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1 October 1989 Herpes-like Viral Dermatitis in a Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas)
Bradd Barr, J. Lawrence Dunn, M. D. Daniel, Amy Banford
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Approximately 3.5 mo following its capture, a beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) developed focal pale gray skin lesions. These lesions persisted for at least 8 mo. A biopsy from one of these sites revealed epithelial intranuclear inclusions. Herpes-like viral particles were seen by transmission electron microscopy. The eventual regression of skin lesions and lack of other clinical signs suggests the virus was only mildly pathogenic in this animal.

Barr, Dunn, Daniel, and Banford: Herpes-like Viral Dermatitis in a Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas)
Bradd Barr, J. Lawrence Dunn, M. D. Daniel, and Amy Banford "Herpes-like Viral Dermatitis in a Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas)," Journal of Wildlife Diseases 25(4), 608-611, (1 October 1989).
Received: 28 February 1989; Published: 1 October 1989
beluga whale
case report
Delphinapterus leucas
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