An 11-yr-old captive-raised male woodchuck (Marmota monax) presented with ataxia, poor balance, left-sided weakness, circling to the left and nystagmus with the fast-phase directed towards the left. The clinical signs were compatible with a central vestibular deficit syndrome. Necropsy and histologic findings revealed a meningotheliomatous meningioma centered over the ventrolateral left pons and medulla along with acute bronchopneumonia, chronic glomerulopathy, interstitial nephritis, and phthisis bulbi.
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1 October 1988
Meningioma in a Woodchuck Exhibiting Central Vestibular Deficits
Michael Podell,
Mark Pokras,
Peter Gerlach,
Richard Jakowski
Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Vol. 24 • No. 4
October 1988
Vol. 24 • No. 4
October 1988
case history
central vestibular deficits
Marmota monax