Gravid traps are commonly used by mosquito control agencies to collect local populations of Culex pipiens, which are then tested for the presence of West Nile virus. Culex pipiens adults disperse a relatively short distance (~2.5 km) from their breeding site, so it can be challenging to position a sufficient number of gravid traps to accurately monitor these mosquitoes in large urban areas. As placement of these traps is often limited to locations out of public?view, the potential for placing these traps belowground in commonly found storm-water catch basins was investigated. We compared the numbers of mosquitoes isolated in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gravid traps placed aboveground with various types of CDC gravid traps placed in nearby catch basins. We found that the gravid traps placed in catch basins collected significantly fewer Culex pipiens females as compared to the aboveground traps. However, the 2 types of catch basin traps continued to function and collect mosquitoes despite heavy rainfall and runoff, demonstrating their utility for sample collection in an urban setting. The potential advantages and disadvantages of using catch basins for the placement of CDC gravid traps are discussed.