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1 February 2002 Effect of Greenbugs (Homoptera: Aphididae) on Yield Loss of Winter Wheat
S. D. Kindler, N. C. Elliott, K. L. Giles, T. A. Royer, R. Fuentes-Granados, F. Tao
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The effect of greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), feeding on the yield of four winter wheat cultivars commonly grown in Oklahoma was studied. Cultivars tested were ‘Karl’, a recent derivative ‘Karl-92’, and ‘2163’, all greenbug-susceptible cultivars; and ‘TAM-110’, a cultivar with resistance to biotype E greenbugs. The objectives were to determine the effect of different greenbug densities during fall and spring on yield of winter wheat, and to develop mathematical models to quantify the effect of greenbugs on yield loss. The intensity of greenbug infestations achieved in plots by artificial infestation varied among years and growing seasons within a year, but was generally sufficient to cause a reduction in yield. Among yield components, the number of heads per square meter and the number of seeds per head were frequently negatively correlated with the accumulated number of greenbug-days per tiller. Seed weight was rarely affected by greenbug infestation. A regression model estimated yield loss for greenbug-susceptible cultivars at 0.51 kg/ha loss of yield per greenbug-day in years with near normal precipitation, and a loss of 1.17 kg/ha under severe drought conditions. The susceptible winter wheat cultivars exhibited similar yield loss in relation to the intensity of greenbug infestation, as indicated by a common slope parameter in the regression model. Results suggest that the model is robust for predicting yield loss for susceptible cultivars.

S. D. Kindler, N. C. Elliott, K. L. Giles, T. A. Royer, R. Fuentes-Granados, and F. Tao "Effect of Greenbugs (Homoptera: Aphididae) on Yield Loss of Winter Wheat," Journal of Economic Entomology 95(1), 89-95, (1 February 2002).
Received: 2 January 2001; Accepted: 1 September 2001; Published: 1 February 2002

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economic injury
economic threshold
Schizaphis graminum
Triticum aestivum
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