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1 October 1988 Prevalence and Identity of Coccidia in Pen-Raised Wild Turkeys
M. D. Ruff, L. Schorr, W. R. Davidson, V. F. Nettles
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One hundred nineteen pen-raised wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) from 12 locations in nine states in the United States were examined for coccidia by sugar flotation of intestinal contents and mucosa or by subinoculating the contents into uninfected domestic turkeys. Seventy-eight (66%) of the turkeys were positive for coccidia. There were no differences in the frequency of coccidia among adult, subadult or juvenile turkeys. More females (75%) were infected than males (48%). The species of coccidia from 30 of the turkeys were identified based on microscopic examination of oocysts, fresh scrapings, stained sections and inoculations of bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). The frequency of each species was Eimeria meleagrimitis (97%), E. gallopavonis (47%), E. meleagridis (27%), E. dispersa (17%), E. innocuaE. subrotunda (13%), E. adenoeides (7%) and an undescribed species (3%). Of the 30 turkeys in which the species of coccidia was determined, 30% had a single species infection, 40% had two species, 20% had three species and 10% had four species.

Ruff, Schorr, Davidson, and Nettles: Prevalence and Identity of Coccidia in Pen-Raised Wild Turkeys
M. D. Ruff, L. Schorr, W. R. Davidson, and V. F. Nettles "Prevalence and Identity of Coccidia in Pen-Raised Wild Turkeys," Journal of Wildlife Diseases 24(4), 711-714, (1 October 1988).
Received: 11 February 1988; Published: 1 October 1988
Eimeria spp.
Meleagris gallopavo
wild turkey
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