499), adult female (not male), from Barillos; MCZ 146456 (60327), adult male, and MCZ 146457 (60330), adult female, both from Finca Sepacuité (D. Causey, personal commun.).
Anthony (in Griscom, 1932: 417 and no. 35 on map) placed Finca Sepacuité 40 mi east of Coban, 15°28′N, 90°20′W (Times Atlas).
Turdus graueri Neumann
Turdus graueri Neumann, 1908a: 56 (Nsasa).
Now Turdus pelios graueri Neumann, 1908. See Urban et al., 1997: 39.
AMNH 576861, adult female, collected at Nsaza (= Nsasa), 02°08′S, 30°26′E (Chapin, 1954: 713), Rwanda, on 11 July 1907, by Rudolf Grauer (no. 732). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Neumann listed the type as a female in the Rothschild Collection, collected by Grauer at Nsasa on 11 July 1907, and gave the range as the “Countries between the Kagera River and Lake Kivu”, describing both male and female. This would include all of the specimens collected in June and July 1907 by Grauer and originally identified as graueri. The above holotype is the only female collected at Nsasa on 11 July. Paratypes in AMNH are AMNH 576862–576868. AMNH 576857, originally identified as T. pelios centralis and collected at Urigi Lake by Grauer in 1907, is not a paratype.
Clement (2000: 326–329, 333–337) treated centralis as a subspecies of T. pelios and graueri as a subspecies of T. olivaceus, whereas both centralis and graueri are treated as subspecies of T. pelios by Keith and Urban (1992) and Urban et al. (1997: 39).
Turdus olivaceus williami White
Turdus olivaceus williami White, 1949: 57 (Kansoku forest, Mwinilunga, Northern Rhodesia).
Now Turdus pelios stormsi Hartlaub, 1886. See White, 1962: 152, and Urban et al., 1997: 39.
AMNH 388219, adult male, collected at Kansoku forest, Mwinilunga, Zambia, on 31 July 1948, by Sakayombo for Charles M.N. White. Gift of C.M.N. White.
White designated the above specimen the holotype in the original description. He had a single paratype which is not in AMNH. Dowsett (1980: 9) discussed this type locality with White, who told him that specimens with this locality were collected on a “stream where the Mwinilunga plateau slopes rather sharply to the drainage of the Lusongwa River. The Kansoko [sic] Stream exactly fits this description, and is a tributary of the Lusongwa; the type-locality would be at about 12°14′S., 24°10′E.”
Keith and Urban (1992) discussed the various treatments of the Turdus olivaceus species complex. Clement (2000: 333–336) recognized both williami and stormsi and included them in Turdus olivaceus.
The date on the AMNH type label has been miscopied as 21 March; 31 July is the date on the original label.
Turdus olivaceus bambusicola Neumann
Turdus olivaceus bambusicola Neumann, 1908a: 56 (Bamboo forest, Western Kivu Volcanoes).
Now Turdus olivaceus bambusicola Neumann, 1908. See Urban et al., 1997: 35, and Clement, 2000: 334.
AMNH 576748, adult female, collected in the foothills of the western volcanoes, 2300 m, Kivu, Congo (Kinshasa), on 23 August 1907, by Rudolf Grauer (no. 1076). From the Rothschild Collection.
Neumann described the type in the Rothschild Collection as a female from Bamboo forest, 2300–2400 m, collected on 23 August 1907 by Grauer. He did not say how many specimens he had but described both male and female. The above specimen is the only specimen collected on 23 August 1907. Paratypes are: AMNH 576749– 576752.
Ripley (1964: 183) treated bambusicola as a subspecies of T. abyssinicus.
Turdus milanjensis uluguru Hartert
Turdus milanjensis uluguru Hartert, 1923b: 6 (Bagito, Uluguru Mts., Tanganyika Territory).
Now Turdus olivaceus nyikae Reichenow, 1904. See Ripley, 1964: 183, Urban et al., 1997: 35, and Clement, 2000: 336.
AMNH 576655, adult female, collected at Bagilo (= Bagito), 07°00′S, 37°42′E (Chapin, 1954: 643), Uluguru Mts., Tanzania, on 4 May 1922, by Arthur Loveridge (no. R7323). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, the type was said to be a female collected at “Bagito” on 4 May 1922 by Arthur Loveridge. This specimen is now AMNH 576655, listed above. Hartert also noted that Loveridge collected a male on 8 June 1922. That specimen is now AMNH 576654 and it is the paratype. Later, by mistake Hartert (1928: 216) listed the type as a male but gave the correct date of 4 May; also, the Rothschild type label was attached to the wrong specimen. A small piece of the Rothschild type label has been left on this specimen, another label being added to explain the mistake, and an AMNH type label has been put on the correct specimen.
AMNH 202632 and 202633, collected by Loveridge at “Bagito” in June 1922, were part of a collection purchased directly from Loveridge by AMNH in 1924 and are not paratypes.
The collecting locality of these specimens is spelled “Bagito” on the field label, but Loveridge (1923: 899) spelled it “Bagilo”.
Ripley (1964: 183) included nyikae in T. abyssinicus.
Turdus merula cabrerae Hartert
Turdus merula cabrerae Hartert, 1901c: 313 (Tenerife).
Now Turdus merula cabrerae Hartert, 1901. See Hartert, 1920: 477, and Clement, 2000: 352– 353.
AMNH 574931, adult male, collected at Mercedes, Tenerife, Canary Islands, on 20 February 1901, by Curt Floer icke (no. 1250). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Tenerife was given as the type locality, but no type specimen was listed. Later, Hartert (1920: 477) designated Floericke's specimen no. 1250 as the lectotype. During his short stay in the Canary Islands, Hartert (1901c: 335) collected a few birds and bought others from Floericke (in Santa Cruz, according to a note on the Rothschild type label). A second Floericke (no. 1182) specimen, AMNH 574932, adult male collected at Mercedes on 9 January 1901, is a paralectotype.
Molecular studies of Turdus merula are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Turdus merula mauritanicus Hartert
Turdus merula mauritanicus Hartert, 1902b: 323 (Mhoiwla bei Mazagan).
Now Turdus merula mauritanicus Hartert, 1902. See Urban et al., 1997: 54, and Clement, 2000: 352.
AMNH 574998, adult male, collected at Mehuila (= Mhoiwla), Morocco, on 3 February 1902, by Fritz Wilhelm Riggenbach. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert said only that the type was from “Mhoiwla” and that he had a series of 15 specimens (males and females) from that locality, with the main distinguishing feature being in the color of the female. Measurements were not given for individual specimens. Hartert (1910a: 668–669) did not mention a type. Later, Hartert (1920: 477) designated as the lectotype a male collected on 3 February 1902 by Riggenbach and noted the corrected spelling of the type locality.
Both AMNH 574998, the above male, and AMNH 574999, a female, were collected on 3 February 1902 at “Mhoiwla” by Riggenbach, and both bear a Rothschild type label. They are the only two specimens collected by him on that date. Perhaps Hartert's designation of the male as the lectotype was a slip of the pen. Because both specimens have always been included in the type collection at AMNH, and because the distinguishing feature occurs in the female, the female remains there with an added label to explain the error.
Of the 14 paralectotypes, only 10 came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection: AMNH 574999–575005 and 575008– 575010. The remainder were perhaps exchanged to other collections by Rothschild. Two further specimens, AMNH 575006 and 575007, were collected by Riggenbach at “Mhoiwla” in 1903, after the description was published; they have no type status.
Hartert (1902a: 311–316) himself visited Mehuila and described his trip inland from Mazagan (33°16′N, 08°30′W, Seltzer, 1962: 1172) as a five hour ride on muleback to “Mhoiwla”, a flat fertile valley on the banks of the “Oum Rbiah” (= Oum er Rbia). The Oum er Rbia reaches the ocean at Azemmour, 9 mi ENE of Mazagan (Seltzer, 1962: 132).
Molecular studies of Turdus merula are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Turdus merula brodkorbi Koelz
Turdus merula brodkorbi Koelz, 1939: 67 (Farakar, Afghanistan).
Now Turdus merula intermedius (Richmond, 1896). See Vaurie, 1959: 403, and Clement, 2000: 355.
AMNH 466153, adult female, collected at Farkhar (= Farakar), 36°39′N, 69°43′E (Times Atlas), Afghanistan, on 6 July 1937, by Walter Koelz.
The holotype is the only specimen collected at Farkhar. The eight paratypes listed by Koelz are AMNH 466145– 466152.
Molecular studies of Turdus merula are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Turdus nigrorum Ogilvie-Grant
Turdus nigrorum Ogilvie-Grant, 1896a: 544 (volcano of Canloon, from 5000 to 6000 feet, Negros).
Now Turdus poliocephalus nigrorum Ogilvie-Grant, 1896. See Dickinson et al., 1991: 321, and Clement, 2000: 361, 364.
AMNH 575412, adult male (B.432), 13 April 1896; AMNH 575413, adult male (B.418), 12 April 1896; AMNH 575414, adult male (B.417), 12 April 1896; AMNH 575415 (now DMNH 11125), adult male (B.431), 13 April 1896; AMNH 575416, adult female (B.427), 13 April 1896; AMNH 575417, adult female (B.428), 13 April 1896; AMNH 575418, immature, unsexed (B.426), 13 April 1896. All were collected by John Whitehead, whose field number follows the sex determination above, on Canlaon (= Canloon) Volcano, 10°25′N, 123°08′E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 417), Negros I., Philippines. From the Rothschild Collection.
These types were not listed by Hartert in any of his Rothschild type lists. AMNH 575415 was exchanged with DMNH. A male syntype is also held by BMNH, Reg. no. 1897.5.13.413 (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 385).
Ogilvie-Grant (1896a) mentioned Turdus nigrorum on p. 526, where it is a nomen nudum.
Turdus celebensis hygroscopus Stresemann
Turdus celebensis hygroscopus Stresemann, 1931b: 44 (Latimodjong-Gebirge 2800 m.)
Now Turdus poliocephalus hygroscopus Stresemann, 1931. See Clement, 2000: 362, 364.
AMNH 292823, adult male, collected in the Latimojong Mountains, 2800 m, 03°30′S, 120°05′E (USBGN, 1982b), Sulawesi, Indonesia, on 5 July 1930, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 777). From the Heinrich Expedition 1930.
In the original description, Stresemann gave Heinrich's field number of the holotype, described males and females, but did not say how many specimens were collected. Fifteen paratypes were cataloged in AMNH: AMNH 292819–292822 and 292824–292834. Dr. Leonard C. Sanford sent AMNH 292820 to Prof. Sarasin in Basel on 25 October 1932 and AMNH 292826 to R. Meinertzhagen on 10 February 1933. For comments on the deposition of specimens from this expedition, see Heinrichia calligyna.
Turdus poliocephalus sterlingi Mayr
Turdus poliocephalus sterlingi Mayr, 1944: 135, 155 (Mt. Ramelan (2600 meters); Portuguese Timor).
Now Turdus poliocephalus sterlingi Mayr, 1944. See White and Bruce, 1986: 334, and Clement, 2000: 362, 364.
AMNH 308001, adult male, collected on Mt. Ramelan, 2600 m, Timor, Indonesia, on 1 May 1932, by Georg Stein (no. 4278). From the Stein Expedition to Timor and Sumba, 1931–1932.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Mayr (1944: 135) noted six males from Mt. Ramelan of the new subspecies that he described more fully on p. 155. According to an agreement (housed in the Archives, Dept. of Ornithology, AMNH) between J. Sterling Rockefeller, who supported the expedition, and Erwin Stresemann, ZMB, the birds collected by Georg Stein and his wife, Clara, were to be divided between ZMB and AMNH, with a “representative group” to go to Lisbon in return for permission to collect in what was then Portuguese Timor. Four specimens, in addition to the holotype, were cataloged at AMNH: AMNH 345800– 345803. Of these, AMNH 345800 and 345802 were sent to ZMB, after World War II, in 1956. One specimen that was not cataloged was sent to Lisbon. These five specimens are paratypes.
Stein did not write an account of this expedition, as his home and all of his notebooks and belongings were lost in World War II (Stresemann, 1967: 186–187).
Turdus deningeri Stresemann
Turdus deningeri Stresemann, 1912a: 4 (Gŭnŭng, Pinaia, Ceram, 7500 feet).
Now Turdus poliocephalus deningeri Stresemann, 1912. See White and Bruce, 1986: 334, and Clement, 2000: 358, 364.
AMNH 575419, adult male, collected on Gunung Binaia (= G. Pinaia), 7500 ft, ca. 03°12′S, 129°29′E, Seram Island, Indonesia, on 18 August 1911, by Erwin Stresemann (no. 903). From the II. Freiburger Molukken-Expedition via the Rothschild Collection.
The field number of the holotype was given in the original description. Stresemann (1914: 25–26) noted that the types and most of the specimens he collected on the II. Freiburger Molukken-Expedition were deposited in the Rothschild Collection (also see LeCroy, 1995: 170). Five males, three females, and two immatures were collected by Stresemann (1914: 133) on Gunung Binaia. Besides the holotype, AMNH received with the Rothschild Collection two adult males, two immature males, and two females (AMNH 575420–575425), all paratypes. The whereabouts of the remaining three specimens are not known.
Turdus poliocephalus carbonarius Mayr and Gilliard
Turdus poliocephalus carbonarius Mayr and Gilliard, 1951: 7 (Mt. Wilhelm, Bismarck Mountains, Central Highlands, Mandated Territory of New Guinea).
Now Turdus poliocephalus erebus Mayr and Gilliard, 1952. See below.
AMNH 348208, adult male, collected on Mt. Wilhelm, 11,500 ft, 05°46′S, 144°59′E (Times Atlas), Bismarck Mountains, Simbu Prov., Papua New Guinea, on 10 June 1950, by E. Thomas Gilliard.
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. Measurements were given of one male and four females from Mt. Wilhelm and Mt. Hagen (Mayr and Gilliard, 1951: 7). In addition, four juvenile specimens were collected on the two mountains in 1950. These eight paratypes are: females, AMNH 705043 (unsexed on the label), AMNH 705044, 705045, and 705047; juvenile males, AMNH 705040 and 705046; and unsexed juveniles, AMNH 705041 and 705042. See also Mayr and Gilliard (1954: 344–345). AMNH 705044 was sent to AM in 1953.
The name Turdus poliocephalus carbonarius Mayr and Gilliard, 1951, was found to be preoccupied by Turdus carbonarius Lichtenstein, 1823 (= Platycichla flavipes Vieillot, 1818), and Turdus poliocephalus erebus was supplied as a new name (Mayr and Gilliard, 1952: 7). E. Dickinson (personal commun., 2004) and R. Schodde (personal commun., 2004) have pointed out that T. carbonarius Lichtenstein and T. poliocephalus carbonarius are primary homonyms and that the junior name is permanently invalid (ICZN, 1999: 59, Art. 57.2) if it has been replaced prior to 1961, as it was in this case. Thus, Ripley (1964: 176) was incorrect in using T. p. carbonarius when he recognized Platycichla as a genus separate from Turdus. Previously, no one seems to have caught this error and authors who have followed Ripley (1964: 176) have used T. p. carbonarius (e.g., Sibley and Monroe, 1990: 515; Clement, 2000: 360; Dickinson, 2003: 668). Most New Guinea authors (e.g., Rand and Gilliard, 1967: 331 and Coates, 1990: 56) have used the replacement name, Turdus poliocephalus erebus Mayr and Gilliard, 1952, correctly, but without comment.
Turdus poliocephalus tolokiwae Diamond
Turdus poliocephalus tolokiwae Diamond, 1989: 59 (Tolokiwa).
Now Turdus poliocephalus tolokiwae Diamond, 1989. See Clement, 2000: 360, 364.
AMNH 818431, adult male, collected on Tolokiwa Island, 1300 m, 05°23′S, 147°37′E (Times Atlas), Siassi Archipelago, Morobe Prov., Papua New Guinea, on 16 August 1972, by Jared M. Diamond (no. 2810).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description, and measurements were given for six males (including the holotype) and 13 females. Paratypes are AMNH 836154–836158, males, AMNH 836159–836171, females, and AMNH 836172–836178, immature male and unsexed specimens that were part of the same collection but not listed in the description.
Turdus melanarius heinrothi Rothschild and Hartert
Turdus melanarius heinrothi Rothschild and Hartert, 1924: 53 (St. Matthias Island).
Now Turdus poliocephalus heinrothi Rothschild and Hartert, 1924. See Coates, 1990: 56, Clement, 2000: 360, 364, and Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 390.
AMNH 575398, adult male, collected on Mussau (= St. Matthias) Island, 01°25′S, 149°40′E (USBGN, 1943), St. Matthias Islands, New Ireland Prov., Papua New Guinea, on 9 July 1923, by Albert F. Eich horn (no. 8647). From the Rothschild Collection.
Eichhorn collected a single specimen (Hartert, 1928: 217), still the only one known. Hartert (1924a: 261–278) reported in full on Eichhorn's collection and inexplicably noted “Wings 111 to 112” for heinrothi.
Turdus poliocephalus bougainvillei Mayr
Turdus poliocephalus bougainvillei Mayr, 1941b: 6 (Bougainville Island).
Now Turdus poliocephalus bougainvillei Mayr, 1941. See Coates, 1990: 56, Clement, 2000: 360, 364, and Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 390.
AMNH 226229, adult male, collected near the village of Kupei (ca. 06°10′S, 155°30′E), Bougainville Island, Solomon Islands, on 20 January 1928, by Guy Richards (no. 379) on the Whitney South Sea Expedition.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Mayr (1941b: 6) noted that the “typical series of this form” was collected near Kupei, five hours walk from Kieta, and that “Later on Hamlin collected two additional specimens … on the slope of Mt. Balbi”. Their measurements were given separately, and Mayr noted differences, but considered them too slight to justify naming. I interpret this to mean that only the Kupei specimens are part of the type series. The expedition was at Kupei from 31 December 1927 through 1 February 1928; the altitude at which the thrush was obtained was 4000–5000 ft (unpubl. journal of Hannibal Hamlin, vol. S, Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Dept. of Ornithology, AMNH). Paratypes are AMNH 226224–226232 and 226234– 226239. AMNH 226233 and 226240, the Mt. Balbi specimens, were collected 22 and 24 April 1928 and are not considered paratypes.
Turdus poliocephalus kulambangrae Mayr
Turdus poliocephalus kulambangrae Mayr, 1941b: 6 (Kulambangra Island).
Now Turdus poliocephalus kulambangrae Mayr, 1941. See Clement, 2000: 360, 364, and Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 390.
AMNH 226253, adult male, collected on Kolombangara (= Kulambangra) Island, Solomon Islands, on 30 September 1927, by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 28380).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Only two specimens were collected. The paratype is a subadult male, AMNH 226254.
The France was anchored in Ariel Cove on the west side of Kolombangara on 30 September 1927 (unpubl. journal of Frederick P. Drowne, vol. P, journals of the Whitney South Sea Expedition, Archives, Dept. of Ornithology, AMNH) and camps were made at higher altitudes inland from there. Ariel Cove is now called Meresu Cove, 08°02′S, 156°59′E (USBGN, 1956b).
Turdus poliocephalus rennellianus Mayr
Turdus poliocephalus rennellianus Mayr, 1931b: 21 (Rennell Island).
Now Turdus poliocephalus rennellianus Mayr, 1931. See Clement, 2000: 360, 364, and Mayr and Diamond, 2001: 390.
AMNH 226493, adult male, collected on Rennell Island, Solomon Islands, on 28 May 1930, by Hannibal Hamlin, William F. Coultas, and Walter J. Eyerdam on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 40214).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Mayr (1931b: 22) did not say how many specimens he examined but noted that all were collected in August 1928 and May 1930. Paratypes are AMNH 226241–226251, 226480–226492, and 226494–226503. I did not find AMNH 226481.
The France was anchored in Lughu Bay (= Kunggava Bay, ca. 11°46′S, 160°13′E) during both visits to Rennell Island by the Whitney South Sea Expedition (Mayr and Hamlin, 1931: 3).
Turdus poliocephalus placens Mayr
Turdus poliocephalus placens Mayr, 1941b: 5 (Vanua Lava Island, Banks Islands).
Now Turdus poliocephalus placens Mayr, 1941. See Bregulla, 1992: 222, and Clement, 2000: 361, 364.
AMNH 216298, adult male, collected on Vanua Lava Island, ca. 13°55′S, 167°30′E, Banks Islands, Vanuatu, on 10 November 1926 (not 1941), by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 23710).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Mayr did not list his specimens, but five collected by the Whitney South Sea Expedition on Vanua Lava were cataloged at AMNH. The four paratypes are: AMNH 216297, 216299, 216300, and 223934. Two specimens from Ureparapara (= Bligh) Island, Banks Islands, were treated separately and are not part of the type series even though they were tentatively placed in T. p. placens.
Turdus poliocephalus whitneyi Mayr
Turdus poliocephalus whitneyi Mayr, 1941b: 5 (Gaua Island, Banks Islands).
Now Turdus poliocephalus whitneyi Mayr, 1941. See Bregulla, 1992: 222, and Clement, 2000: 360, 364.
Turdus poliocephalus malekulae Mayr
Turdus poliocephalus malekulae Mayr, 1941b: 5 (Malekula Island, New Hebrides).
Now Turdus poliocephalus malekulae Mayr, 1941. See Bregulla, 1992: 222, and Clement, 2000: 361, 364.
AMNH 214418, adult male, collected on Malakula (= Malekula) Island, Vanuatu, on 23 August 1926, by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 22253).
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. The paratypes are: AMNH 214414–214417 and 214441–214445. AMNH 213128 was given to ZMB in July 1936 and would not have been seen by Mayr. Specimens from Ambrym and Pentecost were treated as possibly different subspecies but were not named. These specimens are not considered paratypes.
On 23 August 1926, the France was anchored in Bushman Bay, on the east coast of Malakula at ca. 16°10′S, 167°30′E.
Turdus poliocephalus becki Mayr
Turdus poliocephalus becki Mayr, 1941b: 4 (Mai Island, New Hebrides).
Now Turdus poliocephalus becki Mayr, 1941. See Bregulla, 1992: 222, and Clement, 2000: 360, 364.
Turdus poliocephalus efatensis Mayr
Turdus poliocephalus efatensis Mayr, 1941b: 4 (Efate Island, New Hebrides).
Now Turdus poliocephalus efatensis Mayr, 1941. See Bregulla, 1992: 222, and Clement, 2000: 360, 364.
AMNH 213152, subadult male, collected on Efate Island, Vanuatu, on 24 June 1926 by Rollo H. Beck on the Whitney South Sea Expedition (no. 21120).
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. Paratypes are: Efate Island, AMNH 213143– 213151, 213153–213155, 213167, and 223929; Nguna Island, AMNH 213129.
On 24 June 1926, the France was anchored in Undine Bay on the north coast of Efate, at ca. 17°33′S, 168°20′E.
Turdus poliocephalus hades Mayr
Turdus poliocephalus hades Mayr, 1941b: 4 (Ngau Island, Fiji).
Now Turdus poliocephalus hades Mayr, 1941. See Clement, 2000: 359, 365, and Watling, 2001: 147.
Merula celaenops yakushimensis Ogawa
Merula celaenops yakushimensis Ogawa, 1905: 180 (Mt. Miyanouradake, Yakushima).
Now Turdus celaenops Stejneger, 1887. See Committee for Check-List of Japanese Birds, 2000: 213, 305–306, and Clement, 2000: 375–376.
AMNH 575677, adult male, collected on Mt. Miyanoura dake, 1666– 2000 m, 30°22′N, 130°35′E (Times Atlas), Yakushima, Japan, on 21 October 1904, by M. Osa and T. Osada for Alan Owston of Yokohama (no. 1843), Ogawa no. 1257. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Ogawa did not designate a type but listed a type series of four adult males and three adult females from Mt. Miyanoura dake. Four males and two females came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. Hartert (1920: 476) designated the male specimen collected on 21 October 1904 as the lectotype; this collecting date is unique in the series (including the specimen that did not come to AMNH, see below).
Ogawa (1905: 181) listed a number for each specimen, 1254–1260, that had been written on the Owston Japanese label in red pencil but not copied onto the Owston English label, where a different set of numbers had been recorded. The red numbers have faded over the years and some are no longer readable. However, in the case of the six specimens of this taxon that came to AMNH, the numbers can be matched with the dates in Ogawa's list. Ogawa's wing measurements are consistently 3–4 mm shorter than mine, when I measure the wing unflattened.
