Wang, Y.; Wu, Y., and Jiang, L., 2020. Application of interval information comprehensive ranking model based on entropy weight in river water quality evaluation. In: Hu, C. and Cai, M. (eds.), Geo-informatics and Oceanography. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 105, pp. 137–140. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
In this article, an interval information comprehensive ranking model based on entropy weight is established and applied to river water quality evaluation. In this model, the monitoring interval value of water quality index of river section is weighted with the interval data of standard grade. The weight of each index is calculated by using information entropy technology, and the water quality grade of each section is determined by comprehensive weighted ranking of each section and evaluation grade. The results show that the concept of the model is clear, the calculation is simple, and the evaluation results are objective and reasonable.