A 36-yr-old male captive siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) was evaluated for mange in the form of generalized alopecia, flaky skin, and pruritus of 1 mo duration. Multiple skin scrapings and biopsies revealed high numbers of trombidiiform mites identified as Psorobia (formerly Psorergates) sp. near cercopitheci (Acarina: Psorergatidae) based on morphologic characteristics. Prolonged repetitive treatment with ivermectin killed the mites and resolved the clinical signs. Psorergatid mites should be considered as a cause of dry flaky skin in even long-term captive siamangs or other primates. This is the first record of psorergatid mites from a primate host in the family Hylobatidae.
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1 December 2008
Hyperplastic Dermatitis Associated with Acariasis in a Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus)
Adrienne Atkins,
Darryl J. Heard,
James W. Mertins,
Jason Kimbro,
Ellis C. Greiner
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Vol. 39 • No. 4
December 2008
Vol. 39 • No. 4
December 2008
Hylobates syndactylus
Psorergates cercopitheci
psorergatic mange
Symphalangus syndactylus