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23 September 2017 AAC Goldrush hard red winter wheat
R.J. Graf, B.L. Beres, R.J. Larsen, H.S. Randhawa, D.A. Gaudet, A. Laroche, F. Eudes, N.A. Foroud
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AAC Goldrush is a hard red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar eligible for grades of Canada Western Red Winter wheat. It was developed using a modified pedigree breeding method. AAC Goldrush was tested in replicated trials across western Canada for 6 yr: 2 yr for initial characterization followed by 4 yr of evaluation in registration trials. Based on 41 station–years of registration trial data, AAC Goldrush yielded significantly more grain than CDC Buteo and was similar to Flourish, Moats, and AAC Elevate. AAC Goldrush expressed very good winter survival, intermediate maturity, medium height straw with good lodging resistance, and average size kernels. Disease ratings at the time of registration were resistant to the prevalent races of leaf rust, moderately resistant to stem rust, intermediate in resistance to stripe rust and Fusarium head blight, and susceptible to common bunt. Leaf spot reactions were similar to the best check. The grain yield, agronomic characteristics, and disease resistance attributes of AAC Goldrush make it particularly well-suited to the eastern Prairie region of western Canada where CDC Buteo has been popular.

© Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada 2018. Permission for reuse (free in most cases) can be obtained from RightsLink.
R.J. Graf, B.L. Beres, R.J. Larsen, H.S. Randhawa, D.A. Gaudet, A. Laroche, F. Eudes, and N.A. Foroud "AAC Goldrush hard red winter wheat," Canadian Journal of Plant Science 98(2), 467-474, (23 September 2017).
Received: 24 May 2017; Accepted: 6 September 2017; Published: 23 September 2017

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blé (d’hiver)
cold tolerance
Cultivar description
description de cultivar
disease resistance
grain yield
rendement grainier
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