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19 September 2023 Palliative Radiation Therapy for Treatment of Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma in a Double Yellow-headed Amazon Parrot (Amazona oratrix)
Anna Watson, Sara Gardhouse, Kara Hiebert, Timothy Walsh, Chieko Azuma, Samuel Hocker
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A 17-year-old captive female double yellow-headed Amazon parrot (Amazona oratrix) was presented to the Kansas State University Zoological Medicine Service (Manhattan, KS, USA) for a 2-month history of a left sided facial swelling. On examination, a red, raised mass was noted on the left side of the face. A whole-body computed tomography scan of the bird was performed to assess the extent of the mass and evaluate the patient for obvious evidence of disseminated disease. No systemic involvement was detected, and the swelling was localized to the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues overlying the left rhamphotheca. Two punch biopsies were collected, and histopathology was consistent with cutaneous lymphoma, with strong positive CD3 staining congruous with a T-cell origin. Because of a lack of evidence for disseminated disease, the authors elected to pursue localized radiation therapy, and a single fraction of 8 Gray was administered. The swelling had resolved by the time of the recheck examination 4 weeks post–radiation therapy, and the patient remained clinically normal 52 weeks after radiation therapy.

Anna Watson, Sara Gardhouse, Kara Hiebert, Timothy Walsh, Chieko Azuma, and Samuel Hocker "Palliative Radiation Therapy for Treatment of Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma in a Double Yellow-headed Amazon Parrot (Amazona oratrix)," Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 37(2), 180-187, (19 September 2023).
Published: 19 September 2023
Amazona oratrix
cutaneous lymphoma
double yellow-headed Amazon parrot
radiation therapy
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