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1 November 2010 Arthrodendron maguricum n. sp., a New Larger Agglutinated Foraminifer from the Eocene Magura Flysch of the Polish Carpathians and its Relationship to Komokiaceans and Trace Fossils
Michael A. Kaminski, Alfred Uchman, Andrew K. Rindsberg
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Arthrodendron maguricum n. sp. is described from deep-sea flysch of the lower Eocene Życzanów Conglomerate Member of the Szczawnica Formation (Magura Unit) in the Polish Carpathians. Arthrodendron maguricum is a larger agglutinated foraminifer showing regular, tubular chambers that may branch dichotomously. Its wall is tripartite and composed of an outer organic-rich layer, a main agglutinated layer, and an internal organic-rich layer. The organism evidently lived as epibenthos on the muddy sea floor. Because of their branching morphology and comparatively large dimensions, larger agglutinated foraminifera of the genus Arthrodendron have previously been confused with algae and trace fossils. Care should be taken in such cases to resolve the agglutinated wall and chambers of this deep-water agglutinated foraminifer. Arthrodendron maguricum displays superficial similarities to some modern komokiaceans, especially to Septuma. Further investigations are needed for clarification of their affinities and possible taxonomic consequences.

Michael A. Kaminski, Alfred Uchman, and Andrew K. Rindsberg "Arthrodendron maguricum n. sp., a New Larger Agglutinated Foraminifer from the Eocene Magura Flysch of the Polish Carpathians and its Relationship to Komokiaceans and Trace Fossils," Journal of Paleontology 84(6), 1015-1021, (1 November 2010).
Accepted: 14 July 2010; Published: 1 November 2010
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