Fifteen Laudakia caucasia and 25 Laudakia stellio from Turkey were examined for helminths. Laudakia caucasia harbored 1 species of Cestoda, Oochoristica tuberculata, and 3 species of Nematoda, Foleyella candezei, Parapharyngodon tyche, and Thelandros baylisi. Laudakia caucasica represents a new host record for O. tuberculata, P. tyche, and T. baylisi. Laudakia stellio harbored 6 species of Nematoda, Foleyella candezei, Parapharyngodon kasauli, Parapharyngodon tyche, Thelandros taylori, Strongyluris calotis, and third-stage ascaridoid larvae. Laudakia stellio represents a new host record for F. candezei, P. kasauli, S. calotis, T. taylori, and ascaridoid larvae.