The following paralectotypes are at AMNH: AMNH 575678 (Owston number 1841, Ogawa red number 1255), adult male, 16 October 1904; AMNH 575679 (1838, 1256), male, but in immature plumage and published as a female, 19 October 1904; AMNH 575680 (1842, 1259), adult male, 19 October 1904 (incorrectly copied on the English Owston label as 19 September); AMNH 575681 (1839, 1260), adult female, 18 October 1904; and AMNH 575682 (1840, 1254), adult female, 16 October 1904.
The whereabouts of the seventh specimen is not known. It would be a male collected on 18 October 1904 and bearing Ogawa's no. 1258 and Owston labels.
Turdus obsoletus Brehm
Turdus obsoletus Brehm, 1862: 391 (Japan).
Now Turdus pallidus Gmelin, 1789. See Hartert, 1910a: 655, and Clement, 2000: 372.
AMNH 575955, adult male, collected in Japan. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert (1910a: 655) listed this name in the synonymy of Turdus pallidus, but he did not treat it in his list of Brehm types in the Rothschild Collection (Hartert, 1918a) or in any of his other lists of types in the Rothschild Collection. The above specimen does, however, bear a Rothschild type label, and obsoletus is written on the original Brehm label in Brehm's hand. Brehm did not say how many specimens he had and there is no date of collection on this specimen; however, it is almost certain that he possessed it when he described this form in 1862 and unlikely that it was added between that date and his death in 1864 (Hartert, 1918a: 5).
Turdus obsoletus Brehm, September 1862, is preoccupied by Turdus obsoletus Lawrence, February, 1862 (= Turdus obsoletus obsoletus).
Turdus seyffertitzii Brehm
Turdus seyffertitzii Brehm, 1824: 972 (Ahlsdorf).
Now Turdus obscurus Gmelin 1789. See Hartert, 1918a: 33, and Clement, 2000: 369.
AMNH 576049, male “pr. auct.” (= primo auctumno, first autumn), collected at Ahlsdorf bei Wittenberg, 51°53′N, 12°39′E (Times Atlas), Germany, on 30 September 1823, by Freiherr von Seyffertitz. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
Brehm had a single specimen with data as above, and identified as seffertitzii in Brehm's hand. The specimen was formerly mounted. I have not seen the original description of this form; however, Brehm (1862: 390) said: “Das beschriebene Männchen wurde bei Ahlsdorf unweit Herzberg in Sachsen im September 1823 gefangen und mir von dem Freiherrn von Seyffertitz gütigst übersandt.”
Turdus juniperorum Brehm
Turdus juniperorum Brehm, 1828: col. 74 (Ahlsdorf) .
Now Turdus pilaris Linnaeus, 1758. See Hartert, 1918a: 33, and Clement, 2000: 387.
AMNH 574323, adult male, collected at Ahlsdorf near Wittenberg, 51°53′N, 12°39′E (Times Atlas), Germany, on 20 July 1824, by Freiherr von Seyffertitz. From the Brehm Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
The above specimen was designated the lectotype by Hartert (1918a: 33), who noted that 1828 was the first date of publication of the name juniperorum. AMNH 574328, labeled juniperorum by Brehm, is a paralectotype. Other specimens collected before 1828 and exchanged to ZMB, if labeled juniperorum by Brehm, may also be paralectotypes.
Molecular studies of Turdus pilaris are reported by Wink et al. (2002a, 2002b).
Turdus auritus conquisitus Bangs
Turdus auritus conquisitus Bangs, 1921: 591 (Li-Chiang, Snow Mountains, 10,000 feet, Yunnan).
Now Turdus mupinensis Laubmann, 1920. See Ripley, 1964: 206, and Clement, 2000: 396.
AMNH 143452, adult female, collected at Li-Chiang, 26°51′N, 100°16′E (Times Atlas), Snow Mountains, 10,000 ft, Yunnan, China, on 16 November 1916, by Roy Chapman Andrews and Edmund Heller on the Asiatic Zoological Expedition (no. 394).
Bangs had a single specimen. Cheng (1987: 643) gave this type locality as “Xueshan, Lijiang River”.
Turdus auritus Verreaux, 1871, was found to be preoccupied by Turdus auritus Gmelin, 1789, and Laubmann (1920: 17) provided T. mupinensis as a nomen novum.
[Turdus philomelos clarkei Hartert]
Hartert (1909c: 54) described T. p. clarkei, listing the type as a male, collected on the Tring estate on 16 May 1902 and housed in the Rothschild Museum. This specimen came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection and was cataloged as AMNH 450911. It was presented to BMNH on 21 September 1936 with other types of British Isles birds from the Rothschild Collection. It is now BMNH Reg. no. 1936.10.15.12 (see Warren and Harrison, 1971: 121). Now Turdus philomelos clarkei Hartert, 1909 (Cramp, 1988: 989).
Turdus fuscater quindio Chapman
Turdus fuscater quindio Chapman, 1925: 1 (Laguneta, alt. 10,300 ft., Central Andes, Colombia).
Now Turdus fuscater quindio Chapman, 1925. See Clement, 2000: 406.
AMNH 109119, adult male, collected at Laguneta, 10,300 ft, ca. 04°35′N, 75°30′W (Paynter, 1997: 225), Quindío, Colombia, on 18 May 1911, by Frank M. Chapman and Louis A. Fuertes.
The AMNH number was given in the original description. Chapman (1925: 1) reported that he had 63 specimens of quindio, perhaps not including the holotype. There are now 58 paratypes in AMNH and 5 additional ones exchanged with MCZ in 1928 from the 17 localities Chapman listed:
Central Andes
Santa Elena: AMNH 134042–134047
Barro Blanco: AMNH 134030
Rió Toché: AMNH 112597, 112599, 112600
Laguneta: AMNH 109120, 112586–112591, 112593
Santa Isabel: AMNH 112594
Almaguer: AMNH 116955
West Andes
Paramillo: AMNH 134031–134034, 134039– 134041
Cerro Munchique: AMNH 109925, 109927– 109930; exchanged to MCZ in 1928, AMNH 183608, 183609, 183615
Cocal: AMNH 109931–109933
Mojanda Mts.: AMNH 173494
Pinchincha: AMNH 124852–124854
Pallatanga: AMNH 173491, 173492
Upper Sumaco: AMNH 183610–183614
Rió Upano: AMNH 180979
Oyacachi: AMNH 176202, 180622–180624, 180626, 180627; exchanged to MCZ in 1928, AMNH 176201, 180625
Below Papallacta: AMNH 180628
Above Baeza: AMNH 173837, 173838, 176204, 180620
I do not consider the following specimens paratypes: three specimens exchanged to other museums long before the description was published (Laguneta: AMNH 112592 to FMNH in July 1919; Paramillo: AMNH 134035 to FMNH in July 1919, AMNH 134037 to DZSA in March 1917); two specimens exchanged to USNM at an unknown date, but probably well before this name was published (Santa Isabel: AMNH 112595, and Paramillo: AMNH 134038); two specimens exchanged to the Brooklyn Museum in July 1923 and returned to AMNH in 1935, when their bird collection was donated to AMNH (Cerro Munchique: AMNH 109926, later recataloged as AMNH 439342, and Rió Toché: AMNH 112596, later recataloged as AMNH 439341). Rothschild Collection specimens from relevant localities were received after the description was published and are not paratypes.
Turdus fuscater ockendeni Hellmayr
Turdus fuscater ockendeni Hellmayr, 1906b: 91 (Limbani, Carabaya, 9500 feet).
Now Turdus fuscater ockendeni Hellmayr, 1906. See Clement, 2000: 406–407.
AMNH 503565, adult male, collected at Limbani, 9500 ft, 14°08′S, 69°42′W (Stephens and Traylor, 1983: 118), Puno, Peru, on 21 March 1904, by George R. Ockenden (no. 675a). From the Rothschild Collection.
Hellmayr cited Ockenden's unique number in the original description and said that the type was in the Rothschild Collection. He did not say how many specimens he studied, but three additional specimens from the Rothschild Collection that would have been available to Hellmayr are paratypes: AMNH 503566 from Limbani, and AMNH 503567 and 503568 from Marcapata.
Planesticus fuscobrunneus Chapman
Planesticus fuscobrunneus Chapman, 1912: 158 (Cerro Munchique, alt. 8325 ft., western Andes, west of Popayan, Cauca, Colombia).
Now Turdus serranus fuscobrunneus (Chapman, 1912). See Clement, 2000: 409.
AMNH 109923, adult female, collected on Cerro Munchique, 8325 ft, 02°32′N, 76°57′W (Paynter, 1997: 289), Cauca, Colombia, on 27 May 1911, by William B. Richardson.
Turdus roraimae duidae Chapman
Turdus roraimae duidae Chapman, 1929: 23 (Mt. Duida, alt. 6200 ft., Venezuela).
Now Turdus olivater duidae Chapman, 1929. See Clement, 2000: 413–414.
AMNH 245934, adult male, collected at the Desfiladero Camp, ca. 03°19′N, 65°35′W (Paynter, 1982: 53) on Mt. Duida, 6200 ft, Amazonas, Venezuela, on 15 January 1929, by the Olalla Brothers on the Tyler Duida Expedition.
Chapman gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description. Twenty paratypes were cataloged: AMNH 247261–247280. Of these, AMNH 247261 was exchanged to USNM in 1930; AMNH 247269 and 247270 were sent as a gift to MCZ from Sidney F. Tyler, Jr.; and AMNH 247275 and 247278 were exchanged to CP in 1940.
For further description of collecting localities and the avifauna of Mt. Duida, see Chapman (1931).
Planesticus caucae Chapman
Planesticus caucae Chapman, 1914: 182 (La Sierra, alt. 6300 ft., Central Andes, Cauca, Colombia).
Turdus olivater caucae (Chapman, 1914). See Clement, 2000: 413–414.
AMNH 116938, adult male, collected at La Sierra, 6800 ft, 02°10′N, 76°45′W (Paynter, 1997: 241), Cauca, Colombia, on 1 March 1912, by Arthur A. Allen and Leo E. Miller (no. 2020).
Chapman gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description. There are three paratypes, all from La Sierra: AMNH 116935–116937. In the original description, the altitude was listed as 6300 ft; however, the AMNH label is printed with an altitude of 6800 ft and the field label is also stamped with this figure, although the numbers are indistinct and could be misinterpreted as 6300 ft.
Ridgely and Tudor (1989: 118) suggested that caucae may prove to be a distinct species.
Turdus falcklandii mochae Chapman
Turdus falcklandii mochae Chapman, 1934: 3 (Mocha Island, Chile).
Now Turdus falcklandii mochae Chapman, 1934. See Clement, 2000: 417.
AMNH 387422, adult male, collected on Mocha Island, 38°22′S, 73°56′W (Paynter, 1988: 158), Arauco, Chile, on 5 December 1932, by D.S. Bullock (no. 1562).
Chapman gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description. There are two paratypes: AMNH 387420 and 387421.
Ripley (1964: 215) synonymized mochae with T. f. magellanicus.
Turdus plebejus rafaelensis Miller and Griscom
Turdus plebejus rafaelensis Miller and Griscom, 1925: 4 (San Rafael del Norte (4300 ft.), Nicaragua).
Now Turdus plebejus rafaelensis Miller and Griscom, 1925. See Clement, 2000: 421.
AMNH 144409, adult male, collected 4 mi NE of San Rafael del Norte, 5000 ft, 13°12′N, 86°06′W (Times Atlas), Nicaragua, on 30 March 1917, by Waldron DeWitt Miller (no. 234).
Miller and Griscom cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and noted that they had six male and two female specimens from Nicaragua, including the type. There are five male, one female, and one unsexed paratypes: AMNH 101372, 101373, 144407, 144408, 144410, 423549, and 423550. AMNH 503280, from San Rafael del Norte, came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection after this description was published and is not a paratype.
There is a slight discrepancy with regard to the collecting altitude of the holotype. Miller and Griscom (1925: 4) published it as 4300 ft, it is given as 4200 ft on the printed label, and Miller's field label gives the altitude as 5000 ft. Data from the field label are those given above.
Turdus ignobilis goodfellowi Hartert and Hellmayr
Turdus ignobilis goodfellowi Hartert and Hellmayr, 1901: 492 (Castilla, Cauca Valley).
Now Turdus ignobilis goodfellowi Hartert and Hellmayr, 1901. See Clement, 2000: 422–423.
AMNH 503247, adult male, collected at La Castilla, 03°30′N, 76°35′W (Paynter, 1997: 214), Valle del Cauca, Colombia, in June 1898, by Joseph H. Batty. From the Rothschild Collection.
Turdus brunneus Lawrence
Turdus brunneus Lawrence, 1878: 57 (Upper Amazons).
Now Turdus lawrencii Coues, 1880. See Coues, 1880: 570, and Clement, 2000: 423–424.
AMNH 39134, unsexed, collected on the Upper Amazon, date unknown. From the George N. Lawrence Collection.
Lawrence, in the original description, noted that this was a [John] Hauxwell skin. Lawrence's handwritten label is marked “Type” and the defining characters are written by him on the reverse. In addition, it bears an AMNH type label and the AMNH printed Lawrence Collection label. Information on the reverse of this latter label was written by Eugene Eisenmann and relates to the renaming of the taxon by Coues (see below).
In Lawrence's hand on a fourth label, the specimen is identified as “Turdus brunneus leucomelas”, and the locality “Upper Amazon” and the initials “I & S” appear. On the reverse of this label, in a different hand, appears: “T. leucomelas” and “See Ex. Orn. Pt. IX” (P.L. Sclater and Salvin, 1866–1869: 143) and initials that I am unable to decipher. These comments probably relate to a footnote to the original description added by Ibis editors Salvin and Sclater: “We have tried in vain to make this specimen, which Mr. Lawrence has sent us for examination, fit some described species. It is perhaps nearest to T. leucomelas …”.
T. brunneus Lawrence was found to be preoccupied by T. brunneus of Boddaert, 1783, and renamed T. lawrencii by Coues (1880: 570).
Planesticus fumigatus aquilonalis Cherrie
Planesticus fumigatus aquilonalis Cherrie, 1909: 387 (Heights of Aripo, Trinidad).
Turdus fumigatus aquilonalis (Cherrie, 1909). See Clement, 2000: 426–427.
AMNH 177736, adult male, collected on Mt. Aripo (= Heights of Aripo), 10°43′N, 61°15′W (Times Atlas), Trindad I., Trinidad and Tobago, on 22 March 1905, by George K. Cherrie (no. 13187). From the Brooklyn Institute Museum (no. 3862).
Cherrie gave both his field number and the Brooklyn Institute number in the original description. Four paratypes, formerly in the Brooklyn Institute, are now in AMNH: AMNH 177732–177735; three paratpes were listed by Cherrie (1909: 388) as being in USNM.
Turdus fumigatus caparo Hartert
Turdus fumigatus caparo Hartert, 1920: 475 (Caparo, Trinidad).
Now Turdus fumigatus aquilonalis (Cherrie, 1909). See Hellmayr, 1934: 384, and Clement, 2000: 426–427.
AMNH 503307, adult male, collected on the Caparo River, Chaguanas Prov., Trinidad I., Trinidad and Tobago, on 12 April 1902, by Eugene André. From the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert's type was a male collected on 12 April 1902 by André. The above specimen, bearing the Rothschild type label, is the only André specimen collected on that date. The 11 paratypes are AMNH 503308– 503318.
This collection was reported on in full by Hellmayr (1906a), where he noted that the Caparo River was one of André's localities.
Turdus fumigatus orinocensis Zimmer and Phelps
Turdus fumigatus orinocensis Zimmer and Phelps, 1955: 4 (Nericagua, upper Orinoco River, Territory of Amazonas, Venezuela; [140 meters]).
Now Turdus fumigatus orinocensis Zimmer and Phelps, 1955. See Clement, 2000: 426–427.
AMNH 503300, adult male, collected at Caño Usate (= Nericagua), 04°25′N, 67°48′W (Paynter, 1982: 206), tributary of the upper Rió Orinoco, Amazonas, Venezuela, on 1 April 1899, by George K. (no. 12356) and Stella M. Cherrie. From the Rothschild Collection.
Turdus ferrugineus Wied
Turdus ferrugineus Wied, 1831: 649 (Espirito Santo).
Now Turdus fumigatus fumigatus (Lichtenstein, 1823). See Allen, 1889: 212, Hellmayr, 1934: 385, and Clement, 2000: 426–427.
AMNH 4182, adult male, and AMNH 4183, adult female, collected in southeastern Brazil, by Maximilian, Prince of Wied. From the Maximilian Collection.
Allen (1889: 212) discussed these specimens, noting that the original label, which is glued on the back of the AMNH label, only bears a male symbol. This is another case where the male and female were mounted and probably shared a label, with the female symbol having been cut off when the birds were separated.
These specimens do not have an exact locality. Wied (1831: 649) noted: “ich habe sie besonders häufig am Espirito Santo gefunden”, and Allen (1889: 212) accepted this as the type locality.
Turdus obsoletus parambanus Hartert
Turdus obsoletus parambanus Hartert, 1920: 475 (Paramba, N. W. Ecuador, 3,500 feet).
Now Turdus obsoletus parambanus Hartert, 1920. See Clement, 2000: 424–425, and Ridgely and Greenfield, 2001: 665.
AMNH 503291, adult female, collected at Hacienda Paramba, 00°49′N, 78°21′W (Paynter, 1993: 89), Imbabura, Ecuador, on 23 July 1899, by R. Miketta (no. 477). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert cited Miketta's unique field number for the holotype. Paratypes are AMNH 503292, female from Paramba, collected on 6 August 1899, by R. Miketta (no. 495); AMNH 503293, male from Paramba, collected on 15 January 1900 by G. Flemming (no. 800); and AMNH 503494, male from nr. Jiménez, 2900 ft, western Colombia, collected on 17 July 1907 by Mervyn G. Palmer (no.532).
Ripley (1964: 219) treated parambanus as a subspecies of T. fumigatus. Ridgely and Tudor (1989: 125) treated T. fumigatus, T. obsoletus, and T. hauxwelli as allospecies of a superspecies, as did Clement (2000: 424– 425).
Turdus obsoletus Lawrence
Turdus obsoletus Lawrence, 1862: 470 (New Granada).
Now Turdus obsoletus obsoletus Lawrence, 1862. See Clement, 2000: 424–425.
AMNH 39186, adult male, collected on the Atlantic slope of the Isthmus of Panama (Lawrence, 1861c: 316), in 1862[?], by James McLeannan. From the George N. Lawrence Collection.
While it is not absolutely certain that Lawrence had only this single specimen before him when he described obsoletus, he described only the male, gave a single set of measurements, and his label on the above specimen is marked “Type” in his hand. The measurements of the length, wing, tail, and tarsi noted on the label are the same as those given in the description. There is no bill measurement noted on the label. The number “320” that is crossed out on his label corresponds to the number of this species in part 3 of his catalog, where it is described. I have not been able to trace the numbers “17” (crossed out) and “12”, which also appear on this label. A tiny tag also attached to this specimen bears “298 M”; this may be a McLeannan field number.
Because this description was published in February 1862, it is likely that this specimen was part of the first shipment of birds, collected by McLeannan alone and reported on by Lawrence (1861a: 288) in part I of his catalog. It was sent to Sclater for evaluation and then returned in time for inclusion in part III of the catalog (Lawrence, 1862: 461). A crossed-out note on the label of the holotype reads: “Scl. Says ♀ of a black spe.”, a conclusion with which Lawrence did not agree.
Ripley (1964: 219) treated obsoletus as a subspecies of T. fumigatus. Ridgely and Tudor (1989: 125) treated T. obsoletus, T. fumigatus, and T. hauxwelli as allospecies in a superspecies, as did Clement (2000: 424– 425).
Turdus colombianus Hartert and Hellmayr
Turdus colombianus Hartert and Hellmayr, 1901: 492 (Cali, Western Colombia, Cauca Valley).
Now Turdus obsoletus colombianus Hartert and Hellmayr, 1901. See Clement, 2000: 424–425.
AMNH 503295, adult male, collected at Cali, 03°27′N, 76°31′W (Paynter, 1997: 58, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, on 18 September 1894 (not 1897), by William F.H. Rosenberg (no. 1). From the Rothschild Collection.
This is the only specimen of colombianus that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection and it bears a Rothschild type label. Hartert (1920: 475), in his list of Rothschild types, added Rosenberg's “no. 1” and corrected the year of collection to 1894 without comment. Hartert and Hellmayr (1901: 493) provisionally assigned a specimen collected by Stolzmann at Chimbo, N. Ecuador, to T. colombianus.
Ripley (1964: 219) considered colombianus to be a subspecies of T. hauxwelli. Ridgely and Tudor (1989: 125) and Clement (2000: 424–425) placed it as a subspecies of T. obsoletus.
Turdus Hauxwelli Lawrence
Turdus Hauxwelli Lawrence, 1869: 265 (Pebas, Peru).
Now Turdus hauxwelli Lawrence, 1869. See Clement, 2000: 428.
AMNH 156655, male, collected at Pebas, 03°20′S, 71°49′W (Stephens and Traylor, 1983: 161), Loreto, Peru, on 3 October 1868, by John Hauxwell. From Vassar College Museum, Poughkeepsie, New York.
The type specimen no longer bears the collector's label, and the above information is cited from the original description. The specimen was collected by Hauxwell and sent to Vassar's Professor James Orton. There was apparently a single specimen.
This holotype was in a group of type specimens held by Vassar and sent for deposit in AMNH in 1921. It was apparently cataloged at that time. In 1965 these types were donated to AMNH (see Vassar College correspondence in Archives, Division of Ornithology, AMNH).
The extreme tip of the upper mandible of the holotype is broken off. It was formerly mounted and has glass eyes but is in good condition, with no sign of fading. A single label, written by Lawrence, was on the specimen when it came to AMNH—on one side “1. Turdus hauxwelli, Lawr., Type”, and on the reverse “Vassar College Museum. Inside of wings but little cinnamomeus”. In addition, there are the AMNH label with the catalog number and the AMNH type label.
Ridgely and Tudor (1989: 125) and Clement (2000: 428) considered T. hauxwelli monotypic; Ripley (1964: 219) included colombianus as a subspecies of T. hauxwelli. Snow (1985) tentatively considered hauxwelli conspecific with T. fumigatus.
Turdus grayi umbrinus Griscom
Turdus grayi umbrinus Griscom, 1930: 5 (Finca El Cipres (2300 ft.,), near Mazatenango, Pacific slope, Guatemala).
Now Turdus grayi umbrinus Griscom, 1930. See Clement, 2000: 429.
AMNH 396280, adult female, collected at Finca El Cipres, near Mazatenango, 14°31′N, 91°30′W (Times Atlas), Guatemala, on 24–25 July 1924, by Alfred W. Anthony (no. 440). From the Dwight Collection (no. 58125).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Griscom (1932: 305) listed his 30 specimens, presumably including the type. However, there were apparently 30 paratypes: AMNH 396281–396298 and 399240–399243. Griscom retained for MCZ the following paratypes that were not cataloged at AMNH: Dwight nos. 56359, 56362, 61121, 61125, 61127, 61130, 64103, and 64105 (Archives, Division of Ornithology, AMNH).
Griscom (1932: 12) described Finca El Cipres as “A coffee plantation, some nine miles from Mazatenango, on the Pacific slope. This station was at the base of the Volcan Zunil, altitude about 2000 feet.”
Turdus grayi megas Miller and Griscom
Turdus grayi megas Miller and Griscom, 1925: 3 (Matagalpa, Nicaragua (alt. 2200 ft.)).
Now Turdus grayi grayi Bonaparte, 1838. See Ripley, 1964: 220, and Clement, 2000: 429.
Turdus grayi lanyoni Dickerman
Turdus grayi lanyoni Dickerman, 1981: 287 ([San Andres] Tuxtla Mountains, 0.5 km west of Cerro Balzapote, Veracruz, Mexico).
Now Turdus grayi lanyoni Dickerman,1981. See Phillips, 1991: 67, and Dickinson, 2003: 671.
