A 2-year-old female eclectus parrot (Eclectus roratus) was presented for suspected cervical myopathy due to trauma. Severe ventroflexion of the cervical spine and mental depression were identified during the physical examination. The bird was responsive to stimuli but otherwise quiet. Plasma biochemistry results were suggestive of a myopathy, based on marked elevations of both aspartate transaminase (25 652 U/L) and creatine kinase (253 240 U/L). Whole-body radiographic images were unremarkable. Treatment was initiated with supportive therapy for presumptive shock, dehydration, pain, myopathy, and possible spinal swelling. Allopathic therapy included subcutaneous fluids; vitamins A, D, and E; dexamethasone sodium phosphate; hydromorphone; and gavage feeding to treat the acute inflammatory process and provide nutritional support during healing. Supportive care through the Integrative Medicine Department (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA) was also performed on the patient. Photobiomodulation, acupuncture, Tui-na massage, and rehabilitation exercises were instituted to provide adjunct treatment for relieving pain, promoting muscle healing, improving patient demeanor, and improving cervical mobility. Integrative therapies were well tolerated by the patient, with no sedation required. By day 3, mentation had subjectively improved by 50% despite the persistent cervical ventroflexion. By day 8, the elevated serum enzyme activities had decreased, the patient could eat and drink on its own, and it could readily step up and seek attention during handling. The bird was able to lift its head and could hold it at approximately 50% of normal posture. Integrative therapies were continued throughout hospitalization. The bird was released from the hospital 20 days after initial intake, with head carriage in approximately 80% of the expected normal position and no apparent cervical pain based on palpation. This case demonstrates the benefits of integrative therapies as an adjunct treatment for cervical pain and myopathy in a psittacine species.
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19 September 2023
Successful Treatment of a Cervical Injury and Myopathy Using Integrative Medicine Techniques in an Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus) Following Cervical Entrapment
Lorrie K. Hale Mitchell,
Ronald B. Koh,
Javier G. Nevarez
cervical myopathy
eclectus parrot
Eclectus roratus
integrative medicine