Information was requested on the cause of extensive lesions and death of a black-buck antelope (Antilope cervicapra). Psoroptes cuniculi, the ear mite of domestic rabbits, was identified as the cause of the lesions. Death of the antelope was attributed to a secondary bacterial infection. This is the first report of P. cuniculi on blackbuck antelope. The potential impact of these mites on blackbuck antelope and other exotics in Texas is unknown.
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1 January 1988
Blackbuck Antelope (Antilope cervicapra), a New Host for Psoroptes cuniculi (Acari: Psoroptidae)
Fred C. Wright,
Robert L. Glaze
Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Vol. 24 • No. 1
January 1988
Vol. 24 • No. 1
January 1988
Antilope cervicapra
Blackbuck antelope
case report
Psoroptes cuniculi
psoroptic mange