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1 July 2013 Typification of Lilium Jankae A. Kern. and Lilium Martagon Var. Cattaniae Vis.
Ivana Rešetnik & , Sandro Bogdanović
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Rešetnik, I. & S. Bogdanović (2013). Typification of Lilium jankae A. Kern. and Lilium martagon var. cattaniae Vis. Candollea 68: 151–154. In English, English and French abstracts.

The names of Lilium jankae A. Kern. and Lilium martagon var. cattaniae Vis. (Liliaceae) are typified. Comments on the taxonomical characters useful for the differentiation of these taxa are also provided.


Lilium L. (Liliaceae) is a Northern Hemisphere bulbous genus that includes approximately 100 species, which have been subdivided based on morphology by different authors into five to eleven sections (Endlicher, 1836–1840; Comber, 1949; Baranova, 1988). The most authoritative classification (Comber, 1949) is based on 13 morphological characters and 2 germination types. It supports the existence of 7 sections: sect. Lilium [≡ sect. Liriotypus Asch. & Graebn.), sect. Martagon Rchb., sect. Pseudolirium Endl., sect. Archelirion Baker, sect. Sinomartagon H. F. Comber, sect. Leucolirion E. H. Wilson and sect. Daurolirion H. F. Comber. Phylogenetic investigations using molecular data only partially supported this classification, indicating that further research is needed in order to clarify relationships within the genus (Nishikawa & al., 1999; Hayashi & Kawano, 2000; Ronsted & al., 2005). The two taxa typified here, Lilium jankae A. Kern, and L. martagon var. cattaniae Vis., belong to sect. Lilium and sect. Martagon, respectively.

Lilium jankae A. Kern. in Oesterr. Bot. Z. 27: 402. 1877.

  • Lilium carniolicum subsp. jankae (A. Kern.) Asch. & Graebn., Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 3: 181. 1905.

  • Lectotypus (here designated): Romania: “Zwiebel aus Siebenbürgen, bei Verespatak von Janka gesammelt und mir nach Innsbruck gesandt. Blühte im bot. Garten in Innsbruck”, 6.VI. 1876, Kerner s.n. (WU [35594]!) (Fig. 1).

  • History. — Lilium jankae was described by Kerner (1877) although Janka was the first who, several years earlier, noticed that this lily was somewhat different from species described thus far (Janka, 1868b). In 1868 Janka foimd this lily in Verespatak (Romania) while searching for L. albanicum Griseb. (Janka, 1868a). Although the plants were already in fruits, after comparing them with the description of L. albanicum he concluded that they did not correspond with those of L. albanicum and that the plants best fit the description of L. pyrenaicum Gouan proposed by Grenier & Gordon (1855). Consequently he deduced that until close examination of flowering individuals would produce new evidence, the name L. pyrenaicum for the plants from Verespatak should be used. Janka also states that he brought 50 bulbs from Verespatak with him in order to plant them in his garden and see them in flower to definitely determine the correct taxonomic status of this lily.

  • Nine years later, Kerner (1877) described the new species, which he names L. jankae in honour of Victor Janka. In Kerner's personal herbarium at WU, we traced three herbarium sheets with plants collected by Janka in Verespatak under the name “L. pyrenaicum Baumg. /L. albanicum Heuff.” and revised by Kerner as L. jankae. Two of them, Kerner s.n. (WU [35591]) and Kerner s.n. (WU [35593]), have the collection date 6 and 7 July 1868 and are in fruit stage while one sheet has the collection date 19 June 1869 and a fragment of the inflorescence is still present {Kerner s.n., WU [35592]). In the protologue Kerner (1877) states that some bulbs collected from Verespatak were sent by Janka to Innsbruck Botanical Garden where they flowered successfully. In WU, one sheet with the plant in flower, under the name L. jankae was found and the herbarium label states: “Zwiebel aus Siebenbürgen, bei Verespatak von Janka gesammelt und mir nach Innsbruck gesandt. Blühte im bot. Garten in Innsbruck 6/6 1876. Kerner” (Kerner s.n., WU [35594]). Comparing the description of L. jankae with the before mentioned herbarium specimens it can be assumed that Kerner (1877) based his original description on both plants first collected by Janka in 1868 at Verespatak together with the plants growing at the Innsbruck Botanical Garden from bulbs collected by Janka. Therefore all mentioned specimens can be designated here as syntypes. Kerner also describes the distribution of this taxon, but without specifying the exact type locality: “In den mit hohen Gräsern und üppigen Stauden bewachsenen Schluchten unter dem Gipfel des Bohodei im Petrosaerzuge des Bihariagebirges und an der Ostgrenze des hier behandelten Gebietes auf den “Gaur” genannten Wiesen bei Verespatak.” In Kerner's personal herbarium we also found specimens corresponding to his citation of the distribution in Biharia (Romania) and, although they are under the name L. jankae, the collection date was not specified (Kerner s.n., WU [35589]; Kerner s.n., WU [35590]). Therefore there is no direct evidence showing if particular specimen had been collected prior to the publication of the new species. However, there are several indications that those plants were also examined by Kerner while writing the original diagnosis and can be ascribed as syntypes. In the protologue he states that the plants growing at higher altitudes are shorter and with broader leaves, which corresponds to altitudes of Bohodei at Biharia (Romania) and to the appearance of herbarium specimens collected there by Kerner.