AMNH 824182, adult male, collected in the [San Andrés] Tuxtla Mountains, 0.5 km W of Cerro Balzapote, Veracruz, Mexico, on 8 November 1974, by Mario A. Ramos (MEX-5422) and prepared by Richard J. Oehlenschlager. Received on exchange from the Bell Museum of Natural History, University of Minnesota (no. 32355).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Dickerman (1981: 287) gave a broad range for this subspecies but no details concerning paratypes. An immature male from the same locality, received from the Bell Museum at the same time, is certainly a paratype. Clement (2000: 429) did not mention this subspecies.
San Andrés Tuxtla is at 18°28′N, 95°15′W (Times Atlas).
Turdus assimilis renominatus Miller and Griscom
Turdus assimilis renominatus Miller and Griscom, 1925: 10 (Juan Lisiarraga Mt., (alt. 5500 ft.), Southern Sinaloa, Mexico).
Now Turdus assimilis lygrus Oberholser, 1921. See Clement, 2000: 434.
AMNH 91949, adult male, collected on Juan Lisiarraga Mountain, 5500 ft, southern Sinaloa, Mexico, on 27April 1904, by Joseph H. Batty.
Miller and Griscom apparently only intended to provide a new name for “Planesticus tristis tristis of recent authors, not Swainson”. However, they gave characters by which their form could be recognized and designated a type with the above AMNH number. This has been accepted as a valid description of a subspecies, usually placed in the synonymy of Turdus assimilis lygrus. However, Phillips (1991: 61) recognized it as a valid subspecies of T. phaeopygus. Ripley (1964: 222–224) considered Turdus albicollis and T. assimilis conspecific.
Miller and Griscom (1925:10) listed 33 specimens in their type series but noted (Miller and Griscom, 1925: 1) that they had borrowed specimens from a number of museums. Paratypes in AMNH are: AMNH 36795, 36796, 91946–91948, 91950–91954, and 105170–105180.
Turdus assimilis atrotinctus Miller and Griscom
Turdus assimilis atrotinctus Miller and Griscom, 1925: 12 (Tuma, Matagalpa, Nicaragua).
Now Turdus assimilis atrotinctus Miller and Griscom, 1925. See Clement, 2000: 434–435.
AMNH 102604, adult male, collected at Tuma, Matagalpa, Nicaragua, on 28 November 1907, by William B. Richardson.
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. Miller and Griscom (1925: 12) listed seven paratypes: AMNH 101370, 102954, 103188– 103190, 103429, and 103627. Specimens collected by Richardson that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection are not paratypes.
Allen (1910: 87–88) gave information about Richardson's collecting localities based on a sketch map supplied by Richardson, which I have not been able to find. According to Allen, Tuma was at 1000 ft on the east slope of the northern highlands.
Ripley (1964: 223) considered T. assimilis conspecific with T. albicollis.
Planesticus tristis panamensis Griscom
Planesticus tristis panamensis Griscom, 1924a: 7 (Cerro Flores, alt. 4000 ft., eastern Chiriqui, Panama).
Now Turdus assimilis cnephosus (Bangs, 1902). See Hellmayr, 1934: 365, and Clement, 2000: 434–435.
AMNH 182915, adult male, collected on Cerro Flores, 3600 ft (label information), eastern Chiriqui, Panama, on 5 March 1924, by Ludlow Griscom, Rudyard Boulton and others (no. 45).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description, with eight paratypes noted, all from Cerro Flores: AMNH 182917–182923 and 182927.
For a discussion of the location of Cerro Flores, see Catharus gracilirostris bensoni. Ripley (1964: 223) considered T. assimilis conspecific with T. albicollis.
Turdus assimilis coibensis Eisenmann
Turdus assimilis coibensis Eisenmann, 1950: 366 (Coiba I., Veraguas, Panamá).
Now Turdus assimilis coibensis Eisenmann, 1950. See Clement, 2000: 434–435.
AMNH 503415, adult female, collected on Coiba I., 07°27′N, 81°45′W (USBGN, 1969), Veraguas, Panama, on 20 April 1901, by Joseph H. Batty. From the Rothschild Collection.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description, as was a single paratype: AMNH 503414.
Ripley (1964: 223) considered T. assimilis conspecific with T. albicollis.
Turdus crotopezus contemptus Hellmayr
Turdus crotopezus contemptus Hellmayr, 1902: 61 (Bueyes).
Now Turdus albicollis contemptus Hellmayr, 1902. See Clement, 2000: 436–437.
AMNH 503405, adult female, collected at Bueyes (Santa Cruz), Bolivia, on 21 April 1890, by Gustav Garlepp. From the Nehrkorn Collection (no. 3594) via the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert (1920: 476) recorded this specimen as a “cotype”. It is the only specimen of this taxon that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. The male syntype from the Berlepsch Collection is in SMF (Hellmayr, 1934: 368).
Paynter (1992: 15) was not able to find Bueyes. On the Garlepp label of the above syntype, Santa Cruz appears in parentheses and Hellmayr (1934: 368) gave this as Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Paynter (1992: 133) identified it as Santa Cruz, Departamento de Santa Cruz, with coordinates 17°48′S, 63°10′W.
Chlamydochaera jefferyi Sharpe
Most recent authors place this species in the Turdidae. However, because the AMNH type list follows the Peters' Check-list order, a discussion of the AMNH lectotype of Chlamydochaera jefferyi, AMNH 562821, has been included in the Campephagidae in part 5 (LeCroy, 2003b: 71). Collar (2004b: 19) discussed the affinities of this species.
Orthonyx temminckii dorsalis Rand
Orthonyx temminckii dorsalis Rand, 1940b: 2 (altitude 2200 meters, Bele River, 18 km. north of Lake Habbema, Snow Mountains, Netherland New Guinea).
Now Orthonyx novaeguineae victorianus van Oort, 1909. See Joseph et al., 2001, Norman et al., 2002, and David and Gosselin, 2002b: 260, 279.
AMNH 305663, adult female, collected on the Ibele (= Bele) River, 18 km north of Lake Habbema, 04°10′S, 138°40′E (USBGN, 1943), Nassau Range, Snow Mountains, 2200 m, Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 24 November 1938, by Richard Archbold, Austin L. Rand, and Willliam B. Richardson. From the Third Archbold New Guinea Expedition (no. 8290).
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. Rand gave measurements of five female specimens, and an additional unsexed immature was not measured. Of the five paratypes, three are still held in AMNH: AMNH 340524, 340525, adult females, and 340527, unsexed immature. AMNH 340526, adult female, was sent to MZB in May 1957, and AMNH 340528 (cataloged as unsexed, but apparently published as a female) was exchanged to FMNH in the early 1960s.
The three named populations of logrunner in New Guinea have traditionally been treated as subspecies of the Australian species O. temmincki, but recent mtDNA studies (Joseph et al., 2001; Norman et al., 2002) indicated that the New Guinea populations should comprise a distinct species, O. novaeguineae, and that the subspecies dorsalis should be synonymized with victorianus (Joseph et al., 2001: 279), contra Dickinson (2003: 450). David and Gosselin (2002b: 260, 279) noted that the genus Orthonyx is masculine.
For a description of the Bele River camp and a map, see Archbold et al. (1942).
Orthonyx temminckii chandleri Mathews
Orthonyx temminckii chandleri Mathews, 1912a: 329 (Richmond River, North New South Wales).
Now Orthonyx temminckii Ranzani, 1822. See Deignan, 1964a: 229, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 395–396, Joseph et al., 2001, and Norman et al., 2002.
AMNH 585084, adult male, collected on the Richmond River, New South Wales, Australia, in October 1910. From the Mathews Collection (no. 6528) via the Rothschild Collection.
Mathews cited his collection number of the holotype in the original description. Opposite this number in his catalog is a specimen of this species, cataloged as a female (but the collector sexed it as a male and it is in male plumage), collected by Schrader on the Richmond River. In addition to the collector's label and the Rothschild type label, this specimen bears the green Mathews Collection type label with number 6528 and the yellow “Figured” label, indicating that it was the specimen used for the male in plate 421(Mathews, 1921: opposite p. 173, text on pp. 173–174). The plate is labeled Orthonyx maculatus.
Together with the holotype, Mathews cataloged another male and a female collected by Schrader on the Richmond River in October 1910. Only the holotype bears the Mathews Collection number on its label. Because Mathews had these additional specimens in hand when he named chandleri, they are paratypes: AMNH 585085, male (Mathews no. 6527), and AMNH 585086, female (Mathews no. 6526). Both of these were cataloged by Mathews as males, but they were correctly sexed by Schrader. The female also bears the “Figured” label and appears with the holotype in plate 421 (Mathews, 1921: opposite p. 173, text on p. 174). A Mathews Collection specimen from the Richmond and Clarence rivers, collected by Chandler, is undated and bears no Mathews Collection number, thus it cannot be accepted as a paratype. Nor do I consider specimens purchased by Rothschild directly from Schrader to be paratypes.
Mathews (1921: 173) incorrectly gave the original description of chanderli as Mathews (1912c: 58). This paper, published in April 1912, gives descriptions of eggs of Australian birds. In it he cited no. 776, under which number chanderli appeared in his Reference-list (Mathews, 1912a: 329), which had already been published in January.
Whittell (1954: 638) listed this collector as P. Schraeder.
Macrorthonyx spaldingi albiventer Mathews
Macrorthonyx spaldingi albiventer Mathews, 1915: 130 (Atherton, North Queensland).
Now Orthonyx spaldingii spaldingii Ramsay, 1868. See Deignan, 1964a: 229, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 397, Joseph et al., 2001, and Norman et al., 2002.
AMNH 585108, adult male, collected at Atherton, 17°15′S, 145°30′E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, in September 1908 by Schrader. From the Mathews Collection (no. 6014) via the Rothschild Collection.
Mathews did not cite his collection number in the original description nor did Hartert (1931: 47), although “6014” appears on the Mathews Collection label, which is also marked “Type”. Nine Mathews specimens of Orthonyx spaldingi collected by Schrader at Atherton or Atherton Scrubs in September 1908 came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection, and I have found all of them in the Mathews Catalog. All were cataloged in 1910 or 1911, would have been available to Mathews in 1915, and thus were syntypes. Hartert (1931: 47) did not unambiguously designate the above specimen the lectotype, but because it was intended as the type by Mathews, bears the Rothschild type label, and has therefore been considered the type, I hereby designate AMNH 585108 the lectotype to avoid confusion in the future. The eight paralectotypes are: AMNH 585109, male (Mathews' no. 6013), 585110 (5977) and 585111 (6563), females, 585112 (2001), 585113 (2002), 585114 (2003), 585115 (2005), and 585116 (2004).
The number “514” that appears on some of these specimens refers to the number of this species in Mathews' (1908) “Handlist”. Mathews (1930: 556) considered albiventer a synonym of nominate spaldingii.
Whittell (1954: 638) listed the collector as P. Schraeder.
Androphilus viridis Rothschild and Hartert
Androphilus viridis Rothschild and Hartert, 1911: 33 (Mt. Goliath, Central Dutch New Guinea).
Now Androphobus viridis (Rothschild and Hartert, 1911). See Deignan, 1964a: 229, and Coates, 1990: 72, 544.
AMNH 588309, adult male, collected on Mt. Goliath, 04°45′S, 139°55′E (USBGN, 1943), Oranje Mts., Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 9 February 1911, by Albert S. Meek (no. 5346). From the Rothschild Collection.
Rothschild and Hartert based their original description on a single specimen and cited Meek's field number.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 456) included the genera Androphobus, Psophodes, Cinclosoma, and Ptilorrhoa in the subfamily Cinclosomatinae of the Corvidae; however, Bock (1994: 153) showed that Eupetidae Bonaparte, 1850, is senior to Cinclosomatidae Mathews, 1921. Schodde and Mason (1999: 407–408) included these genera in the family Eupetidae.
Psophodes olivaceus magnirostris Mathews
Psophodes olivaceus magnirostris Mathews, 1912a: 92 (Rockhampton, Queensland).
Now Psophodes olivaceus olivaceus (Latham, 1802). See Hartert, 1931: 52, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 409–410.
AMNH 585614, adult male, collected at Rockhampton, 23°22′S, 150°32′E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, in April 1882. From the Mathews Collection (no. 10980) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews Collection number of the holotype was given in the original description. A second small label on this specimen gives the locality as Gracemere, April 1882. Storr (1984: 183) gave the coordinates of Gracemere as 23°27′S, 150°27′E. This is the only Rockhampton or Gracemere specimen that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection.
This specimen was cataloged by Mathews as part of the Dahl collection. However, Whittell (1954: 184) noted Dahl's date of birth as 1871 and his arrival in Australia as 1894. A spot check of specimens collected in the early 1880s and cataloged by Mathews with the Dahl collection showed that these specimens were collected by Carl Lumholtz, who was stationed at Gracemere, Queensland, and collected for the Christiania museum during those dates (Whittell, 1954: 457).
Mathews (1942: 53) noted that “Knut Dahl collected in North and North-Western Australia for the Norwegian Museum [at Christiania]. Professor Collett allowed me to acquire those skins that were new to my collection.” He did not mention Carl Lumholtz, but apparently acquired some of his specimens at the same time.
Psophodes olivaceus scrymgeouri Mathews
Psophodes olivaceus scrymgeouri Mathews, 1912a: 333 (Victoria).
Now Psophodes olivaceus olivaceus (Latham, 1802). See Hartert, 1931: 51, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 409.
AMNH 585563, unsexed adult, collected in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, undated. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4986) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews Collection number of the holotype was cited in the original description; it bears a Mathews green “Type” label with the catalog number, as well as the Rothschild type label, and a third label with locality data. According to the catalog, this specimen was obtained from “Wilkinson” and cataloged in July 1910. Specimens of other species from Wilkinson cataloged at the same time were from Northern Territory, New South Wales, and Victoria, with one collected as early as 1888, so dating of this holotype is not possible.
Mathews (1930: 563) considered scrymgeouri a synonym of nominate olivaceus.
Psophodes olivaceus sublateralis Mathews
Psophodes olivaceus sublateralis Mathews, 1912a: 334 (Tweed River, North New South Wales).
Now Psophodes olivaceus olivaceus (Latham, 1802). See Hartert, 1931: 51, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 409.
AMNH 585600, adult male (but female according to measurements, Hartert, 1931: 51), collected on the Tweed River, New South Wales, Australia, in June 1894, by T. Thorpe. From the Mathews Collection (no. 7127) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews Collection number of the holotype was given in the original description. Mathews did not say how many specimens he examined, but two additional specimens from the Tweed River were cataloged at the same time (February 1911) as part of the Thorpe collection and must be paratypes: AMNH 585601 (7129), male, and AMNH 585602 (7128), immature female, June 1894. Because Mathews specified in the original description that sublateralis came from “North New South Wales”, AMNH 585603 (7126), collected on the Shoalhaven River in southern New South Wales near the Victoria border, is not a paratype.
The wings of the holotype and of the paratype sexed as a male measure 91 mm. Females measure 91–95 mm (Hartert, 1931: 51) and ca. 93–100 mm (Schodde and Mason, 1999: 409). Males are larger and measure 96–105 mm (Hartert) and ca. 98–108 mm (Schodde and Mason). Thus, it appears that both were missexed.
Mathews (1942: 53) purchased this collection from T. Thorpe in England. Mathews (1930: 563) considered sublateralis a synonym of P. o. olivaceus.
Psophodes nigrogularis pallida [sic] Mathews
Psophodes nigrogularis pallida [sic] Mathews, 1916: 60 (South-west Australia).
Now Psophodes nigrogularis Gould, 1844. See Hartert, 1931: 52, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 411–412.
AMNH 458994, adult male, collected at Cape Mentelle, 33°58′S, 114°59′E (Johnstone and Storr, 1998: 411), Western Australia, Australia, on 26 December 1901, by Charles Price Conigrave. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
Mathews, in naming pallida, said only that the type was from south-west Australia, but later (Mathews, 1922: 250) added “= Cape Mentelle”, which locality appears on Conigrave's field label; it does not bear a Mathews type label. Hartert (1931: 52) gave full information on the specimen and noted that it was the only specimen of this form in the Mathews Collection. It bears a Rothschild type label.
“B.M. No. 4625” appears on the field label. This is not the Mathews catalog number, which I did not find, and may be a WAM number. Conigrave was a Senior Assistant at the WAM in 1901 (Whittell, 1954: 166), and Mathews frequently received specimens from Perth.
This specimen also bears the yellow “Figured” label and was the model for the upper figure in plate 431 in Mathews (1922: opposite p. 242, and text p. 250). Mathews (1930: 563) considered pallida a synonym of P. nigrogularis.
Sphenostoma cristatum pallidum Mathews
Sphenostoma cristatum pallidum Mathews, 1912a: 378 (Leigh's Creek, South Australia).
Now Psophodes cristatus (Gould, 1838). See Deignan, 1964a: 231, Ford and Parker, 1973, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 417.
AMNH 683517, adult male, collected at Leigh Creek, 30°31′S, 138°25′E (Times Atlas), South Australia, Australia, on 19 October 1910, skinned by Edwin Ashby. From the Mathews Collection (no. 6196) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews catalog number of the holotype was cited in the original description. The number of specimens examined was not indicated, but the above specimen was the only one of this species cataloged there. The number “693” that appears on the Ashby label refers to Sphenostoma cristatum in Mathews' (1908) Handlist.
In addition to Ashby's label, the Mathews type label, and the Rothschild type label, the above specimen also bears a yellow “Figured” label and was the model for plate 495, upper figure (Mathews, 1923: opposite p. 47, text on p. 48).
Sphenostoma cristatum occidentale Mathews
Sphenostoma cristatum occidentale Mathews, 1912a: 378 (Day Dawn, West Australia).
Now Psophodes occidentalis (Mathews, 1912). See Deignan, 1964a: 231, Ford and Parker, 1973, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 415.
AMNH 683535, adult male, collected at Day Dawn, 27°31′S, 117°53′E (Times Atlas), 1400 ft, Western Australia, on 15 May 1903, by “F.L.”. From the Mathews Collection (no. 5221) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews catalog number of the holotype was given in the original description, with no indication of the number of specimens examined. A single specimen obtained from the WAM was cataloged at that time; number “5497” appearing on the field label is probably the WAM number.
In addition to the field label and Mathews and Rothschild type labels, this specimen bears a yellow “Figured” label and was the model for plate 495, lower figure (Mathews, 1923: opposite p. 47, text on p. 48). Mathews (1930: 688) later synonymized occidentale with his Sphenostoma cristatum pallidum.
The “F.L.” on the collector's label probably refers to F. Lawson Whitlock, who during this period was publishing under the name “F. Lawson”, with many of his specimens going to WAM (Whittell, 1954: 765– 769).
Sphenostoma cristatum tanami Mathews
Sphenostoma cristatum tanami Mathews, 1912a: 379 (Tanami, Northern Territory).
Now Psophodes occidentalis (Mathews, 1912). See Deignan, 1964a: 231, Ford and Parker, 1973, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 415.
AMNH 683522, adult male, collected on the Tanami Gold Field, 1200 ft, 19°59′S, 129°43′E (USBGN, 1957), Northern Territory, 10 March 1910, by John Porter Rogers. From the Mathews Collection (no. 5137) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews catalog number of the holotype was given in the original description. Mathews did not indicate how many specimens he examined, but the above specimen is the only one he cataloged at that time. In addition to the field label, this specimen bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels. The “A693” that appears on Rogers' label refers to Sphenostoma cristatum in Mathews' (1908) Handlist. Mathews (1930: 688) later synonymized tanami with his Sphenostoma cristatum pallidum.
For the many different treatments of the taxa within the genus Cinclosoma, see Condon, 1962, Deignan, 1964a, Ford, 1983, and Schodde and Mason, 1999, and references therein.
Cinclosoma punctatum neglectum Mathews
Cinclosoma punctatum neglectum Mathews, 1912a: 330 (Victoria).
Now Cinclosoma punctatum punctatum (Shaw, 1794). See Hartert, 1931: 47, Deignan, 1964a: 231, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 418–419.
AMNH 585155, adult female, collected at Frankston, 38°08′S, 145°07′E (Times Atlas), Victoria, Australia, on 13 March 1909, by Thomas H. Tregellas. From the Mathews Collection (no. 5073) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews catalog number of the holotype was cited in the original description. A second Tregellas specimen, from Ringwood, Victoria, was cataloged at the same time. This paratype is AMNH 585157 (Mathews no. 5072). There are two additional AMNH specimens from the Mathews Collection that are identifiable as paratypes: AMNH 585154 (2006), male, Ferntree Gully, Victoria, 1 January 1909, collector not noted; and AMNH 585164 (2007), female, Victoria, January 1890, coll. by Howe. Two specimens collected by Cole at Lang Lang, Victoria, in 1908 are not paratypes, because that collection did not go to Mathews until 1914 (Whittell, 1954: 158). AMNH 585152 and 585156 were collected early enough, but I was unable to ascertain when they came into Mathews' possession. Mathews (1930: 556) synonymized neglectum with nominate punctatum.
Cinclosoma punctatum dovei Mathews
Cinclosoma punctatum dovei Mathews, 1912a: 330 (Tasmania).
Now Cinclosoma punctatum dovei Mathews, 1912. See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 418–419.
AMNH 585167, adult male, collected in Tasmania, Australia, in December 1862, by Leach. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4371) via the Rothschild collection.
The Mathews catalog number of the holotype was given in the original description; it bears Mathews Collection and type labels and a Rothschild type label. The collector was Richard H.W. Leach (Whittell, 1954: 417), whose collection was cataloged by Mathews in 1910. The number “515” that appears on the Mathews label refers to Cinclosoma punctatum in Mathews' (1908) Handlist.
A second Leach specimen is a paratype: AMNH 585168 (Mathews no. 4372), adult female, collected in Tasmania in December 1862. Other specimens of dovei from the Mathews Collection are undated.
Cinclosoma castanotum dundasi Mathews
Cinclosoma castanotum dundasi Mathews, 1912a: 330 (West Australia (Lake Dundas)).
Now Cinclosoma castanotum subspecies? See discussion below.
AMNH 585213, adult male, collected at Lake Dundas, 850 ft, 32°35′S, 121°50′E (USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, Australia, on 16 July 1905, by “F.L.W.” From the Mathews Collection (no. 5149) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews catalog number of the holotype was given in the original description. In addition to the original label, this specimen bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels and the yellow “Figured” label, indicating that it was pictured in plate 424, lower figure (Mathews, 1921: opposite p. 188, text on pp. 188–189). The collector's initials refer to F. Lawson Whitlock (Whittell, 1954: 765–769). Many of his specimens from Western Australia went to the WAM in Perth, and this specimen and the paratype were cataloged by Mathews in 1910 as having come from the “Perth Mus.” The number “8002” that appears on the original label is probably a WAM number.
A paratype, cataloged by Mathews as no. 5150, is AMNH 585214, adult female, collected at Lake Dundas on 8 March 1905 by Whitlock. The number “7306” on the original label may be a WAM number. Someone has written on the label “♂juv.!”. It does not match any females or immature males of C. castanotum in AMNH. It is similar to the type on the back, but with a warmer brownish wash overall.
Ford (1981) and Schodde and Mason (1999: 420–421) have discussed this species and its subspecies. Ford (1981:190) recognized two subspecies, a southern subspecies (castanotum) and a desert subspecies (clarum). Schodde and Mason (1999: 420–421) recognized three subspecies, new fordianum from southwestern Australia, castanotum from southeastern Australia, and clarum from desert areas, depicting a large area of clinal changes. Because there are no locality names on the distribution map in Schodde and Mason (1999: 420), it is difficult to tell the exact extent of the range of pure fordianum. AMNH 811159, a male collected by Ford at Norseman (32°15′S, 121°47′E, Times Atlas, near the north end of Lake Dundas, the type locality of dundasi), would appear to be within the range of pure fordianum as shown on the map. I measure the extent of chestnut on the dorsum of this specimen as 62 mm and that of the type of dundasi as 67 mm, well within the range given for specimens taken between Norseman and Balladonia, Ford's (1981: 188) locality 14. This measurement is difficult to take accurately and may vary considerably depending on the “make” of the skin. In coloration, these two specimens are also very similar. AMNH does not have specimens from the south Western Australia coast (14 km N Middini Beach is the type locality of fordianum).
