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1 October 2005 Factors Affecting Male Prays oleae (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) Captures in Pheromone-Baited Traps in Olive Orchards
Nickolas G. Kavallieratos, Christos G. Athanassiou, George N. Balotis, Georgia Th Tatsi, Basilios E. Mazomenos
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Effects of trap design, height and side of trap placement on olive trees, pheromone doses in dispensers, aging of dispensers in the field, and secondary pheromone components were evaluated for the development of an effective pheromone monitoring system for Prays oleae (Bernard) Lesne (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) in olive orchards. Field trials showed that trap design, pheromone dose, and trapping side affected male captures, whereas dispenser age, trap height, and secondary components had no influence. Pherocon 1C and Delta traps baited with 1 mg of (Z)-7-tetradecenal captured more male moths than Pherocon II or Funnel traps. Placement of traps at different cardinal directions significantly affected captures, but this trend was not consistent and varied with flight period and trap position internal or external to the tree canopy. Moth phenology as determined by pheromone traps from early April to mid-October was consistent with published field data. Results indicate that Pherocon 1C or Delta traps baited with 1 mg of (Z)-7-tetradecenal provide an effective tool for monitoring the flight activity of P. oleae and the time of application of control measures.

Nickolas G. Kavallieratos, Christos G. Athanassiou, George N. Balotis, Georgia Th Tatsi, and Basilios E. Mazomenos "Factors Affecting Male Prays oleae (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) Captures in Pheromone-Baited Traps in Olive Orchards," Journal of Economic Entomology 98(5), 1499-1505, (1 October 2005).
Received: 23 November 2004; Accepted: 1 March 2005; Published: 1 October 2005

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Prays oleae
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