The mosquito fauna of Iran includes seven genera, 64 species, and three subspecies. The records of 12 other species should be verified. There are 24 species in the most recent checklist of Iranian Anopheles. Two species, An. peditaeniatus and An. fluviatilis species V, have been reported since. An. atroparvus, An. labranchiae, and An. martinius of the Maculipennis Group, and An. cinereus, An. nigerrimus, and An. rhodesiensis rupicola were recorded previously but are not included in the checklist. The checklist of Iranian Culicinae includes ten species of the tribe Aedini, but there are some records of four other species: Aedes aegypti, Ochlerotatus berlandi, Oc. chelli, and Oc. dorsalis. The genus Culex includes 19 species, excluding Cx. impudicus, which has not been collected recently, and some doubtful records of Cx. univittatus, Cx. vishnui, and Cx. vagans. The genus Culiseta includes five species and the genera Coquillettidia and Uranotaenia each include one species in Iran. No information is available for the An. subpictus, Oc. caspius, Oc. detritus, and Oc. pulcritaris species complexes in Iran. The An. claviger and Cx. pipiens complexes and the An. hyrcanus group require review.
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1 December 2007
Checklist of Iranian mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae)
Shahyad Azari-Hamidian
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Middle East
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species checklist