  • Taxonomic discussion. — Lilium jankae is a member of the L. carniolicum group which consists of seven European taxa belonging to sect. Lilium (≡ sect. Liriotypus Asch. & Graebn.) (Comber, 1949; Ikinci & al., 2006; Rešetnik & al., 2007). The relationships between the taxa in this group are still insufficiently understood and various taxonomic treatments exist.

  • Recent molecular studies (Ikinci & al., 2006; Rešetnik & al., 2007) showed that L. jankae is closely related to L. carniolicum Koch and L. chalcedonicum L. Since detailed morphometric study including all members of L. carniolicum group is still lacking, the taxonomic conclusion remains uncertain and further research is required. However, most local floras, which cover the distribution range of L. jankae (Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia) treat it as an independent species (Janev, 1964; Sâvulescu & Nyárády, 1966; Diklić, 1975). Nonetheless, if one agrees that the taxon L. jankae is better treated at the subspecific level, as suggested by molecular data (Rešetnik & al., 2007), one have to accept the combination: L. carniolicum subsp. jankae, proposed by Ascherson & Graebner (1905–1907), which gives priority to this epithet at the subspecific rank.

  • Fig. 1.

    Lectotype of Lilium jankae A. Kern.

    [Kerner s.n., WU] [© Universität Wien Herbarium. Reproduced with permission]


    Lilium martagon var. cattaniae Vis. in Amico Campi 1: 113. 1865.

  • Lectotypus (here designated): Croatia: In mont. Circa Much, s.d., Maria de Cattani s.n. (PAD!) (Fig. 2).

  • History. — In the protologue Visiani (1865) distinguished this variety from typical L. martagon L. in having “L. phyllis perianthii extus glaberrimis, intus rubro-venosis unicoloribus In PAD we traced a specimen (individual on the left side) having the original Visiani's autograph description of this taxon which is identical to the description given in the protologue. Moreover, Visiani refers to Maria de Cattani as the collector and Much (Muc) locality (Croatia) as the collection site, both of which are mentioned on the herbarium label. Thus this specimen can be considered as original material collected from the “locus classicus” and is designated here as the lectotype. On the same herbarium sheet (specimen on the right side) is also a plant referable to L. martagon collected on Biokovo (Croatia): “Lilium Martagon L. / In umbrosis sylvatices mt Biokovo / Visiani s.d., s.n.”.

  • Taxonomic discussion. — The selected lectotype fully confirms the close relationship between L. martagon and L. martagon var. cattaniae and therefore the varietal rank is the most appropriate, which is also suggested by recent molecular analysis as it failed to distinguish the two taxa at a specific level (Muratovic & al., 2010). The Linnaean taxon L. martagon was also recently typified by Peruzzi & Jarvis (2009) and the specimen from LINN (sheet No. 420.5) was selected as lectotype.

  • Fig. 2.

    Lectotype of Lilium martagon var. cattaniae Vis. [specimen on the left side].

    [Maria de Cattani s.n., PAD] [© Erbario Patavinum, Università degli Studi di Padova. Reproduced with permission]



    We are thankful to Rossella Marcucci, curator of the PAD and to Walter Till, curator of the WU for kind help and assistance in our examination of original herbarium material and photographic documentation. We are also most grateful to Walter Gutermann for valuable advice and comments.



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    Ivana Rešetnik & and Sandro Bogdanović "Typification of Lilium Jankae A. Kern. and Lilium Martagon Var. Cattaniae Vis.," Candollea 68(1), 151-154, (1 July 2013).
    Received: 3 May 2011; Accepted: 1 November 2012; Published: 1 July 2013
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