Schodde and Mason thought dundasi showed intergradation with clarum based on Mathews' plate 424 and his description (1921: opposite p. 188, and pp. 188–189). Condon's (1962: 356–357) statement that “Mathews' figure (1921, pl. 424) is hardly recognizable” points out the difficulty of using hand-colored plates as a diagnostic tool. This plate in the copy in the AMNH Library quite closely matches the holotype of dundasi, with which I compared it. Further studies may show that the older name, dundasi, should be applied to these darker southwestern Australian birds.
Samuela cinnamomea todmordeni Mathews
Samuela cinnamomea todmordeni Mathews, 1923: 35 (Todmorden, Central Australia).
Now Cinclosoma cinnamomeum cinnamomeum Gould, 1846. See Hartert, 1931: 48, and discussion below.
AMNH 585186, adult male, collected at Todmorden, 27°04′S, 134°49′E (Times Atlas), South Australia, Australia, in July 1914, by Samuel A. White (no. 1771). From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
When naming this form, Mathews (1923: 35) referred back to his description in Mathews (1921: 198) of a male from Todmorden, collected in July 1914, and a female from Macumba, collected on 5 August 1913. These were depicted in plate 425 (opposite p. 196), which is labeled Samuela marginatum. They were described on page 198, but no name was applied. The name todmordeni, based on the earlier description, was first used in Mathews (1923: 35), where it was noted as “a very pale form”. The above specimen is the only Mathews specimen of this form from Todmorden. The Macumba female, depicted in plate 425 and stated to have been collected on 5 August 1913, is a paratype, AMNH 585184. There are two additional paratypes, both males, collected at Macumba on 5 August 1913: AMNH 585182 and 585183. I did not find these specimens listed in the Mathews catalog.
The birds identified as Samuela cinnamomea todmordeni in Mathews' plate 425 are depicted as paler than Samuela cinnamomea, which is shown in plate 426 (opposite p. 198). The type of todmordeni matches specimens from the Birdsville area, near the type locality of Cinclosoma cinnamomeum tirariense Schodde and Mason (1999: 424–425), and further studies may show that todmordeni, as the older name, should be applied to these paler birds. Schodde (personal commun.) called my attention to the incorrect spelling, tirariensis, in the original description; and this has also been noted in corrigenda 2.1 for Dickinson (2003: 453).
The holotype has the two central tail feathers missing.
Samuela cinnamomea samueli Mathews
Samuela cinnamomea samueli Mathews,1916: 60 (Gawler Ranges, South Australia).
Now Cinclosoma cinnamomeum cinnamomeum Gould. See Hartert, 1931: 49, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 424–425.
AMNH 585192, adult male, collected at Sandford's Paddock, Gawler Ranges, South Australia, on 3 September 1912, by Samuel A. White (no. 1438). From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Mathews only said that the type was from the Gawler Ranges, without giving any further data. This is the only specimen from the Gawler Ranges that came to AMNH from the Mathews Collection and I did not find it in the Mathews catalog. It is marked “S.c. samueli Type” on the S.A. White label but has no Mathews type label or his “Figured” label—only a Rothschild type label. Hartert (1931: 49) listed it as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype should there prove to have been other specimens in Mathews' type series.
Mathews (1930: 558) listed this form as a synomym of his Samuela cinnamomea nea, which it is not, as emphasized by Hartert (1931: 49). Then he further muddied the water by saying that it was figured in plate 426 in Mathews (1921: opposite p. 198). However, the two birds depicted in plate 426 are from Day Dawn and Borewell (= Bore Well). Day Dawn is the type locality of nea, and the male figured in plate 426 is indeed the holotype of that form. Apparently the specimen from the Gawler Ranges was not illustrated.
Cinclosoma cinnamomeum samueli was recognized by Deignan (1964a: 233), but most recent authors have synonymized it with the nominate subspecies, as is implicitly done by Schodde and Mason (1999: 424– 425).
Cinclosoma castaneothorax nea [sic] Mathews
Cinclosoma castaneothorax nea [sic] Mathews, 1912a: 331 (West Australia (Day Dawn)).
Now Cinclosoma castaneothorax marginatum Sharpe, 1883. See Deignan, 1964a: 234, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 422–423.
AMNH 585171, adult male, collected at Day Dawn, 27°31′S, 117°53′E (Times Atlas), Western Australia, Australia, on 11 July 1903, by “F.L.” (no. 244). From the Mathews Collection (no. 5147) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews catalog number of the holotype was given in the original description, but there was no indication of the number of specimens examined. One paratype was cataloged at the same time: AMNH 585172, female, Day Dawn, 1400 ft, 11 July 1903, collected by “F.L” (no. 243). Both of these specimens were collected by F. Lawson Whitlock (Whittell, 1954: 414, 765) and were obtained from the WAM by Mathews. The numbers “5809” on the male and “5811” on the female are probably WAM numbers. The holotype bears an original label, both Mathews and Rothschild type labels, and a yellow “Figured” label, indicating its use as the model for plate 426 in Mathews (1921: opposite p. 198, text on p. 197). Mathews (1930: 558) incorrectly listed this form as having been figured in plate 425.
Cinclosoma alisteri Mathews
Cinclosoma alisteri Mathews, 1910: 16 (West Australia).
Now Cinclosoma cinnamomeum alisteri Mathews, 1910. See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 424–425).
AMNH 585173, adult male, collected at Waddilinia, Nullarbor Plain, Western Australia, Australia, on 22 September [1908], by Charles George Gibson. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
The original description was of the adult male, with Mathews only having said that the type was from West Australia. Later, Mathews (1921: 203) listed Waddilinia as the type locality. The original label of the above specimen has on its reverse the following note, written and signed by G.M. Mathews: “Type of Cinclosoma alisteri Bull. B.O.C. Oct. 1910.” October 1910 was the date of the meeting of the British Ornithologists' Club at which the name was introduced; the record of the meeting was published 4 November 1910.
As Hartert (1931: 48) noted, Mathews had three specimens of alisteri, all of which are now in AMNH and none of which bears a Mathews catalog number. All were collected by Gibson at the same place on the same date, but the lectotype does not have the year on the label. It bears the number “9929”, probably a WAM number, which Hartert used in designating it the lectotype. I found only one of the three specimens in the Mathews catalog; no. 5152 is listed as “Cinclosoma, 22-9-08, Waddilinia, W.A.”, from “Perth Mus.”. Because it noted the year as 1908, this entry refers to one of the two paralectotypes: AMNH 585173 (probable WAM number 9928), an adult male collected at Waddilinia on 22 September 1908; and AMNH 585175 (probable WAM number 9930), an immature male with the other data the same. Both of these paralectotypes bear the Mathews yellow “Figured” label, but the lectotype does not. An adult male (not said to be the type) and an immature male are figured in plate 427 in Mathews (1921: opposite p. 203). The female was not described.
Gibson (1909: 74) noted that he found this species common only in the Nullarbor Plain. Waddelynia Rockhole (31°06′S, 125°13′E, USBGN, 1957), Western Australia, would appear to be this locality.
Cinclosoma ajax muscalis [sic] Rand
Cinclosoma ajax muscalis [sic] Rand, 1940b: 2 (altitude 80 meters, upper Fly River, 5 miles below Palmer Junction).
Now Cinclosoma ajax muscale Rand, 1940. See Deignan, 1964a: 234, and Coates, 1990: 70.
AMNH 426484, unsexed [adult male plumage], collected on the upper Fly River, 5 miles below the Palmer River junction, 80 m, ca. 05°55′S, 141°35′E, Western Prov., Papua New Guinea, on 27 May 1936, by Richard Archbold, Austin L. Rand, and George H.H. Tate. From the 1938–1939 Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (no. 4015).
Cinclosoma ajax alaris [sic] Mayr and Rand
Cinclosoma ajax alaris [sic] Mayr and Rand, 1935: 6 (Wuroi, Oriomo River, Western Division, Territory of Papua).
Now Cinclosoma ajax alare Mayr and Rand, 1935. See Deignan, 1964a: 234, and Coates, 1990: 70.
AMNH 421959, adult female, collected at Wuroi, 08°50′S, 143°07′E (Deignan, 1964a: 234), Oriomo River, Western Prov., Papua New Guinea, on 24 January 1934, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand. From the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (no. 2557).
Eupetes leucostictus mayri Hartert
Eupetes leucostictus mayri Hartert, 1930b: 87 (Wondiwoi, Wandammen Peninsula).
Now Ptilorrhoa leucosticta mayri (Hartert, 1930). See Deignan, 1964a: 235, and Coates, 1990: 62.
AMNH 585328, adult male, collected in the Wondiwoi Mountains, 02°40′S, 134°35′E (USBGN, 1943), northern tip of the Wandammen Peninsula, Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 9 July 1928, by Ernst Mayr (no. 1411). From the Rothschild Collection.
Mayr's unique field number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Hartert (1930b: 87) listed a type series of four males, two females, and one unsexed specimen. The six paratypes are: AMNH 293820–293822, 585324, 585329, and 585330. AMNH 585324 is the formerly mounted, unsexed specimen discussed by Hartert (1930b: 87).
Mayr's expedition was jointly sponsored by Dr. Leonard C. Sanford for AMNH and Lord Rothschild. As a result, while Hartert worked on the collection as a whole, some of the specimens came directly to AMNH while others came later as part of the Rothschild Collection. Mayr (1930) published an account of his expedition.
Eupetes leucostictus centralis Mayr
Eupetes leucostictus centralis Mayr, 1936b: 1 (Weyland Mts. (1800 m.)).
Now Ptilorrhoa leucosticta centralis (Mayr, 1936). See Deignan, 1964a: 235, and Coates, 1990: 62.
AMNH 301927, adult male, collected at Kunupi, 1800 m, in the Weyland Mts., Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 17 September 1931, by Georg Stein (no. 1989).
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. In addition, Mayr (1936b: 2) listed five male and three female specimens in his type series; an immature female that was not listed is also part of the series. The nine paratypes are: AMNH 301928–301936. AMNH 301934 was exchanged with FMNH.
The expedition of Georg and Clara Stein was sponsored by Leonard C. Sanford for AMNH and by ZMB; three-fourths of the collection came to AMNH and one-fourth went to ZMB. A total of 13 specimens were listed under Eupetes leucostictus mayri (in Hartert et al., 1936: 222), but the additional specimens are not paratypes. Stein (1933) published an account of his New Guinea trip.
Eupetes leucostictus sibilans Mayr
Eupetes leucostictus sibilans Mayr, 1931a: 691 (Cyclopengebirge).
Now Ptilorrhoa leucosticta sibilans (Mayr, 1931). See Deignan, 1964a: 235, and Coates, 1990: 62.
AMNH 293814, adult male, collected in the Cyclops Mts. (= Cijcloop Mts.), 02°30′S, 140°30′E (USBGN, 1943), Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 7 September 1928, by Ernst Mayr (no. 2211).
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. Mayr (1931a: 691) did not say how many specimens he examined; Hartert (1930b: 87), under Eupetes leucostictus loriae, listed 17 adults and 2 juveniles from the Cyclops Mountains. As noted above, Mayr's expedition was jointly sponsored by Leonard C. Sanford for AMNH and Lord Rothschild, and the collection was divided between AMNH and the Rothschild Collection. But in 1930, when Mayr was writing up his Saruwaged and Herzog Mt. collection, he visited the Rothschild Collection with Stresemann and worked with Hartert (1930a: 19) in working up part of his western New Guinea collection. Therefore, he would have been able to examine all of his Cyclops material when he described sibilans. Sixteen paratypes at AMNH are AMNH 293811–293813, 293815–293819, and 585335–585342. The two paratypes unaccounted for were probably sent to MZB (Hartert, 1930a: 19).
Mayr (1930) published an account of this expedition to the Cyclops Mountains.
Eupetes leucostictus menawa Diamond
Eupetes leucostictus menawa Diamond, 1969: 19 (Mt. Menawa, Bewani Mountains, Sepik District, Mandated Territory of New Guinea, 4500 feet).
Now Ptilorrhoa leucosticta menawa Diamond, 1969. See Coates, 1990: 62.
AMNH 789763, adult male, collected on Mt. Menawa, 5000 ft (on label), Bewani Mountains, 03°15′S, 141°15′E (USBGN, 1943), West Sepik Prov., Papua New Guinea, on 8 August 1966, by Jared M. Diamond (no. 1302).
Eupetes castanonotus gilliardi Greenway
Eupetes castanonotus gilliardi Greenway, 1966: 14 (Mt. Besar (2800 feet), Batanta, off western New Guinea [West Irian]).
Now Ptilorrhoa castanonota gilliardi Greenway, 1966. See Coates 1990: 67, and Sibley and Monroe, 1990: 457.
AMNH 789541, adult female, collected on Mt. Batanta (= Mt. Besar), 2800 ft, Batanta Island, Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 20 June 1964, by E. Thomas Gilliard.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Paratypes are AMNH 789539 and 789540, males, 789542, female, and 789543, juvenile female.
“Besar” in Indonesian means “big, large, massive”. Apparently this mountain is the one usually known as Mt. Batanta, with coordinates 00°50′S, 130°35′E (USBGN, 1943).
Eupetes castanonotus saturatus Rothschild and Hartert
Eupetes castanonotus saturatus Rothschild and Hartert, 1911: 157 (Schneegebirge im mittleren Neuguinea).
Now Ptilorrhoa castanonota saturata (Rothschild and Hartert, 1911). See Deignan, 1964a: 237, and Rand and Gilliard, 1967: 340.
AMNH 585292, adult male, collected in the Peg. Sudirman (= Nassau Range), Peg. Maoke (= Snow Mountains), 2000 ft, Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 24 August 1910, by Albert S. Meek (no. 4624). From the Rothschild Collection.
Meek's field number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Rothschild and Hartert (1913: 473) noted that Meek's Snow Mountain collection was made on the Setekwa River, 04°40′S, 137°20′E (USBGN, 1943), a tributary of the Utakawa River (variously spelled Oetakwa or Otakwa). The type series comprised five adult males, three adult females, one immature male, and one juvenile female. The nine paratypes are AMNH 585293–585301.
Eupetes castanonotus uropygialis Rand
Eupetes castanonotus uropygialis Rand, 1940b: 2 (altitude 1200 meters, 6 km. southwest Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River, Netherland New Guinea).
Now Ptilorrhoa castanonota uropygialis (Rand, 1940). See Deignan, 1964a: 237, Rand and Gilliard, 1967: 340, and Dickinson, 2003: 453.
AMNH 305662, adult female, collected 6 km SW Bernhard Camp, 1200 m, ca. 03°30′S, 139°15′E, Idenburg River, Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 20 February 1939, by Richard Archbold, Austin L. Rand, and William B. Richardson on the Third (1938– 1939) Archbold Expedition (no. 9601).
The AMNH number was cited in the original description. The three paratypes are AMNH 340507–340509; AMNH 340509 was deposited in MZB.
The 1200 m camp was described by Archbold et al. (1942: 243–246) and shown on the map opposite page 199. This expedition was also known as the Indisch-Amerikaansche Expeditie.
Melampitta lugubris longicauda Mayr and Gilliard
Melampitta lugubris longicauda Mayr and Gilliard, 1952: 1 (Mt. Tafa, near Wharton Range, Papua, 2400 meters).
Now Melampitta lugubris longicauda Mayr and Gilliard, 1952. See Coates, 1990: 421.
AMNH 420120, adult male, collected on the west slope of Mt. Tafa, 2400 m, 08°35′S, 147°10′E (Papua New Guinea General Reference Map, 1984), Papua New Guinea, on 10 September 1933, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand on the 1933– 1934 Archbold Expedition (no. 1313).
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. The following specimens are paratypes: AMNH 267162, 267163, 340363, 340365– 340370, 340376–340388, 340398, 420115– 420119, 420121–420124, 590750–590753, 590756, and 705056–705061. Of these, the following have been exchanged: AMNH 340367 to UMMZ, AMNH 340383 and 420117 to FMNH, and AMNH 340385 and 705057 to AM. The type locality is described in Archbold and Rand (1935: 559–562).
DNA-DNA hybridization studies indicate that Melampitta is related to birds of paradise (Sibley and Ahlquist, 1987). It is included in the tribe Paradisaeini of the Corvidae by Sibley and Monroe (1990: 472).
Mellopitta gigantea Rothschild
Mellopitta gigantea Rothschild, 1899c: 137 (“3000 Fuss hoch auf dem Berge Maori west lich des Humboldt-Busens an der nordküste von Neuguinea”).
Now Melampitta gigantea (Rothschild, 1899). See Mayr, 1930: 24, Hartert, 1930b: 92, and Coates, 1990: 421.
AMNH 590763, [immature] male, collected on Moari (= Maori) mountain, Papua Prov., Indonesia, in January 1899, by J.M. Dumas. From the Rothschild Collection.
A single specimen was collected by Dumas. It was sexed as a male by Dumas, but the sex was not cited in the original description. Hartert (1922a: 379) listed it as a male, but questioned the sexing. The mixture of brown in the otherwise black plumage of the holotype indicates immaturity.
“Mt. Maori” was originally said by Rothschild to be west of Humboldt Bay on the north coast of New Guinea. While Dumas did collect there, Mayr (1930: 24) showed that his specimens, listed from Mt. Maori by Rothschild and Hartert, actually came from the Arfak Peninsula. A further check of Dumas' specimens shows that he actualy wrote his locality as “Moari Mt.” (sometimes spelled “Maori”). I interpret this as meaning the mountain near Moari. It was always written this way by Dumas, but was copied on the Rothschild labels as “Mt. Moari”. There is, in fact, a mountain more than 7000 ft high, just inland from coastal Moari, 01°21′S, 134°13′E (Times Atlas).
DNA-DNA hybridization studies indicate that the genus Melampitta is related to birds of paradise (Sibley and Ahlquist, 1987). Sibley and Monroe (1990: 472) included it in the tribe Paradisaeini of the Corvidae.
Ifrita coronata Rothschild
Ifrita coronata Rothschild, 1898: 54 (“Low country east of Port Moresby, Brit. New Guinea”).
Now Ifrita kowaldi kowaldi (DeVis, 1890). See Deignan, 1964a: 240, and Coates, 1990: 71–72.
When Rothschild described this form, he had a single specimen and had been told when he purchased it that it came from the “low country east of Port Moresby”. He later received specimens from high altitudes on Mount Knutsford, Owen Stanley Mountains, and realized that it was a mountain form (Rothschild, 1899a: 218). The holotype has no original label, only a Rothschild type label and an AMNH label added for cataloging purposes.
Rothschild (1898: 53–54) named both the genus Ifrita and the species coronata at this time. Hartert (1920: 483) later found that specimens from the Owen Stanley Mountains had earlier been named Todopsis kowaldi by DeVis and accepted this type locality as the type locality of I. coronata.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 458) included the genus Ifrita in the subfamily Cinclosomatinae of the Corvidae, but its relationships are far from settled (Schodde and Mason, 1999: 408).
Ifrita kowaldi brunnea Rand
Ifrita kowaldi brunnea Rand, 1940b: 2 (K[unupi], Weyland Mountains, Netherland New Guinea).
Now Ifrita kowaldi brunnea Rand, 1940. See Rand and Gilliard, 1967: 345–346, and Dickinson, 2003: 515.
AMNH 301950, adult male, collected at Kunupi, Weyland Mountains, Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 7 October 1931, by Georg Stein (no. 1746).
The AMNH number was cited in the original description. Rand (1940b: 3) included birds from the Weyland Mts. and south slopes of the Snow Mts. (Mt. Goliath) in brunnea. Paratypes are: Weyland Mts., AMNH 301949, 301951–301955; Mt. Goliath, AMNH 589037–589047.
The Mt. Goliath specimens were reported on by Rothschild and Hartert (1913: 504) under the name Ifrita coronata, where three males and eight females are listed; all 11 specimens are now in AMNH.
The Weyland Mountain Expedition of Georg and Clara Stein was sponsored by Dr. Leonard C. Sanford for AMNH and by ZMB. Specimens of this species collected by the Steins were originally identified as I. k. schalowiana, and five males and four females were listed (Hartert et al., 1936: 221). In this case, six specimens in addition to the holotype came to AMNH, with the remainder going to ZMB. The ZMB specimens are not paratypes.
Stein (1933) published an account of his New Guinea trip with descriptions of the various collecting localities.
Pellorneum ruficeps chamelum Deignan
Pellorneum ruficeps chamelum Deignan, 1947: 6 (Gunjong, Cachar District, Surma Valley and Hill Division, Assam Province, India).
Now Pellorneum ruficeps chamelum Deignan, 1947. See Dickinson, 2003: 599.
AMNH 588344, adult male, collected at Gunjong, 25°19′N, 93°01′E (Collar et al., 2001: 2588), Cachar District, Surma Valley and Hill Division, Assam Province, India, on 2 November 1895, by E.C. Stuart Baker. From the Rothschild Collection.
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. The five paratypes listed by Deignan (1947: 7) are: AMNH 110640, unsexed, from Rangsakona; AMNH 110641, male from Tura; AMNH 588345 and 588346, females from Gunjong; and AMNH 588342, male from Mahu.
Ali and Ripley (1996a: 116) synonymized P. r. chamelum with P. ruficeps mandellii.
Pellorneum ruficeps ripleyi Deignan
Pellorneum ruficeps ripleyi Deignan, 1947: 7 (Margherita, Lakhimpur District, Assam Province, India).
Now Pellorneum ruficeps ripleyi Deignan, 1947. See Dickinson, 2003: 599.
AMNH 588323, adult male, collected at Margherita, 27°17′N, 95°40′E (Times Atlas), Lakhimpur District, Assam Province, India, on 31 (not 21) December 1901, by Henry Neville Coltart. From the Rothschild Collection.
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. Fourteen of the 17 paratypes listed by Deignan (1947: 8) are at AMNH: Margherita, males, AMNH 588319–588322, 588324– 588327; females, AMNH 588328, 588329, 588332, and 588334; Dibrugarh, male, AMNH 588338, and female, AMNH 588340. Deignan borrowed specimens from many museums for his study of Pellorneum ruficeps and labeled and initialed specimens he had in hand. Other specimens in AMNH from the same localities but not labeled and initialed by Deignan are not considered paratypes.
Ali and Ripley (1996a: 116) synonymized P. ruficeps ripleyi with P. r. mandellii.
Pellorneum ruficeps shanense Deignan
Pellorneum ruficeps shanense Deignan, 1947: 9 (Ma-li-pa (lat. 23°41′ N., long. 98°46′ E.), Kokang State, Burmese Wa States).
Now Pellorneum ruficeps shanense Deignan, 1947. See Smythies, 1986: 276, and MacKinnon and Phillipps, 2000: 427–428.
Pellorneum ruficeps victoriae Deignan
Pellorneum ruficeps victoriae Deignan, 1947: 10 (Mount Victoria (lat. 21°15′ N., long. 93°55′ E.), Kanpetlet District, Magwe Division, Burma).
Now Pellorneum ruficeps victoriae Deignan, 1947. See Smythies, 1986: 276, and Dickinson, 2003: 599.
AMNH 306137 (not 306134), adult male, collected on Mount Victoria, 21°12′N, 93°55′E (Times Atlas), Kanpetlet District, Magwe Division, Myanmar, on 12 March 1938, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 2010).
The AMNH number of the holotype is poorly written and was misread by Deignan and by me until a check in the AMNH catalog confirmed the correct number. The paratype listed by Deignan (1947: 11) is not in AMNH. The collection of some 4000 specimens made in 1937–1938 on Mount Victoria by Gerd Heinrich was reported on by Stresemann and Heinrich (1939). It was afterwards divided among several museums, with some 400 specimens being purchased by AMNH. Specimens of Pellorneum ruficeps collected by Heinrich were listed under the subspecies minus (Stresemann and Heinrich, 1939: 203).
Turdinus canicapillus Sharpe
Turdinus canicapillus Sharpe, 1887: 450 (Kina Balu, northern Borneo).
Now Trichastoma pyrrogenys canicapillus ( Sharpe, 1887). See Wells et al., 2001, and David and Gosselin, 2002a: 35.
AMNH 588610, adult male, collected on Kinabalu, 3000 ft, 06°03′N, 116°32′E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, on 25 March 1887, by John Whitehead (no. 1354). From the Rothschild Collection.
