Pozniak, C. J. and Clarke, J. M. 2015. CDC Carbide durum wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 1007-1012. CDC Carbide durum wheat is adapted to the durum production area of the Canadian prairies. This conventional-height durum wheat cultivar combines high grain yield potential with high grain pigment and protein concentrations, and low grain cadmium. CDC Carbide carries the Sm1 gene conferring resistance to the Orange Wheat Blossom Midge [Sitodiplosis modellana (Gehin)]. CDC Carbide is resistant to prevalent races of leaf, stem and stripe rust, and common bunt, and expresses end-use quality suitable for the Canada Western Amber Durum class.
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16 April 2015
CDC Carbide durum wheat
C. J. Pozniak,
J. M. Clarke
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Blé dur
Cultivar description
description de cultivar
Durum wheat
orange wheat blossom midge resistance
pigmentation jaune