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1 April 1996 Cluster of Rabies Cases of Probable Bat Origin among Red Foxes in Prince Edward Island, Canada
Pierre-Yves Daoust, Alexander I. Wandeler, G. Allen Casey
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Between 15 November and 13 December 1993, three cases of rabies of probable bat origin were confirmed in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from the same area of Prince Edward Island, Canada, previously thought to be free of rabies in terrestrial mammals. Such clusters have rarely been described in North America.

Daoust, Wandeler, and Casey: Cluster of Rabies Cases of Probable Bat Origin among Red Foxes in Prince Edward Island, Canada
Pierre-Yves Daoust, Alexander I. Wandeler, and G. Allen Casey "Cluster of Rabies Cases of Probable Bat Origin among Red Foxes in Prince Edward Island, Canada," Journal of Wildlife Diseases 32(2), 403-406, (1 April 1996).
Received: 7 April 1995; Published: 1 April 1996
case report
red fox
Vulpes vulpes
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