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11 July 2024 Analysis of diversity and an updated catalog of mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Capivari-Monos Environmental Protection Area, São Paulo, Brazil
Walter Ceretti-Junior, Antonio Ralph Medeiros-Sousa, Luis Filipe Mucci, Ana Maria Ribeiro de Castro Duarte, Ramon Wilk-da-Silva, Eduardo Evangelista, Karolina Morales Barrio-Nuevo, Mauro Toledo Marrelli, Rafael Oliveira-Christe
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The Capivari-Monos Environmental Protection Area (EPA) is located in the southern part of the São Paulo city Green Belt. Since the 1950s, this region has been affected by uncontrolled urban sprawl, resulting in a change in the ecological habits of some vector mosquitoes. Over the last two decades, cases of autochthonous bromeliad malaria associated with the presence of anopheline mosquitoes in the EPA have been recorded. Anopheles cruzii, the primary vector of plasmodia in the region, is abundant and found naturally infected with both Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium malariae. In light of this, the present study sought to update the catalog of mosquito fauna in this EPA, analyze mosquito diversity among sites with different degrees of conservation and compare species using different collection techniques. Field collections were carried out from March, 2015 to April, 2017. A total of 20,755 specimens were collected, distributed in 106 different taxa representing 16 genera. Analysis of the diversity among the sites based on the Shannon and Simpson indices showed that the most preserved of them had the lowest indices because of the dominance of An. cruzii. The results highlight the increase in the number of different taxa collected as different mosquito collection techniques were included, confirming the importance of using several strategies to ensure adequate sampling of a local mosquito fauna when exploring a greater number of ecotopes. Furthermore, the survey produced the most recent and complete list of mosquito species in the Capivari-Monos EPA, a refuge and shelter for native and introduced mosquito species where new biocenoses, including pathogens, vertebrate hosts, and vectors can form, allowing zoonotic outbreaks in the local human population to occur.

Walter Ceretti-Junior, Antonio Ralph Medeiros-Sousa, Luis Filipe Mucci, Ana Maria Ribeiro de Castro Duarte, Ramon Wilk-da-Silva, Eduardo Evangelista, Karolina Morales Barrio-Nuevo, Mauro Toledo Marrelli, and Rafael Oliveira-Christe "Analysis of diversity and an updated catalog of mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Capivari-Monos Environmental Protection Area, São Paulo, Brazil," Journal of Vector Ecology 49(2), R50-R60, (11 July 2024).
Received: 12 March 2024; Accepted: 19 June 2024; Published: 11 July 2024

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Capivari-Monos Environmental Protection Area
green areas
mosquito assembly
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