P.V. Bruyns
Haseltonia 2018 (25), 35-56, (28 December 2018) https://doi.org/10.2985/026.025.0104
KEYWORDS: Euphorbieae, monographic treatment, new species, new subspecies, new variety
In preparation for a monograph of Euphorbia in southern Africa, twelve new taxa are described.
In Euphorbia subsect. Medusea (Haw.) Pax & K. Hoffm. one new species, E. willowmorensis Bruyns and three new subspecies, E. arida subsp. camdebooensis Bruyns, E. friedrichiae subsp. pofadderensis Bruyns and E. multiceps subsp. tanquana Bruyns are described; two new subspecies, E. ferox subsp. calitzdorpensis Bruyns and E. pseudoglobosa subsp. vlokii Bruyns are described in Euphorbia ser. Meleuphorbia (A.Berger) Bruyns; one new subspecies, Euphorbia patula subsp. brucebayeri Bruyns is described in Euphorbia subsect. Dactylanthes (Haw.) Pax & K.Hoffm.
In Euphorbia sect. Articulofruticosae Bruyns one new subspecies, E. ephedroides subsp. gamsbergensis Bruyns is described.
In Euphorbia sect. Esula (Pers.) Dumort. one new species, E. corneliae Bruyns, is described from southern Namibia.
In Euphorbia sect. Euphorbia there are one new species, E. otavibergensis Bruyns; one new subspecies E. subsalsa subsp. otzenii Bruyns; and one new variety, E. lydenburgensis var. minor Bruyns.
In addition, in subsect. Dactylanthes the concept of Euphorbia patula Mill. is substantially re-configured and four subspecies are recognized, with E. anacantha Aiton and E. wilmaniae Marloth included as two of these subspecies.