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1 May 2016 A new runner-like cyclostome bryozoan from the Bromide Formation (Sandbian, Upper Ordovician) of Oklahoma and its phylogenetic affinities
Mark A. Wilson, Paul D. Taylor
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Zigzagopora wigleyensis n. gen. n. sp. is an Upper Ordovician (Sandbian, early Caradoc) cyclostome bryozoan from the Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma, USA. It has runner-type colonies characterized by a mostly uniserial, geniculate arrangement of monomorphic zooids that bud alternately left and right, producing a zig-zag pattern of growth. This new genus has calcified interior walls and non-pseudoporous exterior walls. It is thus most likely affiliated with the paleotubuliporine family Sagenellidae, despite superficial similarities with the corynotrypid cyclostomes with which it co-occurs.

© 2016, The Paleontological Society
Mark A. Wilson and Paul D. Taylor "A new runner-like cyclostome bryozoan from the Bromide Formation (Sandbian, Upper Ordovician) of Oklahoma and its phylogenetic affinities," Journal of Paleontology 90(3), 413-417, (1 May 2016).
Accepted: 1 March 2016; Published: 1 May 2016
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