The north Chennai coast, on the east coast of India, experiences severe erosion caused by waves, and an area of the beach about 600 m wide has eroded over the past 120 years. To protect the seafront, natural stones were dumped by government agencies along the coast for a distance of about 6 km, and in the process, a short beach pocket 400 m long was left unprotected for various reasons. Because the property of a chemical factory located in this 400-m stretch of beach pocket suffered damage caused by erosion, and because the need for a wide beachfront was stressed by local fishermen, an alternative method of protecting the beach was suggested. The proposal involved construction of an S-type rubble sea wall about 100 m long on the southern end of the beach pocket. This paper discusses the numerical model studies conducted to determine the configuration of the S-type rubble sea wall and its effectiveness in beach protection. The model studies suggested a length of projection of 14 m with a radius of curvature of 310 m for the S-type sea wall to achieve the desired performance. Field studies conducted on the 40-m-wide and 400-m-long beach pocket with the 100-m-long S-type sea wall indicate that the sea wall is effective in protecting the beach.
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1 July 2007
Beach Accretion and Erosion with S-Type Rubble Mound Sea Wall
J. S. Mani
Journal of Coastal Research
Vol. 2007 • No. 234
July 2007
Vol. 2007 • No. 234
July 2007
beach protection
sea wall
sediment transport