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1 January 1988 Severed Intestine in Channel Catfish
Robert M. Durborow, Larry Hanson
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Six cases of severed intestines in farm-raised channel catfish were examined at fish disease diagnostic laboratories in Mississippi and Alabama. This condition has not been reported previously in fish. Affected fish had a 4-7-cm-long intestinal section (hyperemic where it was severed) attached to the stomach. The remainder of the intestine was completely missing in all six cases except for a 1–1.5-cm section of intestine prolapsed from the anus in fish from three of the cases. Ischemia, autodigestion following intussusception, or intestinal epithelium degradation are suggested as possible etiologies for this condition.

Durborow and Hanson: Severed Intestine in Channel Catfish
Robert M. Durborow and Larry Hanson "Severed Intestine in Channel Catfish," Journal of Wildlife Diseases 24(1), 146-149, (1 January 1988).
Received: 13 March 1987; Published: 1 January 1988
case report
channel catfish
fish farming
Ictalurus punctatus
prolapsed intestine
Severed intestine
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