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28 December 2020 Design and Application of Prefiltering Seawater Clarification System for Small Seawater Desalination System in Tropical Islands
Lin Zheng, Kun Fan, Yuegang Luo, Qiang Shao, Hongying Hu, Xinhui Wu
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Zheng, L.; Fan, K.; Luo, Y.; Shao, Q.; Hu, H., and Wu, X., 2020. Design and application of prefiltering seawater clarification system for small seawater desalination system in tropical islands. In: Hu, C. and Cai, M. (eds.), Geo-informatics and Oceanography. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 105, pp. 233–236. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Owing to the characteristics of the marine environment, seawater desalination systems of offshore islands in tropical areas will absorb more impurities, which often results in premature aging of the reverse osmosis membrane of the seawater filtering desalination system, such as air scrubbing tank and ultrafiltration equipment. This article proposes a design scheme of a prefiltering seawater clarification system. Experiments show that the filtering system can effectively reduce the operating burden of follow-up equipment and improve the efficiency of desalination equipment. It is suitable for popularizing this technology in similar islands.

©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2020
Lin Zheng, Kun Fan, Yuegang Luo, Qiang Shao, Hongying Hu, and Xinhui Wu "Design and Application of Prefiltering Seawater Clarification System for Small Seawater Desalination System in Tropical Islands," Journal of Coastal Research 105(sp1), 233-236, (28 December 2020).
Received: 11 June 2020; Accepted: 1 August 2020; Published: 28 December 2020
Mechanical clarifier
Seawater desalination
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