Sharpe did not designate a type in the original description but described male and female. Later, Sharpe (in Sharpe and Whitehead, 1889: 415) listed only one specimen collected in 1887, a male collected on the above date, again without designating a type, but in a paper that frequently does not list all of Whitehead's specimens. Whitehead often sent ahead to Sharpe “a pair of most birds I thought would be new” (Whitehead, 1893: 185). This was apparently the case for this taxon, as both a male and a female collected in 1887 came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. Hartert (1920: 484) designated the above male the lectotype, citing Whitehead's number. The reverse of Whitehead's label is marked “Type RBS[harpe]”. The female is the paralectotype: AMNH 588612 (Whitehead no. 1356), collected on 4 April 1887. The small field tag still present on this specimen is marked “descr. Type”.
See Wells et al. (2001) for a survey of the nomenclatural history of canicapillus and relatives and a comparison of vocalizations. David and Gosselin (2002a: 35) noted that canicapillus is a noun phrase, to be treated as a noun in apposition, with the gender ending unchanged.
Dickinson (2003: 600) included the species pyrrogenys in the genus Pellorneum.
Anuropsis malaccensis feriatus [sic] Chasen and Boden Kloss
Anuropsis malaccensis feriatus [sic] Chasen and Boden Kloss, 1931: 279 (Gunong Mulu, North Sarawak, Borneo).
Now Malacocincla malaccensis feriata (Chasen and Boden Kloss, 1931). See Ripley and Beehler, 1985, and Smythies and Davison, 1999: 497.
AMNH 589279, unsexed adult, collected on Gunong Mulu, 04°02′N, 114°54′E (Times Atlas), Sarawak, Malaysia, in March 1898, by Johannes Waterstradt. From the Rothschild Collection.
The description, based on a single specimen bearing the above data, appeared too late to have been included in any of Hartert's lists of types in the Rothschild Collection.
Deignan (1964b: 251) placed the species malaccensis in the genus Trichastoma and questioned the inclusion of feriata in malaccensis.
Erythrocichla bicolor whiteheadi Hartert
Erythrocichla bicolor whiteheadi Hartert, 1915c: 36 (“Benkoker”).
Now Trichastoma bicolor (Lesson, 1839). See Ripley and Beehler, 1985, and Smythies and Davison, 1999: 496–497.
AMNH 589091, adult male, collected on the Bengkoka River (= Benkoker), Sabah, Malaysia, on 11 October 1885, by John Whitehead (no. 389). From the Rothschild Collection.
Whitehead's field number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Whitehead (1893: 41–42) was on the Bengkoka River from 31 August–17 November 1885 and apparently never traveled far up the river. The coordinates at the mouth are ca. 06°45′N, 117°04′E (D. Wells, in litt.).
Only the holotype was mentioned in the original description, but a second specimen, AMNH 589092, male, collected on the Bengkoka River on 22 October 1885 by Whitehead (no. 426), would have been available to Hartert and is a paratype.
Malacocincla sepiaria tardinata Hartert
Malacocincla sepiaria tardinata Hartert, 1915c: 35 (Gunong Tahan, 1000 feet).
Now Malacocincla sepiaria tardinata Hartert, 1915. See Ripley and Beehler, 1985, and Dickinson, 2003: 600.
AMNH 588581, adult male, collected on Gunong Tahan, 1000 ft, 04°34′N, 102°17′E (Times Atlas), Pahang, Malaysia, in November 1901, by Johannes Waterstradt. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, the type was said to be a male from Gunong Tahan, collected by Waterstradt in November 1901. Hartert (1915c: 35) referred to his earlier (Hartert 1902d: 563) report on Waterstradt's collection, noting that he had “called attention to the differences, but at the same time enumerated the specimen from Gunong Tahan under M.a. olivacea” (p. 562). In his earlier report, he did not say how many specimens he had from Gunong Tahan, but in fact two came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. The second specimen, AMNH 588579, adult female, collected on Gunong Tahan in December 1901 by Waterstradt, is a paratype.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 630) spell this species Malacocincla sepiarium, but see David and Gosselin (2002a: 18) for a discussion of the spelling.
Aethostoma celebense rufofuscum Stresemann
Aethostoma celebense rufofuscum Stresemann, 1931b: 45 (Oeroe am Westfuss des Latimodjong-Gebirges, 800 m).
Now Trichastoma celebense rufofuscum (Stresemann, 1931). See Ripley and Beehler, 1985, and White and Bruce, 1986: 325.
AMNH 292794, adult male, collected at Uru (= Oeroe), Latimojong Mountains, 800 m, 03°30′S, 120°05′E (USBGN, 1982b), Sulawesi, Indonesia, on 13 August 1930, by Gerd Heinrich (no. 1604). Collected on the Heinrich Expedition 1930.
Heinrich's unique field number of the holotype was given in the original description, where no mention was made of additional specimens. However, Stresemann (1940: 110) listed 12 males and seven females collected by Heinrich at Uru. Of the 18 paratypes, 10 were deposited in AMNH: AMNH 290791–290793, 290795–290801.
For information on the deposition of specimens collected on this expedition, see Heinrichia c. calligyna. Heinrich (1932) described this expedition in his book, Der Vogel Schnarch.
[Aethostoma celebense sordidum Stresemann]
As mentioned under Heinrichia c. calligyna, all types of new forms described as a result of Heinrich's expedition to Sulawesi were to come to AMNH. However, due to the outbreak of World War II, seven of the types were not sent and remain in ZMB. Stresemann (1938b: 147) described the holotype of A. c. sordidum as bearing Heinrich's no. 5967. This holotype is ZMB 34.612 (Heinrich no. 5967); in addition, there are seven paratypes in ZMB (Frank Steinheimer, personal commun.). Paratypes in AMNH are AMNH 299519–299535. This name was found to be preoccupied by Anuropsis malaccensis sordida Chasen and Kloss, 1929 (= Trichastoma malaccense poliogene (Strickland, 1849)), and a nomen novum was provided, Trichastoma celebense improbatum Deignan (1964b: 255). White and Bruce (1986: 325) did not recognize improbatum, including it with other intergrading populations in T. c. rufofuscum.
Turdinus pyrrhopterus kivuensis Neumann
Turdinus pyrrhopterus kivuensis Neumann, 1908a: 55 (Mt. Sabjingo (2700 m.)).
Now Illadopsis pyrrhoptera pyrrhoptera (Reichenow and Neumann, 1895). See Ripley and Beehler, 1985, and Fry et al., 2000: 20.
AMNH 588772, adult female, collected at Mt. Sabinyo (= Sabjingo), 2700 m, 01°22′S, 29°36′E (Times Atlas), Kivu, Congo (Kinshasa), on 30 August 1907, by Rudolf Grauer (no. 1128). From the Rothschild Collection.
The above specimen is the only one mentioned in the original description and the only specimen that came to AMNH collected by Grauer in 1907 on the Western Kivu Volcanoes.
Deignan (1964b: 257) included this species in the genus Trichastoma and did not recognize subspecies.
Turdinus albipectus minutus van Someren
Turdinus albipectus minutus van Someren, 1915: 126 (Mabira Forest, Uganda).
Now Illadopsis rufipennis rufipennis (Sharpe, 1872). See Ripley and Beehler, 1985, and Fry et al., 2000: 12.
AMNH 588740, adult male [= female?], collected in the Mabira Forest, ca. 00°30′N, 32°57′E (Polhill, 1988: 199), Uganda, on 2 October 1913, by Victor G.L. van Someren. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, the type was said to be in the Rothschild Collection and to bear the above data. The above specimen is the only one collected on 2 October 1913 that came to AMNH. In the original description, van Someren did not say how many specimens he had, but later he (van Someren, 1932: 341) noted that there were four specimens in addition to the type. Six specimens were cataloged at AMNH as T. a. minutus, all collected in 1913 and 1914 in the Mabira Forest by van Someren. However, one of them has the scaly breast feathers said by van Someren (1922: 245) to separate barakae from minutus, and it is not here considered a paratype of minutus. The holotype and two of the paratypes of minutus agree with Illadopsis rufipennis in having less white on the belly and a tarsus shorter than that of I. albipectus (Chapin, 1953: 207): AMNH 588744, female, collected 14 October 1913, tarsus 25 mm; AMNH 588745, female, collected 2 May 1914, tarsus 25 mm; tarsal length of the holotype is 23 mm. The other two paratypes agree with I. albipectus barakae: AMNH 588742, male, collected 16 September 1913, tarsus 28.5 mm; AMNH 588743, male, collected 27 September 1913, tarsus 29 mm.
The original sexing of the holotype as a male was questioned by both van Someren (1915: 126) and Chapin (1953: 215). This type was not listed by Hartert in any of his lists of types in the Rothschild Collection, but it bears a Rothschild type label and is marked type in van Someren's hand on his label.
Turdinus moloneyanus iboensis Hartert
Turdinus moloneyanus iboensis Hartert, 1907b: 84 (Oguta, in the district inhabited by the Ibo Tribe).
Now Illadopsis fulvescens iboensis (Hartert, 1907). See Ripley and Beehler, 1985, and Fry et al., 2000: 18.
AMNH 588756, adult male, collected at Oguta, 05°55′N, 06°48′E (R. Dowsett, personal commun.), Nigeria, on 19 November 1901, by William J. Ansorge (no. 400). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert cited Ansorge's field number of the holotype. Apparently, Hartert had only the single specimen.
A rare typographical error in Fry et al. (2000: 18) credited this description to “Herbert” instead of Hartert.
Turdinus ugandae van Someren
Turdinus ugandae van Someren, 1915: 125 (Sezibwa River Forest).
Now Illadopsis fulvescens ugandae (van Someren, 1915). See Fry et al., 2000: 18.
AMNH 588647, adult male, collected on the Sezibwa River, ca. 00°25′N, 32°51′E (R. Dowsett, personal commun.), Uganda, on 16 November 1914, by Victor G.L. van Someren (no. 169). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, van Someren designated a male and a female syntype, both of which bear a Rothschild type label. The male specimen was designated the lectotype by Hartert (1920: 484). The female syntype thus becomes the paralectotype: AMNH 588648, collected in the Mabira Forest, Uganda, on 30 April 1914. This specimen does not have a van Someren label, but the Rothschild Collection label is noted on the reverse in van Someren's hand: “♀ Mabira, type ♀, 30–4–14, T. fulvescens pallidus [crossed out] ugandae”. There is no collector's number on this label, nor did van Someren cite a field number for either specimen. However, the Rothschild type label on this paralectotype inexplicably also bears the number “169”. Because both bear the Rothschild type label, both are retained in the type collection at AMNH.
Ptyrticus turdinus Hartlaub
Ptyrticus turdinus Hartlaub, 1883: 425 (Tamaja).
Now Ptyrticus turdinus turdinus Hartlaub, 1883. See Fry et al., 2000: 34.
AMNH 588947, adult female, collected at Tomaya (= Tamaja), 04°38′N, 29°50′E (Chapin, 1954: 729), Bahr-el-Ghazal, Sudan, on 3 February 1882, by Emin Pasha (no. 215). From the Rothschild Collection.
The original description of both genus and species was based on this single specimen.
Hartert (1920: 483) incorrectly listed the original description as Hartlaub (1887: 315), where Hartlaub reports on the third shipment of birds from Emin Pasha, listing the holotype and figuring it in plate 11, figure 1. Hart laub (1887: 314) here listed the genus Ptyrticus as new, but it had already been introduced in his 1883 paper.
[Turdinus kalulongae Sharpe]
AMNH 589156, male, collected in February (no year), for Charles Hose, in Sarawak, has been discussed by Dickinson (2000). Sharpe (1893a: 54), in the July 1893 Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, described the species, giving measurements for a single specimen but not saying how many specimens he had. Then in a paper by Sharpe (1893b: 548), published in Ibis in October, he mentioned that there were two specimens of Turdinus kalulongae in Hose's collection. One specimen, referred to as the holotype by Warren and Harrison (1971: 278), is in BMNH, purchased from the dealer Gerrard. The second specimen came to AMNH from Rothschild, who also probably purchased it from Gerrard. It is not known whether Sharpe actually had the second specimen in hand when he described T. kalulongae.
As reported by Dickinson (2000), the AMNH specimen had not been claimed as a type by Hartert (1920: 482), who had referred to it, in modern terminology, as a paratype. This means that he accepted the specimen in BMNH as the type. I accept Dickinson's view that by referring to the Rothschild specimen as a paratype, Hartert in effect designated the BMNH specimen the lectotype. However, should there be a question as to this lectotypification, Warren and Harrison's listing of the BMNH specimen as the holotype satisfies the Code (ICZN, 2000: 83, Art. 74.6) in this regard. AMNH 589156 then becomes the paralectotype. This specimen bore no Rothschild type label and had tentatively been placed with the types by Greenway, who at that time had not thoroughly researched this taxon. It has been removed from the type collection and replaced in the general collection at AMNH. Turdinus kalulongae is a synonym of Malacopteron magnirostre cinereocapilla (Salvadori, 1868). See David and Gosselin (2002a: 38), who explained the retention of the spelling cinereocapilla.
Malacopterum cinereum bungurense Hartert
Malacopterum cinereum bungurense Hartert, 1894: 470 (Bunguran Island, Natuna Islands).
Now Malacopterum cinereum bungurense Hartert, 1894. See Smythies and Davison, 1999: 501.
AMNH 589150, adult male, collected on Great Natuna Island (= Bunguran Island), 03°55′N, 108°14′E (Seltzer, 1962: 714), Natuna Islands, Indonesia, on 13 October 1893, by Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert did not designate a type in the original description, but stated that he had three males and one female. Later, Hartert (1920: 482) designated the male specimen collected on 13 October as the lectotype. This specimen is marked “Type” and bears a Rothschild type label. Only two paralectotypes came to AMNH: AMNH 589151, male, and AMNH 589152, female, both collected 6 October 1893 and both marked “cotype”. Rothschild (1894) provided introductory material about this collection.
Deignan (1964b: 264) considered bungurense a synonym of M. c. cinereum.
Pomatorhinus tickelli hainanus Rothschild
Pomatorhinus tickelli hainanus Rothschild, 1903: 9 (No-tai).
Now Pomatorhinus hypoleucos hainanus Rothschild, 1903. See Cheng, 1987: 647, and Dickinson, 2003: 602.
AMNH 586286, adult male, collected at No-tai, Hainan Island, China, on 30 September 1902, by Zensaku Katsumata (no. 90a). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Rothschild designated as the holotype Katsumata's specimen no. 90a, bearing the above data. He had a series of 14 males and females from No-Tai, Laimui-Mon, and Mt. Wuchi, Hainan Island. The 13 paratypes are: AMNH 586287–86299. All of these bear Katsumata's species no. 90. An “a” had been added to the holotype and to AMNH 586287, a female collected at No-tai on 30 September 1902. This had been crossed out on the latter specimen and a “b” added. Only the male was listed as the type. None of the other paratypes had a letter added to Katsumata's number.
Pomatorhinus erythrogenys minor Delacour and Jabouille
Pomatorhinus erythrogenys minor Delacour and Jabouille, 1930: 400 (Pakha (Tonkin), altitude: 1,400 mètres).
Now Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis odicus Bangs and Phillips, 1914. See, Vaurie, 1954: 2, 1959: 439–440.
AMNH 292204, adult male, collected at Bac Ha (= Pakha), 22°34′N, 104°17′E (Hennache and Dickinson, 2000: 624), Vietnam, on 21 December 1929, by E. Poilane on the Fifth Expedition to French Indo-China (no. 3495).
The field number of the holotype was given in the original description. Delacour (1930: 564–567) gave the itinerary of this expedition and noted that Poilane collected at Pakha. Delacour and Jabouille (1930: 401) listed four males and four females of this form collected at Pakha and Chapa. Three of the seven paratypes came to AMNH, all collected at Chapa: AMNH 291151 (expedition no. 1870), male; AMNH 291152 (1722), female; and AMNH 291153 (2021), female [male] (so marked on the original label). See Hennache and Dickinson (2000: 619–621) for information on this expedition.
Deignan (1964b: 268) and Dickinson (2003: 602) retained erythrocnemis as a subspecies of P. erythrogenys (sensu lato), with odicus as another subspecies. Sibley and Monroe (1990: 632–633) considered P. erythrogenys and P. erythrocnemis separate species, but see Inskipp et al. (1996: 182) concerning species ranges.
Pomatorhinus erythrogenys cowensae Deignan
Pomatorhinus erythrogenys cowensae Deignan, 1952: 122 (Wanhsien, eastern Szechwan).
Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis cowensae Deignan, 1952. See Vaurie, 1954: 2.
AMNH 204833, adult female, collected at Wanxian (= Wanhsien), 30°54′N, 108°20′E (Times Atlas), Sichuan, China, on 6 January 1923, by Walter Granger (no. G.411). From the Third Asiatic Expedition.
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. Deignan did not say how many specimens he examined; however, he labeled and initialed three of the four additional specimens at AMNH. These were undoubtedly the specimens he had borrowed and are paratypes of cowensae: AMNH 204832 (G.199), female, 21 December 1921; AMNH 204834 (G.464), female, 8 February 1923; and AMNH 261527 (G.618), female, 3 March 1926, all labeled as collected at Wanhsien. AMNH 261526 is not initialed by Deignan and is not considered a paratype.
On the reverse of each label is written “Yen-Ching-Kao”. Roy Chapman Andrews (1922: 221) wrote that Granger, paleontologist of the Third Asiatic Expedition, after reaching Wanhsien “remained at a little village called Yenchingkao, about ten miles from Wanhsien”. He again went to Wanhsien and Yenchingkao in 1926 to search for new fossil fields, after the expedition was unable to enter western Mongolia because of hostilities in China (American Museum of Natural History, 1927: 26).
Deignan (1964b: 269), Cheng (1987: 648), and Dickinson (2003: 602) retained erythrocnemis as a subspecies of P. erythrogenys (sensu lato) and recognized Pomatorhinus erythrogenys cowensae. Sibley and Monroe (1990: 632–633) considered P. erythrogenys and P. erythrocnemis separate species, but see Inskipp et al. (1996: 182) concerning species ranges.
Pomatorhinus schisticeps cryptanthus Hartert
Pomatorhinus schisticeps cryptanthus Hartert, 1915c: 35 (Margherita, Upper Assam).
Now Pomatorhinus schisticeps cryptanthus Hartert, 1915. See Robson, 2000: 453.
AMNH 585712, adult male, collected at Margherita, 27°17′N, 95°40′E (Times Atlas), Upper Assam, India, on 22 February 1902, by Henry N. Coltart. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, the type with the above data was said to be in the Rothschild Collection. It is the only such specimen that came to AMNH and it bears the Rothschild type label. Hartert said only that he had a series collected by E.C. Stuart Baker and Coltart. Three specimens are paratypes: AMNH 585713 and 585714, both females collected on 22 February 1902 by Coltart, and AMNH 585715, female collected in 1900 at Debrugarh, Upper Assam, by Stuart Baker.
Pomatorhinus schisticeps fastidiosus Hartert
Pomatorhinus schisticeps fastidiosus Hartert, 1916a: 81 (Ko-khan, Trang, Malay Peninsula).
Now Pomatorhinus schisticeps fastidiosus Hartert, 1916. See Robson, 2000: 453.
AMNH 585739, adult male, collected at Ban Khok Khan (= Ko-khan), 07°34′N, 99°38′E (Deignan, 1964b: 273), Thailand, on 8 January 1910, received from Herbert C. Robinson. From the Mus. Civ. Selangor (= Selangor State Museum, now Malaysian National Museum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, mus. no. 840/10), via the Rothschild Collection.
The description of fastidiosus was based on two specimens, both of which Rothschild received on exchange from Herbert C. Robinson. The specimen listed as the type in the orginal description was the one collected at Ko-khan. The paratype is AMNH 585740, adult male, collected at Kao Nong, 1200–1500 ft, Thailand, on 14 June 1913.
Pomatorhinus ruficollis similis Rothschild
Pomatorhinus ruficollis similis Rothschild, 1926b: 261 (hills round Tengyueh).
Now Pomatorhinus ruficollis similis Rothschild, 1926. See MacKinnon and Phillips, 2000: 429– 430.
AMNH 586115, adult male, collected near Tengchong or T'eng-ch'ung (= Tengyueh), 6000–7000 ft, 25°02′N, 98°28′E (Times Atlas), Yunnan, China, in March 1922, by George Forrest (no. 1391). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Rothschild cited Forrest's unique field number for the holotype and listed 35 paratypes collected by Forrest. Of these, 33 came to AMNH: AMNH 586114 and 586116– 586147.
For a discussion of the types of taxa described by Rothschild based on the collections made by George Forrest in Yunnan, see LeCroy and Dickinson (2001).
Pomatorhinus ruficollis bhamoensis Mayr
Pomatorhinus ruficollis bhamoensis Mayr [in Stanford and Mayr], 1941a: 65 (Sinlum, Bhamo).
Now Pomatorhinus ruficollis bhamoensis Mayr, 1941. See Dickinson, 2003: 603.
AMNH 586089, adult male, collected at Sinlum-Kaba, east of Bhamo, Myanmar, on 24 April 1908, by Herbert H. Harington (no. 125). From the Rothschild Collection.
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. There are two paratypes: AMNH 586088, male, Kha-Cho, 4000 ft, 19 March 1908; and AMNH 586090, female, Sinlum-Kaba, 3 May 1908, both collected by Harington.
Harington (1909: 107) described his collecting localities: “I spent a very pleasant and profitable two months of my leave collecting in the hills due East of Bhamo, one month being spent at Sinlum-Kaba, a small hill station of about 5 500 feet above sea level.” Bhamo is at 24°15′N, 97°15′E (Times Atlas).
Robson (2000: 454) considered bhamoensis a synonym of P. r. albipectus.
Pomatorhinus isidori calidus Rothschild
Pomatorhinus isidori calidus Rothschild, 1931: 266 (Siriwo River, 45 miles above mouth, south of Geelvink Bay, Dutch New Guinea).
Now Garritornis isidorei calidus (Rothschild, 1931). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 401, and Dickinson, 2003: 450.
AMNH 302875, adult male, collected 45 miles above the mouth of the Siriwo River, southeastern Teluk Cenderwasih (= Geelvink Bay), Papua Prov., Indonesia, on 14 June 1930, by Fred Shaw Mayer (no. 19).
Rothschild had a single specimen. Fred Shaw Mayer's collecting trip was jointly sponsored by Dr. Leonard C. Sanford for AMNH and by Rothschild. The collection as a whole was reported on by Rothschild (1931), but specimens representing the AMNH share were stamped with an “s” within a circle, as this specimen is. These specimens came separately to AMNH and were separately cataloged (not with the Rothschild Collection, which reached AMNH about the same time). Shaw Mayer's field label is a printed label supplied him by the Rothschild Museum, but this type bears only an AMNH type label, not a Rothschild type label. The mouth of the Siriwo River is at ca. 03°00′S, 135°50′E.
Coates (1990: 76) and Coates and Peckover (2001: 125) retained this species in Pomatostomus. The babblers of Australia and New Guinea, genus Pomatostomus (including Garritornis), are placed in the family Pomatostomidae by Sibley and Monroe (1990: 449) and Schodde and Mason (1999: 399).
Pomatorhinus temporalis tregellasi Mathews
Pomatorhinus temporalis tregellasi Mathews, 1912a: 334 (Victoria).
Now Pomatostomus temporalis temporalis (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 400–402.
AMNH 585785, adult male, collected at Frankston, 38°08′S, 145°07′E (Times Atlas), Victoria, Australia, on 20 March 1908, by Thomas H. Tregellas. From the Mathews Collection (no. 3172) via the Rothschild Collection.
Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description. This entry illustrates one of the eccentricities of Mathews' cataloging technique. Nos. 3172 and 3173 have been reused! The numbers were apparently first used for specimens of Ptilotis macleayana (= Meliphaga macleayana). Presumably these specimens were exchanged, as 3172 and 3173 do not appear on any of the Mathews specimens of Meliphaga macleayana that subsequently came to AMNH. Mathews must have considered the numbers again available. Both the holotype and another specimen of Pomatostomus temporalis were then written in over the previous entries. The data are correctly entered and Tregellas is given as the source of the specimens. I have checked the AMNH collection and find four specimens of Meliphaga macleayana bearing the subsequent Mathews catalog numbers 3174–3177 (all four are syntypes of Mathews' Caloptilotis macleayana johnstoni).
