We present a synopsis of the Trichocentrum-clade of Oncidiinae. In this revision, we recognize 85 taxa assigned to four genera: Cohniella with 23 species in five complexes and two natural hybrids; Lophiaris with 27 species and eight natural hybrids, six of which are yet to be named; Trichocentrum with 27 species and two subspecies; and Lophiarella with three species. Cohniella yuroraensis is referred to the synonymy of C. ultrajectina, C. allenii and C. christensoniana to the synonymy of C. nuda, and C. croatii to C. lacera. Trichocentrum perezii is referred to the synonymy of Lophiaris andreana. A key to the genera of the Trichocentrum-clade is presented as well as keys to the complexes or groups of species and, when applicable, natural hybrids of Cohniella, Lophiarella, Lophiaris, and Trichocentrum.