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VOL. 40 · NO. 3 | September 2009
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Review Articles
Christine V. Fiorello, Ian C. T. Nisbet, Jeremy J. Hatch, Carolyn Corsiglia, Mark A. Pokras
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 409-413, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: common terns, complete blood cell counts, hematology, hemoparasites, packed cell volume, Sterna hirundo, white blood cell counts
Sam Goldy Shoyama Oda, Ronaldo Jun Yamato, José Daniel Luzes Fedullo, Moacir Leomil Neto, Maria Helena Matiko Akao Larsson
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 414-420, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: captivity, electrocardiography, Leopardus tigrinus, Standardization, wild cats
Lee W. Morgan, Jennifer L. Jakush, Asheley Simpson, Monica M. Norman, D. Ann Pabst, Susan Simmons
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 421-429, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: blood biochemical, Harbor Seal, Gulf of Maine, Phoca vitulina, rehabilitation
Robert L. Swinger, Jennifer N. Langan, Ralph Hamor
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 430-436, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: ocular culture, Humboldt penguin, intraocular pressure, tear production, Spheniscus humboldti
Julia E. Napier, Shawn Caron, Drury R. Reavill, Hayley Murphy, Michael M. Garner
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 437-444, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Seba's short-tailed bats, Carollia perspicillata, uterus, endometrial hyperplasia, adenomyosis, pathology
Jesus L. Naldo, Nelson L. Libanan, Jaime H. Samour
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 445-452, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: health assessment, spiny-tailed lizard, Uromastyx spp., United Arab Emirates
Geoffrey W. Pye
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 453-457, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: koala, Phascolarctos cinereus, shoulder dysplasia
Rodrigo de Souza Amaral, Fernando Cesar Weber Rosas, Priscila Viau, José Anselmo d'Affonsêca Neto, Vera Maria Ferreira da Silva, Cláudio Alvarenga de Oliveira
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 458-465, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Amazonian manatee, noninvasive methods, radioimmunoassay, sirenian, testosterone, Trichechus inunguis
Susan L. Bartlett, Noha Abou-Madi, Marc S. Kraus, Ellen B. Wiedner, Simon R. Starkey, George V. Kollias
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 466-473, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: arrhythmia, Asian elephant, electrocardiography, Elephas maximus, U wave
Marina Salles Munerato, José Maurício Barbanti Duarte, José Antônio Marques
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 474-477, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: blood collection, Brown brocket deer, carotid exteriorization, Mazama gouazoubira, percutaneous catheterization
Amara H. Estrada, Trevor J. Gerlach, Mandi K. Schmidt, Jessica L. Siegal-Willott, Adrienne L. Atkins, James Van Gilder, Scott B. Citino, Luis R. Padilla
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 478-486, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Chrysocyon brachyurus, maned wolf, cardiology, radiography, echocardiography, electrocardiography
Jeffrey Wimsatt, Nicole Canon, Roger D. Pearce, Linda M. Vap, David M. Getzy
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 487-494, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Avian, blood, Columba livia, creatine, NAG, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase, nephrotoxicity, pigeon, plasma, urine
Russell P. Burns, Joanne Paul-Murphy
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 495-500, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: green iguana, Iguana iguana, lead level, zinc level, reptile, heavy metal toxicosis
Olimpia R. Lai, Pedro Marín, Pietro Laricchiuta, Giacomo Marzano, Giuseppe Crescenzo, Elisa Escudero
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 501-507, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: marbofloxacin, pharmacokinetics, loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta
Elizabeth M. Bunting, Noha Abou Madi, Sherry Cox, Tomas Martin-Jimenez, Henry Fox, George V. Kollias
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 508-518, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Humboldt penguin, hydroxyitraconazole, itraconazole, penguin, pharmacokinetics, Spheniscus humboldti
Cho-Chih Huang, Yu-Chung Chiang, Ching-Dong Chang, Yung-Huey Wu
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 519-528, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: hepatitis B virus, nonhuman primates, phylogenetic analysis, prevalence, Taiwan
Case Series/Reports
Stephanie Nees, Benjamin Schade, Marcus Clauss, Hanspeter W. Steinmetz, Felix Ehrensperger, Beatrice Steck, Jean-Michel Hatt
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 529-535, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: pygmy hippopotamus, Polycystic kidney disease, congenital, liver, pancreas, duodenum
Tim Bouts, Martin Vordermeier, Edmund Flach, Andrew Routh
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 536-542, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Multiantigen print immunoassay (MAPIA), Mycobacterium interjectum, pygmy hippopotamus, TB STAT-PAK®, TUBERCULOSIS
Shannon T. Ferrell, Katherine A. Pope, Chris Gardiner, Daniel S. Bradway, Dana L. Ambrose, Robert A. MacLean, Terry M. Norton, Nancy L. Stedman, Michael M. Garner
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 543-550, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Aceros corrugatus, hornbill, proventriculus, nematodiasis, spirurids
Dawn M. Zimmerman, Michael Douglass, Drury R. Reavill, Ellis C. Greiner
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 551-558, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Brazilian agouti, Dasyprocta leporina, echinococcosis, Echinococcus oligarthrus, hydatid cyst disease
Brief Communications
Elizabeth A. Driskell, Debra L. Miller, Shannon L. Swist, Zoltan S. Gyimesi
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 559-563, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Cope's grey tree frog, Frog virus 3, histopathology, Hyla chrysoscelis, PCR, ranavirus
P. K. Robbins, Geoffrey W. Pye, Meg Sutherland-Smith, Rebecca Papendick, Mark Greenberg, Denis Levy, Michael Madani
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 564-567, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Pongo abelli, orangutan, pericardial effusion, subxiphoid pericardiostomy
Christopher J. Dutton, Mark Quinnell, Robbin Lindsay, Josepha DeLay, Ian K. Barker
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 568-571, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: polar bear, Ursus maritimus, West Nile virus
Maureen Murray, Nicole T. Waliszewski, Michael M. Garner, Florina S. Tseng
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 572-575, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: disseminated intravascular coagulation, eastern spiny softshell turtle, Apalone spinifera spinifera, mycobacteriosis, Mycobacterium chelonae, sepsis
Yava L. Jones, Scott D. Fitzgerald
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 576-578, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: gout, joints, pseudogout, reptilian
Debbie A. Myers, Ramiro Isaza, Gil Ben-Shlomo, Jeffrey Abbott, Caryn E. Plummer
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 579-582, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Aspergillus, Curvularia, fungal keratitis, gopher tortoise, Gopherus polyphemus, miconazole
Pedro M. O. Pedroso, Raquel Von Hohendorf, Luiz G. S. de Oliveira, Milene Schmitz, Cláudio E. F. da Cruz, David Driemeier
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 583-585, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: deer, lysosomal storage disease, lectin histochemistry, poisoning, Sida carpinifolia, swainsonine-containing plants
Rosiléia M. Quadros, Célso Pilati, Sandra M. T. Marques, Marcelo Mazzolli, Rodrigo C. Benedet
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 586-587, (1 September 2009)
KEYWORDS: Brazil, Capillaria hepatica, Felidae, nematode, Puma concolor
Abstracts from Selected Reports
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 588-590, (1 September 2009)
No abstract available
Upcoming Meetings
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 591, (1 September 2009)
No abstract available
Short Communications
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 592, (1 September 2009)
No abstract available
Member News
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (3), 593, (1 September 2009)
No abstract available
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