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10 May 2023 Public Perception of Ecosystem Services in the Marine Protected Areas of Northern Iloilo (Philippines)
Cheryl Joy Fernandez-Abila, Elaine Grace Fernandez, Rodelio Subade
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Fernandez-Abila, C.J.; Fernandez, E.G., and Subade, R., 2023. Public perception of ecosystem services in the marine protected areas of Northern Iloilo (Philippines). Journal of Coastal Research, 39(5), 907–920. Charlotte (North Carolina), ISSN 0749-0208.

As marine ecosystems provide a plurality of values to communities, enhancing ecological integrity through marine protected areas (MPAs) will promote community well-being. However, because of ongoing dangers from human activity and other factors, successful management of MPAs necessitates careful planning and engagement from all relevant parties. As communities are the primary resource consumers, it is understandable that how people regard MPAs is also vital in ecosystem-based management. This investigation attempted to comprehend the value that locals place on community-based MPAs using the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment framework. Interviews were conducted with 250 randomly chosen respondents from a municipality in Northern Iloilo, Philippines. Results show that regulating services for the development of the tourism industry, biodiversity for future generations (nonuse values), and research were the most important ecosystem services associated with MPAs. Sex, civil status, education, geography, and income are all elements that have an impact on the importance level. Therefore, as local governments and other resource managers formulate their local development plans and monitoring programs, they should base their choices on these factors.

Cheryl Joy Fernandez-Abila, Elaine Grace Fernandez, and Rodelio Subade "Public Perception of Ecosystem Services in the Marine Protected Areas of Northern Iloilo (Philippines)," Journal of Coastal Research 39(5), 907-920, (10 May 2023).
Received: 10 July 2022; Accepted: 4 March 2023; Published: 10 May 2023
Coastal policy
subjective well-being
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