The effects of fixation, dehydration and staining on the morphological dimensions of myxo- and microsporidan spores were tested. Seven fixatives, two dehydrants and five stains were tested. Ten % formalin produced the least shrinkage and provided the best cytological detail of fixed material in both types of spores. All fixatives caused shrinkage of myxosporidan spore length and polar capsule length. Spore capsule width and polar capsule width were unaffected by 10% formalin. Ethyl alcohol caused no significant change in spore width. Microsporidan spore length shrunk with all fixatives, but spore width was generally unaffected. Dehydration, with either isopropyl alcohol or acetone, produced additional, significant shrinkage. The influence of stains on spore size was negligible. Heidenhains iron hematoxylin followed by eosin, and Mallory's analine-blue collagen stain, effectively stained myxo- and microsporidan spores.