Snakebite envenoming in avian species is infrequently reported in the veterinary literature, although perhaps not as rarely as recent publications suggest. A systematic scoping review was performed on the topic using PubMed and Google Scholar, 21 veterinary textbooks, and 139 conference proceedings. A practitioner experience survey was also performed, with recruitment from Facebook groups for exotic animal practitioners and professional organization email listservs. Only 31 texts met our inclusion/exclusion criteria, which meant they described clinicopathologic signs of snakebite envenomation in avian species, the treatment of snakebite envenomation in avian species, or expanded the geographic range or the number of captive avian and snake species involved. Reports included approximately 15–20 different species of both snakes and birds worldwide; however, no reports described clinicopathologic signs of naturally occurring snakebites from Asia, Australasia, or Europe. The few responses from our practitioner experience survey suggest that snakebite envenomation may be more common than previously reported. Clinical signs of snake envenomation in birds appear to depend on the snake species involved but often include local swelling and subcutaneous edema or hemorrhage with paired fang marks; weakness, bleeding, neurologic deficits, and death may follow. A wide variety of treatment protocols have been used to counter snakebite envenomation in birds, including the successful use of antivenom. Based on this body of evidence, much remains to be learned about snakebite envenomation of birds, particularly about the efficacy of different treatment protocols.
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19 September 2023
Snakebite Envenoming in Avian Species: A Systematic Scoping Review and Practitioner Experience Survey
Charles O. Cummings,
Jessica M. Eisenbarth