Although Mathews (1912a: 334) did not say how many specimens he had when he described Pomatorhinus temporalis tregellasi, the second specimen cataloged at the same time is a paratype. It is AMNH 585793, a male collected at Kamarooka, Victoria, on 3 March 1907, and although it does not bear the Mathews catalog number, its other data match Mathews' catalog entry and it is the only Kamarooka specimen in AMNH. It does not have Tregellas' characteristic label, but it is credited to Tregellas by Mathews in his catalog, and the handwriting on the small label could be that of Tregellas.
In addition to the field label, the Mathews type label, and the Rothschild type label, the holotype also bears the Mathews “Figured” label. It is the lower figure in plate 432 in Mathews (1922: opposite p. 254).
Pomatorhinus temporalis cornwalli Mathews
Pomatorhinus temporalis cornwalli Mathews, 1912a: 335 (Cairns, North Queensland).
Now Pomatostomus temporalis temporalis (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 400–402.
AMNH 585823, adult female, collected on the Barron River, 17°00′S, 145°25′E (Storr, 1984: 179), Queensland, Australia, on 8 June 1911, by Frederick P. Dodd (no. 27). From the Mathews Collection (no. 9324) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews catalog number was cited in the original description. While Cairns was given as the type locality, the field label gives the locality as Barron River and the Mathews catalog number verifies its identification as the type. Mathews' (1912a) Reference-list, in which this description was published, is dated January 1912. Thus, additional specimens collected by Dodd in March 1912 were not available to Mathews. Although Dodd's name as the collector is not given in the original description, he is credited as the collector in Mathews' catalog. No paratypes were identified.
Schodde and Mason (1999: 401–402) discussed various treatments of P. temporalis.
Pomatorhinus temporalis strepitans Mayr and Rand
Pomatorhinus temporalis strepitans Mayr and Rand, 1935: 6 (Dogwa, Oriomo River, Western Division, Territory of Papua).
Now Pomatostomus temporalis temporalis (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827). See Mees, 1982: 125– 127, Coates, 1990: 76–77, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 401–402.
AMNH 421974, adult male, collected at Dogwa, 40 m, Western Prov., Papua New Guinea, on 24 February 1934, by Richard Archbold and Austin L. Rand. From the 1933–1934 Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (no. 2998).
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. The 12 paratypes listed were cataloged as AMNH 421965–421973 and 421975– 421977; of these, AMNH 421965 and 421971 were exchanged to FMNH, and AMNH 421972 was exchanged to ZMB.
Archbold and Rand (1935: 576–578) described the collecting localities. Wuroi was on the banks of the Oriomo River, about 65 km from the mouth, and Dogwa was in savanna country 9 km west, on the divide between the Oriomo River and tributaries of the Binaturi River. Dogwa is shown on older maps at ca. 08°52′S, 143°00′E.
Dickinson (2003: 450) recognized strepitans.
Pomatorhinus temporalis intermedius Mathews
Pomatorhinus temporalis intermedius Mathews, 1912a: 335 (Northern Territory (Alexandra)).
Now Pomatostomus temporalis rubeculus (Gould, 1840). See Mees, 1961: 111–113, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 401–402.
AMNH 585874, adult female, collected at Alexandria (= Alexandra), 19°00′S, 136°42′E (Times Atlas), Upper Playford River, Northern Territory, Australia, on 23 March 1906, by William Stalker. From the Mathews Collection (no. 2068) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews catalog number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Mathews did not say how many specimens he examined, but three additional females collected by Stalker at Alexandria were cataloged by Mathews at the same time (nos. 2070—2072). Even though Mathews did not write his catalog numbers on these specimens, their data match the catalog entries and they are the only Alexandria specimens in AMNH besides the holotype. All three were collected in July 1905, and one of Stalker's labels serves for all three females. These paratypes are AMNH 585875– 585877. The number “532” on their labels refers to the number of this species in Mathews' (1908) Handlist. Mathews (1930: 564) synonymized intermedius with rubeculus.
Mathews (1942: 51) noted that he acquired this collection from Collingwood Ingram, who reported on the collection made for his father, Sir William Ingram. In his first report, Ingram (1907: 405) only listed the three adult females collected in July 1905. Later, in his supplementary list, Ingram (1909) noted the delayed arrival of additional birds, including a female collected on 23 March 1906. (The collecting date was interpreted by both Ingram and Mathews as 23 March, but it could also be read as 29 March.) Ingram (1907: 388–390) quoted Stalker's description of the area around Alexandria.
Pomatorhinus temporalis bamba Mathews
Pomatorhinus temporalis bamba Mathews, 1912b: 43 (Melville Island, Northern Territory).
Now Pomatostomus temporalis rubeculus (Gould, 1840). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 401– 402.
AMNH 585940, adult male, collected at Coopers Camp, Apsley Straits, Melville Island, Northern Territory, Australia, on 20 October 1911, by John P. Rogers (no. 2229). From the Mathews Collection (no. 10767) via the Rothschild Collection.
Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description but did not say how many specimens he had. He did not write this number on the specimen, nor did it bear a Mathews or Rothschild type label, but the data in the catalog match those on the above specimen. Later, when Mathews (1914a: 123) published a list of the birds collected by Rogers on Melville Island, these birds were listed as Pomatostomus temporalis rubeculus without comment, and Mathews (1930: 564) listed bamba as a synonym of rubeculus. The subspecies bamba was recognized by Deignan (1964b: 280).
Sixteen Mathews specimens of P. temporalis collected by Rogers on Melville Island came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. None of these has Mathews catalog numbers on the labels. I was able to find 14 of them in Mathews' catalog by comparing dates of collection and sex with the data on the specimens. The Melville Island specimens were cataloged in three groups. The first group, specimens collected by Rogers in September and October 1911 (“P. rubeculus” nos. 10763–10767), was cataloged in February 1912 and included the holotype listed above. The second group (“P. rubeculus” nos. 11536–11540) was cataloged in March 1912 and included specimens collected as late as 16 December 1911. These were probably not in Mathews' hand in time for the January 1912 publication of his “Reference-List”, in which this form was described. The third group (“P. rubeculus”, a single specimen no. 11921, and nos. 14417– 14420) were cataloged in May and October 1912 and were all collected in 1912. I have considered as paratypes only those specimens in addition to the holotype that were included in the first group: AMNH 585941 (Mathews no. 10766), female, 3 October 1911; AMNH 585942 (no. 10764), sex?, 3 October 1911; and AMNH 585944 (no. 10763 or 10765), female, 20 October 1911. A second female collected on 20 October 1911 was cataloged by Mathews but is not present in AMNH. All of the paratypes were from Coopers Camp.
Pomatorhinus temporalis nigrescens Mathews
Pomatorhinus temporalis nigrescens Mathews, 1912a: 335 (North-West Australia (Strelley River)).
Now Pomatostomus temporalis rubeculus (Gould, 1840). See Mees, 1961: 111–113, Schodde and Mason, 1999: 401–402, and Johnstone, 2001: 86.
AMNH 585912, unsexed adult, collected on the Strelley River, Western Australia, in September 1907. From the Mathews Collection (no. 2076) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews catalog number of the holotype was given in the original description, and the specimen bears both Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Mathews did not say how many specimens he examined. AMNH 585913, Mathews catalog no. 2073, collected on the Strelley River in September 1907, is a paratype.
Mees (1961: 111–113) noted that rubeculus is the correct name to use for northwestern Australian subspecies of P. temporalis.
Pomatostomus innominatus Mathews
Pomatostomus innominatus Mathews, 1924b: 223 (Point Torment, West Kimberley, North-west Australia).
Now Pomatostomus temporalis rubeculus (Gould, 1840). See Mees, 1961: 111–113, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 401–402.
AMNH 585896, adult male, collected at Point Torment, 17°03′S, 123°36′E (Times Atlas), King Sound, Western Australia, on 11 February 1911, by John P. Rogers (no. 1264). From the Mathews Collection (no. 8414) via the Rothschild Collection.
Pomatostomus innominatus is a name introduced by Mathews (1924b: 223) to be applied to “the bird figured in my Birds of Australia, Vol. IX, pl. 432 (top figure), and described on p. 255” (Mathews, 1924a: 255). In the text referred to, the illustrated bird was said to be a male from Point Torment, West Kimberley, northwest Australia, and collected on 11 February 1911 by Rogers. There are in AMNH four specimens collected by Rogers in 1911. Neither female is eligible to be the type. Of the two males, both collected on 11 February 1911, AMNH 585897 bears Rothschild and Rogers (no. 1263) labels, and a pink Mathews label with the Mathews catalog number 8413 (not a type label, as Mathews type labels are green). It does not bear a “Figured” label and thus is not the type. The second male, AMNH 585896, bears Rothschild and Rogers labels and the Mathews yellow “Figured” label and is thus the holotype. Paratypes are: AMNH 585897, detailed above, and the two female specimens, AMNH 585898 (Mathews no. 8412, Rogers no. 1262), collected 11 February 1911, and AMNH 585899 (Mathews no. 8748, Rogers no. 1579), collected 13 April 1911. Mathews (1930: 564) synonymized innominatus with his Pomatorhinus temporalis nigrescens.
Pomatorhinus superciliosus gilgandra Mathews
Pomatorhinus superciliosus gilgandra Mathews, 1912a: 336 (New South Wales (North)).
Now Pomatostomus superciliosus gilgandra (Mathews, 1912). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 404–405.
AMNH 585955, adult male, collected at Gilgandra, 31°42′S, 148°40′E (Times Atlas), New South Wales, Australia, in March 1910, by Schrader. From the Mathews Collection (no. 6023) via the Rothschild Collection.
Mathews cited his catolog number of the holotype in the original description but did not say how many specimens he examined. Three additional specimens collected by Schrader at Gilgandra in March 1910 were cataloged at the same time, are now in AMNH, and are paratypes: AMNH 585956 (Mathews no. 6024), male; and AMNH 585957 (no. 6021) and 585958 (no. 6022), females. The Mathews catalog numbers are not written on the labels. All four specimens are stamped with the number “1104”. Mathews (1930: 565) synonymized gilgandra with P. s. superciliosus.
Whittell (1954: 638) identified this collector as P. Schraeder.
Pomatostomus superciliosus ashbyi Mathews
Pomatostomus superciliosus ashbyi Mathews, 1911: 87 (South-West Australia).
Now Pomatostomus superciliosus ashbyi Mathews, 1911. See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 404–405.
AMNH 586038, adult male, collected at Broomehill, 33°51′S, 117°38′E (Johnstone and Storr, 1998: 411), Western Australia, on 14 June 1908, by Tom Carter. From the Mathews Collection (no. 2048) via the Rothschild Collection.
The Mathews catalog number of the holotype was cited in the original description. The specimen bears Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Other specimens from Broomehill cataloged at the same time are paratypes: AMNH 586039 (Mathews no. 2047), male, 14 June 1908; AMNH 586041 (no. 2050), male, 9 September 1906; and AMNH 586042 (no. 2049), male, 23 September 1907. A fourth specimen, AMNH 586043 (no. 9727), collected on 14 May 1910, was not cataloged by Mathews until 23 November 1911 and was probably not in hand early enough to be a paratype; the description was published 27 April 1911. Other specimens from Broomehill were collected after the publication date. Because the range was given as “South-West Australia”, specimens from Lake Way, cataloged by Mathews at the same time as the holotype, are not considered paratypes.
Pomatorhinus superciliosus gwendolenae Mathews
Pomatorhinus superciliosus gwendolenae Mathews, 1912a: 336 (Carnarvon, West Australia).
Now Pomatostomus superciliosus superciliosus (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827). See Ford, 1971: 105, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 404–405.
AMNH 586025, adult male, collected at Carnarvon, 24°51′S, 113°45′E (Times Atlas), Western Australia, on 18 September 1911, by Tom Carter. From the Mathews Collection (no. 9729) via the Rothschild Collection.
Mathews gave his catalog number for the holotype in the original description but did not say how many specimens he examined. AMNH 586026, male, collected at Carnarvon on 19 September 1911, bears Mathews no. 9728 and is a paratype. Six additional specimens that were cataloged earlier than the above specimens must also be paratypes: AMNH 586030 (Mathews no. 2051), male, 24 July 1909; AMNH 586031 (no. 2053), female, 24 July 1909; AMNH 586032 (no. 2052), female, 16 July 1909, all from Lake Way, East Murchison; AMNH 586033 (no. 3924) and AMNH 586034 (no. 3925), males, 25 October 1909, East Murchison; and AMNH 586035 (no. 5315) male nestling, Waraga, Yalgoo. Specimens from the Rothschild Collection that were never in the Mathews Collection are not considered paratypes.
Pomatostomus ruficeps bebba Mathews
Pomatostomus ruficeps bebba Mathews, 1916: 60 (South Queensland).
Now Pomatostomus ruficeps (Hartlaub, 1852). See Deignan, 1964b: 282, and Schodde and Mason, 1999: 406.
Probable Holotype:
AMNH 586064, immature male, collected at Cunnamulla, 28°04′S, 145°40′E (Times Atlas), Queensland, Australia, on 18 July 1902, Henry L. White Collection. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
The description of P. r. bebba was minimal. Mathews did not designate a type other than to say that it was from South Queensland. The above specimen is the only Queensland specimen of P. ruficeps that AMNH received with the Rothschild Collection and it is probably Mathews' type, although it bears neither a Mathews nor a Rothschild type label. The collector is not identified, but written in the same ink on the reverse of his label is “new bird?”, which is then crossed out. The specimen had originally been in the collection of H.L. White, from whom Mathews presumably obtained it. It also bears a Rothschild Collection label, printed “ex. coll. G.M. Mathews”.
This specimen, collected on 18 July 1902 at Cunnamulla, was the basis for the description of the juvenile of “Morganornis” ruficeps in Mathews (1922: 273), but it was not further connected with “M.” ruficeps bebba, listed by Mathews (1922: 275).
Pomatostomus ruficeps parsonsi Mathews
Pomatostomus ruficeps parsonsi Mathews, 1918: 48 (Pungonda, South Australia).
Now Pomatostomus ruficeps (Hartlaub, 1852). See Schodde and Mason, 1999: 406.
AMNH 586061, adult male, collected at Pungonda, South Australia, in September 1917, by Frank E. Parsons. From the Mathews Collection via the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, the type (singular) was said to have been collected at Pungonda in September 1917 by Parsons. There are two such specimens in AMNH, a male and a female, both of which would have to be considered syntypes. The male specimen bears the Mathews and the Rothschild type labels and is apparently the specimen Mathews selected as the type, but the sex was not indicated in the original description. Because it was the intent of Mathews to have the male specimen serve as the type, I hereby designate AMNH 586061 the lectotype. The female, AMNH 586062, then becomes the paralectotype.
A third Pungonda specimen, AMNH 586063, unsexed, collected in May 1917, bears a yellow “Figured” label and was the model for the lower figure in plate 433 (Mathews, 1922: opposite p. 265). In the text, Mathews (1922: 273) said that the figured bird was from Pungonda and that the sexes were alike, but it could not have been one of the syntypes because it was collected in May.
On the Rothschild labels of these specimens, Pungonda is said to be “near Luxton”. Richard Schodde (personal commun.) told me that Pungonda is in the southern South Australia Murray Mallee, 40–50 km ENE of Murray Bridge (35°10′S, 139°17′E, Times Atlas) and 70–80 km SW of Loxton (34°38′S, 140°38′E, Times Atlas).
Xiphirhynchus superciliaris forresti Rothschild
Xiphirhynchus superciliaris forresti Rothschild, 1926b: 262 (Shweli-Salwin Divide, 10,000– 11,000 feet).
Now Xiphirhynchus superciliaris forresti Rothschild, 1926. See Cheng, 1987: 653, and MacKinnon and Phillipps, 2000: 431.
AMNH 586336, adult female, collected in the forests of the Shweli-Salwin Divide, 10,000–11,000 ft, western Yunnan, China, in July 1925, by George Forrest (no. 6000). From the Rothschild Collection.
Rothschild cited Forrest's number of the holotype in the original description. The two paratypes are: AMNH 586337, female, collected on the Shweli-Salwin Divide in July 1925; and AMNH 586338, male, collected in the hills northwest of Tengyueh in October 1925. For a discussion of the types of birds named by Rothschild, based on five collections made by George Forrest in Yunnan, see LeCroy and Dickinson (2001).
Ptilopyga mindanensis Blasius
Ptilopyga mindanensis Blasius, 1890a: 877 (Davao, Mindanao).
Now Ptilocichla mindanensis mindanensis (Blasius, 1890). See Dickinson et al., 1991: 305, and Kennedy et al., 2000: 251.
AMNH 589256, male, collected at Davao, 07°18′N, 125°25′E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 418), Mindanao Island, Philippines, on 9 August 1889, by Carl C. and Margarete Platen. From the Nehrkorn Collection (no. 3001) via the Rothschild Collection.
I have not seen the original description (Blasius, 1890a: 877), but the republication (Blasius, 1890b: 146) was identical according to Hinkelmann and Heinze (1990: 624). In the republication, measurements for a male and females were given and types were said to be in the Braunschweiger Museum (SNMB) and in the Nehrkorn Collection. Hinkelmann and Heinze listed as a syntype SNMB 16052/13735, a female, collected by the Platens on 14 August 1889. However, the specimen listed above, the male, was listed as the type by Hartert (1920: 482), thus designating it the lectotype (ICZN, 1999, Art. 74.5). It is marked “Typus” on the original Platen label and was “Exchanged from the late Mr. Nehrkorn” to Rothschild (Hartert, 1920: 482). This is the only specimen of P. mindanensis that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection.
The date of the original publication of this name in the Braunschweigische Anzeigen on 15 April 1890 is important, for Steere (1890: 18) described the same population as Ptilocichla (?) Mindanensis on 14 July of the same year (see Rand, 1955: 210, and Deignan, 1964b: 285). Both of these descriptions were incorrectly cited as 1889 by Hartert (1920: 482).
Dr. Platen and his wife visited Mindanao in the [northern] summer of 1889, with the partial support of Nehrkorn (Dickinson et al., 1991: 78).
Ptiocichla (?) [sic] Basilanica Steere
Ptiocichla (?)[sic] Basilanica Steere, 1890: 18 ([Basilan]).
Now Ptilocichla mindanensis basilanica Steere, 1890. See Dickinson et al., 1991: 305, and Kennedy et al., 2000: 251.
AMNH 55296, adult male, collected on Basilan Island, 06°34′N, 122°03′E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 416), on 21 November [1887], on the J.B. Steere Expedition. From J.B. Steere via P.L. Sclater.
Steere did not say how many specimens he had, nor did he designate a type. For a discussion of type status of specimens collected on the Steere Expedition to the Philippines in 1887–1888, see Dickinson et al. (1989). As noted in part 5 of the AMNH type list (LeCroy, 2003b: 93), only three specimens now in AMNH have been traced directly to Steere, with their type status verified. The above specimen is referred to in a letter of 26 November 1891 from P.L. Sclater to J.A. Allen (Dept. of Ornithology Archives): “In exchange I propose to offer you 2 Irena ellae ♂ and ♀, 1 Ptilocichla basilanica, the originals of the 2 plates in Ibis last year [Steere, 1891]—which Dr. Steere kindly gave me …”. In addition to the field label, the AMNH label, and the AMNH type label, this specimen bears a label stating that it is the “Original of figure in ‘Ibis’ 1891, p. 312, pl. vii.” A second male syntype is present in BMNH (Warren and Harrison, 1971: 58).
Corythocichla crassa Sharpe
Corythocichla crassa Sharpe, 1888: 391 (Kina Balu, Northern Borneo).
Now Napothera crassa (Sharpe, 1888). See Smythies and Davison, 1999: 505–506.
AMNH 589440, adult female, collected on Kinabalu, 8000 feet, 06°03′N, 116°32′E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, on 15 February 1888, by John Whitehead (no. 1994). From the Rothschild Collection.
Sharpe, when he named C. crassa, described both male and female and listed the Whitehead field numbers of the two syntypes. This is probably a case where Whitehead sent ahead to Sharpe two specimens of what he supposed would prove to be a new form (see Whitehead, 1893: 185), for when Sharpe and Whitehead (1889: 418) reported on the entire collection, five specimens collected in February and March 1888 were listed. Because Sharpe (1888: 392) apparently had only two specimens when he described C. crassa, the other specimens have no nomenclatural standing. It seems to have been a lapsus that Hartert (1920: 481) listed only the female syntype as the “type”, because both specimens bear Rothschild type labels and both are marked “type” by R.B.S[harpe]. However, as a result of this, AMNH 589438, male, collected at the same place on the same date by Whitehead (no. 2081), becomes the paralectotype. Both specimens remain in the type collection, with labels added to explain their status.
Sibley and Monroe (1990: 634) noted that crassa may prove to be conspecific with Napothera brevicaudata.
Turdinulus roberti hainanus Hartert
Turdinulus roberti hainanus Hartert, 1910c: 230 (Mt. Wuchi).
Now Napothera epilepidota hainana (Hartert, 1910). See Cheng, 1987: 654, and MacKinnon and Phillipps, 2000: 432–433.
AMNH 589408, adult male, collected on Wu-Zhi Shan (= Mount Wuchi), 18°59′N, 109°45′E (Times Atlas), Hainan Island, Guangdong, China, on 25 April 1903, by Zensaku Katsumata (no. 171) for Alan Owston. From the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert, in the original description, noted that he had three males and one female collected on Wu-Zhi Shan in March and April 1903. He designated as type the only male collected on 25 April. The number 171 that appears on all of the labels is Katsumata's number for the species. Paratypes are AMNH 589409 and 589410, males collected on 28 March 1903, and AMNH 589411, female collected on 25 March 1903.
Turdinulus humei Hartert
Turdinulus humei Hartert, 1902d: 564 (Gunong Tahan).
Now Napothera epilepidota granti (Richmond, 1900). See Hartert, 1920: 481, and Robson, 2000: 456.
Turdinulus exsul Sharpe
Turdinulus exsul Sharpe, 1888: 479 (Kina Balu, North Borneo).
Now Napothera epilepidota exsul (Sharpe, 1888). See Smythies and Davison, 1999: 506.
AMNH 589375, adult male, collected on Kinabalu, 4000 ft, 06°03′N, 116°32′E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, on 10 May 1888, by John Whitehead (no. 2581). From the Rothschild Collection.
Whitehead (in Sharpe and Whitehead, 1889: 418) said that he obtained only two specimens, a male and a female. In the original description, Sharpe described only the male, and thus it is the holotype. However, on an earlier page, Sharpe (1888: 478) had noted that Whitehead had returned “with the rest of his collection”, thus indicating that he had both specimens in hand when he described exsul (ICZN, 1999: 76, Art. Thus, I consider the female, AMNH 589376, the paratype.
Pnoepyga squamata magnirostris Rothschild
Pnoepyga squamata magnirostris Rothschild, 1925: 297 (Shweli Valley, 7,000 ft.).
Now Pnoepyga albiventer albiventer (Hodgson, 1837). See Rothschild, 1926b: 249, Cheng, 1987: 655, and MacKinnon and Phillipps, 2000: 433.
AMNH 573660, adult female, collected in the Shweli Valley, 7000 ft, Yunnan, China, in November 1924, by George Forrest (no. 5819). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Rothschild stated that he had a single female, and later that it was the only known specimen (Rothschild, 1926b: 249, under Pnoepyga albiventer magnirostris). Deignan (1964b: 293) noted that Microura squamata Gould, 1837 was a nomen oblitum. Pnoepyga Hodgson, 1844, became the next available generic name, and Zimmer and Vaurie (1954: 40–41) designated albiventer as the type species. P. a. magnirostris is now considered a synonym of the nominate race. For a discussion of the types of taxa named by Rothschild, based on specimens collected by Forrest in Yunnan and a map of the area, see LeCroy and Dickinson (2001).
Pnoepyga pusilla tonkinensis Delacour and Jabouille
Pnoepyga pusilla tonkinensis Delacour and Jabouille, 1930: 404 (Chapa (Tonkin), altitude 1.600 mètres).
