Guillermo Pino, Kabir Montesinos Gonzalez, Gerardo A. Salazar Chávez, Sidney Novoa Sheppard
Cactus and Succulent Journal 92 (1), 20-34, (19 March 2020)
KEYWORDS: Peru, Crassulaceae, Echeveria. Ecuador
The current status of genus Echeveria in Ecuador is reviewed. Although in 1994 Alina Freire-Ferro transferred all species in Ecuador to one taxon: E. quitensis, which she considered a single, variable species, we believe there are considerable differences, enough to consider some separate species and varieties. Plants found around the city of Quito are considered var. quitensis as the type variety. E. quitensis var. sprucei is here considered a synonym of var. quitensis due to contradictions in the annotations on the Herbarium types and the similar features with the type variety. Echeveria cuencaensis is reduced to variety status Echeveria quitensis (Kunth) Lindley var. cuencaensis. These two belong to Series Nudae. Echeveria cojitambensis is a new species discovered at Cañar, North of Cuenca. Echeveria tabaconasensis is another new species from Tabaconas, Peru, near the border with Ecuador. It was previously misidentified as E. cuencaensis due to a lack of description of plants around Cuenca. It is close to the Peruvian Echeveria eurychlamys.