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29 March 2019 Integrated Management of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus and its Whitefly Vector in Tomato
David G. Riley, Rajagopalbabu Srinivasan
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Whitefly-transmitted Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (Family Geminiviridae; Genus Begomovirus) severely restricts tomato production in the Southeastern United States. Whitefly and tomato yellow leaf curl virus management studies typically investigate control tactics individually, but successful management of this pest complex more often relies on a combination of tactics. This study examined the individual and combined effects of tomato yellow leaf curl virus-resistant cultivars, insecticides, and metallic reflective mulch on whiteflies, tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease incidence, and marketable tomato yields using split-split plot trials over 3 yr. Reflective mulch significantly reduced whitefly adults and nymphs and tomato yellow leaf curl virus symptom severity in all 3 yr of the study. Reflective mulch treatments also provided greater marketable tomato yield in 2 out of 3 yr. Imidacloprid and cyantraniliprole treatments reduced whitefly adults and nymphs' establishment and marginally increased yields, but there was no significant insecticide effect on tomato yellow leaf curl virus incidence/symptom severity compared with the non-treated check. Virus-resistant tomato cultivars did not influence whitefly populations, but provided consistent reduction in virus disease incidence. Interactions between host plant resistance and insecticide treatments ranged from strongly additive in the standard white plastic mulch treatment to only marginally additive in the reflective mulch treatments in terms of enhancing tomato yields. tomato yellow leaf curl virus-resistant tomato cultivars and reflective mulch provided the bulk of the protection against tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease incidence. However, it was the combination of all the best tactics (reflective mulch, cyantraniliprole, ‘Security’ hyb. tomato yellow leaf curl virus-resistant) that provided the maximum increase in marketable tomato yield (2.8-fold) over the least effective combination (white mulch, no whitefly insecticide, ‘FL47′ hyb. tomato yellow leaf curl virus-susceptible).

© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
David G. Riley and Rajagopalbabu Srinivasan "Integrated Management of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus and its Whitefly Vector in Tomato," Journal of Economic Entomology 112(4), 1526-1540, (29 March 2019).
Received: 31 August 2018; Accepted: 14 February 2019; Published: 29 March 2019

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reflective mulch
resistant cultivar
sweetpotato whitefly MEAM1
tomato yellow leaf curl virus
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