Now Pnoepyga pusilla pusilla Hodgson, 1845. See Deignan, 1964b: 294, and Robson, 2000: 456–457.
AMNH 292189, adult male, collected at Chapa, 22°21′N, 103°49′E (Hennache and Dickinson, 2000: 624), Viet Nam, on 12 November 1929, by Jean Delacour and Pierre Jabouille. Collected on the Fifth Expedition to French Indo-China (no. 818).
The unique field number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Of the 13 paratypes, five came to AMNH: AMNH 291468—291471, two females and two sex?, from Chapa; and AMNH 291472, female, from Loquiho.
For information on the types of taxa named by Delacour and his colleagues on the seven “French Indo-China” expeditions, see Hennache and Dickinson (2000). For a report on the birds collected on this fifth expedition, see Delacour (1930).
Pnoepyga everetti Rothschild
Pnoepyga everetti Rothschild, 1897: 168 (South Flores).
Now Pnoepyga pusilla everetti Rothschild, 1897. See White and Bruce, 1986: 325.
AMNH 573692, adult male, collected on south Flores Island, 3500 ft, Indonesia, in November 1896, by collectors for Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.
Rothschild did not designate a type in his original description, mentioning both males and females and saying only that Everett had sent a series. Hartert (1897b: 516), in his report on Everett's south Flores collection, also did not mention a type. Hartert (1922a: 366) listed the type as a male collected on south Flores, 3500 ft, in November 1896. This applies to three of the five specimens now at AMNH. However, AMNH 573692 bears the Rothschild type label, written by Rothschild himself; Everett's field label is also so marked by Rothschild. Because it was Rothschild's intent that this specimen be the type, and because it was so cataloged at AMNH and has been considered the type for more than 100 years, I hereby designate AMNH 573692 the lectotype to avoid possible confusion in interpreting the older literature. Paralectotypes are AMNH 573693 and 573694, males, and 573695, female, all collected in November 1896; and AMNH 573696, female, collected in October 1896.
Everett made Nanga Ramau (= Nanga Roma) in south Flores his headquarters and noted that his collectors reached about 5000 ft in the mountains near the coast (Hartert, 1897b: 513).
Pnoepyga pusilla timorensis Mayr
Pnoepyga pusilla timorensis Mayr, 1944: 157 (Mt. Mutis (2000 meters), Timor).
Now Pnoepyga pusilla timorensis Mayr, 1944. See White and Bruce, 1986: 325−326.
AMNH 308002, adult male, collected on Mt. Mutis, 2000 m, 09°35′S, 124°15′E (Times Atlas), Timor Island, Indonesia, on 22 February 1932, by Georg Stein (no. 3252). From the Stein Expedition to Timor and Sumba.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Mayr (1944: 135, 157) did not say how many specimens were collected, only mentioning a series of males and females. Paratypes are: AMNH 345838–345863, of which the following were sent to ZMB after the end of World War II, in April 1955: AMNH 345838, 345839, 345848, 345849, 345855, and 345859.
See Turdus poliocephalus sterlingi for an account of this expedition by Georg and Clara Stein. No specimens of Pnoepyga pusilla timorensis were sent to Lisbon, as Mt. Mutis is not in former Portuguese Timor. Stein did not write an account of this expedition as his home and all of his notebooks and belongings were lost in World War II (Stresemann, 1967: 186–187).
Neomixis flavoviridis Hartert
Neomixis flavoviridis Hartert, 1924b: 35 (Analamazastra, Madagascar).
Now Hartertula flavoviridis (Hartert, 1924). See Dee, 1986: 82, Cibois et al., 1999, and 2001.
AMNH 599072, adult male, collected at Analamazaotra (= Analamazastra), 18°56′S, 48°25′E (USBGN, 1955a), Madagascar, in November 1922, by a French collector for William F.H. Rosenberg (Hartert, 1928: 214). From the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert had only the single specimen when he named this species. Later, Stresemann (1925: 186) named the genus Hartertula with Neomixis flavoviridis as the type species.
Based on their studies using mitochondrial DNA, Cibois et al. (1999, 2001) found Hartertula flavoviridis to be part of a warbler radiation on Madagascar and not related to African and Asian Timaliidae.
Stachyrhidopsis rufifrons ambigua Harington
Stachyrhidopsis rufifrons ambigua Harington, 1915: 628 (in key), 631 (Gunjong, N. Cachar).
Now Stachyris ambigua ambigua (Harington, 1915). See Deignan, 1964b: 303–304, Sibley and Monroe, 1990: 635, and Dickinson, 2003: 606.
AMNH 589896, adult male, collected at Gunjong, 25°19′N, 93°01′E (Collar et al., 2001: 2588), northern Cachar, Assam Province, India, on 26 December 1895, by E.C. Stuart Baker. From the Rothschild Collection.
In his original description, Harington noted that the type, bearing the above data, was in the Rothschild Collection. Of six specimens of this form, AMNH 589896 bears the Rothschild type label and is the only one with the correct data. The five additional specimens are paratypes: AMNH 589897, male, 29 October 1895; AMNH 589898, male, 3 November 1895; AMNH 589899, female, 1 November 1895; AMNH 589900, female, 26 December 1895; and AMNH 589901, male, 14 April 1895. All are from Gunjong.
Ali and Ripley (1996a:169) and Inskipp et al. (1996: 185) treated ambigua as a subspecies of Stachyris rufifrons. See Cibois et al. (2002) for recent molecular studies of this species.
Stachyris ruficeps planicola Mayr
Stachyris ruficeps planicola Mayr [in Stanford and Mayr], 1941a: 70 (Shingaw, 750 ft., Myitkyina district, Northern Burma).
Now Stachyris rufifrons planicola Mayr, 1941. See Robson, 2000: 458.
AMNH 305675, adult male, collected at Shingaw, 750 ft, 25°39′N, 97°53′E (Deignan, 1964b: 303), Myitkyina District, Myanmar, on 17 December 1938, on the Vernay-Cutting Burma Expedition (no. 225), by Harold E. Anthony (Stanford and Mayr, 1941a: 70).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. One paratype was collected: AMNH 306697, adult female collected at Tanga, 900 ft, Myitkyina District. For additional information on collecting localities and a map, see Anthony (1941); and for a popular account of the expedition, see Anthony (1939).
Deignan (1964b: 303–304), Sibley and Monroe (1990: 635), and Dickinson (2003: 606) accorded ambigua full species status and treated planicola as a subspecies of S. ambigua. See Cibois et al. (2002) for recent molecular studies of this species.
Stachyridopsis ruficeps goodsoni Rothschild
Stachyridopsis ruficeps goodsoni Rothschild, 1903: 8 (Mt. Wuchi, Hainan).
Now Stachyris ruficeps goodsoni (Rothschild, 1903). See Mackinnon and Phillipps, 2000: 436.
AMNH 589959, adult male, collected on Wu-Zhi Shan (= Mount Wuchi), 18°59′N, 109°45′E (Times Atlas), Hainan Island, Guangdong, China, on 24 March 1903, by Zensaku Katsumata (no. 172). From the Rothschild Collection.
Rothschild gave the date of collection of the holotype in the original description and said that he had 12 specimens. Actually 12 Wu-chi Shan specimens in addition to the holotype came to AMNH, all collected by Katsumata in March–May 1903; the above holotype is the only one collected on 24 March. The 11 paratypes are AMNH 589960–589971. The number “172” appears on all of Katsumata's labels of this form; an “a” has been added to the “172” on Katsumata's label of the holotype, but this number was not cited by Rothschild (1903: 8) or by Hartert (1920: 480). The reverse of the label is in Japanese and bears the number “182”.
See Cibois et al. (2002) for recent molecular studies of this species.
Zosterornis pygmaeus Ogilvie-Grant
Zosterornis pygmaeus Ogilvie-Grant, 1896b: 18 (Samar).
Now Stachyris plateni pygmaea (Ogilvie-Grant, 1896). See Dickinson et al., 1991: 307.
AMNH 590004, adult female, collected at Bonga (probably near Bagacay, 12°50′N, 125°13′E, according to Dickinson et al., 1991: 416), Samar Island, Philippines, on 2 July 1896, by John Whitehead (no. B.742). From the Rothschild Collection.
The adult male and female are alike and both were listed in the original description, but only one set of measurements was given. Later, Ogilvie-Grant (1897: 211) combined Whitehead's Samar and Leyte birds in the same report and mentioned that Whitehead had only collected a single specimen of this form on Samar and four on Leyte (Ogilvie-Grant, 1897: 232, pl. 6, fig. 1). Because the new forms described by Ogilvie-Grant (1896b: 16) were said to be from Samar, I agree with Dickinson et al. (1991: 307) that the Samar specimen must be considered the holotype, contra Warren and Harrison (1971: 455). The four Leyte specimens would have been in Ogilvie-Grant's hand when he described the form, as Whitehead returned to England with both collections in December 1896 (Ogilvie-Grant, 1897: 211); thus, the two Leyte specimens in BMNH and two in AMNH (AMNH 590002 and 590003) are paratypes. This holotype does not bear a Rothschild type label and was not recognized as a type until its status was established in Dickinson et al. (1991: 307).
Stachyris nigriceps coltarti Harington
Stachyris nigriceps coltarti Harington, 1913: 61 (Margherita).
Now Stachyris nigriceps coltarti Harington, 1913. See Grimmett et al., 1999: 761, and Robson, 2000: 458.
AMNH 589662, adult female, collected at Margherita, 27°17′N, 95°40′E (Times Atlas), Upper Assam, India, on 4 December 1901, by Henry N. Coltart. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, the type with the above data was said to be in the Rothschild Collection. However, there are two Rothschild Collection specimens bearing these data, and Hartert (1920: 481) did not further distinguish between them in his list of Rothschild types. AMNH 589662 bears the Rothschild type label, indicating Harington's intent to designate that specimen as the type. Because it is labeled as the type and is so cataloged at AMNH, I hereby designate AMNH 589662 the lectotype to avoid any future confusion with regard to the older literature. Paralectotypes are AMNH 589663–589668, all collected by Coltart at Margherita in November and December 1901.
See Cibois et al. (2002) for recent molecular studies of this species.
Stachyris nigriceps spadix Ripley
Stachyris nigriceps spadix Ripley, 1948: 89 (Laisung, north Cachar, Assam).
Now Stachyris nigriceps coltarti Harington, 1913. See Ali and Ripley, 1996a: 176, Grimmett et al., 1999: 761, and Robson, 2000: 458.
AMNH 589672, adult female, collected at Laisung, northern Cachar, Assam, on 6 April 1895, by E.C. Stuart Baker. From the Rothschild Collection.
The AMNH number of the holotype was given in the original description. Ripley did not say how many specimens he examined, but four additional specimens collected by Baker in northern Cachar in April, May, and December 1895 are probably paratypes: AMNH 589669–58967l and 589673.
See Cibois et al. (2002) for recent molecular studies of this species.
Stachyris natunensis Hartert
Stachyris natunensis Hartert, 1894: 470 (Insula Bunguran).
Now Stachyris nigriceps davisoni Sharpe, 1892. See Hartert, 1895: 467, and Smythies and Davison, 1999: 509.
AMNH 589701, adult male, collected on Great Natuna Island (= Natuna Besar or Bunguran Island), 03°55′N, 108°14′E (Seltzer, 1962: 714), Natuna Islands, Kalimantan, Indonesia, on 5 October 1893, by Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.
Everett collected a male and a female on Bunguran (Hartert, 1894: 471), but no type was designated in the original description. Hartert (1920: 481) later designated the male as the “type” (= lectotype). The original Everett label is marked “Type” and the specimen bears a Rothschild type label. The female, AMNH 589702, collected on 7 October, is the paralectotype; its label had been marked “Type of ♀”, but this has been crossed out.
Deignan (1964b: 311) and Dickinson (2003: 607) recognized S. n. natunensis. See Cibois et al. (2002) for recent molecular studies of this species.
Stachyris borneensis Sharpe
Stachyris borneensis Sharpe, 1887: 449 (Mountain of Kina Balu, in northern Borneo).
Now Stachyris nigriceps borneensis Sharpe, 1887. See Smythies and Davison, 1999: 509.
AMNH 589706, adult male, collected on Kinabalu, 06°03′N, 116°32′E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, on 25 March 1887, by John Whitehead (no. 1322). From the Rothschild Collection.
Sharpe (1887: 449) published descriptions of new birds discovered by Whitehead on his 1887 trip to Kinabalu. In the case of Stachyris borneensis, he described only the male and gave a single set of measurements, but he did not give any further information. Usually Whitehead sent ahead to Sharpe two specimens of any form that he thought was new (Whitehead, 1893: 185), often a male and a female if he had both. In this case, there is no information about what he sent. Nor did Sharpe (in Sharpe and Whitehead, 1889: 413) add further information concerning the type, although he listed four specimens collected in 1887, none of which is the male collected on 25 March.
Hartert (1920: 481) listed the male collected on 25 March 1887 as the type, thus designating it the lectotype. Whitehead's field label bears, in addition to the number “1322” and “m”, “Type” on one side and “descr” on the other. Whitehead's printed label is noted on the reverse as “Type” with Bowdler Sharpe's initials and the number “1322” repeated. It is possible that this specimen is, in fact, the holotype. Warren and Harrison (1971) do not list a type in BMNH for this taxon.
Two of the four 1887 specimens listed by Sharpe (in Sharpe and Whitehead, 1889: 413) are now in AMNH. Sharpe's specimen “c” is AMNH 49922, female, collected on 18 February, and received on exchange directly from John Whitehead in 1890; Sharpe's specimen “e” is AMNH 589709, female, collected on 20 March, and received with the Rothschild Collection. I do not think Sharpe had either of these specimens in hand, as he described only the male. The other two specimens in AMNH were collected in 1888.
See Cibois et al. (2002) for recent molecular studies of this species.
Stachyris guttata swinhoei Rothschild
Stachyris guttata swinhoei Rothschild, 1903: 8 (Mt. Wuchi, Hainan).
Now Stachyris striolata swinhoei Rothschild, 1903. See Cheng, 1987: 663, and MacKinnon and Phillipps, 2000: 437.
AMNH 589771, adult male, collected on Wu-Zhi Shan (= Mt. Wuchi), 18°59′N, 109°45′E (Times Atlas), Hainan Island, Guangdong, China, on 28 March 1903, by Zensaku Katsumata (no. 187a). From the Rothschild Collection.
The number “187a” of the holotype was given in the original description. All six specimens of this form collected by Katsumata were numbered 187, but the type specimen had the number “187a” added in ink on the original label, apparently by Rothschild to distinguish the holotype from the rest of the series. The five paratypes are AMNH 589772–589775 and 589779.
Stachyris leucotis goodsoni Hartert
Stachyris leucotis goodsoni Hartert, 1915b: 7 (Gunong Mulu).
Now Stachyris leucotis obscurata Mayr, 1942. See Mayr, 1942: 117, Smythies and Davison, 1999: 511.
AMNH 589832, adult [male], collected on Gunong Mulu, 04°02′N, 114°54′E (Times Atlas), Sarawak, Malaysia, in March 1898, by Johannes Waterstradt. From the Rothschild Collection.
The above specimen bears the Rothschild type label and is the only one from Gunong Mulu that came to AMNH. It was not sexed on Waterstradt's label but was published as a male by Hartert. A second specimen, AMNH 589833, a female collected in the Penrisen Hills on 9 July 1892 by A. Everett would have also been available to Hartert and is a paratype.
Hartert's name goodsoni is preoccupied by Stachyridopsis ruficeps goodsoni Rothschild, 1903, now in Stachyris. Mayr (1942: 117) provided obscurata as a nomen novum.
Cyanoderma melanothorax baliensis Hartert
Cyanoderma melanothorax baliensis Hartert, 1915a: 2 (Bali).
Now Stachyris melanothorax baliensis (Hartert, 1915). See Deignan, 1964b: 316, MacKinnon, 1988: 266, and Dickinson, 2003: 608.
AMNH 590633, adult male, collected on Bali, 2000–3000 ft, Indonesia, in April 1896, by William Doherty. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, the male type was said to have been collected in April 1896, a date unique to the above specimen. The Rothschild type label had been incorrectly tied on a March specimen, and this error has now been corrected. Hartert listed five males and one female in his type series; the five paratypes are: Doherty specimens, AMNH 590631 and 590632, males, collected in March 1896 on Bali; and Stresemann specimens, AMNH 590634, male from Gitgit, Bali, 2 February 1911; AMNH 590635, male from Danau Bratan, 2500 ft, 19 January 1911; and AMNH 590636, female from Gunung Bratan, 4000 ft, 22 January 1911.
See Hartert (1896c) for a report on the Doherty collection from Bali and Stresemann (1913) for a report on his own collection from Bali.
Mixornis prillwitzi Hartert
Mixornis prillwitzi Hartert, 1901a: 32 (Kangean Islands).
Now Macronous flavicollis prillwitzi (Hartert, 1901). See Deignan, 1964b: 319, MacKinnon, 1988: 267, and Dickinson, 2003: 609.
AMNH 590445, adult male, collected on Kangean Island, Kangean Islands, 06°57′S, 115°42′E (Seltzer, 1962: 905), Indonesia, in September 1901, by Ernst Prillwitz (no. 163). From the Rothschild Collection.
No type was designated in the original description. Hartert (1902c: 436), in his report on Prillwitz's collection from Kangean Island, designated Prillwitz's specimen number 163 the lectotype and noted that it was illustrated on plate 13. Three additional males and seven females were collected by Prillwitz on Kangean Island in August and September 1901 and are paratypes: AMNH 590446–590455.
Mixornis everetti Hartert
Mixornis everetti Hartert, 1894: 472 (Bunguran).
Now Macronous gularis everetti (Hartert, 1894). See Smythies and Davison, 1999: 507.
AMNH 590525, adult male, collected on Great Natuna Island (= Bunguran Island or Natuna Besar), 03°55′N, 108°14′E (Seltzer, 1962: 714), Natuna Islands, Kalimantan, Indonesia, on 14 October 1893, by Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection.
The description of Mixornis everetti was based on a type series of eight males and two females from Bunguran, but no type was designated. Hartert (1920: 480) designated as lectotype the unique male collected on 14 October 1893. Only eight of the nine paralectotypes came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection: AMNH 590526– 590533.
M. everetti is figured by Hartert (1902c: pl. 13).
Mixornis montana Sharpe
Mixornis montana Sharpe, 1887: 448 (Kina Balu).
Now Macronous gularis montanus (Sharpe, 1887). See Smythies and Davison, 1999: 507.
AMNH 590544, adult female, undated, collected on Kinabalu, 06°03′N, 116°32′E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, by John Whitehead (no. 1347). From the Rothschild Collection.
No type was designated in the original description, but only the female was described. Taxa named in Sharpe's 1887 paper were based on specimens collected on Kinabalu by Whitehead in 1887. Sharpe (in Sharpe and Whitehead, 1889) published on the entire collection and noted that he had based his description on “an adult female”. His specimen “d” is the only female listed as collected in 1887 (5 April), although the lists in this paper do not always include all of Whitehead's specimens.
Whitehead reached Kinabalu in January 1887, staying for two and one-half months (Sharpe and Whitehead, 1889: 65), and 5 April was the latest 1887 date I found listed by Sharpe and Whitehead. In an attempt to date AMNH 590544, I checked the Whitehead numbers of several specimens collected on 5 April and found that these fell between 1319 and 1340, so it seems certain that AMNH 590544 was collected early in April 1887. This specimen does not bear a Whitehead printed label, but still has the small field tag with Whitehead's no. 1347 and “f” (= female). On the reverse is written “descr” and “Type” and on the front “montana”. I consider it the holotype; however, it cannot be definitely connected with Sharpe's specimen “d” because it lacks an exact date. If other female specimens are found, then AMNH 590544 would be the lectotype. Hartert (1920: 480), in listing it as the type, distinguished it from any others by giving Whitehead's number 1347.
Mixornis cagayanensis Guillemard
Mixornis cagayanensis Guillemard, 1885b: 419 (Cagayan Sulu).
Now Macronous gularis cagayanensis (Guillemard, 1885). See Dickinson et al., 1991: 311.
AMNH 590551, adult male, collected on Cagayan Sulu, 07°00′N, 118°28′E (Times Atlas), Philippines, on 1 April 1883, by Francis Henry Hill Guillemard. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Guillemard noted that he had a male and an unsexed specimen from Cagayan Sulu, but he did not designate a type. Hartert (1920: 480) designated the male the lectotype (listed as “syntype” by Dickinson et al., 1991: 311). The paralectotype is AMNH 590552, “sex uncertain”, Cagayan Sulu, 1 April 1883. A female specimen, AMNH 590550, labeled as collected by Guillemard (1885b: 413) at Abai, north Borneo, is not a paralectotype. This specimen is listed by Guillemard (1885b: 413) among birds collected on Borneo, where he said: “It is just possible that this bird may have been wrongly labelled and that its correct locality is the island of Cagayan Sulu.” In his book, Guillemard (1889: 256–257) wrote of visiting the Abai River, but did not mention collecting any birds during his rather trying visit.
This form is pictured in Guillemard (1885b: pl. 25). Cagayan Sulu is described in detail by Guillemard (1889: 174–189).
Macronus [sic] kettlewelli Guillemard
Macronus [sic] kettlewelli Guillemard, 1885a: 262 (Lukatlapas, Sulu Island).
Now Macronous striaticeps kettlewelli Guillemard, 1885. See Dickinson et al., 1991: 312.
AMNH 590598, adult male, collected at Lukat Lapas, Sulu Island, Philippines, on 18 May 1883, by Francis Henry Hill Guillemard. From the Rothschild Collection.
Guillemard noted in his original description that he had only one specimen. The type is illustrated in plate 18. Lukat Lapas, a plantation belonging to Captain Schück, is described in detail by Guillemard (1889: 217–221). It was at that time less than two miles from Jolo (City), 06°04′N, 121°00′E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 420–421).
Macronous ptilosus reclusus Hartert
Macronous ptilosus reclusus Hartert, 1915c: 36 (Kina Balu, 1000 feet).
Now Macronous ptilosus reclusus Hartert, 1915. See Mees, 1986: 127–130, and Smythies and Davison, 1999: 508.
AMNH 590574, adult male, collected on Kinabalu, 06°03′N, 116°32′E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, on 17 January 1888, by John Whitehead (no. 1881). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Hartert designated the male collected on 17 January 1888 as the type. Paratypes are: AMNH 590575 (Whitehead no. 1882), a female collected on the same date; and AMNH 590576 (617), male, collected at Lawas, north Borneo, on 27 March 1886. AMNH 590577, a male collected at Batu Sang, Borneo, in March 1892 by Charles Hose, may also be a paratype, but I have no information concerning when it came into Rothschild's possession.
Hartert (1915c: 36) restricted the type locality of Timalia trichorrhos Temminck, 1836 (= Macronous ptilosus trichorrhos) to the lowlands of Sumatra and then gave the above name to the Borneo form. Mees (1986: 129) noted the possibility that trichorrhos should be used instead of reclusus, depending on where the type of trichorrhos came from—Sumatra or Borneo. Dekker (2003: 50) discussed this possibility and noted that if an ongoing search for Sumatran type material available to Temminck is not found, “then a Sumatran neotype will be selected to provide for nomenclatural stability”.
Micromacronus leytensis Amadon
Micromacronus leytensis Amadon, 1962: 3 (Dagami, Barrio of Patok, eastern shoulder of Mount Lobi (1500 feet), Leyte, Philippine Islands).
Now Micromacronus leytensis leytensis Amadon, 1962. See Dickinson et al., 1991: 313.
AMNH 767553, adult male, collected at Patoc, 11°05′N, 124°52′E (Dickinson et al., 1991: 423), Dagami, eastern shoulder of Mount Lobi, 1500 ft, Leyte Island, Philippines, on 11 August, 1961, by Godofredo Alcasid and Manuel Celestino.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. There are three paratypes: AMNH 768429 and 768430, males; and AMNH 768431, female, all collected at the same time and place as the holotype. AMNH 768429 and 768430 were returned to PNM, a joint sponsor of the expedition.
The genus Micromacronus was described at the same time; leytensis is the type species. It is illustrated in Amadon (1962: frontispiece).
Crateropus (Argya) caudatus altirostris Hartert
Crateropus (Argya) caudatus altirostris Hartert, 1909a: 623 (Fao).
