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1 July 2006 New Species of Raillietnema (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae) and Other Helminths in Rana vibicaria (Ranidae) from Costa Rica
Charles R. Bursey, Stephen R. Goldberg
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Raillietnema lynchi n. sp. from the large intestine of a Rancho Redondo frog, Rana vibicaria, from Costa Rica is described and illustrated. Raillietnema lynchi n. sp. represents the twenty-third species assigned to Raillietnema and is distinguished from the 6 other Neotropical species by length of spicules (110–146 μm) and pattern of caudal papillae (4 pairs precloacal, 5 pairs postcloacal). Rana vibicaria also was found to harbor 1 species of Trematoda, Gorgoderina megacetabularis; 1 species of Cestoda, Ophiotaenia sp.; 4 species of Nematoda, Aplectana itzocanensis, Cosmocerca podicipinus, Falcaustra costaricae, and Rhabdias savagei; and 1 species of Acanthocephala represented by unidentified cystacanths.

Charles R. Bursey and Stephen R. Goldberg "New Species of Raillietnema (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae) and Other Helminths in Rana vibicaria (Ranidae) from Costa Rica," Comparative Parasitology 73(2), 193-200, (1 July 2006).
Published: 1 July 2006
Costa Rica
Raillietnema lynchi n. sp
Rana vibicaria
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