Limited information is available concerning the dispersal and frequency of swarming behavior of Zootermopsis laticeps Banks (Isoptera: Termopsidae) in Texas. Almost all information known about this termite species in Texas comes from the extreme western part of the state around the El Paso area. During 1983–1986, light traps were placed at 10 sites within El Paso County to collect Z. laticeps alates during the annual swarming season. Percentage recovery and location of this poorly understood termite were measured. During 1983–1985, 1731 alate termites (97% of the catch) were collected from only two light traps located along the Rio Grande River. Few termites were collected from other collecting sites away from the Rio Grande River. There was no relationship between precipitation and swarming of Z. laticeps. Environmental considerations are discussed for the occurrences of this species in west Texas.
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1 January 2009
Swarming Dates and Distribution of Zootermopsis laticeps Banks (Isoptera: Termopsidae) Alates in El Paso County, Texas
Harry N. Howell,
James W. Austin,
Roger E. Gold
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dampwood termite
El Paso
Zootermopsis laticeps