During the summer of 2010, physical examinations were performed and blood and feces were collected from Eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. A total of 175 turtles were collected through incidental encounters and canine searches. Blood samples were analyzed using complete blood counts (n = 169) and plasma biochemistries (n = 162). Reference ranges were established for packed cell volume, white blood cell count and differential, total solids, aspartate aminotransferase, bile acids, creatine kinase, uric acid, phosphorus, total calcium, total protein, potassium, and sodium. Fecal examinations and ectoparasite screens were done on 5 and 85 turtles, respectively; no parasites were found during either of these screening processes. Clinical signs recorded during the physical examinations included: no clinical signs (n = 68), oral discharge (n = 4), conjunctivitis (n = 3), fracture (n = 3), and ocular discharge (n = 3). These results serve as baseline parameters for ongoing health assessments of this population and future investigations into similar turtle populations.
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1 December 2011
Health Assessment of Wild Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) in East Tennessee
Brittany M. Way Rose,
Matthew C. Allender
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Box turtle
health survey
Terrapene carolina carolina