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Special Issue 47 - ECOSUD: Estuaries & Coastal Areas: Basis and Tools for a More Sustainable Development [Sánchez-Arcilla, Siena & Mösso]
VOL. 2010 · NO. 10047 | Summer 2007

Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 1, (1 June 2007) Open Access
No abstract available
A. Sánchez-Arcilla, C. Mösso, M. Mestres, L. Cupul, J. P. Sierra, M. Rodilla, I. Romero, J. González del Río
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 2-16, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Cullera Bay, Júcar River, numerical modeling, Field observations
C. Mösso, J. P. Sierra, M. Mestres, L. Cupul, S. Falco, M. Rodilla, A. Sánchez-Arcilla, J. González del Río
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 17-30, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Near shore circulation, field campaigns, estuary, Mediterranean Sea
J. P. Sierra, C. Mösso, J. Gonzalez del Río, M. Mestres, L. Cupul, A. Sánchez-Arcilla, M. Rodilla, S. Falco, I. Romero, D. González-Marco, J. Puigdefábregas
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 31-39, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: water quality, hydrodynamics, numerical simulation, dispersion, marine outfall
S. Falco, Z. Hermosilla, I. Romero, R. Martínez, J. P. Sierra, C. Mösso, M. Mestres
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 40-47, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Nutrient, Stratified estuary, Mediterranean Sea
I. Romero, M. Moragues, J. González del Río, Z. Hermosilla, A. Sánchez-Arcilla, J. P. Sierra, C. Mösso
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 48-55, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Freshwater flow, saline shock, Nitrification, phosphorus, Mediterranean Sea
L. F. Niencheski, M. G. Zepka Baumgarten
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 56-62, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Patos Lagoon, estuary, domestic and industrial effluents, Eutrophication
J. González del Río, I. Romero, S. Falco, M. Rodilla, M. Saez, J. P. Sierra, A. Sánchez-Arcilla, C. Mösso
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 63-68, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Stratified estuary, saline shock, residence time, phytoplankton interface accumulation, epifluorescence, phytoplankton counts
A. Rodríguez, M. Corral, C. Oroná, G. Hillman, M. Pagot, J. P. Sierra, F. Niencheski
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 69-75, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: shear stress, hydrodynamics, heavy metals
E. Martí, J. Torres-Gavilá, J. Tena, M. Rodilla, A. Sánchez-Arcilla, M. Mestres, C. Mösso
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 76-83, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Lumbrineridae, Spionidae, Donax, Spisula subtruncata
M. Mestres, A. Sánchez-Arcilla, J. P. Sierra
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 84-96, (1 January 2007)
KEYWORDS: numerical modeling, hydrodynamics, dispersion
Elisa Helena Leão Fernandes, Igor Oliveira Monteiro, Osmar Olinto Möller Jr.
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 97-107, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: numerical modeling, estuary, shallow bay, hydrodynamics
G. Hillman, A. Rodriguez, M. Pagot, D. Tyrrell, M. Corral, C. Oroná, O. Möller
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 108-115, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: hydrodynamics, two-dimensional simulation, Patos Lagoon
M. Pagot, A. Rodríguez, G. Hillman, M. Corral, C. Oroná, L. F. Niencheski
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 116-129, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: satellite images, estuarine circulation, sediment patterns
Luis Poersch, Jorge P. Castello, Wilson Wasielesky Jr., Ronaldo O. Cavalli
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 130-135, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: estuaries, shrimp farming, water quality
Débora M. de Freitas, Paulo Roberto A. Tagliani
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 136-140, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Aquaculture planning, coastal uses, multicriteria evaluation
Paulo Roberto A. Tagliani, Débora M. de Freitas, Marcelo Domingues
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 141-144, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Patos Lagoon Estuary, sustainable development coastal management
Max Agüero, Mauricio Claverí
Journal of Coastal Research 2010 (10047), 145-152, (1 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Coastal zone management, Socioeconomic benefit, sustainable development
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