Now Turdoides altirostris (Hartert, 1909). See Hartert, 1920: 486, and Perrins, 1993: 101.
AMNH 588022, adult, collected at Al Faw (= Fao), 29°55′N, 48°26′E (Times Atlas), Iraq, in 1893, by Walter D. Cumming. From the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert, in the original description, noted that he had two specimens from the Rothschild Collection and three from BMNH and listed the type as a specimen from Fao collected in 1893 by Cumming. The holotype is one of the two specimens of the type series now in AMNH and it is noted as having been collected by Cumming. The single paratype at AMNH is AMNH 588023, also from Fao in 1893, but Cumming is not noted as the collector.
Turdoides (Crateropus) fulvus maroccanus Lynes
Turdoides (Crateropus) fulvus maroccanus Lynes, 1925: 49 (Taroudant, South Marocco).
Now Turdoides fulva maroccana Lynes, 1925. See Fry et al., 2000: 60, and David and Gosselin, 2002b: 261, 281.
AMNH 588079, adult male, collected near Taroudant (5 km to N), 30°31′N, 08°55′W (Times Atlas), Sous valley, south Morocco, on 25 June 1924, by Hubert Lynes (no. 628). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Lynes stated that he collected two male specimens, one adult and one young-of-the-year. The adult male was designated as the type and was said to be in the Rothschild Collection. The paratype is AMNH 588080 (Lynes no. 608), immature male, collected near Taroudant on 21 June 1924.
Crateropus fulvus buchanani Hartert
Crateropus fulvus buchanani Hartert, 1921: 115 (Mt. Baguezan, 5,200 feet).
Now Turdoides fulva buchanani (Hartert, 1921). See Fry et al., 2000: 60.
AMNH 588063, adult male, collected in the Baguezane Mountains (= Mt. Baguezan), 5200 ft, 17°45′N, 08°45′E (Giraudoux et al., 1988: 138), Azbine area, Niger, on 4 June 1920, by Angus Buchanan (no. 675). From the Rothschild Collection.
Argya aylmeri loveridgei Hartert
Argya aylmeri loveridgei Hartert, 1923a: 118 (Campi-ya-bibi).
Now Turdoides aylmeri keniana (Jackson, 1910). See Hartert, 1928: 214, and Fry et al., 2000: 63.
AMNH 588149, adult male, collected at Kampi ya bibi (= Campi-ya-bibi), ca. 01°33′S, 36°32′E (Polhill, 1988: 37), Kenya, on 27 June 1918, Victor G.L. van Someren Collection. From the Rothschild Collection.
The above specimen is the only male from Kampi ya bibi collected on 27 June 1918, which date was given for the holotype in the original description. Hartert did not say how many specimens he had, but listed a number of localities. Eight paratypes from Kampi ya bibi, Tsavo, and Taveta in AMNH are AMNH 588150–588157.
Argya sharpii Ogilvie-Grant and Reid
Argya sharpii Ogilvie-Grant and Reid, 1901: 662 (Shebeli).
Now Turdoides rubiginosa bowdleri Deignan, 1964. See Hartert, 1920: 486, Deignan, 1964b: 336, and Dickinson, 2003: 610.
AMNH 588110, adult male, collected at the Shabeelle River (= Shebeli), Somalia, on 27 August 1894, by A. Donaldson Smith (no. 201). From the Rothschild Collection.
Ogilvie-Grant and Reid based their description on a single large specimen collected by Donaldson Smith at Shebeli (Sharpe, 1895: 488). The name was later shown to be preoccupied by Crateropus sharpei Reichenow, 1891, when both taxa are included in Turdoides. Turdoides rubiginosa bowdleri was provided by Deignan (1964b: 336) as a nomen novum. Both taxa were named for R. Bowdler Sharpe; and according to the Code (ICZN, 1999: 61, Art. 58.14), they are to be considered identical. Both are now included in Turdoides; therefore, Turdoides rubiginosa bowdleri should be used for Argya sharpii, a junior secondary homonym of Crateropus sharpei (ICZN, 1999: 63, Art. 60.3). Both Turdoides rubiginosa bowdleri and Argya sharpii have the same type (ICZN, 1999: 78, Art. 72.7).
Fry et al. (2000: 62) and Ash and Miskell (1998: 264) did not mention this nomen novum.
Donaldson Smith (1896: map sheet 1) showed where his expedition crossed the Shabeelle River on 30 August 1894 and gave the coordinates as 07°11′35"N, 42°25′35"E.
Crateropus melanops clamosus van Someren
Crateropus melanops clamosus van Someren, 1920: 95 (Naivasha).
Now Turdoides sharpei sharpei (Reichenow, 1891). See White, 1962: 172, and Fry et al., 2000: 48.
AMNH 587372, adult male, collected at Naivasha, 00°44′S, 36°26′E (Times Atlas), Kenya, on 16 February 1919, by Victor G.L. van Someren. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, van Someren (1920: 95) listed his type as a specimen with the above data in the Rothschild Collection. It is marked “Type”, bears a Rothschild type label, and is the only specimen with those data that came to AMNH. van Someren did not say how many specimens he had but gave the range as the “Highlands of British East Africa”. This was amended in van Someren (1922: 234) to “Rift Valley from Nakuru south to Naivasha and the Kikuyu Hills”. Only one paratype came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection: AMNH 587365, adult male, from Nakuru, 25 August 1918. There are two paratypes in RMCA (Louette et al., 2002: 57).
Crateropus tenebrosus Hartlaub
Crateropus tenebrosus Hartlaub, 1883: 425 (Kudurma).
Now Turdoides tenebrosa (Hartlaub, 1883). See Fry et al., 2000: 45, and David and Gosselin, 2002b: 261, 281.
AMNH 587375, adult male, collected at Kudurma, 04°45′N, 29°35′E (Chapin, 1954: 684), Sudan, on 10 November 1882, by Emin Pasha (no. 260).
Crateropus plebejus anomalus Hartert
Crateropus plebejus anomalus Hartert, 1921: 116 (Farniso, near Kano).
Now Turdoides plebejus plebejus (Cretzschmar, 1828). See Hartert, 1928: 218–219, Fry et al., 2000: 38, and David and Gosselin, 2002b: 261, 281.
Crateropus plebeius kikuyuensis Neumann
Crateropus plebeius kikuyuensis Neumann, 1906a: 7 (Escarpment Station).
Now Turdoides jardineii emini (Neumann, 1904). See Sclater, 1930: 352, footnote 1, and Fry et al., 2000: 40.
AMNH 587574, adult female, collected at the Escarpment Station, 6500 ft, Kenya, in February 1901, by William Doherty. From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Neumann noted that the type, with the above data, was in the Rothschild Collection. There are now in AMNH 12 additional Doherty specimens collected at the Escarpment Station in December 1900–April 1901, but the above specimen is the only one collected in February. It is marked “Typus” in Neumann's hand and bears a Rothschild type label. Neumann (1906a: 7) did not say how many specimens he examined, so the status of the remaining Doherty specimens is uncertain.
Hartert (1902e: 620) reported that in October 1900 the Escarpment Station was the terminus of the Uganda Railway, about halfway between Nairobi and Naivasha, on the eastern side of the Great Rift Valley. Chapin (1954: 661) gave the coordinates as 01°01′S, 36°36′E. Deignan (1964b: 343) recognized kikuyuensis.
Crateropus smithi lacuum Neumann
Crateropus smithi lacuum Neumann, 1903: 15 (Alelu, north of Lake Abassi).
Now Turdoides leucopygia lacuum (Neumann, 1903). See Fry et al., 2000: 47, and David and Gosselin, 2002b: 261, 281.
AMNH 587425, adult male, collected at Awadi-Alelu, north of Lake Abassi, 07°04′N, 38°27′E (Deignan, 1964b: 344), Ethiopia, on 3 (not 9) December 1900, by Oscar Neumann (no. 332). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, Neumann did not say how many specimens he had, nor did he give his field number of the type. However, Neumann (1906b: 261), under Crateropus leucopygius lacuum, later gave complete information on his five specimens, with both numbers 331 and 332 listed as males from Alelu, nördlich des Abassi-Sees, collected on 3 December 1900; opposite number 332 he noted “Typus der Subspecies”, thereby designating it the lectotype. The date of 9 December published in the original description was a misreading of the smudged date on the field label, as both numbers 331 and 332 were collected on 3 December, and no specimens were listed as having been collected on 9 December.
Specimen number 331 originally had been marked “Typus” by Neumann, but this was later marked out. Apparently missing Neumann's own earlier designation, Hartert (1920: 486) then incorrectly listed Neumann's number 331 as the type, and it bears the Rothschild type label. Because it has been considered the type for so many years, number 331 is retained in the type collection; however, it has been annotated to indicate that number 332 is the lectotype. An AMNH type label has been added to number 332.
Paralectotypes are: AMNH 587424 (Neumann no. 331), male, Alelu, nördlich des Abassi-Sees, 3 December 1900; and AMNH 587428 (283), male, Zuaï-See, 24 November 1900. Neumann (1906b: 261) noted that the male (AMNH 587426) and female (AMNH 587427) collected at Habela in Sidamo on 11 December 1900 were intermediate between lacuum and omoensis; they are not paralectotypes.
Alelu is shown on the map in Neumann (1902).
Crateropus smithi omoensis Neumann
Crateropus smithi omoensis Neumann, 1903: 15 (Senti River (southern affluent to the Omo), between Uba and Gofa).
Now Turdoides leucopygia omoensis (Neumann, 1903). See Fry et al., 2000: 47, and David and Gosselin, 2002b: 261, 281.
AMNH 587452, adult male, collected on the Senti River, Ethiopia, on 30 January 1901, by Oscar Neumann (no. 713). From the Rothschild Collection.
In the original description, the type was said to be a male collected on the Senti River on 30 January 190l. Neumann (1906b: 262) listed his five specimens under Crateropus leucopygius omoensis, where number 713 is the only specimen collected on 30 January 1901; thus it is the holotype. The field label is marked “Typus” by Neumann, it is listed as the type in Neumann (1906b: 262) and in Hartert (1920: 486), and it bears the Rothschild type label. Paratypes are AMNH 587453 (Neumann no. 699), female, Senti Tal, 29 January 1901; AMNH 587454 (596), male, Gardulla, 14 January 1901; AMNH 587455 (1133), male, Bako in Binescho, 19 April 1901; and AMNH 587456 (1134), male?, Bako in Binescho, 19 April 1901.
The USBGN (1982a: 557, 657) listed Zagē Sjet' (= Senti) at 06°39′N, 37°12′E; of two Ubas listed (USBGN, 1982a: 617), the one at 06°18′N, 37°00′E is closest to Senti.
Babax waddelli jomo Vaurie
Babax waddelli jomo Vaurie, 1955: 5 (below Tsechen (Tsechen is about 4 miles south of Gyangtse)).
Now Babax waddelli jomo Vaurie, 1955. See Dickinson, 2003: 612.
AMNH 586805, unsexed adult, collected below Tsechen, ca. 4 miles S of Chiang-tzu (= Gyangtse), 28°56′N, 89°35′E (Vaurie, 1972a: 353), Tibet, on 4 June 1905, by Captain R. Steen. From the Rothschild Collection.
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Vaurie (1955: 5) noted that B. w. jomo was known only from the region of Gyangtse. There is a single paratype in AMNH: AMNH 586806, unsexed, collected below Tsechen on 27 May 1905 by Steen. Other paratypes may be in BMNH.
Vaurie (1972a: 65–67) gave information about Captain Steen and ornithological collecting in Tibet at that time.
Garrulax schistochlamys Sharpe
Garrulax schistochlamys Sharpe, 1888: 479 (Kina Balu).
Now Garrulax palliatus schistochlamys Sharpe, 1888. See Smythies and Davison, 1999: 514.
AMNH 587085, adult male, collected on Kinabalu, 4000 ft, 06°03′N, 116°32′E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, on 15 May 1888, by John Whitehead (no. 2538). From the Rothschild Collection.
In his original description, Sharpe did not designate a type and gave neither the sex nor the number of his specimens. Later, Sharpe (in Sharpe and Whitehead, 1889: 411) listed a male and a female collected on 14 May 1888 and a male collected on 15 May 1888. Hartert (1920: 487) designated as lectotype Whitehead's number 2538, the male collected on 15 May 1888, the specimen being marked “Type RBS” in Sharpe's hand. Three additional specimens are in AMNH: AMNH 587088 (Whitehead no. 2537), female collected on 14 May, is a paralectotype; and AMNH 587086 (2536) and AMNH 587087 (2535) are both males collected on 14 May and are both probably paralectotypes, although Sharpe (in Sharpe and Whitehead, 1889: 411) listed only one male collected on 14 May. Because these specimens were all collected near the end of Whitehead's stay on Kinabalu and have consecutive field numbers, it is likely that Sharpe had them all in hand when he described G. schistochlamys.
Allocotops calvus Sharpe
Allocotops calvus Sharpe, 1888: 389 (Kina Balu).
Now Garrulax lugubris calvus (Sharpe, 1888). See Smythies and Davison, 1999: 514.
AMNH 586830, adult male, collected on Kinabalu, 4000 ft, 06°03′N, 116°32′E (Times Atlas), Sabah, Malaysia, on 27 March 1888, by John Whitehead (no. 2321). From the Rothschild Collection.
In his original description, Sharpe did not designate a type or say how many specimens he had but described male, female, and young male. Sharpe (in Sharpe and Whitehead, 1889: 413) listed two males, two females, and a young male, collected in March 1888 on Kinabalu. Hartert (1920: 487) designated as the lectotype Whitehead's specimen no. 2321, which is marked “Type RBS” in Sharpe's hand. Paralectotypes are: AMNH 586831 (Whitehead no. 2265), adult male, 21 March; AMNH 586832 (2226), young male, 16 March; AMNH 586833 (2248), adult female, 19 March; and AMNH 586834 (2235), adult female, 18 March. This latter specimen was also marked “Type RBS”, indicating that Sharpe had considered it the type of the female.
The genus Allocotops was also described at this time by Sharpe (1888: 389). Sibley and Monroe (1990: 627) conferred species rank on calvus.
Dryonastes castanotis Ogilvie-Grant
Dryonastes castanotis Ogilvie-Grant, 1899: 584 (Five Finger Mountain, interior of Hainan).
Now Garrulax maesi castanotis (Ogilvie-Grant, 1899). See Cheng, 1987: 677–678, and MacKinnon and Phillipps, 2000: 415.
AMNH 587115, adult male, 5 May 1899, and AMNH 587116, adult male, 5 April 1899, both collected on Wu-Zhi Shan (= Five Finger Mountain), 18°59′N, 109°45′E (Times Atlas), Hainan Island, Guangdong, China, by John Whitehead (nos. 179 and 36, respectively). From the Rothschild Collection.
The number of specimens was not stated in the original description or by Ogilvie-Grant (1900: 475–476), although both male and female were described. The Whitehead label on both AMNH specimens is marked “cotype” in hand unknown. The taxon was not listed in any of Hartert's lists of types in the Rothschild Collection, and these specimens had not previously been included in the AMNH type collection. Warren and Harrison (1971) did not list any syntypes, but Michael Walters (personal commun.) has written me that a male and a female syntype have been found in BMNH, subsequent to that publication.
Whitehead was ill with fever and dysentery during most of his stay on Hainan and died on Five Finger Mountain. His body, specimens, and notebook were carried back to the coast by his Chinese helpers and his diary entries are quoted by Ogilvie-Grant (1900: 457–461).
Garrulax monachus Swinhoe
Garrulax monachus Swinhoe, 1870a: 248 (Hainan).
Now Garrulax chinensis monachus Swinhoe, 1870. See Cheng, 1987: 679, and MacKinnon and Phillipps, 2000: 416.
AMNH 587140, adult unsexed, collected on Hainan Island, 19°00′N, 109°30′E (USBGN, 1956a), Guangdong, China, in February 1863, by Robert Swinhoe. From the Rothschild Collection.
Swinhoe did not designate a type or say exactly how many specimens he had. There were at least four—two that were shot on 10 February as he was journeying inland and two that died in captivity (Swinhoe, 1870a: 249–250). Therefore, Warren and Harrison (1971: 361) were incorrect in saying that the two syntypes are in the BMNH. The above specimen is the one specifically mentioned by Swinhoe (1870a: 249) in the original description as having been shot in the foot and caught by hand, as it has a broken leg. The Rothschild label had been so noted and marked “co-type” (= syntype). However, it was not listed by Hartert in any of his type lists and had not previously been included in the AMNH type collection.
Ianthocincla rufogularis occidentalis Hartert
Ianthocincla rufogularis occidentalis Hartert, 1909a: 635 (Dehra Dun, Kaschmir).
Now Garrulax rufogularis occidentalis (Hartert, 1909). See Grimmett et al., 1999: 744.
AMNH 586410, unsexed, collected at Dehra Dun, 30°19′N, 78°03′E (Times Atlas), Uttar Pradesh, India. From the Marshall Collection (no. 11109) via the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert gave the Marshall number of the holotype in the original description. Although he listed it as a male, it is unsexed on the original label, which is marked “type”. Hartert did not say how many specimens he had, but AMNH 586411, an unsexed specimen collected at Murree (33°55′N, 73°26′E, Times Atlas), Pakistan, in January 1873, is a possible paratype.
Ianthocincla rufogularis assamensis Hartert
Ianthocincla rufogularis assamensis Hartert, 1909a: 635 (Margherita).
Now Garrulax rufogularis assamensis (Hartert, 1909). See Ali and Ripley, 1996b: 29.
AMNH 586407, adult male, collected at Margherita, 27°17′N, 95°40′E (Times Atlas), Assam, India, on 12 January 1902, by Henry N. Coltart. From the Rothschild Collection.
Hartert cited the number 12102 for the holotype. This number is, in fact, the date, written 12/1/02 on the original label and copied as 12102 on the Rothschild label. Hartert did not say how many specimens he examined, but two additional Coltart specimens from Margherita that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection are paratypes: AMNH 586408, male, 18 January 1903, and AMNH 586409, female, 22 December 1902.
Ianthocincla rufogularis rufiberbis Koelz
Ianthocincla rufogularis rufiberbis Koelz, 1954: 3 (Langyang Htawgaw, N. Burma, 4,000 feet).
Now Garrulax rufogularis rufiberbis (Koelz, 1954). See Robson, 2000: 446.
AMNH 306597, adult male, collected between Langyang and Htawgaw, 4000 ft, northern Myanmar, on 27 November 1938, by the Vernay-Cutting Expedition (no. 132).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. A single specimen was collected by the Vernay-Cutting Expedition (Stanford and Mayr, 1941a: 61). Koelz (1954: 3) listed a single paratype: AMNH 409530, adult female from Tasubum, Myanmar, collected on 30 January 1935 by the Vernay-Hopwood Chindwin Expedition (no. 218). This specimen was listed in Mayr's (1938: 286) report on the Vernay-Hopwood Chindwin Expedition, and a map in that report shows Tasubum.
Htawgaw is a village 70 mi northeast of Myitkyina (25°24′N, 97°25′E, Times Atlas), near the Nmai River (Seltzer, 1962: 807). It is shown on the map in Stanford and Mayr (1941a) and described by Anthony (1941: 50–52).
Garrulax rufogularis intensior Delacour and Jabouille
Garrulax rufogularis intensior Delacour and Jabouille, 1930: 398 (Chapa (Tonkin), altitude: 1.600 m.).
Now Garrulax rufogularis intensior Delacour and Jabouille, 1930. See Robson, 2000: 446.
AMNH 292197, adult male, collected at Cha Pa, 22°20′N, 103°50′E (Times Atlas), Vietnam, on 12 December 1929, by Jean Delacour and Pierre Jabouille (no. 2686).
The unique field number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Delacour and Jabouille (1930: 398) gave measurements for a type series of 10 males and 9 females from Cha Pa, collected between 29 October and 22 December 1929. Of the 18 paratypes, 6 came to AMNH: three males and three females, AMNH 290941– 290946. AMNH 290947, an unsexed bird from Chapa collected on 14 November 1929, is also a paratype, but measurements were not included. I have not considered AMNH 290948, collected on Fan Si Pan on 30 November 1929, to be a paratype because Fan Si Pan was not listed as a locality either in the description of this taxon or in Delacour (1930: 586). However, Fan Si Pan is quite near Cha Pa, extending to a higher altitude, and when all of the paratypes are studied, it may become obvious that Fan Si Pan specimens were included in Delacour's totals.
See Hennache and Dickinson (2000) for information on types of taxa described by Delacour from this expedition.
Garrulax ocellatus griseicauda Koelz
Garrulax ocellatus griseicauda Koelz, 1950: 7 (Wan, Garhwal, United Provinces, India).
Now Garrulax ocellatus griseicauda Koelz, 1950. See Ali and Ripley, 1996b: 31.
AMNH 803070, adult male, collected at Wan, Garhwal, 29°48′N, 78°37′E (Collar et al., 2001: 2587), Uttar Pradesh, India, on 19 May 1948, by Rup Chand.
The holotype is the only male in the type series of this form (Koelz, 1950: 7–8). Only one of the four paratypes is in AMNH: AMNH 463317, adult female from Duni, Uttar Pradesh, collected on 3 May 1948 by Walter Koelz..
In the original description of this form, the type was said to be in AMNH. In fact, it was first deposited in FMNH (no. 246507) and was exchanged with AMNH in 1972.
Ianthocincla caerulata latifrons Rothschild
Ianthocincla caerulata latifrons Rothschild, 1926b: 266 (Shweli-Salwin Divide, 8,000 feet).
Now Garrulax caerulatus latifrons (Rothschild, 1926). See Cheng, 1987: 687, MacKinnon and Phillipps, 2000: 419–420, and LeCroy and Dickinson, 2001: 195.
AMNH 587189, adult male, collected in the Shweli-Salwin Divide, 8000 ft, Yunnan, China, in July 1925, by George Forrest (no. 5982). From the Rothschild Collection.
Rothschild did not designate a type in the original description, noting only that he had a male and a female with the same data. Hartert (1928: 219) designated the male as the lectotype. The female is the paralectotype, AMNH 587190 (Forrest no. 5981).
Stactocichla merulina minima Koelz
Stactocichla merulina minima Koelz, 1954: 3 (Tasubum, North Burma).
Now Garrulax merulinus merulinus Blyth, 1851. See Deignan, 1964b: 368, and Robson, 2000: 447.
AMNH 409533, adult female, collected at Tasubum, 26°03′N, 96°17′E (USBGN, 1966), Myanmar, on 30 January 1935, by the Vernay-Hopwood Chindwin Expedition (no. 219).
The AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. A second AMNH specimen was listed as a “cotype”, used in the sense of a paratype. This paratype is AMNH 409532 (Vernay-Hopwood no. 216), male, from Pumsin, Myanmar, collected on 29 January 1935. Mayr (1938: 286) called attention to differences exhibited by these two specimens, but refrained from naming them, stressing the need for fresh material from other areas for comparison. Tasubum is shown on the map in Mayr (1938: 279).
Garrulax merulinus obscurus Delacour and Jabouille
Garrulax merulinus obscurus Delacour and Jabouille, 1930: 399 (Chapa (Tonkin), altitude 1.600 m.).
Now Garrulax merulinus obscurus Delacour and Jabouille, 1930. See Robson, 2000: 447, and Hennache and Dickinson, 2000: 620.
AMNH 292200, adult male, collected at Cha Pa, 1600 m, 22°20′N, 103°50′E (Times Atlas), Vietnam, on 12 December 1929, by Jean Delacour and Pierre Jabouille (no. 2661).
The unique field number of the holotype was given in the original description. The type series consisted of nine males and five females collected at Cha Pa between 7 November and 15 December 1929 and a male from Xieng-Khouang, Laos, collected on 6 January 1926. Five of the 14 paratypes came to AMNH: three males and two females from Cha Pa, AMNH 290949– 290953.
See Hennache and Dickinson (2000) for information on this expedition.
Trochalopteron canorum owstoni Rothschild
Trochalopteron canorum owstoni Rothschild, 1903: 8 (Mt. Wuchi, Hainan).
Now Garrulax canorus owstoni (Rothschild, 1903). See Cheng, 1987: 690, and MacKinnon and Phillipps, 2000: 420.